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20 June 2012, Volume 30 Issue 2
Improvement on On-ramp Control Algorithm of Urban Freeway
WANG Shi-ming, XU Jian-min, LI Ri-han
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (2):  1-6. 
Abstract ( 84 )   Save
The principle of on-ramp control strategies of urbanroad is represented,and some major on-ramp control strategies are classified,andthen,all kinds of control method models are given.Based on advantages and disadvantages of these strategies,the explicabilities are given respectively.By using the fuzzy control theory and the support vector machine algorithm,a new methodof on-ramp control strategy of urban freeway is proposed for some problems ofexisting control methods.The new method can satisfy demand that control strategy should change with the real-time changes of traffic condition in urban expressway.Finally,control strategies are obtained by using the control algorithm proposed in this study based on survey data of some major roads in Guangzhou.These new controlstrategies and previous control strategies are applied to actual control respectively.The control results show that the new control strategy can satisfies dynamicchanges of traffic condition by analyzing survey data and have a good effect onthe on-ramp control.The new control algorithm proposed in this study could provide a valuable reference for the urban on-ramp control.
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Sector Capacity Assessment Based on Improved Dynamic Density
CHEN Kai, FANG Cheng-fa, WANG Fei
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (2):  7-11. 
Abstract ( 73 )   Save
According to the problem of sector capacity assessment in the air traffic management,the paper defines sector capacity's concept andthe key for assessment.It analyzes airspace dynamic density's concept,establishesthe improved dynamic density assessment model,and assessessector dynamic capacity method based on the proposed model.Finally,the examplehas confirmed the practicality and validity of the result.
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Novel High-frequency High-linear CMOS Translinear Current-mode Multiplier/Divider
XIE Hong-guo, SONG Shu-xiang
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (2):  12-16. 
Abstract ( 121 )   Save
In view of the shortcoming of conventional CMOS current multiplier/divider in low linearity and low frequency,a novel CMOS current modemultiplier/divider based on MOS Translinear rule,with square-root and squarer/divider circuit for core circuit,is proposed.HSPICE simulation test using TSMC's0.35 μm CMOS process model show a -3 dB bandwidth of 35.1 MHz for the circuit,working at a supply voltage of 3 V,and its static power consumption is 202.68 μW,output current range 0~25.1 μA,nonlinear error 0.85% and total harmonicdistortion 0.14%.Compared with the multipliers/dividers designed by Tanno,Lopez,et al.,the proposed multiplier/divider circuit has many advantages,using-3 dB bandwidth,reduced power consumption,reduced power supply voltage,improvedlinearity,raised accuracy,and a relatively more advanced 0.35 μm CMOS technology,and saving chip area.
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An MHD Simulation Study on the Location and Shape of Magnetopause in Meridian Plane
MU Li-li, GU Bin, CHEN Mei-hong, ZHANG Qing-mei, LI Chuan-qi
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (2):  17-22. 
Abstract ( 74 )   Save
Based on the Solar wind-Magnetosphere-Ionosphere coupling global MHD simulation,the position and shape of the noon midnight meridian plane magnetopause under several solar wind dynamic pressure and interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) conditions are studied.The simulation results show that,in the noon midnight meridian,plane magnetopause shape has a concave structure.And at certain Dp,when southern IMF Bz (Bz<0) increases,the subsolar position (r0) of the magnetopause decreases and when northward (Bz>0)increases,the subsolar position r0 keeps gradually increasing.Significant decreasing of r0 appears with the increase of Dp.For all casesstudied,the flare angle (z0/x0) of the magnetopause increases when (Bz<0)increases.These simulation results are consistent with the empirical results basedon satellite data in high-latitude empirical model (B00) and (Schield) model.That is to say,MHD simulation is an effective tool to study the magnetopause shape.It is an effective way,based on the configuration of physical theory on magnetopause numerical simulation data,to solve the problem that relates to the obtaining of transversing data in high latitudes being limited.
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Gene Expression Programming Based on Attribute Reduction of RoughSet
HU Hui-ying, ZHONG Zhi, YUAN Chang-an, LU Jian-bo, YUAN hui
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (2):  23-28. 
Abstract ( 48 )   Save
Attribute reduction is the core issue in the rough set theory,so it's urgent to delete irrelevant or inconsequential attributes rapidly andeffectively in current research.To deal with this problem,this paper proposes an algorithm of attribute reduction based on GEP.This method has the advantage ofquick convergence and the capacity to avoid easy entrapment at local optimum.Experiments show that this algorithm can generate the smallest reduction quickly and efficiently.
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An Efficient Balance Scheme Between Continuous and Real Time Playbacks for Streaming Media
SUN Sheng-jie, LIAO Yu-li, YU Yan-cong
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (2):  29-34. 
Abstract ( 82 )   Save
Continuousand real time playbacks are important QoS requirements for streaming media application and there should be a balance between the two factors.An effective balancealgorithm named PBB is proposed.In PBB,each receiving end host has an adaptive bufferin order to reduce delay jitter.In addition,a given controller is adopted to modulate the size of buffer so that unacceptable end-to-end delay is avoided.At last,the simulation evaluation gives the comparison between PBB and classic algorithms.The results show that PBB can achieve a good balance between continuous and real time playbacks.
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Exponential Stability of 1.5 Order Stochastic Taylor Method for Stochastic Differential Equations
ZHANG Hao-qi, ZHANG Hao-min
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (2):  35-41. 
Abstract ( 135 )   Save
In this paper,of implicit stochastic Taylor method with the exponential stability of 1.5 order and feather of almost sure and small-moments is investigated.It is proved that the numerical method can unconditionally inherit the almost sure exponential stability andthe p-th moment exponential stability of the underlying system when 0<p<2.An illustrative numerical example is presented to demonstrate the theoretical results.
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Dynamics of a Nicholson's Model with a Nonlinear Density-dependent Mortality Term
HAO Ping-ping, FENG Chun-hua
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (2):  42-47. 
Abstract ( 68 )   Save
By using the method of analysis inequality,this papermainly deals with the open problem provided by Berezansky et al.The boundednessand oscillations of the solutions for this Nicholson's model with a nonlinear density-dependent mortality term are investigated,and the stability of the solutions for this model is solved partially.
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Existence and Uniqueness of Solutions for Delay Boundary Value Problems with p-Laplacian on Infinite Intervals
WEI Yu-ming, WANG Yong, TANG Yan-qiu, FAN Jiang-hua
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (2):  48-53. 
Abstract ( 98 )   Save
This paper is concerned with the existence and uniqueness of solutions for boundary value problems with p-Laplacian delay differential equations on the half-line.The existence of solutions is derived from the Schauder's fixed point theorem,whereas the uniqueness of solution is established by the Banach's contraction principle.An example is given to demonstrate the main results of its application.
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Tetravalent Connected Half-transitive Graphs of Order qp2
XU Shang-jin, ZHANG Xiao-jun, KANG Zhe, LI Jing-jian
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (2):  54-58. 
Abstract ( 84 )   Save
A graph X is said to be a half-transitive graphif its full automorphism group denoted by Aut(X) acts transitively on itsvertex set and edge set,but not on its arc set.In this paper,the connected half-transitive tetravalent graphs of order qp2(q<p and are all odd primes)are proved to be isomorphic to a Normal Cayley graph of a metacyclic group,and the graph is also isomorphic to some tightly attached graph.For the automorphism of such graphs,its order and solvability are determined finally.
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Consistency of Nearest Neighbor Estimation of Density Function for Linearly Negative Quadrant Dependent Samples
CUI Yong-jun, YANG Shan-chao, LIANG Dan
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (2):  59-65. 
Abstract ( 122 )   Save
The consistency of nearest density estimator for linearly negative quadrant dependent samples is discussed.Some sufficient conditionsfor week consistency,strong consistency,uniformly strong consistency and consistent rates are given.At the same time,the uniformly strong consistency of the hazard rate estimation is researched in this paper.
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A Convergence Result of a Rescale Process Within Locally Ergodic Random Environment
HU Hua
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (2):  66-70. 
Abstract ( 85 )   Save
This paper considers a rescaled process (Xη,εt)t≥0,and it's assumed that {η(x)}x∈Zis distributed by a locally ergodic probability measure.The limit of the rescaled process is studied as ε→0.It is proved that under local ergodicity distributions,the rescaled process converges in distribution με to the diffusion process on R with infinitesimal generator ddXa(X)ddXf(X),for second-order continuous differentiablefunction f(X) on R and a certain homogenized diffusion functiona(X) which is independent of η.
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Synthesis of Indanones Derivatives
PAN Cheng-xue, JIANG Xiang-liu, ZHANG Hong-bin
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (2):  71-77. 
Abstract ( 60 )   Save
Eight indanones derivatives were synthesized by threeprocedures for preparation of indanone derivatives starting from aromatic aldehydes or 1,2-dimethoxy-benzene with the Friedel-Crafts acylation,Nazarov cyclization or Pinacol rearrangement as the key stepsin the synthesis,and the productswere characterized and confirmed by 1H NMR and 13C NMR.The protocols possess the advantages of cheap material,simple operation and high yields.
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Synthesis and Antitumor Activity of 6-Substituted 1-Azabenzanthrone
TANG Huang, WANG Zhi-yu, ZHONG Shu-ming, QIN Jiang-ke
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (2):  78-82. 
Abstract ( 83 )   Save
A series of novel 6-Substituted 1-Azabenzanthrone derivatives 3a~3e had been synthesized based on double helix DNA.All the target compounds were characterized by ESI-MS,1H NMR andelement analysis.The interaction of derivatives with calf thymus DNA was performed by UV spectra.The in vitro cytotoxicity of derivatives for five cell lines (HepG2,SGC-7901,SW480,786-O and NCI-H460) was evaluated using MTT method.The experimental results indicated that the derivatives could intercalate calf thymusDNA and showed moderate cytotoxicity against different tumor cell lines.
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Extraction Techniques of Total Flavonoids in Flemingia Strobilifera
WEI Bo, YANG Rui-yun, LIU Jing, XUE Jia-jin, SU Xiao-ying, YAO Qian-yun
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (2):  83-87. 
Abstract ( 105 )   Save
In order to optimize the extraction techniques of total flavonoids in Flemingia strobilifera,effects of concentration of solvent,the radio liquid to material,time length of extraction,and frequency of extraction on F.strobilifera total flavonoids yield were studied by single factor experiments and orthogonal experiments.The results showed that the optimum extraction techniques were extracting in 80% methanol with the ratioof liquid to material at 10∶1 for 4 times,with 2 hours for each time.The content of total flavonoids was 1.30% in extract.The optimized techniques are simple and feasible,which is an effective way to extract total flavonoids from F.strobilifera.
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Extraction of Total Triterpenoids from Ilex pubescens Hook leaves
YIN Wen-qing, FENG Hua-fen, DUAN Shao-qing, TAN Qiang, CEN Ning-cai
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (2):  88-93. 
Abstract ( 41 )   Save
The extraction process of triterpenoids from Ilex pubescens Hook leaves was investigated.The triterpenoids composition was determined by spectrumetric method with oleanolic acid as a reference.The influence of extracting times,radio of liquid to material,extracting time and concentration of ethanol on the triterpenoids of yield were evaluated by single factor experiments and orthogonal experiments.The results showed that the optimum conditions were 1∶16 in radio of liquid to material,concentration of ethanol70%,extraction time 90 min and extracting two times.The content of triterpenoids was 6.18% in extract.
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Measurement and Analysis Benchmark Composition of Lonicera japonica Thunb.Producing in Henan by HPLC
LI Jian-jun, LI Jun-fang, LIANG Jian-qiang, LI Jing-yuan, ZHOU Yan-qing
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (2):  94-98. 
Abstract ( 38 )   Save
The differences between Mixian honeysuckle and Fengqiu honeysuckle and the differences among different parts of Fengqiu honeysuckle were analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography.The results indicated that chlorogenicacid content:Fengqiu red honeysuckle 3.10%(contrast)>Fengqiu honeysuckle 0.095%(p<0.05)>Mixian honeysuckle 2.22%(p<0.01);luteoloside content:Fengqiured honeysuckle 0.181%(contrast)>Fengqiu honeysuckle 0.095%(p<0.05)>Mixian honeysuckle 0.075%(p<0.05);chlorogenic acid content in differentparts of Fengqiu honeysuckle:flower bud 2.87%(contrast)>leaf 0.84%(p<0.01)>bud 0.67%(p<0.01)>branch 0.61%(p<0.01),Luteoloside content:bud 0.488%(contrast)>leaf 0.397%(p<0.01)>flower bud 0.095%(p<0.01)>branch0.066%(p<0.01);chlorogenicacid content in different parts of Fengqiu rad honeysuckle:flower bud 3.10%(contrast)>leaf 1.34%(p<0.01)>bud 1.29%(p<0.01)>branch 0.92%(p<0.01),Luteoloside content:bud 0.329%(contrast)>leaf 0.299%(p<0.01)>flowerbud 0.181%(p<0.01)>branch 0.063%(p<0.01).The contents of componentsof honeysuckle Yu were higher than the minimun standards of China Pharmacopeia (2010ed) and the quality of Fengqiu honeysuckle superior quality of Mixian honeysuckle;Leaf and bud can provide new materials for the comprehensive developmentof honeysuckle.
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Resonance Scattering Spectral Assay for Alkaline Phosphatase Using BCIP as Substrate
LIANG Ai-hui, LIU Gao-san, JIANG Zhi-liang
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (2):  99-105. 
Abstract ( 56 )   Save
In pH 8.0 Tris-HCl buffer solutions and in the presence of 32 mg/L PEG20000,using EDTANa2 as terminated agent to stop the enzymatic reaction,alkaline phosphatase (ALP) catalyzed the hydrolysis of 5-bromo-4-Chloro-3-indolylphosphat (BCIP) substrate to form blue BCIP dimer particles,which exhibited a strongresonance scattering (RS) peak at 710 nm.In the selected conditions,with theALP activity increased,the RS intensity (ΔI) linearly increased.ALP activitylinear range was 0.078~1.25 U/L,with a regression equation of ΔI=512.6C+17.8,and a detection limit of 9.6×10-3 U/L.
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Syntheses and Structures of Polynuclear Complexes with Aminopolycarboxylic Acid-bridge
SONG Li-hua, JIN Yi, LIANG Fu-pei
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (2):  106-110. 
Abstract ( 63 )   Save
The complex[NdCo(NTA)2(H2O)11/3(CH3OH)1/3]·(CH3OH)2/3·10/3H2O (1)was obtained by the diffusion between two kinds of reactions.It crystallizes in triclinic space group P1 with cell parameters a=0.963 6(2) nm,b=1.044 9(2) nm,c=1.339 3(2) nm,α=107.04°,β=98.25(2)°,γ=103.98°,V=1.2172(4) nm3,Z=2.The complex exhibits a 3-D network structure.The complex [Nd2Co3(EDTA)3(H2O)11·12H2O] (2) crystallizes in monoclinic space group C2 with cell parameters a=1.592 5(3) nm,b=1.465 5(2) nm,c=1.474 1(2) nm,β=116.407(2)°,V=3.081 3(8) nm3,Z=2.Each Nd3+ is connected to three Co2+ through three carboxylate bridges,while eachCo2+ has two Nd3+ neighbors.In this way,a twelve-member cycle is produced and connected to each other to form a two-dimension network sheet.These sheets are further linked into a three-dimensional network by the water molecules between the layers through rich hydrogen bonds.
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Winter Habitat Selection by Macaca mulatta inBaimaxueshan National Nature Reserve,China
LI Da-yong, HU Jie, REN Bao-ping, SHEN Yong-sheng, ZHOU Qi-hai
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (2):  111-116. 
Abstract ( 79 )   Save
Winter habitat selection of one group of Macaca mulatta was investigated from November,2009 to February,2010 in Gehuaqing region in Baimaxueshan National Nature Reserve,Yunnan province,China.Fourteen ecological factors were measured in 60 plots (20 m×20 m) where the study group everstayed.These factors included canopy cover,topographic feature,elevation,slope aspect,slope degree,vegetation type,the distance to water,human disturbance,numbersof trees,dead wood,cutting trees,DBH (diameter of breast height of tree),fruitabundance on the ground.The analysis indicated that in winter,M.mulatta tended to stay at elevations ranging from 2 500 m to 3 200 m,and selected the 20°~40° mountain slope with 60%~100% canopy cover.M.mulatta preferred evergreen broadleaf forests,where there were more trees with DBH>20 cm.They tended to stay in the forests far from human disturbance (>500 m),and close to water resource.
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Selection Effects of Cold Tolerance Capacity in Egyptian Strain of Nile Tilapia Three Generation
CHEN Zhong, TANG Zhang-sheng, LIN Yong, YANG Hui-zhan, ZHANG Yong-de, HUANG Yin, PENG Ting, ZHANG Yan
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (2):  117-122. 
Abstract ( 52 )   Save
The method of closure group generation breedingand low temperature breeding was conducted in this paper.Egyptian strain of Nile tilapia naturalpopulation was selected as breedinggroup,by assessing their cold tolerance capability and growth performance,a basic group and a core were obtained.The number of fish in the basicgroup is 1 180,selected rate is 30.50%;the number of fish in the P0 generationcore group is 292,the ratio male and female is 1∶1,selected rate is 16.48%.Andthe number of fish in the P1 generation core group is about 400 from 10different families,selected rate is about 25%.Base on the core group breeding,by the nest matching method,283 families of P1 generation have been matched,andseeding families are 137,seeding flies are 135 550,the rate of success matching is48.41%.And 91 families of P2 generation have been matched,and seeding familiesare 42,seeding flies are 30 400,the rate of success matching is 46.13%.The coldtolerance capability of 10 selected Oreochromis aureus families show that:theaverage of LT50 of P1 generation and P2 generation are 8.07 °C and 7.75 °C,which are 7.88% and 13.98% lower than the naturalpopulation,where as their average relative survival rates are 21.52% and 26.35% higher,and their average growth speeds are 9.77% and 18.90% higher;LT50 of the best cold tolerance capability P1 generation and P2 generation families are 9.13% and 18.98% lower than the natural population,while their average relative survival rates are 25.29% and 30.34% higher,and their average growth speeds are 15.87% and 33.00% higher.The cold tolerance capability and growth performance of all the P1 generation and P2 generation families and core group are higher than the natural population.
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A New Raising Pig Method of Thin Mat-Outside Fermented Biological Fermentation Bed Technology and Its Appliance of Pig Raising
SONG De-gui, GU Lan-tao, FENG Xiang-ren
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (2):  123-126. 
Abstract ( 87 )   Save
In recent decades,zero emissionsfermentation bed technology has been used to solve the excreta of pig from polluting theenvironment in pig industry at home and abroad.But,in application,there exist many problems,such as,high temperature of the fermentation bed,high cost and the production of harmful gas.By combining the advantages and disadvantages of the fermentation bed raising pig method with cement floorraising pig method,this paper devise a new raising-pig method—thin mat fermentation bed method,which is more suitable for the south areas.Compared with the former pig feeding mode in the following aspects,such as:costs of mat,incidence ofdisease,slaughtering rate,water consumption,growth increment in weight,feed amount and the feed/gain ratio,the results show that the new method is more environmental friendly in saving labor,provincial medicine and water,which is anecological raising-pig method of low cost,low emission and no smell.
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Effect of Low Molecular Weight Organic Acids on Cd and Zn Absorption of Rape
TANG Yu-ting, HUANG Jia-yu, WANG Wei-sheng, ZHANG Chao-lan
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (2):  127-131. 
Abstract ( 56 )   Save
The effects of mixed low-molecular-weight-organic-acids (LMWOAs,acetic acid,formic acid,malic acid and citric acid) on the absorption of Cd and Zn of rape were studied in contaminated soil through pot experiments.The results showed that with the increasing amount of LMWOAs,the amounts ofCd and Zn in rape shoot exhibited complex changes.LMWOAs could increase the amounts of Cd and Zn in B1 and B2 fractions of rhizosphere soil (except Cd in B1 fractions),however,LMWOAs had little effect on Cd and Zn in nonrhizosphere soils.Underthe stress condition of Cd or Zn,low concentration of LMWOAs could decrease the toxicity of Cd or Zn and increase the biomass of rape.However,high concentration of LMWOAs could increase the amount of Cd or Zn in B1 and B2 fractions of rhizospheresoil,increase the toxicity of Cd or Zn,so as to restrain the growth of rape.
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Analysis of Spatial Characteristics between Vegetation Index andLand Surface Temperature:A Case Study in Guilin City
LIANG Bao-ping, LI Yi, LIU Qing-ye
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (2):  132-137. 
Abstract ( 71 )   Save
Taking Guilin city as an example,three kinds of vegetation Index (NDVI、RVI、TNDVI) are extracted and the LST was calculated by inversionbased on TM images.This paper analyzes the statistical characteristics ofvarious parameters from different types of land use and the city space,and discusses quantitatively the linear relationship between vegetation Index and LST.Theresults show that Forest land,farmland and city suburbs have higher vegetationIndex,the built-up with more proportion of Impervious layer has higher surfacetemperature,vegetation Index and LST have a significant negative correlation.Compared with suburban,the changes of ground characteristics and low vegetation coverage contribute most to the urban heat-island effect in urban built-up areas.
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Assessment of Soils Safety and Early Warning Plan in the Original Producing Area for Siraitia grosvenorii
ZENG Qi-guo, MA Xiao-jun, PENG Pei-hao, FENG Shi-xin
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (2):  138-142. 
Abstract ( 50 )   Save
Using the Nemerow pollution index method,eight layersoil safety of Yongfu,Lingui and Longsheng County in northern Guangxi,of Siraitia grosvenorii in the original producing area has been evaluated.The assessmentresult showed that in this region,K strata belongs to the pollution-free area,Z,Pt212,εb,εq,D1 and D2 strata are slightly polluted,and thecomprehensive pollution index of soil pollution is within critical value.In addition MAPGIS is used Siraitia grosvenorii area under cultivation soil for safety early warning plan.
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Effects of Flavones on Antioxidant Enzymes and Apoptosis in Heart of Exhauted Exercise Rats
GUO Yan-ju, PENG Feng-lin
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (2):  143-148. 
Abstract ( 34 )   Save
Based on the study of health and male Sprague-Dauleyrats,and by setting up the experiment model of exhausted exercise after irrigatingflavones from Siraitia grosvenori Leaf(FSGL),the effects of different dose of FSGL are explored on antioxidant enzymes and Bcl-2,Bax mRNA expression in heart of exhauted exercise rats.The result indicated that the activities of SOD,CAT,GSH-PX in myocardial tissue of different doseages of FSGL were higher comparedwith exhaustion movement control group(EMG),especially the middle dose flavonesfrom Siraitia grosvenori leaf(MFSGL);the MDA concentration in EMG increasedsignificantly compared with MFSGL.The expression of Bcl-2 protein in differentdoseages of FSGL were strengthened compared with EMG,and MFSGL's expression werestrengthened significantly compared with EMG and LFSGL (P<0.05).Meanwhile,compared with NG and MFSGL,the expression of Bax protein in EMG increased significantly (P<0.01).The Bcl-2/Bax ratio in the different doseages of FSGL increased,especially the MFSGL and HFSGL (P<0.01).It was clear that FSGL has a good effect to enhance the antioxidation ability of organism andto inhibit the degree of cardiomyocyte apoptosis induced by exhausted exercise.
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