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20 August 2011, Volume 29 Issue 3
Cellular Automaton Traffic Flow Model Considering Effect of Visibility
PAN Jiang-hong, BAI Ke-zhao, KUANG Hua, KONG Ling-jiang
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (3):  1-4. 
Abstract ( 54 )   Save
The cellular automaton model considering the effect of visibility is proposed.The effects of the input probability α,output probability β andthe visibility are researched.Simulation results show that α and β canchange theSystemic flux in certain range.The lane considering the effect of the visibility is the bottleneck of the system.This model choose the proper values of α and β toavoid the jam and improve the capacity of the system.While visibility is very low,serious jam appears in the bottleneck lane and the upstream of it.
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Recognition and Study of Pathological Voices Based on NonlinearDynamics Using GMM
GAO Jun-fen, HU Wei-ping
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (3):  5-8. 
Abstract ( 73 )   Save
The method of nonlinear dynamics analysis is used to quantitatively analyze and extractthe normal and pathological voice of the 5-dimensional nonlinear feature,Hurstparameter,Shannon entropy,box dimension,Kolmogorov entropy and correlation dimension.The data is from the clinical cases of 151 patients and the pattern recognition method of Gaussian mixture model is used to evaluate the validity of the parameters extracted by the method of nonlinear dynamics.Experimental results showthat this method can compensate for the deficiencyof traditional methods,and achievea better recognition rate of 96.05%.
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Synthesis Design Method of Odd-nth-order Current Mode All-passFilter
SONG Shu-xiang
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (3):  9-13. 
Abstract ( 88 )   Save
In order to improve the shortcomings in the current synthesis design of arbitrary odd-nth-order current mode all-pass filter,suchas very complex synthesis method,high sensitivities and so many active and passive elements,thispaper presents a new arbitrary odd-nth-order current mode all-pass filter synthesis method based on lossless integrators and direct current insertion method.Thepresented filter circuit possesses a variety of features including very few active and passive elements,all the passive grounded components,and the optimal group sensitivities.
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On SS-Semipermutable Subgroups and p-Nilpotency of Finite Groups
ZHONG Xiang-gui, ZHAO Na, HUANG Xiu-nü, DUAN Jian-liang
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (3):  14-17. 
Abstract ( 73 )   Save
A subgroup H of a finite group G is said to be SS-semipermutable in G,if there exists a subgroup B of G such that HB —G,Sylp(B) Sylp(G),and H is permutable with every Sylow p-subgroup P of B for p∈π(G) with (p,|H|)=1.In this paper,p-nilpotence of finite groups is characterized,and some earlier results are unified and generalized.
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Exponent of Odd Prime Factor in Standard Factorization ofFibonacci Number
YOU Li-hua, HUANG Rong-hui
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (3):  18-22. 
Abstract ( 79 )   Save
The relationship between the exponent of odd prime factor p in the standard factorization of Fibonacci numberFn and its subscript n is presented in this paper.It shows that the exponent of odd prime factor p in the standard factorization of Fibonacci number Fn can be determined by the exponent of d(p) and p in the factorization of the subscript n,where d(p)=min{w:p|Fw}.The relationshipbetween d(p) and p is given in this paper,and an open problem on the exponent of oddprime factor p in the standard factorization of Fibonacci number Fd(p) is also proposed.
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Gerber-Shiu Function of MAP Risk Process Perturbedby Diffusion
TANG Sheng-da, QIN Yong-song
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (3):  23-27. 
Abstract ( 126 )   Save
A risk model perturbed by diffusion is proposed in this paper.Claims arrival belongs to markovian arrival process (MAP).The integro-differential equations satisfied by Laplace transform of the Gerber-Shiu functions and closed form of expression for the Gerber-Shiu functions are obtained through divided difference and Dickson-Hipp operator when the claim amount distribution is from the rational family.Finally,in order to illustrate the main results,a numerical example is provided.
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Periodic Solutions for Second-order Ordinary p-Laplacian System
LI Chuan-hua, FENG Chun-hua
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (3):  28-32. 
Abstract ( 75 )   Save
By using minimax methods in critical point theory,a new existence theorem of periodic solutions is obtained for a second-order ordinary p-Laplacian system.The result obtained generalizes some known works inthe literature.
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Preparation and Photoluminescence Propertiesof BaNb2O6:Eu3+,Bi3+Red-emitting Phosphor
ZHOU Li-ya, HUANG Jun-li, MO Fu-wang, YANG Mei, WANG Qing
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (3):  33-36. 
Abstract ( 47 )   Save
Rare earth Eu3+-doped BaNb2O6 phosphor wasprepared by solid-state reaction.Structure and photoluminescence properties ofthe phosphors were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD),SEM and fluorescence spectrophotometer.XRD results showed that the pure phase of BaNb2O6 couldbe available after being fired at 1 200 °C.The particles have a slight agglomerate phenomenon and flake-like shape with the diameter of about 1~3 μm.Ba1-xNb2O6:Eu3+x phosphors could be effectively excited by the near UV irridiation (401 nm) and emit orange light at 593 nm due to the magnetic dipole 5D07F1 transitions on Eu3+,which indicated that Eu3+occupied the symmetry sites in the BaNb2O6 host lattice.The effect of the co-activator Bi3+ on the PL of the BaNb2O6:Eu3+ phosphor was studied.The addition of the co-activator Bi3+ increased the PL intensity ofthe BaNb2O6:Eu3+ phosphor at about 593 nm and reached the maximum whenthe mole fraction of Bi3+ was 5%.
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Synthesis and Crystal Structure of Conformationally ConstrainedDipeptide with 1-Aminocyclopropanecarboxylic Acid Residue
ZHANG Liu-sheng, PAN Cheng-xue, LI Li, SU Gui-fa, HUANG Wan-yun, QIN Jiang-ke, TANG Huang
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (3):  37-42. 
Abstract ( 64 )   Save
Two conformationally constrained dipeptides with a trans-2,3-diaryl-1-aminocyclo-propanecarboxylic acid residue were synthesized from boc-(L)-phenylalanine,boc-(L)-alanine and 2,3-diphenyl-1-tert-butyl-cyclopropane carboxylic acid amide with the mixed anhydride methodology.The structures of two target compounds were studied by means of X-ray single crystal diffraction analysis.
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Synthesis,Crystal Structure and Spectroscopic Properties of[Ag(pba)(Et-dtc)]·p-xylene
HUANG Ting-hong, WANG Miao, MA Kai, YANG Kun-guo, HUANG Ying-da, YOU Teng-li, WANG Xiu-jian
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (3):  43-46. 
Abstract ( 95 )   Save
[Ag(pba)(Et-dtc)]·p-xylene (pba=N,N-bis((diphenylphosphino)methyl)benzenamine,Et-dtc=N-ethyldithiocarbamate) has been prepared in 4 mL CH3CN/p-xylene(1∶1) and structurally characterized.The crystal is of triclinic,space group P-1 with a=1.003 9(2) nm,b=1.026 22(2) nm,c=1.931 3(4) nm;α=86.404(3)°,β=75.142(2)°,γ=67.018(2)°,Z=2.The Ag(Ⅰ) atom in the title compound is four coordinated by two P atoms ofN,N-bis((diphenylphosphino)methyl)benzenamine and two S atoms of two N-ethyl dithiocarbamate,forming a tetrahedral geometry.In the crystal,the cationsare is linked by C—H…π interactions,forming chains along the a axis(φ=168.7°,Dlin=0.288 1 nm).The title complex is characterized by IR and fluorescence.
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Nanocatalytic Spectrophotometric Determination of Palladium(Ⅱ)Using NiCl2-NaH2PO2 System
TANG Mei-ling, LIANG Ai-hui, LIU Qing-ye, JIANG Zhi-liang
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (3):  47-51. 
Abstract ( 65 )   Save
In the medium of NaOH at 85 °C,the reduction of NiCl2 by NaH2PO2 to NiP particle is slow,its absorbance is weak,and the blank solution is colorlessand transparent.Upon addition of palladium(Ⅱ) catalyst,the reaction accelerated,and resulted in the absorbance enhancing at 395 nm.The color changed to dark.Based on those grounds,a catalytic spectrophotometric method was established for the determination of trace Pd(Ⅱ).Its linear range is 0.09~1.80 μg/L Pd(Ⅱ),with a detection limit of 0.03 μg/L Pd.This method has the advantage ofsimplicity,good selectivity,and high sensitivity.
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Treatment of Piggery Wastewater by Entrapped Mixed Micro-Bio ofEmbed Method at Low Temperature
ZHONG Cheng-hua, ZHANG Wen-dong, LIU Peng, CHENJian
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (3):  52-56. 
Abstract ( 44 )   Save
:Piggery wastewater was treated by immobilized mixed microorganisms which were made of PVA,SA and river sand,and some factors that affected the degradation process of piggery wastewater were studied by comparing the ammonia nitrogen and COD removal rate.The results indicated that theremoval rates of COD and ammonia nitrogen were 87.8% and 64.8% respectively in the following conditions:the atmospheric temperature 1~8 °C,the dosage of MB20%,DO concentration 6~7 mg/L,pH 7.0~8.4,and the ratio of aeration time to non-aeration time 1∶1,after 10 days treatment of piggery wastewater.Therefore,the method using immobilized technology to treat piggery wastewater is feasible at low temperature.
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New Records of Orchids from Guangxi,China
WU Lei, HUANG Yun-feng, NONG Dong-xin, XU Wei-bin
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (3):  57-59. 
Abstract ( 70 )   Save
Five new species of Orchids in Guangxi are reported.Among them,Bulbophyllum flabellum-veneris is newly recorded in China,and Cheirostylis pusilla,Odontochilus saprophyticus,Phalaenopsis deliciosaand Zeuxine flava are newly recorded in Guangxi,China.
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Effects of Se on Some Physiological-Biochemical CharacteristicsofSiraitia grosvenorii Seedling Under Cd2+ Stress
SHI Gui-yu, YI Li-na, LIANG Chao-hong, LI Ming-xia
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (3):  60-64. 
Abstract ( 106 )   Save
Heavy metal Cd2+ has the inhibitory actionto plant's growth,while Se is beneficial to plant's growth.Siraitia grosvenorii seedling is selected as the research object in this study.By adding differentconcentrations of Cd2+ (0、10、50、500 μmol·L-1) and Se2+(10μmol·L-1)into medium under sterile conditions analysis the correlativePhysiological-Biochemical Indices of Siraitia grosvenorii seedling after cultivating 20 days.The results showed that with the increase of Cd2+ concentration,the contents of chlorophyll were steadily decline,but the rising trends appearedin the contents of protein,soluble sugar,proline(PRO) and malondialdehyde(MDA).The activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD),peroxidase (POD) and catalase (CAT) werefirst increased and then decreased.The addition of Se dalayed the decline of chlorophyll,and raised protein and soluble carbohydrates and proline content,but inhibited the increase of malondialdehyde level.Meanwhile increased the activities of CAT,POD and SOD.Studies showed that the toxicity of high concentrations of cadmium ions can also inhibit the protective enzyme activity,hurt the membranesystem,and change the protein,soluble sugar,proline,then affect the growth of Siraitia grosvenorii seedling.The mixed treatment of cadmium and seleniumreflects that selenium has alleviate function on the toxicity of cadmium.
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Checklist of Chinese Ants: the Formicomorph Subfamilies(Hymenoptera:Formicidae)(Ⅰ)
RAN Hao, ZHOU Shan-yi
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (3):  65-73. 
Abstract ( 367 )   Save
86 known species,and 7 subspcies belonging to subfamily Formicinae ofthe formicomorph subfamilies from China are listed,including 6 species of the genus Acropyga,1 species of the genus Anoplolepis,79 species and 7 subspecies of thegenus Camponotus.Chinese translated names,Latin names and detailed distribution of every species are provided.Notes were offered to the species whose status changed recently and species with economic values and social values,and species which need to be explained.
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Establishment of Families and Comparison of Their Growth of GIFTStrain Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
TANG Zhang-sheng, LIN Yong, LI Jun, YANG Hui-zan, CHEN Zhong, GAN Xi
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (3):  74-79. 
Abstract ( 95 )   Save
252 families of GIFT strain tilapia were established using nested homogeneous random matching method and 106 P1 families were collected.The success rate of matching was 42.06%.By standardized rearing,86 full-sibfamilies of GIFT strain tilapia were obtained ultimately,including 10 half-sibfamilies.22 families were selected under the hatching time,and their growth wasstudied simultaneously.The results showed that very significant differences werefound between the averages of body length and body weight in different families of the same age.Further multiple comparisons showed that the sequence of phenotypic values of body length and body weight existed inconsistency in different families of different age.The growth rate of each family was very different at different age,but the G2,G4,G6,G12 and G22 family remained relatively stable.Theanalysis for body weight of 150 d tilapia showed that the biggest family is G6,the mean of body weight is 815.50 g,the coefficient variation of tilapia population(18.08%) is much larger than the mean of the families,the family G6 had the least CV(10.70%),and family G8 had the max CV(18.42%).
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Change of Crude Protein in Bean Dregs with Mixed Bateria
GU Lan-tao, ZHANG Guang-qi, SONG De-gui
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (3):  80-83. 
Abstract ( 92 )   Save
The experiment is done with the method of microbial anaecrobic fermentation,using bean dregs as the main raw materials.The change ofthe crude protein in bean dregs was measured before and after the fermentation with Kieldahl Method.The content of crude protein in the fermented bean dregs hasincreased from 19.67% to 28.06%,which was 1.42 times of the originals.The results of the experiment showed that the technology of microbial anaerobic fermentation can effectively degrade the protein of bean dregs and increase the protent content of bean dregs.Therefore,this method can be used for the making of animalfeed since it is more economic and environmentally protective.
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Truth Degree Theory of 3-valued Fuzzy Logic System Based onFrank Triangular Norm
MA Ying-cang, ZHANG Mei, CUI Mei-ying
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (3):  84-88. 
Abstract ( 105 )   Save
By means of the function induced by a logical formulaA,the concept of integral truth of the logical formula A is introducedin 3-valued R-implication fuzzy logic system based on Frank Triangular Norm,and some reasoning rules of truth degree based on 3-valued R-implication logic system are given.Moreover,the similarity degree and pseudo-distance betweentwo formulas are defined by using the truth degree concept,and their propertiesare discussed.This offers a theoretical framework for approximate reasoning inFrank Triangular Norm proposition logic system.
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Maximum Distribution Reduct and Its Calculation Method in IncompleteInconsistent Decision Systems
MENG Zu-qiang, XU Ke, ZHOU Shi-quan
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (3):  89-93. 
Abstract ( 106 )   Save
:In inconsistent incomplete decision systems (IIDSs),some tolerance classes in tolerance partition overlap more than one decision class,so asto produce complex overlapping subsets between tolerance partition and decision partition.This leads to occurrence of many concepts of reductions in IIDSs and makes the reduction problem more complex.Therefore,the concept of maximum distributionreduct is extended to IIDSs in this paper,then,some of its properties in IIDSsare analyzed.It is found that,unlike other reducts' core attributes,the maximumdistribution reduct's core attribute does not have inheritable trait.This shows that the maximum distribution reduct can not be generated by adding attributes tocore attribute set.But,by using the testing and deleting operations repeatedly,an algorithm for computing the maximum distribution reduct in IIDSs is successfully constructed in this paper.The algorithm's description and its complexity analysis are also given.Finally,the proposed algorithm is illustrated to be effective and be of practical significance through sample analysis.
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Rules Extraction Method Based on Equivalence Describe Matrix
YAN Lin, LIANG Ji-ye, WANG Jun-hong
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (3):  94-100. 
Abstract ( 68 )   Save
Rough set method is an effective method of classification,but with high-dimensional data,it is difficult to rely on reduction to extract the rules which have high generalization capability,because the reductionof rough set itself fails to notice the effect of the object on the informationsystem to a certain degree.This paper describes the differences between different objects and extracts the classified information of every object.Then a new rules extraction method is designed based on rough set.And the algorithm is provedto have better generalization capability than the traditional one.
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Fuzzy Clustering Analysis of Customer Credit Risk of Futures Company
SHEN Ze-hao, YE Zhong-xing
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (3):  101-104. 
Abstract ( 91 )   Save
Improved fuzzy clustering and k-means clustering algorithms are applied and compared to analyze customers' credit risk of Futures Companies.The final classification system plays a pivotal role in risk management,development and progress of Futures Companies.These methods provide scientific basis for futures companies to control risks.
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A Rough Kernel Clustering Algorithm Based on ImprovedAttribute Reduction
XU Li, DING Shi-fei, GUO Feng-feng
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (3):  105-109. 
Abstract ( 53 )   Save
Kernel clustering is an effective algorithm which can deal with samples that have weak differences.On the basis that of new improved attribute importance under the theoryof rough set is applied to the kernel clustering algorithm.Before the samplesare optimized by the kernel function,their properties is processed by the reduction algorithmwhich is based on the attribute importance.At the same time,Information Entropyis introduced to improve the reduction algorithm.So the redundant attributes aredeleted and the optimum set of attributes is obtained;Then,the samples areclustered by K-means clustering algorithms,and the samples are divided intotheupper and lower approximate subsets of the corresponding cluster centers.Due tothe samples in approximate subsets having different influence on cluster,different weighs are designed to determine the new clustering centers.This paper adopts UCI data sets to test the performance ofthe algorithm.Through the comparison with traditional kernel clustering algorithmis shows that the proposed clustering algorithm improves the cluster result'saccuracy,reduces the complexity and shortens the convergence time significantly.
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Fake-iterative Algorithm for Co-training Semi-supervised Learning
HUANG Shuang-ming, XIE Li-cong
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (3):  110-114. 
Abstract ( 59 )   Save
In the semi-supervised learning process,the veracity of classification is affected because the classifier introduces the noise data to the training course.This paper proposes a kind of self-regulation and twice fake-iterative algorithm,whichstill uses the three classifier of tri-training algorithm.A small amount of manual work will be introduced under certain conditions to make the training process going on,thus,to avoid the difficulty in the classification of somelabels.The self-regulatory function is also used to reduce the noise data and noncontributory data to be added in the classification process.Mean while,the utilization and contribution of unlabeled samples is improved by using twicefake-iterative.The experiment and the results show that this algorithm can effectively improve the classification performance,and the utilization and contribution of unlabeled samples.The veracity of classification is improved obviously.
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Multi-player Pursuit Algorithm Based on Fast Marching Method
DING Lei, WANG Hao, FANG Bao-fu, ZHANG Quan-yi
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (3):  115-119. 
Abstract ( 134 )   Save
The Pursuit-evasion game in Multi-robot system is avery important issue in the field of artificial intelligence.In order to solvethe problem of multiple pursuers cooperatively pursuing the evasive targets,a coordinate strategy for multiple pursuers based on Fast Marching Method is proposed.During the pursuit,when the number of pursuers is more than that of evaders.The pursuers without task can be incorporated into the game by constructing Active Regionsto achieve a constringent pursuit strategy.
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Artificial Bee Colony with Chemotaxis Behavior for TrainingArtificial Neural Network
LIN Xiao-yu, ZHONG Yi-wen, WANG Ai-rong
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (3):  120-124. 
Abstract ( 90 )   Save
A hybird artificial bee colony named ABC-CB (artificial bee colony with chemotaxis behavior) is presented to imporve the local exploitation ability of ABC.Chemotaxis behavior of bacterial foraging optimization algorithm is embedded into ABC in exploitation process to make employed bees and onlookers tumble to the best dimension and swim for several steps just like whatthe bacteria do while foraging.On the other hand,bees try all dimensions and selectthe best one to move.The simulation experiments carried out on the training of artificial neural network show that the proposed algorithm has better performance than bee colony optimization algorithm and particle swarm optimizationalgorithm.
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Technology Research about Two-stage Encryption Key of DatabaseSecurity Based on DES Encryption Algorithm
HOU You-li, YANG Xiong
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (3):  125-130. 
Abstract ( 93 )   Save
One encryption design mechanism based on sensitive fields is mainly adopted in database encryption,which sensitive fields is correspondence to keys one by one.But if all the keys are fixed in advance,new security problemwill emerge.So how to generate and save the encryption keys is of grent importance.One derivative echanism of two-stage encryption key is adopted,including management keys and encryption keys.encryption keys which come from thetransformed results in sixty round of DES encryption algorithm on main keys areused to encrypt sensitive fields.Only a few management keys are needed to set in advance,but the encryption keys are dynamically generated by programming.What the user needs to do is to store several management keys safely,without considering the security storage and communication of theencryption keys.The way of deriving encryption keys by DES Encryption Algorithmcan meet the needs of encryption keys in database encryption,and derive 256 times encryption keys for the safety storage and management of the encryption keys.
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Algorithm of Supervised Learning on Outlier Manifold
HUANG Tian-qiang, LI Kai, ZHENG Zhi
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (3):  131-135. 
Abstract ( 120 )   Save
Manifold learning algorithm is an important tool in the field of dimension reduction and data visualization.Improving the algorithm's efficiency and robustness is of positive significance to its practical application.Classical manifold learning algorithm is sensitive to noise points,and its improved algorithms have been imperfect.This paper presents a robust manifold learningalgorithm based on supervised learning and kernel function.It introduces nuclearmethods and supervised learning into the dimensionality reduction,and takes fulladvantage of the label of some data and the property of kernel function.The proposed algorithm can make close and same types of samples and distribute different types of samples,thus to improves the effect of the classification task and reduce the noise sensitivity of outliers on manifold.The experiments on the UCI data and Raman data of leukemia reveal that the algorithm has better noise immunity.
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Protein Function Prediction Using Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm
WU Chao, ZHONG Yi-wen
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (3):  136-141. 
Abstract ( 77 )   Save
Protein function prediction is one of the most challenging problems in the post-genome era.For high-throughput data,it can save time and cost considerably by using prediction algorithms with high performance.Using a global optimization model based on protein-protein interaction networks,anant colony optimization algorithm for protein function prediction is proposed.The proposed algorithm can use the benefits of global optimization model and the priori knowledge in the network simultaneously and improves its search efficiency.The simulation results show that the ant colony optimization has good performance on protein function prediction,and good fault-tolerant for false positive and false negative data in the protein-protein interaction network.
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Prediction of RNA Secondary Structure by Using the NeuralNetwork of Stems
XU Dan, WANG Ai-rong, LI Jin-ming
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (3):  142-146. 
Abstract ( 75 )   Save
RNA secondary structure prediction is an important research field in bioinformatics.As one of the forecasting method,neural network has been widely used in protein structure prediction but very little in RNA secondary structure.The traditional prediction of RNA secondary structure using Hopfield neural network is improved in this paper.Stem is used as the neuron of network in the algorithm.The network incentive factor and the initial value of neurons are modified by alignment with the stem area of similar structure.The improvedalgorithm is compared to two kinds of unimproved algorithms,Mfold and RNAStructure.Experiments shows that the proposed algorithm has very good results insmaller and better conservative tRNA molecules.
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Shallow Parsing Based on CRF and Transformation-basedError-driven Learning
ZHANG Fen, QU Wei-guang, ZHAO Hong-yan, ZHOU Jun-sheng
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (3):  147-150. 
Abstract ( 62 )   Save
This paper proposes a method for shallow parsing on the basis of CRF and transformation-based error-driven learning.The method is applied to Penn Chinese Treebank and gets a good performance of chunking identification.First,CRF model is used to identify chunks to acquire candidate transformation rules by error-driven learning.Then,an evaluationfunction is used to filter candidate transformation rules.And last,transformation rules are used to revise the chunking results of CRF.The experimental results show that this approach is effective,and outperforms the single CRF-based approachin shallow parsing.Precision,recall and F-values are improved respectively.
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Personalized Recommendation Algorithm Based on CBR
ZHUO Guang-ping, SUN Jing-yu, LI Xian-hua, YU Xue-li
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (3):  151-156. 
Abstract ( 77 )   Save
The limited personalized services in current mainstream search engines often make users re-browse some web pages and even fail to find what they need.In this paper,a personalized recommendation algorithm based on CBR for reusing users' search experiences is proposed.Through discussing the modeling user profile,searching and ranking cases in detail,a personalized recommendation algorithm based on CBR (case-basedreasoning) is proposed based on users' search experience.The proposed algorithm isapplied in the web search recommendation system ExpertRec and good result are obtained.
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An Improved Query Method for XML Document Based on Text Node
WANG Qi, LIU Quan-ming
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (3):  157-162. 
Abstract ( 59 )   Save
With the continuous promotion and application of theXML-related standards and technology,a large number of XML data appears on thenetwork,and XML has become the standards of representation and exchange for network data.Precise and rapid query for the mass XML documents has become a main direction of the current research on XML.Because of semi-structured features of XML documents,it needs to create corresponding index and develop special querymethod to query data in XML documents.An index for XML documents based on textnode was improved,and the data type of the text node was added to the original index.At the same time,a new query method was proposed,which combining with the index identified data type,this new method can support not only string matching query in the original query,but also arithmetic query and comparative query.As aresult of the combination query of relational database and the raw XML documents,the new query method adds less external memory,but reduces the occupation of memory space and CPU time remarkably.Compared with the original method,the query efficiency is significantly improved.
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Image Watermarking Algorithm Based on DCT Transform and ArnoldTransform
MA Ning, YU Hong-zhi
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (3):  163-167. 
Abstract ( 104 )   Save
In this paper,an image watermarking algorithmis proposed based on DCT and Arnold transform.Firstly,the algorithm uses Arnoldtransform to process the watermarking image.Then processes the vector image byDCT transform of 8×8.Experimental results show that the embed watermark can bestill extracted from the vector when the watermark image is attacked by different ways,such as white noise,low pass filtering,compression,shear,rotation,etc.Therefore,this algorithm has a good robustness against watermark attacks.Especially,it has a very effective capacity against the shear.In addition,the algorithm has high security and good real-time feature.
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Research and Implementation of Human Detection Based on ExtendedHistograms of Oriented Gradients
MENG Fan-hui, WANG Hao, FANG Bao-fu, PENG Wei
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (3):  168-172. 
Abstract ( 86 )   Save
Human detection has become a hot topic in the field of machine vision.Traditional histograms of oriented gradients(HOG) for human detection have a lower detection rate in dense population.To solve this problem,an extended HOG for human detection is proposed based on differences in human characterisics,which can extract the HOG descriptor of Image with different blocks.Experimental results show this method gives a better performance in dense population thanthe traditional method.
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Color Image Retrieval Based on Tolerance Granules
LI Shuang-qun, XU Jiu-cheng, ZHANG Ling-jun, LI Xiao-yan
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (3):  173-178. 
Abstract ( 82 )   Save
The extraction and representation of image feature isthe basis of image retrieval technique and color image edge is the important information of human visual perception.Firstly,the color edge of raw image is extracted by using canny detection operator.Secondly,the color of image edge is quantifieddynamically through the merger calculation of tolerant granule.Finally,the similarity between images is calculated with the information granules.Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm has better precision rate and recall ratethan the traditional one.
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A Grouping Strategy of Motor Imagery for Multi-commands Output
YANG Hong, XIA Bin, XIE Hong, WANG Cong, XIAO Dian-yun
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (3):  179-182. 
Abstract ( 71 )   Save
Brain-computer interface system based on motor imagery is capable of providing commands of three to four categories in general,whichlimits the application of the system in multi-commands tasks.Thispaper puts forward a multi-commands strategy based on the group method,which applies three-class motor imagery to output six commands.The experimentsand application in competition have verified the validation of the new strategy.
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Lung Cancer Cells' Recognition Based on Attribute Theory
FENG Jia-li, BI Jing-ying
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (3):  183-186. 
Abstract ( 87 )   Save
The current image diagnosis system mainly uses morphological and colorimetric characteristics,combining the expert system,to analyze and diagnose cells of lung cancer.In order to gain high recognition rate of cells of lung cancer,features of cells of lung cancer's morphological and chromatics are extracted by using related knowledge of mageprocessing.Then,the system identifies the cells based on qualitative mapping and conversion degree function.Experimental result shows that the proposed method can achieve good results and also proved that the attribute theory still has applicationvalue in pattern recognition field.
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Classification of Colon Cancer Data Based on Bayesian Classifier
CHEN You-ying, ZHENG Zhi, KONG Xiang-zeng, ZHANG Sheng-yuan
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (3):  187-191. 
Abstract ( 82 )   Save
Cancer diagnosis based on gene expression is expected to become a fast andeffective method for clinical diagnosis.Because of the high dimension,small samples and noise characteristics of gene expression data,it is very difficult to make relevent classification.Therefore it is necessary to finda more feasible and effective classification method.This paper uses Bayesian classifier to establish a forecasting model,for the gene expression data classification.Experiments are carried outwith the Bayesian network toolbox by using the colon cancer gene expression profiles as test data.Identification accuracy is also verified through 4-fold cross-validation method.Experimental results show that the method is feasible and effective.
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Optimal Resource Allocation in Fire Rescue
ZHANG Wei, JI Shu-juan, LIANG Yong-quan
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (3):  192-196. 
Abstract ( 87 )   Save
With more and more disaster frequently occurred in recent years,the research on the optimal resource allocation of disaster is also increasing,but existing research could not consider all kinds of rescue resourceallocation,the condition of disaster scene and the total loss of society.This paper,for the goal of Pareto optimality in dynamic disaster relief (i.e.,the minimum total loss of society),gives a model of optimal resource allocation considening the loss of society which includes:the loss of notgiving adequate resource by rescue forces,the loss of resources transmission and the loss caused by the fire disaster.On the basis of the real-time monitoring data,bythe analysis and comparison of the burning area,rescue time and the social loss of the experimental method in this paper with other typical approaches,the result shows that the rescue time and burning area are not the smallest,but the total loss of society is the smallest.The resource allocation scheme of the experimental method is an effective,practical and optimal resourceallocation scheme used in the fire disaster scene.
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