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20 June 2011, Volume 29 Issue 2
Comparison of Infrared Radiative Temperatures from Two Scales on Different Land Surfaces
WANG Xiu-xin, HU Dao-sheng, ZHU Qi-jiang
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (2):  1-5. 
Abstract ( 67 )   Save
Infrared radiative temperatures (IRT) land surface ofcould be measured with infrared radiometer on point scale and infrared thermalcamera on area scale.However,it results in errors when average IRT on point scale is used to replace IRT on area scale.Therefore,IRTs on the lawn,bare soil,asphalt road and concrete plaza are measured from 10:00 to 16:30 using both radiometer and thermal camera in clear and sunny days,and are compared.Results show thatit's more suitable for both asphalt road and concrete plaza,suitable for bare soil,but not for lawn as average IRT measured with radiometer replaces IRT with thermal camera.The errors between IRTs on the two scales are minimum on asphalt road and concrete plaza,maximum on lawn,and are much greater with high IRT at noon than that at other moments.The errors are less than 0.5 °C on asphalt road and concrete plaza,not greater than 1.0 °C on bare soil and reach 3.6 °C on lawnat 12:30.
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Influence of Geosynchronous Satellites on Earth Rotation Angular Velocity and Coriolis Force
CHEN Mei-hong, YANG Cui-hong, LI Chuan-qi
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (2):  6-9. 
Abstract ( 121 )   Save
Both the change of the rotation of the earthand the earth rotation angular velocity are minimal when the number of geosynchronous satellites reach the theoretical maximum amount.As a result the change incoriolis force can be completely ignored,and the earth-atmosphere system will not be impacted by the launch of satellites.
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Characteristics of Tl-2212 Bicrystal Josephson Junction Embedded in a Fabry-Perot Resonator
YUE Hong-wei, XIE Qing-lian, WEI Bao-lin, JIN Liang-nian, XIE Yue-lei, LI Qi, ZHOU Qian
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (2):  10-14. 
Abstract ( 55 )   Save
The mm-wave irradiation characteristics of Tl2Ba2CaCu2O8 (Tl-2212),a high temperature superconducting thin film bicrystalJosephson junction embedded in a hemispherical Fabry-Perot resonator,is studied.The optimized coupling between Josephson junction and applied microwave is achieved by subtle adjustment of the various factors of resonator.5 orders distinct Shapiro steps are observed.The radiation property of serial array consistingof 667 bicrystal Josephson junctions is measured and the radiation power is approximately 6 pW at 78.7 GHz center frequency.
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Zero-divisor Graph of Group Ring ZnD4
HUANG Yi-fei, YI Zhong, QIN Qing-ling
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (2):  15-20. 
Abstract ( 40 )   Save
The zero-divisors of group ring ZnD4 are completely discussed in this paper,some results are obtained:diam(Γ(ZnD4))=2 if and only if n=2t,otherwise diam(Γ(ZnD4))=3;Γ(ZnD4) is non planar and gr(Γ(ZnD4))=3.The center of Γ(ZnD4) is given in the end.
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Sovable Groups with Irreducible Character Degrees Graphs Having a Kind of Connected Components
LIANG Deng-feng, YU Xin-yan, QIN Le-yang
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (2):  21-25. 
Abstract ( 46 )   Save
Let G be solvable,and ρ(G)=π1∪π2∪{p} is disjoint union,where |π1|,|π2|≥1,π1∩π2= .Assume that no prime in π1 is adjacent in Γ(G) to any prime in π2.Then the Fitting height 2≤n(G)≤4,and when n(G)≠4,there are G=G0 G1 … Gs such that Gi/Gi+1 is either an ablian groupor a p-group,where s≤6.
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Some Properties on Associated Fuzzy Transformation Semigroup
XU Gu-zhen, DENG Pei-min
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (2):  26-30. 
Abstract ( 66 )   Save
This paper discusses some properties of associated fuzzy transformation semigroup which mainly include the exchange property,commutative and completeness,and further studies the exchange property,commutative,completeness of the direct product and the restricted direct product of two associated fuzzy transformation semigroups.
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2-maximal Subgroups of Sylow Subgroups and p-nilpotency of Finite Groups
CHEN Yun-kun, LI Xian-hua
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (2):  31-34. 
Abstract ( 80 )   Save
This paper discusses the influence of weakly s-permutable properties of subgroups on the structure of finite groups.Using the condition that the 2-maximal subgroups of a given Sylow p-subgroup of G are weakly s-permutable in G,some sufficient conditions on p-nilpotency of finite groups are obtained.This research generalises some of the recentresults.
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An Algebraic Criterion of Impulsive Controllability for a Class of Time-varying Systems
CHEN Wu-hua, DU Rui, FU Wei
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (2):  35-39. 
Abstract ( 77 )   Save
The impulsive controllability of a class of linear time-varying systems is studied.First,based on state transition matrix,necessaryand sufficient conditions for impulsive controllability of linear time-varyingsystems are obtained.Then,the frozen coefficient method combined with contraction mapping principle is applied to investigate the impulsive controllability of aclass of linear time-varying systems.An algebraic criterion for impulsive controllability is established.Finally,an example is provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the results.
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SS Chaotic Set in Set of Non-recurrent Points
DENG Jin-hong, ZHAO Jun-ling
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (2):  40-44. 
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This paper considers the existence of uncountable SSchaotic sets in Σ-R(σ) about σ:Σ→Σ,discusses how to divert the result about σ to the continuous map f:X→X,and explains the use with someexamples in the compact system (X,f).
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Explicit Solutions of Two (2+1)-dimensional Soliton Equations
MA Yun-ling, GENG Xian-guo
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (2):  45-49. 
Abstract ( 49 )   Save
Using bilinear method and with the aid of the (1+1)-dimensional equation,explicit solutions of two (2+1)-dimensional soliton equations are discussed and studied.Some explicit solutions of these equations areobtained,including one-soliton solution,two-soliton solution and N-soliton solution.A systematic procedure is given in detail to solve N-solitonsolution of the (2+1)-dimensional soliton equation.
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Slant Toeplitz Operators on Dirichlet Space
ZHANG Guo-feng, YU Tao
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (2):  50-55. 
Abstract ( 105 )   Save
In this paper,slant Toeplitz operator on Dirichlet space is defined.Some operator properties of slant Toeplitz operator such as commuting and spectrum are discussed.It's proved that:if φ,ψ∈H1(D),then BφBψ=BψBφ if and only if φ and ψ are linearly dependent in H1(D);if φ,φ-1∈H1(D),then σp(Bφ)=σp(Bφ(z2)).
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Synthesis and Crystal Structure of Conformationally Constrained Peptides with a Trans-2,3-diaryl-1-aminocyclopropanecarboxylic Acid Residue
HUANG Wan-yun, SU Gui-fa, PAN Cheng-xue, QIN Jiang-ke, TANG Huang, YI Xiang-hui
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (2):  56-60. 
Abstract ( 78 )   Save
Two diastereomers of conformationally constrained dipeptides with a trans-2,3-diaryl-1-aminocyclopropanecarboxylic acid residue were synthesized from L-Phenylalanine methyl ester and racemic 1-(4-Methoxy-phenyl)-2,5-diphenyl-6-oxa-4-aza-spiro[2.4]hept-4-en-7-one utilized the oxazolone method,and the structures of them were studied by means of X-ray single crystal diffraction analysis.
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Synthesis of Crystal Structure of {HgBr22-Cu(C26H22O2N4)]}n
SHANG Jing, NI Qing-ling, GUI Liu-cheng, WANG Xiu-jian, HUANG Ting-hong, MA Kai, ZENG Jian-qiang
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (2):  61-64. 
Abstract ( 52 )   Save
A novel one-dimensional chain coordination polymer{HgBr22-Cu(C26H22O2N4)]}n was synthesized bythe reaction of the building block CuL2 (L-=3-pyridylmethylsalicylideneimino) with HgBr2.X-ray single-crystal analysis reveals that the crystal of thetitle compound is monoclinic,space group C2/c with a=2.814 49(13) nm,b=0.624 53(3) nm,c=1.564 47(6) nm,β=114.808(4)°.The [CuL2] building unit in which the planar geometric Cu2+ is constructed by two phenol oxygen and two nitrogen atoms from two different L- in a trans arrangement,performs as a bidentate linker to bridge neighboring two HgBr2 to build a one-dimensional chain.Hg2+ adopts a distorted tetrahedral geometry constructed bytwo Br- ions and two N atoms.Interchain π…π weak interactions are observed between the chelating rings around Cu2+ cations and phenyl rings,whichleads chains packing into 2-D supramolecular structure along the crystallographic b-axis.
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Modification of Microporous Cellulose Acetate Membrane with Anionic Polyacrylamide by Chemical Surface-grafted Method
QIU Jian-hua, ZHANG Yan-wu, ZHANG Ya-tao, ZHANG Hao-qin, LIU Jin-dun
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (2):  65-70. 
Abstract ( 55 )   Save
The cellulose acetate (CA) microporous membranes weremodified by chemical surface-grafted method with anionic polyacrylamide.The effects of concentration of anionic polyacrylamide and cross-linking agent,reaction time and temperature on grafting yield and the flux and rejection of graftedmembrane were investigated.The results show that the flux of modified membranesdecreased while the rejection increased with increasing concentration of anionicpolyacrylamide and cross-linking agent,extending reaction time,raising reaction temperature.
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Fluorescence Decay Dynamics of Praseodymium Ions Doped in Lead Tungstate Crystal
XIONG Fei-bing, YANG Feng
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (2):  71-75. 
Abstract ( 48 )   Save
Fluorescence decay curves of the 3P0 and1D2 manifolds in Pr3+ doped PbWO4 crystal were measured at room temperature and fluorescence lifetimes of both manifolds were estimated.Combining with the radiative lifetimes of those manifolds calculated on the basis ofthe modified J-O theory,the fluorescence decay dynamics of those manifolds were analyzed.The multi-phonon relaxation and the cross-relaxation energy transfer are the major nonradiative relaxation for the excited 3P0 and 1D2 manifolds,respectively.The Inokuti-Hirayama model was used to analyze the fluorescence decay curve of the 1D2 manifold and the cross-relaxation of dipole-dipole interaction was confirmed.
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Photosynthetic Characteristics of Mentha haplocalyx Briq. of the Medical Plant Growing in Qinghai,China
SU Xu, LIU Yu-ping
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (2):  76-81. 
Abstract ( 88 )   Save
In order to reveal the photosynthetic characteristicsof leaves of Mentha haplocalyx Briq.with officinal herbs growing at the Qing-Tibet Plateau,those at three different altitudes in Huangyuan,Xining and Minhe of Qinghai Province were comparatively studied by adopting conventional determination method of photosynthesis indices.The result showed that:(1)the thickness of leaves was the thickest in Huangyuan district and the thinnest in Xining district.And there were significant differences between Xining and Minhe,Huangyuandistrict (p<0.01).(2)with altitude increasing,the carotenoid and chlorophyll content tended to rise,while the chlorophyll a/b and lutein/chlorophyll content tended to decline.And there were no significant differences among them (p>0.05) except for the carotenoid content there were significant differences between Minhe and Xining (p<0.05).(3)it was positive correlation between the photosynthetic rate and apparent quantum yield and elevation height,while the light compensation point and dark respiration rate decreased with increasing of theelevation.Simultaneity,there were no significant differences about the apparentquantum yield among three districts (p>0.05) and there were significant the obvious differences on the dark respiration rate and photosynthetic rate between Minhe and Huangyuan (p<0.05),but there were significant differences about the light compensation point among three districts (p<0.05).The studyrevealed that the changes of Mentha haplocalyx its photosynthetic characteristics was an adaptive response to adverse environments including low temperature,low air pressure,strong solar radialization,etc.
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Wetland Vascular Plants and Their Floristic Characteristics of Guangxi,China
LIANG Shi-chu, HUANG An-shu, LI Gui-yu, LIU Jie-en
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (2):  82-87. 
Abstract ( 129 )   Save
711 species of wetland vascular plants belonging to 314 genera and 120 families (including 9 subspecies,22 varieties and 1 forms) have been found so far in Guangxi,China.Among them,Pteridophytes had 26 species belonging to 17 genera and 15 families,Gymnospermae 5 species belonging to 4 genera and 2 families,and Angiosperms 680 species belonging to 293 genera and 103 families.The dominant families were Cyperaceae,Gramineae,Polygonaceae,Urticaceae,Scrophulariaceae,Composita,Hydrocharitaceae,Araceae,Eriocaulaceae,Commelinaceae,Labiatae,Ranunculacea,Umbelliferae,Lentibulariaceae and Onagraceae,andthe dominant gena were Polygonum,Cyperus,Fimbristylis,Eriocaulon,Eleocharis,Utricularia,and Carex.The floristic geographical components of the wetland vascular plants of Guangxi were multiform,in which the families could beclassified into 8 areal types and 5 subtypes,and the gena classified into 12 areal types and 9 subtypes.The wetland vascular flora had the following features:(1) herbs were well developed;(2)species of polytypic gena were more,while those of monotypic and olygotypic gena were fewer;(3)tropical floristic elements were dominant;(4) both gena and species endemic to China were poor.
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Abies ziyuanensis Structural Population in Dayuan,Yanling County, Hunan,China
LIU Yan-hua, LIU Zhao-hui, ZHANG Qi-wei, TANG Shao-qing
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (2):  88-93. 
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Abies ziyuanensis is a critically endangered conifer species endemically in China and the population in Dayuan,Yanling county.Hunan province is recognized as the largest one.Four natural A.ziyuanensis population were surveyed and the size structure.Life table and survival curve were analyzed.The result shows that there are 477 individuals of ≥1 m in height in the four population sites.The mortality is high at the seedling stage.The number of individuals decreases greatly in Zhongjiushi population along with the size grade indicating an obviously declining tendency.However,the size structure is stable in Xianggupeng population though the size scale is declining.Both size structure and scale are stable in Hepingao and Jimajie populations.
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Expression of KLF6,p21 and c-Jun in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma
HUANG Jian, WANG Guo-hua, HOU Qiao-yan, HOU Ju-hua
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (2):  94-98. 
Abstract ( 60 )   Save
To assess the expression of KLF6,p21 and c-Jun in oral squamous cell carcinoma,the expression of KLF6,p21 and c-Jun were detected by immunohistochemistry among 198 cases of cancerous tissue,49 cases of hyperplastic tissue,compared with 56 controls of normal tissue.The expression of KLF6 inthe group of normal,hyperplastic and cancerous tissue were 91.07%(51/56),83.67%(41/49),62.12%(123/198),respectively.There were significant differences amongthe three groups (P<0.05).The positive expression of KLF6 in the group oftumor>2 cm and moderate differentiated and poorly differentiated were significantly lower than that in the group with tumor≤2 cm and high differentiated (P<0.01).The positive expression of p21 in cancerous tissue of 81.82%(162/198)was significantly lower than that in normal tissue with 85.71%(48/56) (P<0.05).The expression of c-Jun in the group of normal,hyperplastic and canceroustissue were 8.93%(5/56),10.20%(5/49),46.97%(93/198),respectively.There were significant differences among the three groups (P<0.05).The deletion or reducing of KLF6 expression in nucleus and the increasing of KLF6 expression in cytoplasm were significantly correlated with the downregulation of p21 expression in the cancerous tissues (P<0.05).The deletion or reducing of KLF6 expression innucleus was significantly correlated with the increasing of c-Jun expression in the cancerous tissues (P<0.01).The results indicate that the abnormal expression of KLF6,p21 and c-Jun may involve in the development of the oral squamous cell carcinoma.Further research should be done to find out the mechanism andcorrelativity.
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cDNA Cloning and Sequence Analysis of the Myosin Light Chain 1 Gene in Siniperca scherzeri
ZHAO Fa-lan, BING Shi-yu, CHEN Dun-xue, NONG Xiao-xian, LIU Xi-liang
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (2):  99-103. 
Abstract ( 68 )   Save
The total RNA was isolated from the skeletal white muscle of Siniperca scherzeri.The myosin light chain 1(MCL1) was amplified using PCR technology,and then was cloned.The length of the myosin light chain 1(MCL1) cDNA is 579 bp,and encodes 192 amino acids,which includes two potential EF-hand structures.The putative protein of MLC1 shows predicted molecular weights of20 778.57 with a theoretical pI of 4.51.Compared with the MLC1 of others reported,the homology of the second potential EF-hand structure of the potential Ca2+ binding domain was well conserved among the MLC1s of all species.
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Analysis of Cold Tolerance Measure at Low-temperature in Six Tilapia Families
LU Qi-xi, LIN Yong, BIN Shi-yu, TANG Zhang-sheng, PENG Ting
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (2):  104-109. 
Abstract ( 111 )   Save
The study was done to assess the cold hardy capacityin 6 families of U.S.strains tilapia Oreochromis aureus.In the condition ofindoor artificial cooling,with 0.3 °C/3 h cooling method,calculated the semi-lethal low-temperature (LT50),lethal temperature and cooling degree hours(CDH) for each tilapia family to assess the cold tolerance of each family.The results showed that the LT50 values of the six families:5.80、5.70、5.80、5.83、6.00、5.80 °C and the CDH values are:1 102.50、1 130.67、1113.00、1 092.10、1 047.03、1 092.10 h.The correlation analysis and multiple comparisons amongLT50 values and CDH values showed that family Ⅴ were significant differences among with other families,which means that itscold hardy capacity is relatively weaker than the other families,while the LT50 values and CDH values of the rest families showed no statistical difference among themselves.The cold hardy capacity of the 6 families have been inherited stably and enhanced.
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Application of Errors in Cost-Sensitive Classifications
LIAO Yuan-xiu, ZHOU Sheng-ming
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (2):  110-113. 
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Aiming at the minimization problem of test costs andmisclassification costs on Cost-Sensitive learning,application of errors in classifications are discussed.A kind of decision trees and test strategies with thresholdsare proposed.There are errors on both Cost-Sensitive classifications resaltedfrom methods of tests and equipment accuracy and evaluating misclassification.In addition,many classification problems are not required to achieve one hundred percent classification accuracy.The boundaries of these errors are regarded as a kind of threshold values.The establishment of decision trees is simplified and the design of test strategies and the classification efficiency are improved by using these threshold values.
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Optimizing Parameters of SVM Based on Combined Bionic Algorithm
YAN Xiao-ming, ZHENG Zhi
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (2):  114-118. 
Abstract ( 47 )   Save
A new method in optimizing SVM classification's parameter is proposed.Following steps are applied:firstly,applying the GA to optimizethe SVM parameters in a rough range,then expanding nearby section of the best result of theGA,finally,using PSO algorithm optimized SVM parameters with new searching section,to improve the generalization ability of SVM and reduce the time consumptionof optimizing.Experiment results show that the proposed method has better generalization ability even in condition of losing sample data.
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Researching and Programming of Computer Games Using Artificial Neural Networks
ZHANG Ren-jin, TANG Cui-fang, LIU Bin
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (2):  119-124. 
Abstract ( 76 )   Save
Computer games are the results of the development ofhigh technology.Whether a computer game success or not is attribute to the corealgorithms.The new theories and algorithms should be applied to the research anddevelopment of computer games in order to offer game players move fun and raistheir interests in games.The Artificial Intelligence (AI) programming takes a decisive role on availability of game-play.On the basis of analyzing game software structure,this paper emphasizes on applying ANNs theoryand its study and prediction technology to the improvement of game software.In addition,it also discusses the design of computergames with predictive control,and the application of C++ and MATLAB in someexperiments of games.
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Self-organizing Inverse Kinematics Planning for Manipulators Based on Ant Colony Neural Network
ZHU Jing-wei, RUI Ting, LI Jue-long, FANG Hu-sheng, ZHANG Jin-lin
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (2):  125-129. 
Abstract ( 67 )   Save
Ant colony neural network is used to solve self-organizing inverse kinematics planning for manipulators.The neural network training problem is translated into the problem of searching the minimum value of the functionina continuous space by setting the objective function.In the early stage of the algorithm,the sample point set of the motion route is only needed to be obtained for training the neural network,and the inverse kinematics solution is not needed.The algorithm achieves self-organizing manipulator inverse kinematics planning for the neural network.The continuous ant colony algorithm is used to solve the problem of searching the minimum value for the continuous function.Experimental results show that the control algorithm has higher accuracy and convergence speed.
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RoboCup-Rescue Decision Making Process Based on Binary Particle Swarm Optimization
LIU Wei, WANG Hao, FANG Bao-fu
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (2):  130-133. 
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The agent decision-making process in RoboCup-Rescuesimulation system needs to weigh its own mission and collaboration activities of multi-agents so as to make the best decision in complicated multi-tasks environment.First,the binary particle swarm optimization algorithm is applied to RoboCup-rescue decision making process.Then,best decision can be obtained by the evaluation of RoboCup-rescue tasks and the use of inertial particle iterationmethod.Finally,the test results from the RoboCup-Rescue simulation system proves that this method can improve the rescue performance effectively.
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Discretization Algorithm for Interval Numbers by Associated Degree
E Xu, SHAO Liang-shan, LI Sheng, WANG Quan-tie
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (2):  134-137. 
Abstract ( 58 )   Save
Discretization is important in data preprocess.Afterresearching on the interval numbers discretization,a new algorithm is proposed.Firstly,associated degree of interval number is introduced to describethe associated relationship of two interval number,then threshold degree is defined to value discretization relationship between the datas.Finally,the algorithm defermine is applied in a group of data sets to test the performance.The experiment results compared with other discretization algorithm show that the algorithm is effective and effcient.
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Model of Controllable Transition System
XU Dao-yun, WANG Xiao-feng
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (2):  138-144. 
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A model of controllable transition system is presented based on the frame of nondeterministic labeled transition systems.In the model,the outputs associated with the inner states are viewed as observable information,and the feedback controls of the system are depended on historic records of observations of fixed length.The cycles of running in the system consist of inner running states,outer observations and feedback controls.Furthermore,the related properties in the system can be further studied based on the nondeterministic transition systems with probabilities or fuzzy theories,and the optimization of implementing system can be done by bisimulation of states equivalence.
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Application of Memetic Algorithm in the Airport Ground Services Scheduling Problem
LU Hong, QIN Yong-bin, LUO Cong
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (2):  145-150. 
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Airport ground services management is about thescheduling of airport ground services equipment to ensure the flights in normaloperation.According to the actual situation of airport ground services management,a task tree for flights is established.A mathematical model is established,which considers how to allocate resources in the assigned time.Then,the Memetic algorithm with beam search strategy is applied,which gains the best resource allocation solution and realizes rational scheduling.Simulation results show that thealgorithm for the airport ground services is effective.
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Algorithm to Cluster Search Results Based on Frequent Itemsets
SHA Bei-bei, XIE Li-cong
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (2):  151-155. 
Abstract ( 52 )   Save
Clustering method of search engines can help the users locate the relevant information quickly and efficiently.A method is proposed TS-FIC algorithm which takes the frequent itemsets mining from association rules as class label,and then organizes the initial cluster into the tree structure using thesemantic relations among frequent item sets.When the final cluster is formed,thesemantic similarity is introduced as an approach to compute the class similarity.Finally,by means of a novel ordering scheme,the ordered results can be displayed to the users.The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed algorithmis of certain feasibility and has excellent performance in terms of efficiency and accuracy.
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Text Clustering with Noise and It's Application in Anti-spam Systems
ZHOU Xin, HAO Zhi-feng, CAI Rui-chu, WEN Wen
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (2):  156-160. 
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A method based on Needleman-Wunsch algorithm is proposed to measure the similarity among the spam mails,in which thetexts usually contain a lot of noises.Based on the proposed similarity measurement,an efficient clustering algorithm is devised in the anti-spamsystems.Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed algorithm.
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More Effcient Clustering Algorithm Over Uncertain Data
LI Yun-fei, WANG Li-zhen, ZHOU Li-hua
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (2):  161-166. 
Abstract ( 80 )   Save
Clustering of uncertain data is an important researchdirection in the clustering research field.It has far-reaching applications inreal life.An improved clustering algorithm kd-means is proposed by optimizingclassical ck-means algorithm.The ck-means algorithm needs to calculate the distance of each cluster to the centroid of all objects,so when thesample is large,the clustering efficiency is not very good.The improved algorithm based on the kd-tree structure presented in the paper only needs to calculate part of the distances,which greatly improves the performance of the ck-means algorithm.Experiments demonstrate that the new algorithm is efficient.
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Co-location Patterns Mining Based on Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering
GAO Shi-jian, WANG Li-zhen, FENG Ling, CHEN Hong-mei
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (2):  167-173. 
Abstract ( 75 )   Save
Spatial co-location patterns represent the subsets of features whose instances are frequently located together in geographic space.It is an important research in the spatial data mining.Firstly,this paper introduces thebasic algorithms of co-location mining.Secondly,a new algorithm is proposed,which clusters the spatial data by the agglomerative hierarchical clustering algorithm,and mines co-location patterns based on the clustering result.Finally,the experimental evaluations of the new algorithm are presented.
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Method of Predicting Protein Complex Based on Supervised Learning
TANG Nan, YANG Zhi-hao, WU Jia-jin, WANG Yan-hua, LIN Hong-fei
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (2):  174-179. 
Abstract ( 67 )   Save
Protein complexes are important for understanding principles of cellular organization and function.Predicting protein complexes fromprotein-protein interaction (PPI) networks is of great significance.Previous methods for complex prediction are usually based on topological structure withoutconsidering the structure of complexes.In this paper,a supervised learning method is used to solve this problem.The features are constructed by multipleinformation of complex and the model obtained by the supervised method is usedinthe algorithm of complexes detection.The experimental results show that the method is an effective approach to predict protein complex from proteininteraction network.
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Realization of High-speed Image Search Based on SOFM
LUO Xin, PAN Qiao, WANG Hong-ya, CHEN Mei, KITA Kenji
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (2):  180-184. 
Abstract ( 84 )   Save
How to retrieve similar images quickly and effectively from a High-dimensional image database is a fundamental research in theimage retrieval field.A high-speed image retrieval algorithm is proposed basedon self-organizing feature map (SOFM).Using SOFM,high-dimensional vector dataare firstly transformed into one-dimensional units while preserving the higherorder topology by mapping similar data items to the same or the neighboring unit.Experiments on Core image database (51 138 images) show that the proposed algorithm can retrieve images from an image databases,effectively.
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Image Thresholding Method Based on Improved Moment Preserving
ZHANG Xin-ming, ZHANG Yu-shan, LI Zhen-yun
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (2):  185-190. 
Abstract ( 57 )   Save
The threshoding method based on moment preserving (MP) is a simple and effective image segmentation method.However there are some drawbacks,such as over and under thresholding.This paper presents an image thresholding method based on combing the discrete cosine transform (DCT) and moment preserving.Firstly,the rough threshold of MP is analyzed to obtain the condition of thepossible problems in order to decide the improved ways.Then,DCT coefficients oftheimage histogram are calculated through DCT.Since the low-frequency coefficients can reflect the ensemble,the sum of a few of them is used as an modifying amplitude.Finally,comparison of the first order moment and the rough threshold istaken for an modifying direction to modify the rough threshold adaptively.Experimental results show that the proposed method can not only get better segmentation result and better generalization,but also maintain the high speed of MP.
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Application of Attribute Theory in Image Segment
FENG Jia-li, YANG Run-ze
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (2):  191-194. 
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This paper presented a new method of image segmentation.Firstly,color images are converted to the HSI color space.Then,HSI color space intelligent integration model is established based on the theory of qualitative mapping.Finally,image segmentation is implemented through matching the featurecomponents of different colors pixels.The results of the MATLAB simulation showthat the proposed model has good performance in not only time-consuming but segmentation also.
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New Digital Watermarking Algorithm Based on NSCT and SVD
XIONG Shun-qing, ZHOU Wei-hong
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (2):  195-199. 
Abstract ( 42 )   Save
Nonsubsampled contourlet transform(NSCT) features with multi-scale,multi-direction and translational invariance.In this paper,a newdigital watermarking algorithm is proposed based on NSCT and Singular Value Decomposition(SVD).First,Nonsubsampled Contourlet Transform is applied on the original image to obtain the low frequency component of the image.Then the Singular ValueDecomposition of low frequency component of image is carried out.At last,the watermark information is embedded into the eigenvalue matrix of low frequency component of image.The experiment results proves that the new algorithm has good resistance against rotation,JPEG compression and noise attack.Furthermore,comparedwith algorithm based DWT and SVD,oncombination of DWT with SVD and combination of of Contourletwith SVD,the watermarking algorithm based on NSCT combined with SVD significantly improves the robustness.
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Algorithm of Digital Audio Watermarking Based on Qualitative Mapping
ZHOU Yan-yan, FENG Jia-li
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (2):  200-204. 
Abstract ( 211 )   Save
An audio watermarking algorithm based on mean quantization and qualitative mapping wavelet is presented.And the Harr wavelet is attributed to the difference of two qualitative mapping.The main idea of the method is that a binary image is embeded into the original audio signals.In the preprocessing step,an image processing algorithm is used based on polarization identity toimprove the security of the method.According to the characteristics of human auditory system and using the wavelet induced by qualitative mapping,the watermarksignals are embedded into the treated lower coefficient.Simulation results showthat the algorithm is of good imperceptibility and robustness,and can resist various signal processing manipulations.
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Mechanism of Multi-agent Task Allocation for Ocean Spatial Data Integration
SU Cheng, CHEN Wen-na, ZHOU Ling, HUANG Dong-mei
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (2):  205-209. 
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Reasonable task allocation of ocean space integration is a key technology which realizes effective utilization of the Marine spatial data.On the basis of CNP,this paper takes some factors,such as time and space,as comprehensive evaluation standards,then designs a mechanism of multi-agenttask allocation for ocean spatial data integration by the distributed characteristic of ocean spatial data in the so called Digital Ocean.This mechanism solvesthe problems of CNP,such as communication burden,and improves the efficiency of task allocation of ocean space data integration.Finally,the simulation results show the validity of the mechanism.
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Clustering Management Structure for Greenhouse Wireless Sensor Network Based on Agent
WU Yi-xian, SU Cheng, CHEN Ming, FENG Guo-fu, CHI Tao
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (2):  210-214. 
Abstract ( 37 )   Save
Since current greenhouse wireless measurement andcontrol system that ignore the problem of nodes energy consumption and networklifetime,this paper proposes a greenhouse wireless clustering management structurebased on agent.In this structure,local static agents are in charge of cluster selection and intra-culster(inter-cluster)agents are in charge of sensor information collection.It manages greenhouse wireless measurement and control system by agents' coordination and cooperation.Analysis and simulation results indicatethat this structure saves node energy consumption enormously and prolongs network lifetime.
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Control Strategy for Wireless Sensor Network Topology Based on Mobile Agent
LIU Xiang-nan, CHEN Ming, FENG Guo-fu, CHI Tao
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (2):  215-218. 
Abstract ( 52 )   Save
Since the wireless sensor network topology,control algorithm does not consider node energy consumption.This paper proposes a wireless sensor network topology control strategy based on mobile Agent,and adoptes mobileagent flooding method to obtain network topology information.This method floodes topology discovery Agents from sink node for topology discovery,sends the topology information back to sink node by topology report Agents,and dynamically selectes cluster head according to node residual energy.Simulation result indicatesthat,with this method,cluster head distribute uniformly and reasonablely,and network energy consumption could be saved efficiently.
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Identification of Temperature Field in Intelligent Building Based on BP Network
CHENG Hong-mei, ZHANG Zhen-ya, ZHANG Shu-guang
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (2):  219-222. 
Abstract ( 66 )   Save
The identification of temperature filed of monitored region is one of the keysteps for the energy efficiency management in intelligent buildings.In this paper,the identification of temperature field in monitored region is treated as oneoptimization problem and feed forward neural network is adopted as the identification structure.To improve the performance of the identification model,input data of the desired neural network is normalized with minimum maximum methodas middle image and the normalized image of the input data is the stereographic projection of the middle image.To test the performance of the proposed identification model,BP and RBF neural networks are used as the desired feed forward neural network with temperature matrix for the infrared photograph in the experiment.Experiment results show that the performance of BP based temperature field identification model perporms well.
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Load Localization of Optical Fiber Smart Structures Based on Probabilistic Neural Networks
LI Peng
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (2):  223-226. 
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In this paper,the load location of optical fiber smart structures is identified based on probabilistic neural networks.The optical fiber network and the monitoring circuit were designed to acquire structural load information as feature vectors.The probabilistic neural networkstructure is brought forward by employing the method of neural network.The feature vectors as the sample is presented to the probabilistic neural network.Theeffect of smoothing parameter and number of training samples on the localization performance of the probabilistic neural network is studied.The result shows that good selection of the number of training samples (30)and smoothing parameter (0.25) boost the load localization accuracy (93.2%).The localization model of probabilistic neural was presented finally.
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Energy-saving Analysis and Control of Central Air Conditioning System
PENG Xin-yi, LI Xue-qiang
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2011, 29 (2):  227-234. 
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In order to maximize energy-saving of central air-conditioning,through the simulation and analysis of central air conditioning refrigerant principle and cooling load balance in building,an energy-saving control model basedon energy requirements is built.Under this model,the cooling load reduction in percentage with the temperature rising 1 degree is studied,as well as the resettingtime interval for air conditioning in energy-saving working status.then,some actual data of an university are denosied and further calculated using linear regression method,and also a proposed control strategy for two groups of refrigerating units is provided,Finally,energy saving parameters are suggestedto guide the energy-saving of central air-conditioning.
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