Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition) ›› 2011, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (3): 60-64.

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Effects of Se on Some Physiological-Biochemical CharacteristicsofSiraitia grosvenorii Seedling Under Cd2+ Stress

SHI Gui-yu1,2, YI Li-na1, LIANG Chao-hong1, LI Ming-xia1   

  1. 1.College of Life Sciences,Guangxi Normal University,Guilin Guangxi 541004,China;
    2.Key Laboratory of Ecology of Rare and Endangered Species and Environmental Protection,Ministry of Education,Guangxi Normal University,Guilin Guangxi 541004,China
  • Received:2011-04-11 Online:2011-08-20 Published:2018-12-03

Abstract: Heavy metal Cd2+ has the inhibitory actionto plant's growth,while Se is beneficial to plant's growth.Siraitia grosvenorii seedling is selected as the research object in this study.By adding differentconcentrations of Cd2+ (0、10、50、500 μmol·L-1) and Se2+(10μmol·L-1)into medium under sterile conditions analysis the correlativePhysiological-Biochemical Indices of Siraitia grosvenorii seedling after cultivating 20 days.The results showed that with the increase of Cd2+ concentration,the contents of chlorophyll were steadily decline,but the rising trends appearedin the contents of protein,soluble sugar,proline(PRO) and malondialdehyde(MDA).The activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD),peroxidase (POD) and catalase (CAT) werefirst increased and then decreased.The addition of Se dalayed the decline of chlorophyll,and raised protein and soluble carbohydrates and proline content,but inhibited the increase of malondialdehyde level.Meanwhile increased the activities of CAT,POD and SOD.Studies showed that the toxicity of high concentrations of cadmium ions can also inhibit the protective enzyme activity,hurt the membranesystem,and change the protein,soluble sugar,proline,then affect the growth of Siraitia grosvenorii seedling.The mixed treatment of cadmium and seleniumreflects that selenium has alleviate function on the toxicity of cadmium.

Key words: Siraitia grosvenorii, protective enzyme, physiological-biochemical, Cd2+, Se

CLC Number: 

  • Q945.78
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