Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition) ›› 2011, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (3): 52-56.

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Treatment of Piggery Wastewater by Entrapped Mixed Micro-Bio ofEmbed Method at Low Temperature

ZHONG Cheng-hua1,2, ZHANG Wen-dong1, LIU Peng2, CHENJian3   

  1. 1.College of Environment and Biological Engineering,ChongqingTechnology and Business University,Chongqing 400067,China;
    2.College of Urban Construction and EnvironmentalEngineering,Chongqing University,Chongqing 400045,China;
    3.Chongqing Research Academy of Environmental Sciences,Chongqing 401147,China
  • Received:2011-05-09 Online:2011-08-20 Published:2018-12-03

Abstract: :Piggery wastewater was treated by immobilized mixed microorganisms which were made of PVA,SA and river sand,and some factors that affected the degradation process of piggery wastewater were studied by comparing the ammonia nitrogen and COD removal rate.The results indicated that theremoval rates of COD and ammonia nitrogen were 87.8% and 64.8% respectively in the following conditions:the atmospheric temperature 1~8 °C,the dosage of MB20%,DO concentration 6~7 mg/L,pH 7.0~8.4,and the ratio of aeration time to non-aeration time 1∶1,after 10 days treatment of piggery wastewater.Therefore,the method using immobilized technology to treat piggery wastewater is feasible at low temperature.

Key words: immobilization, mixed microorganisms, low temperature, piggery wastewater

CLC Number: 

  • X713
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