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20 January 2012, Volume 30 Issue 1
Capillary Force between Microparticles
YANG Li, KONG Ling-jiang
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (1):  1-4. 
Abstract ( 431 )   Save
Contact problem of two particles has been a crucial research topic in the Micro Electro mechanical system.The capillary condensationis important in the microscopic.So it is inevitable to investigate the micro liquid bridge problem in the study of the nanoscale objects interaction forces.Based on the mechanical equilibrium,toroidal approximation,volume conservation and accurate mathematical methods,this paper develops a model to study the capillarybridge between two spherical microparticles,and analyses the influences of the contact angle on the liquid bridge rupture distance.It shows that the liquid bridge rupture distance decreases with the increasing contact angle as the capillaryforce is small,while it increases with increasing contact angle as the capillary force is large.The contact angle has a direct decisive effect on the rupture distance.The simulation results are useful for the prediction of the interactionforce,the property and the mechanism of the microparticles.
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Research of Driving Comfort on Circular Curve Based on AccelerationNoise
LUO Qiang, XU Lun-hui, HUANG Yan-guo, JIANG Xiao-feng
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (1):  5-9. 
Abstract ( 66 )   Save
The vehicle swing affects traffic safety and riding comfort,while the acceleration noise is exactly a description of vehicle swing.Thus,acceleration noise could be a quantitative evaluation indicator of driving safety and comfort.Combining with acceleration noise theory,two new acceleration noise models are established by dividing vehicle acceleration into horizontal component and vertical component.Different proportion is given because human body is not the same in sensibility to different vibration directions.Then,the synthetic acceleration noise model is established.Finally,simulations are performed by choosing appropriate road.The simulation results show that curvature radius and driving speed have great large influence on riding comfort.The new model can provide not only mathematical model to evaluate riding comfort completely,but also certain parameters for reference in new highway design.
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Adaptive Generalized Projective Synchronization for HyperchaoticLiu System and Parameters Identification
CHEN Yan-fei, JIA Zhen, DENG Qi-xiang, XIE Meng-shu, YU Xiao-ling
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (1):  10-14. 
Abstract ( 48 )   Save
The adaptive generalized projective synchronization for hyperchaotic Liu system and parameters identification are studied.Based on adaptive feedback control technique,the nonlinear controller and parameter adaptive laws are designed under the situation of response system with unknown parameters to realize global generalized projective synchronization of two hyperchaoticLiu systems with unmatched parameters,the control gain is given to adjust synchronous speed.Furthermore,the identification of unknown parameters is realized simultaneously.The conclusion is proved by Lyapunov stability theory and LaSalle'sinvariance principle.Numerical simulations are given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.
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A Two-Level Method for Locking-free Finite Element Discretizationin Linear Elasticity
ZHANG Hong-mei, XIAO Ying-xiong, OUYANG Yuan
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (1):  15-21. 
Abstract ( 73 )   Save
Higher-order conforming finite elements can effectively overcome the poisson-Locking in linear elasticity,which is call and Locking-free finite elements.But when compared with the linear element,it often requiresmore computer storage and has a higher computational complexity.For the Locking-free(quartic) finite element discretization in linear elasticity,a general two-level method is proposed by analyzing the relationship between the quadraticfinite element space and the quartic finite element space and by taking advantage of the special nature of the finite element's basi functions,such as compactly supported.First,the quadratic element is chosen as the coarse level space.Second,by combining the selective reduced integration and some efficient smoothers,then,obtain the two-level method is obtained in which the element is chosen as the coarse level space for the Locking-free finite element discretization with better robustness and high efficiency.The numerical results show the efficiency of the resulting method.
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A Note on Theorem of Shlyk
SHI Jiang-tao, ZHANG Cui, GUO Song-tao
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (1):  22-24. 
Abstract ( 46 )   Save
The theorem of Shlyk indicates that the intersectionof all nonnormal nonnilpotent maximal subgroups of a finite nonsolvable group isnilpotent.In this paper,a new proof of Shlyk's theorem is given.Moreover,it isproved that the intersection of all nonnilpotent maximal subgroups of a finite nonsolvable group must be equal to its Frattini subgroup.
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Influence of Weakly -supplemented Subgroups on theStructure of Finite Groups
LI Xian-chong, LI Xian-hua
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (1):  25-28. 
Abstract ( 62 )   Save
Let H be a subgroup of a finite group G.H iscalled weakly -supplemented if there exists a subgroup T of Gsuch that G=TH and H∩T≤HG,where HG is the subgroup generalized by all subgroups of H which are s-semipermutablein G.In this paper,the influence of minimal subgroups and subgroups of order 4 which are weakly -supplemented in G on the structure of finite groups is studied,and several sufficient conditions of p-nilpotency of G are given.
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Poincaré Inequality and Hardy-Sobolev Inequality for GreinerOperator in R2n+1
WANG Sheng-jun, DOU Jing-bo
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (1):  29-34. 
Abstract ( 84 )   Save
For the Greiner operator,Poincaré inequality in R2n+1 is established by using a representation formula.Then,Hardy-Sobolev inequality in R2n+1 is presented,which contains the existed results.
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Risk Process Driven by Markovian Environment Process
TANG Sheng-da, QIN Yong-song
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (1):  35-39. 
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In this paper,a risk model driven by Markovian environment process that affects both the claim sizes and rates is described.The expression of Laplace transform of the Gerber-Shiu function is obtained.By means ofthe general Lundberg fundamental equation,the explicit expressions for the Gerber-Shiu functions with zero initial capital,the given state of environment,the discounted joint density functions and the density marginal density of the surplus prior to and after ruin are derived,respectively.Meanwhile,the methods to compute the arbitrary moments of the time to ruin,surplus before ruin and the deficit at ruin are also given.
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A High Resolution Image Segmentation Method of a Combination ofWatershed and Multi-scale
LI Jing-wen, ZHANG Zi-ping, GUO Wei-li, SU Hao, LUO Wen-bing
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (1):  40-44. 
Abstract ( 37 )   Save
Watershed segmentation is a widely used automatic scheme to generate close outlines.It might give rise to closed contour of single pixel width.Using this method the image needs to be divided into many small areaswhich leads to huge workload.This paper proposes a watershed and multi-scale comprehensive image segmentation method.Firstly,calculate the comprehensive gradient which merges the brightness gradient and the texture gradient by using watershed algorithm,then,merge the area of the smallest homogeneity measure (spectral,shape and texture homogeneity metric),and the last,improve region adjacency graph.The experimental result is compared with watershed and region merging image segmentation algorithm,this method proves that it can not only take the advantageof high resolution remote sensing image features in the spectrum,shape,textureand other characteristics,and reduce the computational time.
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An Improvement Semi-supervised Learning Based on KNN Classification
LU Guang-quan, XIE Yang-cai, LIU Xing, ZHANG Shi-chao
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (1):  45-49. 
Abstract ( 72 )   Save
An improved semi-supervised self-training classification learning algorithm is proposed based on K nearest neighbor,and several UCI data sets are used for experiments to improve the KNN-based semi-supervised classification model (self-training model) algorithm.The labeled datawhich gives the correct knowledge fromthe training is provided toget the final classification results.And the results show that the method can increase the classification accuracy dramatically.
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An Edge Detection Algorithm Based on Fractal Features andMathematical Morphology
GAO Guo-ming, HUANG Han-ming, LI Li
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (1):  50-54. 
Abstract ( 71 )   Save
:Fractal theory can find edge after mapping the imagegray level space to the fractal dimension of space,while the morphological edgedetection algorithm is based on directional operators.In this paper,an improvededge detector based on fractal theory and mathematical morphology is presented.The results of experiment show that the new method has the ability of retaining the image edge details anddetecting directional edge.It also obtains more effective edge image than that of the single method on processing complex images and suppresses the noise.
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Synthesis and Property of Dehydroabieticacyl Diamino Surfactants
YANG Da, SU Chun-hua, ZHAO Zhi-cai, TIAN Xiao-yan, PAN Ying-ming, WANG Heng-shan
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (1):  55-59. 
Abstract ( 62 )   Save
Five dehydroabieticacyl diamino chiral surfactants,including four betaines-typed zwitterionic surfactants 4a~4d and one anionic chiral surfactants 3c wereprepared from dehydroabietic acid (DHAA) in medium to high yields,through short-steps and simplified post-processing procedures.The conditions for purification of the title compounds by crystallization were proposed.In addition,some of their surface properties such as the critical micelle concentration (CMC),the values of surface tension at the CMC (γcmc),emulsification capacity andfoaming capacity of all the target compounds were characterized and compared.Compound 4c have good emulsification capacity among allthe derivatives.The attitude of 4c deserve specialconsideration for the application in chiral separation.
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Synthesis and Bioactivities of Benzo[c]phenanthridine Derivatives
NIE Yue-kun, PAN Cheng-xue, DAI Zhi-kai, SU Gui-fa
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (1):  60-66. 
Abstract ( 113 )   Save
11,12-Dihydrobenzo[c]phennanthridine derivatives were synthesized starting from aromatic aldehydes and o-methyl benzonitrilein an “one-pot” manner under a strong basic condition.The resulting productscould be further transformed to the benzo[c]phennanthridine-imidazol hybrid by reaction with methyl 3-aryl-3-cholo-2-oxo-propanate,or to benzo[c]phennanthridine derivatives by dehydrogenation to obtain eight target compounds.Their abilities to inhibit the cancer cell lines in vitro and ability tointeract with DNA were studied.The results of the study on bioactivities indicated that some of the compounds had obvious inhibition of certain cell lines andthe ability to interact with DNA.
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Synthesis and Structure of (Pyrazin-2-ylsulfanyl)-Acetic Acid
MENG Xiu-jin, YANG Da, JIANG Yi-min
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (1):  67-70. 
Abstract ( 77 )   Save
2-Mercaptopyrazine (1) was synthesized from 2-chloropyrizine and sulfourea,(pyrazin-2-ylsulfanyl)-acetic acid was synthesized from 2-mercaptopyrazine and chloroacetic acid.The structures ofcompounds 1,2 were analyzed by IR、MS and X-ray single-crystal diffraction analyses.
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Phylogeny of Acanthosaura lepidogaster Based on Fragments ofMitochondrial 12SRNA,16SRNA and Cyt b Gene Sequences
QIN Xin-min, LI Hui-min, CAI Le-jing, ZENG De-long, GUAN Qing-xin
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (1):  71-76. 
Abstract ( 82 )   Save
Mitochondrial gene fragments of 12SRNA,16SRNA and Cytb of Acanthosaura lepidogaster were amplified and sequenced.Combining these with the homologous sequences of 15 species from GenBank and using 2 species of the Crocodylia as the outgroups,the molecular phylogenetic trees of these groups were reconstructed with neighbor-joining (NJ) maximum-parsimony (MP) andmaximum likelihood (ML) methods.The results indicated that Anguimorpha,Gekkota,Amphisbaenia,Scincomorpha,and Iguania are separated from each other in the molecular phylogenetic trees.Within the Squamata,a sister group between Serpentes andSauria was recovered by NJ,MP and ML analyses.
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Leaf Traits of Common Plants in Yaoshan Mountain of Guilin,China
MA Jiang-ming, ZHANG Xiu-zhen, LIANG Shi-chu, CHEN Ting, HUANG Qiu-ju
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (1):  77-82. 
Abstract ( 65 )   Save
The leaf traits including dry weight (DW),dry mattercontent (LDMC),area (AR),thickness (TH) and specific leaf area (SLA) of the 14 common plants in Yaoshan Mountain of Guilin,China,were measured to study the adaption to the soil hills habitat.The results showed that the DW,LDMC,AR,TH and SLA weresignificantly different among 14 plants.Pearson correlation analysis shows that,there were significant positive correlations between the DW and the LDMC,AR,TH,but significant negative correlation between the DW and the SLA.There were significant negative correlations between the LDMC and the AR,TH,SLA.There were significant positive correlations between the AR and the TH,SLA.There was significantnegative correlation between the TH and the SLA.The weight reflecting the leaf traits shows as follows:AR>LDMC>TH>DW>SLA.The plants in site of soil hills ofYaoshan Mountain had smaller DW,LDMC,AR,TH and bigger SLA,which reflect the strategy of plants adapting to different sites of soil hills site and karst hills site.
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Comparison of Physiology and Biochemical Index of Some EvergreenandDeciduous Broad-leaved Species in Mao'er Mountain,Guangxi,China
YI Li-na, BAI Kun-dong, LI Ming-xia, SHI Gui-yu
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (1):  83-88. 
Abstract ( 47 )   Save
The studies was conducted in beginning of May,2010.The activity of antioxidant enzymes and some variations in physiological indexes were studied.The studies were about two evergreen broad-leaved species and two deciduous broad-leaved species in Mao'er Mountain,Guangxi.The results showed that there are some physiological differences between two evergreen broad-leaved species and two deciduous broad-leaved species.These differences could indicatethe different physiological mechamism of evergreen broad-leaved species and deciduous broad-leaved species resistant.The result showed that the deciduous broad-leaved species have higher activity of SOD,CAT and more content of Pro and soluble sugar at the same stage compared with evergreen broad-leaved species.Thepreliminary study suggests that the deciduous broad-leaved species have higheradversity-resistant than the evergreen broad-leaved species;while the deciduous broad-leaved species have lower activity of POD,which was possibly related tothe leaves' harder lignification of evergreen broad-leaved species.The content of MDA may be related to the light intensity.
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Rhinopithecus bieti's Night Sleeping Sites in Deciduous BroadleafForest at Xiangguqing in the Baimaxueshan Nature Reserve,China
HE Xin-ming, LI Da-yong, ZHOU Qi-hai, SHEN Yong-sheng, ZHAO Wei-dong, HU Jie
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (1):  89-94. 
Abstract ( 77 )   Save
Data on the choice of sleeping sites of a group of the Yunnan snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus bieti) at Xiangguqing in Baimaxueshan Nature Reserve,Yunnan,were collected from November 1 to November 28,in 2008.During the study period,4 sleeping sites,which were used 9 times in the deciduous broadleaf forest were recorded firstly.13 ecological factors of 16 20 m×20 mplant plots in these sleeping sites were measured.Results of principal component analysis showed that the 6 principal components explained 86.7% of the total variance.It suggests that the abundance of food major determined the choice and use of sleeping sites in late fall,and other ecological factors also determined this choice to some degree.
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A Preliminary Study of Odonata in Mao'er Mt.Nature Reserve ofGuangxi,China
LU Chun-wen, YANG Rui-gang, CHEN Yuan, ZHANG Bing-lan, HUANG Jian-hua, ZHOU Shan-yi
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (1):  95-104. 
Abstract ( 173 )   Save
All the odonate specimens in the Insect Collections of Guangxi Normal University were studied and identified.The result shows that all specimens belong to 57 species,40 genera,12 families and 2 suborders from Mao'er Mt.Nature Reserve of Guangxi.Among them,4 genera and 19 species were newly recorded in Guangxi.The 4 newly recorded genera are:Cephalaeschna Selys,Somatochlora Selys,Asiagomphus Asahina,and Amphigomphus Chao.The 19 newlyrecorded species are:Orthetrum testaceum Burmeister,Orthetrum lineostigmaSerlys,Sympetrum ruptum Needham,Sympetrum kunckeli Selys,Lyriothemisflava Oguma,Zygonyx iris insignis Kirby,Idionyx victor Hamalainen,Somatochlora dido Needham,Anotogaster kuchenbiseri Foerster,Cephalaeschnaacutifrons Martin,Gynacantha bayadera Selys,Planaeschna shanxiensis Zhu et Zhang,Asiagomphus hainanensis Chao,Asiagomphus pacificus Chao,Lamelligomphus ringens Needham,Amphigomphus hansoni Chao,Gomphidia kelloggi Needham,Mnais andersoni McLachlan,and Coeliccia sexmaculata Wang.Theanalytical result of species component shows that Libellulidae,Aeshnidae,Gomphinae,Gomphinae are dominant families.According to the fauna analysis,there were 6distribution patterns in the world animal geographic fauna distribution and 12distribution patterns in Chinese animal geographic fauna.The result also shows that the oriental species,the oriental and palearctic species were the principalpart in Mao'er Mt..Meanwhile,the odonata in South China,Central China,North China and Southwest China have the most closely relationship with others.
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Tolerance of GIFT Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) under DifferentLow Temperature Stress
TANG Zhang-sheng, LU Qi-xi, LIN Yong, BIN Shi-yu, PENG Ting, ZHONG Shu-hong, GAN Xi
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (1):  105-110. 
Abstract ( 85 )   Save
The study was done to assess low-temperature tolerance of GIFT tilapia.In the condition of indoor artificial cooling,with 0.5 °C/2h cooling down to different low temperature point,the coma and death situation are compared to evaluate their low-temperature tolerance.The results showed thatcoma temperature ranged from 8.9 °C to 10.5 °C,the semi-lethal duration thetemperature of half coma of GIFT tilapia was about 9.6 °C.The time of GIFT tilapia from the beginning coma to dead was 14.5,18.5,24.5 and 28.5 h under lowtemperatures of 8,9,10 and 11 °C,respectively.The significant linear regressionbetween the coma duration and the cumulative mortality of GIFT tilapia was y=-0.048 9x2+1.433 0x-9.507 8(R2=0.999 9),y=-0.013 6x2+0.502 4x-3.638 5(R2=0.964 9),y=0.003 8x2-0.046 1x-0.134 4(R2=0.984 3),y=-0.003 4x2+0.244 3x-3.213 1(R2=0.994 5) at 8,9,10 and 11 °C,respectively.GIFT tilapia low-temperature tolerance was closely related with coma duration and temperature,and8 °C group tolerated the shortest,11 °C group the longest.
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EM Fermentation of Bean Dregs,Fish Scraps and Chicken Bloodand Its Crude Protein Content Determination Analysis
GU Lan-tao, DONG Zhong-xi, ZHAO Yu-mei, ZHANG Yan, SONG De-gui
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (1):  111-114. 
Abstract ( 77 )   Save
In people's daily life,varieties of agriculture byproducts,such as bean dregs,fish scraps and chicken blood contain high percentageof crude protein which could be made into kinds of high quality feed for animalhusbandry.However,these materials have always been discarded because of uselessness.Which result in the problems of waste of resources and ecological environment pollution.In this research,the fermentation of environment microbiology is used to dispose the materials and measure the percentage of crude protein content.Theresults show that the nutritional value of bean dregs,fish scraps and chicken blood has increased 2.63,2.62,2.71 and 2.07 percentage points respectively and the harmful substance such as heavy mental could be reduced or eliminated.Pathogenic microorganisms can be well inhibited and feed palatability can greatly beimproved.
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Ore-Forming Model of Super-large Vermiculite Ore Deposits in Xinjiang,China
ZHOU Ke-fa, SUN Bao-sheng, WANG Jin-lin, ZHANG Nan-nan, ZHANG Hai-bo, WANG Wei, LIAO Shi-bin
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (1):  115-124. 
Abstract ( 54 )   Save
The Yuli vermiculite deposit is the largest vermiculite deposit in China and also one of the Super-large vermiculite deposits in theworld.Through comparative studies on similar deposits in other areas of the word,other Super-Large vermiculite deposits are characterized by existence of associated peralkaline rocks,e.g.ijolite,urtite and nepheline syenite etc.,indicating that vermiculite mineralization are linked to peralkaline magmatism.However,the Yuli vermiculite deposit has different rock type and mineral series.Because ofabsence of such kind of peralkaline rocks,the Yuli vermiculite deposit is suggested to have a close relation with alkali-rich ultramafic rocks and carbonatites.Based on detailed studies on regional geological background,rock,petrochemistry and geochemistry,a petrogenic and metallogenic model of this deposit is established.The metallogenetic process is followed by mantle metasomatism,rifting,magmatic activity,hydrothermal alteration and supergene weathering.This model has both profound theoretical and practical significance to survey new vermiculite deposits around the Tarim Basin.
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