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20 December 2011, Volume 29 Issue 4
Lane-changing Model Based on Minimum Safety Distance
XU Lun-hui, NI Yan-ming, LUO Qiang, HUANG Yan-guo
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (4):  1-6. 
Abstract ( 308 )   Save
Using the minimum safety distance as an index of safelane-changing,the kinematics of the vehicle,which involved lane-changing maneuvers is analyzed.After studying the critical condition of avoiding collision,the minimum safety distance lane-changing model between lane-changing vehicle and its nearby vehicles is built.After analysing the movement state of the relatedvehicles when a vehicle is changing lanes,all kinds of collisions between lane-changing vehicle and related vehicles are given.This model fully considers car-following safety when lane change is finished,which can not only improve the safty security when vehicle changes lanes,but also improve the efficiency of theroads.Finally,simulation was carried out on the matlab simulation platform basedon the theories of lane-changing model and minimum saftey distance.The resultsshow that the minimum safe lane-changing distance is related to lane-changingvehicle acceleration,lane-changing time and the relative velocity between vehicles.
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Kinetics Characteristic Transitionof Suspended Particle in a Pulsating Flow in Microvessel by Lattice Boltzmann Simulation
QIU Bing, WANG Li-long, XUE Ze, LI Hua-bing
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (4):  7-11. 
Abstract ( 75 )   Save
A lattice Boltzmann model of two-dimensions is usedto simulate the movement of rigid suspended particle in a pulsating flow in micro vessel.The particle is as big as a red blood cell,and the micro vessel is four times as wide as the diameter of the particle.The plasma is viewed as Newtonian flow,and the hydrodynamic force is calculated by integrating the stress tensoron the boundary of it.It is found that Segré-Silberberg effect does not present when the flow velocity is on the same level with human blood,and it only presents when the flow velocity is increased to a rather high level.During the increase of flow velocity,the change of equilibrium position is seen to be not continuous but discrete,showing differen from the characteristic of the drift in macroflow,which reveals the dynamics transition from micro flow to macro flow.
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Simulation of Stock Market Influenced by Securities and Margin Financing Based on Cellular Automata
QIN Song, DENG Min-yi, KONG Ling-jiang
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (4):  12-15. 
Abstract ( 74 )   Save
In order to study the influences of margin financing,as well as how to relieve the impact of short selling system,modeling theory and method using cellular automata are applied to establish a single stock automata model.In this paper,simulations of trading volume and price fluctuation before and after the introduction of margin financing business are carried out.Simulation results show that the release of new margin financing can increase tradingvolume and stabalize trading price more easily,and it may help to increase the fluctuation of the trading price.The advices about relieving the impact of shortselling system are helpful to financial supervision departments in maintaining market stability.
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Comparing Synchronizability of Several Kuramoto Oscillator Networks with Different Topologies
LI Fu-tao, MA Jing, ZOU Yan-li, MO Yu-fang
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (4):  16-20. 
Abstract ( 119 )   Save
This paper discusses the network synchronization with the Kuramoto phase oscillator being used as an individual node.The order parameter is taken as an index for scaling the network synchronizability.Firstly,theeffect of the coupling strength is studied on the synchronizability of a BA scale-free network and the critical coupling strength for global synchronization can be obtaied.Then,the synchronizability of three kinds of networks are comparedwhich are ER random networks,NW small world networks and BA scale-free networks.The results show that BA scale-free networks are prone to have partial synchronization,ER random networks are much easier to realize global synchronization and NW small-world networks are relative difficult to realize synchronization among the three topologies.
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Limited-maximum-degree LBA Network Model
MA Jing, ZOU Yan-li, LI Fu-tao, MO Yu-fang
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (4):  21-24. 
Abstract ( 129 )   Save
In traditional BA scale-free networks,the maximum degree of nodes increases unlimitedly with the scale of networks,which causes some hub nodes with large degree existing in the networks.Considering the cost of constructing the real networks,the maximum degree of nodes is limited.According to the growing rules of the BA network,this paper proposes a limited-maximum-degree BA network model,called LBA network,then further studies the average path length,clustering coefficient and degree distribution of LBA network under different values of the restriction of maximum degree K,and compares them with thestatistical properties of the neighbor network,the random network and the BA network.Research shows that the generated LBA network is similar to the neighbornetwork when K is close to the network average degree,LBA network propertiesare close to the random network when K is about 2 times of the network average degree,and the statistical properties of LBA network are close to the original BA scale-free network with a relative larger K.
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Application of BP Neural Network in Ice Accretion over Transmission Line
HUANG Jing, LUO Xiao-shu
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (4):  25-27. 
Abstract ( 60 )   Save
Based on the analysis of the factors affecting ice accretion,the model is established by using data mining BP (Back Propagation) neural network.This model can be used to stady the effect of the different factors on the ice accretion.The results provide important reference value on preventingicing on transmission line.
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Mining Relevance between Domains Via Baidupedia
HU Jie-ru, YANG Xiao-ping, HUANG Du-pei
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (4):  28-34. 
Abstract ( 115 )   Save
As modern society diversification develops,interdisciplinary studies have turned out to be the inherent need of this irreversible trend.But the problem is that there are thousands of well-developed subjects in the world and the discoveryof possibility to integrate different domains can only be handled by specialists in different domains separately.The reason for this is obviously that no one can master all knowledge in all domains.Therefore,an algorithm should be broughtout to calculate the relevance between two domains.By this method,it can figureout which domain is more relevant with a specified domain,and thus it might be possible to start a cross-domain research or build up a new subject.
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Text ClassificationBased on Experimental Study of Two-step Strategy
HE Quan-hao, FAN Xing-hua, ZHOU Peng
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (4):  35-38. 
Abstract ( 107 )   Save
Naive Bayesian classifier is known to use two-step classification strategy to improve the efficiency of two types of Chinese text categorization.This paper tries to solve the following three questions:(1) the condition of a classifier to be fulfilled by using two-step strategy text classification,(2) the theoretical analysis of the three classifiers which can be used for two-step strategy text classification,(3) experimental results comparison ofRocchio,Naive Bayes,KNN combination used in many types of English text classification.Experimental results show that the Rocchio,NB and KNN satisfy the conditions of two-step strategy.Best performance is achieved by using KNN as the firststep classifier and NB as the second.
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A Quick Algorithm for Value ReductionBased on Hash Algorithm
ZHANG Qing-hua, XING Yu-ke
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (4):  39-44. 
Abstract ( 75 )   Save
A new quick value reduction method is proposed based on rough set theory,decision tree theory and granular computing theory.Firstly,the characteristic of data is analyzed by rough set theory,meanwhile,using Hash algorithm,a partition composed of all equivalence classes is obtained and the positive region is calculated,then,value reduction can be completed quickly due to the advantage of Hash algorithm.Compared with traditional algorithms,analysis and simulation results show the proposed algorithm has lower time complexity.
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Solving QoS-Aware Web Service Selection Problem with AND/OR Graph
YU Hong, LIU Man
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (4):  45-48. 
Abstract ( 68 )   Save
This paper studied on Web composition service selection problem.Firstly,this paper presented the quality criteria for composite services after discussing the relationship between elementary services.Then,a QoS-aware Web services selection model was proposed based on the AND/OR Graph,which can give solutions on the simultaneous relation and branch relation between elementary services.Furthermore,a novel selection algorithm was proposed inspired by the ant colony optimization.Finally,the algorithm was tested for its performance.
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A TCP Congestion Control Mechanism Based on Cross-layer Design in Vehicular Communication Network
WANG Zhao-ran, XIE Xian-zhong, ZHAO Ding-xin
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (4):  49-55. 
Abstract ( 86 )   Save
Based on the characteristics of Vehicular Communication Network,this paper analyzes the problem of traditional TCP in VANET,and by giving the four-state transition diagram,a new TCP congestion control mechanism based on Cross-layer design is proposed.It is called VC-TCP,which can predict the reason of packet loss by providing TCP with helpful route and movement information,and choose appropriate congestion control strategy under various conditions.Simulation results show that the improved VC-TCP performs better in VehicularCommunication Network since the throughput is increased and the latency is reduced.
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Deployment Strategy of Wireless Sensor Network Nodes Based on Improved Particle Swarm Optimization
ZHENG Lei, ZHU Zheng-li, HOU Ying-kun
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (4):  56-62. 
Abstract ( 73 )   Save
In wireless sensor networks,thewireless sensornodes have to cover the area to be monitored effectively.In order to reduce the coverage holes and improve the coverage rate in wireless sensor networks,this paperproposed a new deployment strategy of wireless sensor network nodes based on improved particle swarm optimization.Taken network coverage as the fitness function,thedeployment of sensor nodes would be formalized as an objective optimization problem.By employing the k-means clustering algorithm,the population was divided into several sub-populations.In addition,the population was re-dividedinto new sub-populations dynamically,which could weaken particles on the pursuit of local optima,realize the improvement of basic PSO algorithm,effectively solve the “premature” problem of basic PSO algorithm,and accelerate the convergence ofthe algorithm.Experimental results show that this deployment strategy can reduce the coverage holes in wireless sensor networks as much as possible and effectively improve the network coverage rate.Compared with the results of elementary particle swarm optimization,the conventional genetic algorithm and swarm optimization algorithm,its coverage rate was increased by 4.11%,9.75% and 5.25%.
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Coding in Interleave Division Multiple Access System
ZHANG Ai-li, ZHANG Xin-min, LI Zhi-yong
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (4):  63-67. 
Abstract ( 152 )   Save
Interleave division multiple access (IDMA) system hasstrong anti-MAI ability and high spectrum efficiency.The low-complexity iterative detection algorithm is only used for well-designed multi-user code combinations in this system.Repeat accumulate (RA) code,a new error-correcting code,is simple in encoding and decoding and its performance is close to Shannon limit.IDMA and the RA codes are combined in this paper based on appropriate powerallocation scheme.The simulation results showed that,as the SNR increases,multi-user BER curves is gradually closed to the single-user,and it performs almost as well as LDPC-based IDMA,but much better than the system adopting convolutional codes.
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Route Allocation Model and Algorithm Based on Slot and Flight Level Collaboration
WANG Xing-long, WANG Fei, SHI Yong-liang, XU Xiao-hao
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (4):  68-72. 
Abstract ( 81 )   Save
In order to make the best use of route resources and achieve slot and flight level collaboration allocation,a time slot and high level collaboration allocation model was established.Then,the allocation algorithm steps were presented.After that,the FCFS,fuzzy clustering and artificial fish school algorithm were used to solve the model,and the numerical example was carried out.The results indicate that the total delay of thethree algorithms is 547 min,the fuzzy clustering and artificial fish school algorithm assign no delay for the first priority level flights,less than 40min of the FCFS algorithm.The total cost of the FCFS,fuzzy clustering and artificial fish school algorithm is 225 500 yuan,123 100 yuan and 119 100 yuan,respectively.
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Finite-time Terminal Sliding Mode Control for Singular Systems
ZHAO Wei-qi, LIANG Jia-rong, LI Xia
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (4):  73-78. 
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In this paper,the finite-time terminal sliding modecontrol for a class of singular systems is studied.The singular systems are transformed into restricted equivalent forms by a nonsingular linear transformation.Usingthe method of Lyapunov function,a finite-time terminal sliding mode control strategy is proposed.A terminal sliding mode hypersurface and a controller are given correspondingly,such that the asymptotic stability of the closed-loop systemis guaranteed,and the motion of sliding mode is realized;simultaneously,the system state variables is converged to the equilibrium point in finite time.Finally,a numerical example is presented to illustrate the feasibility and effectiveness ofthe design.
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A New Class of Optimal Variable-Weight OOCs
YU Huang-sheng, WU Dian-hua
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (4):  79-83. 
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Variable-weight optical orthogonal codes (OOCs) canbe used in CDMA systems to meet the demand on multiple quality of services.In this paper,it is proved that there exists an optimal (v,{3,5},1,{5/6,1/6})-OOC for each integer v≡25(mod 50),and v>25.
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Some Properties of Relative Submetacompactness
ZHANG Guo-fang, FAN Qin-jie
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (4):  84-87. 
Abstract ( 95 )   Save
According to the relative topological properties provided by A.V.Ahangel'skii and H.M.M.Genedi in 1989,some definitions ofrelative submetacompactness are introduced,and some properties of relative submetacompactness and their relationships with stronger covering properties are also investigated.
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Denaturation Study of Bovine Hemoglobin Induced by Guanidine Chloride by Microcalorimetry
LI Xiang-rong, YU Jie, HAO Xiao-xiao
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (4):  88-91. 
Abstract ( 127 )   Save
The interactions between guanidine chloride and bovine hemoglobin in aqueous solution as well as the denaturation process of bovine hemoglobin were studied by using isothermal microcalorimetry methodat 30 °C and three pHs.The simple binding model was employed to obtain the binding constants and the binding free energies.Furthermore,the linear extrapolationat the midpoint of transition was employed to determine the apparent denaturation enthalpy.The results showed that the interactions between guanidine chloride andbovine hemoglobin is divided into three stages.The apparent denaturation enthalpy of bovine hemoglobin by guanidine chloride is 200 kJ·mol-1 at pH5.21 and 540 kJ·mol-1 at pH6.70,while it is 120 kJ·mol-1 at pH8.03.BHbis most stable at its isoelectric pH.
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Predicting n-Octanol/Water Partition Coefficients of Polychlorinated Dibenzofurans with Artificial Neural Network
YU Qing-fen
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (4):  92-98. 
Abstract ( 62 )   Save
The structure parameters of the quantum chemistry forpolychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCD-Fs) compounds were calculated by using theMOPAC-AM1 method in Chemoffice 8.0.Some parameters are selected as the structuredescriptors of PCDFs compounds.The molecular structures and the model of n-octanol/water partition coefficients are constructed and predicted in terms of back-propagation network and radial basis function networks in artificial neuralnetwork.These results are compared with the results of multiple regression methods.It can be found that the results of back-propagation network and radial basis function networks are better than those of multiple regression methods.
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Combustion Synthesis of UltrafineITO Powders
PENG Gui-hua, WANG Xia, HE An-mei, LIANG Zhen-hua, HAN Xiao-bao
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (4):  99-103. 
Abstract ( 57 )   Save
ITO (Indium tin oxide) powders were prepared by combustion synthesis,using indium grains and tin particles as raw materials,urea as fuel.The products were characterized by X-ray diffraction and scanning electronmicroscopy.The effects of additives,citric acid (C6H8O7),on the combustionproducts were studied.The results show that combustion synthesis with urea as fuel is an effective way to prepare ITO powders,and the agglomeration of ITO powders can be restrained by using citric acid as additives.
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Cloning Glucose-flavonoid 3-o-glucosyltransferase (UFGT) from Litchi and Expression in Escherichia coli
ZHAO Zhi-chang, HU Fu-chu, HU Gui-bing, WANG Hui-cong, YANG Zhuan-ying, SU Chun-lan, LI Jia-qiang
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (4):  104-110. 
Abstract ( 70 )   Save
Litchi is native to South China's tropical fruit trees,the fruit color is various types.Function of Glucose-flavonoid 3-o-glucosyltransferase (UFGT) is catalyzed the unstable anthocyanidin into anthocyanin.Itis the last enzyme in anthocyanin biosynthetic pathway.Within a certain range,UFGT activity is positively related to anthocyanin synthesis,and enzyme activity of UFGT inhibited has more influence on anthocyanin synthesis than other enzymes.Many research results show that UFGT is a key enzyme gene in anthocyanin synthesis.This study is based on the known UFGT gene fragments in the Litchi,the full-length cDNA of UFGT was cloned using the 3′RACE and 5′RACE methods.It was found an intron in the genomic DNA sequence compared to cDNA sequence.The cDNA fragment of UFGT directionally cloned into the vector pET32a,the UFGTfusion protein about 60 KDa was expressed by induction 1 mmol/L IPTG in E.coli.
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Characterization of the Complete Mitochondrial Genome Sequence in Siniperca chuatsi
CHEN Dun-xue, LI Yu-long, BIN Shi-yu, NONG Xiao-xian, LIU Xi-liang, CHENG Jia, ZHANG Jian-she, CHU Wu-ying
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (4):  111-116. 
Abstract ( 79 )   Save
The complete mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of Sinipercachuatsi was cloned and sequenced.The mitochondrial genomes is 16 496 bp in length and contains 37 genes (13 protein-coding genes,2 ribosomal RNA,and 22 transfer tRNAs) and a major non-coding region.There are only 32 bp nucleotides gapand 35 bp nucleotides overlap in the mitochondrial genome.The mitochondrialgenome has a better A+T bias and the G content is relatively low.Except for cytochrome coxidase subunit 1 (CO1),which began with GTG as an initiation codon,allproteins started with an ATG codon.However,the stop codons of the mitochondrialgenomes examined differed from the initiation codons with variety.The tRNA-leund tRNA-Ser are double style genes.The three tRNA clusters-IQM,WANCY,and HSL whose base composition is very similar to those reported in bony fish.The 12SrRNAand the 16SrRNA genes,as in other bony fishes,were located between the tRNA-Pheand tRNA-Leu(UUR),and were separated by the tRNA-Val.The control region was observed to have a better A+T bias.These results were helpful for further understanding the phylogenetic classification and evolution of sinipercine fishes.Genetic structure of the three Siniperca fishes could be used as a basis for itsgenetic conversation and utilization.
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Water Content of the Food and its Influence on Food Choice of Francois' Langur at Nonggang,Guangxi,China
WU Qian, HUANG Zhong-hao, YUAN Pei-song, DENG Feng-yun, ZHOU Qi-hai
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (4):  117-121. 
Abstract ( 106 )   Save
Data on the diet were collected from one group of Francois' langurs(Trachypithecus francoisi)between October 2005 and July 2006at Nonggang Nature Resereve,Guangxi province,using instantaneous scan sampling.To explore the influence of water content in food on langur's food choice,watercontents of the food species were measured,and the relationship between water contents of the food species and their consumption were analyzed.The results indicated that there was significant variation in the water contents of different plant parts eaten by langurs.Immature leaves had the largest value of water content,which accounted for 71.52%,followed by mature leaves for 66.25%,and fruits had the lowest value 63.42%.The monthly mean water content in plant food showed significant variation,ranging from 61.59% to 72.59%.However,there was no significant difference in the mean water content in plant food according to season.The relationships between the monthly feeding time for leaves of different plant species andtheir corresponding water content were tested,and significant correlations in November and December were found.This indicated that water content of the food maybe one of the factors influencing the food choice of the Francois' langur in Karst habitat,especially in the dry season.
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A Checklist of TypeSpecimens of Insects from Maoershan Nature Reserve of Guangxi,China
WANG Shao-neng, PAN Dong, WEN Zhong-hua, HUANG Jian-hua
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (4):  122-131. 
Abstract ( 162 )   Save
Literatures relative to the insect species established with specimen(s) from Maoershan as type(s) were collected and arranged.91 species belonging to 9 insect orders were compiled into a checklis of type specimensof insects from Maoershan Natural Reserve of Guangxi,and the detailed information of each species about the original reference as well as the type depository was presented.
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Remediation Effects of Mn-contaminated Soil by Polygonum pubescens Blume
DENG Hua, HUANG Qing-xian, LU Jin-yi, PAN Ming-wei, LI Ming-shun
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (4):  132-135. 
Abstract ( 64 )   Save
Pot experiment was used to study the Mn tolerance andaccumulation of Polygonum pubescens Blume under different Mn concentrationsin soil.On the other hand,ascorbic acid was added into the Mn-contaminated to investigate its influence on the remediation effect of the soil by the plant.Theresults indicated that the Polygonum pubescens Blume showed certain toleranceto the Mn-contaminated soil.The plant still grew well when Mn concentration was2 000 mg·kg-1.With the Mn concentration in the soil increasing,the manganese concentration in the tissues of the plant increased.Adding ascorbic acid can improve the tolerance of the plant so that they can be still alive when the Mnconcentration was 5 000 mg·kg-1.Adding ascorbic acid of lower concentration can increase the Mn translocation amount of Polygonum pubescens Blume from the Mn-contaminated soil,but higher concentration showed restrictive effect.
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