Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition) ›› 2020, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (4): 113-123.doi: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2020.04.014

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Bird Diversity of Gulinqing Nature Reserve, Yunnan, China

ZENG Wei, LONG Yongcai, GAO Ge, LI Wande, HU Yuanfang,LI Xuezhu, WANG Yufeng, SHAO Shimiao, LUO Xu*   

  1. Key Laboratory for Conserving Wildlife with Small Populations in Yunnan, Faculty of Biodiversity Conservation,Southwest Forestry University, Kunming Yunnan 650224, China
  • Received:2019-05-21 Published:2020-07-13

Abstract: In 2018, a field survey was carried out on the bird species of Gulinqing Nature Reserve in Yunnan Province. The survey was taken for four times, each in one season. A total of 170 species of bird belonging to 45 families and 10 orders were recorded, of which 10 species were listed as National Second-class Protected Animals. There were 142 residents (83.53%), 10 summer visitors (5.88%), 9 winter visitors (5.29%), and 9 migrants (5.29%). Of the 152 species of breeding birds (residents and summer visitors), 134 were originally treated as Oriental species in terms of avifauna, which was consistent with the characteristics of its position inside Indochina bioregion. In respect of the three habitat types of this reserve, the broadleaved forest had the highest bird richness (129 species) and the highest diversity index (H′=5.829), which indicated its high value for conservation. Bird richness was the highest in autumn (108 species), followed by spring (103), winter (91) and summer (88), however, the highest bird density occurred in winter, which resulted from the increase of bird flocks in this season. These results of the survey provided the first records of avifauna from Gulingqing Nature Neserve, thereby providing primary baseline data of wildlife resources for future management of biodiversity.

Key words: Gulinqing Nature Reserve, bird diversity, avian fauna, seasonal change

CLC Number: 

  • Q958.152
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