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20 September 2012, Volume 30 Issue 3
Constructions of Optimal (v,{3,4,5,6},1,Q)-OOCs
WU Dian-hua, TONG Jia
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (3):  1-6. 
Abstract ( 53 )   Save
In this paper,it is proved that there exist an optimal (37q,{3,4,5,6},1,(2/5,1/5,1/5,1/5))-OOC and an optimal (44q,{3,4,5,6},1,(1/5,1/5,2/5,1/5))-OOC for each prime q≥7.
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Some New Properties of Integral Circulant Graphs
TANG Gao-hua, XIONG Teng-fei, ZHANG Pei-yang, HUANG Hong-di
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (3):  7-15. 
Abstract ( 43 )   Save
Integral circulant graph Xn(D) has the vertex set Zn={0,1,2,…,n-1},and vertices a and b are adjacent ifand only if gcd(a-b,n)∈D,where D is a set of positive and proper divisorsof n.The planarity,independence number and edge chromatic number of some integral circulant graph are studies,and the size of themaximum matching of integral circulant graphs is completely evaluated.
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Strong Consistency of Frequency Polygon Density Estimator for φ Mixing Sequence
YANG Shan-chao, LIANG Dan
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (3):  16-21. 
Abstract ( 52 )   Save
Scott (1985) proposed a frequency polygon density estimation,and proved that it dominated the histogram with respect to the criterionof integrated mean squared error and had the same rate of convergence to zero of the integrated mean squared error as non-negative kernel estimator for independent samples.For α mixing sequence,Carbon et al (1997) showed the uniformly strong consistency of the frequency polygons estimate and the convergence rate.Nadia and Sophie (2010) extended these results to the multivariate case.This paper extends the research to the case of the φ mixing samples,and proves theuniformly strong consistency of the frequency polygons estimate,which getsbetter convergent rate and weakens the conditions used by Carbon et al (1997) and Nadia and Sophie (2010).
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Empirical Likelihood for Marginal Joint Probability Density Functions of a Negatively Associated Sample
QIN Yong-song, YANG Cui-lian
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (3):  22-29. 
Abstract ( 73 )   Save
This paper studies the construction of confidenceintervals for the marginal joint probability density functions of a negatively associated (NA) sample by are studied using the blockwise technique.It is shows that the blockwise empiricallikelihood (EL) ratio statistic is asymptotically χ2-type distributed,which is used to obtain EL-based confidence interval for the probability densityfunctions.
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A Goodness of Fit Test Based on Empirical Euclidean Likelihood
ZHANG Jun-jian, ZHAN Huan, YAN Zhen
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (3):  30-35. 
Abstract ( 39 )   Save
A goodness of fit test is constructed by means of empirical Euclidean likelihood,and the limit null distribution of the test statistics is derived.Then,the parameters are estimated by maximum likelihood estimate (MLE) under the composite null hypothesis.Subsequently,the corresponding test statistics is constructed and its limit null distribution is given.Finally,the newtest is compared with chi-square test and Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) test by simulations.Simulation results show that the new test is more powerful and has smaller computational complexity.Therefore,the new test shows favorable application and potential prospect.
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Pricing European Chooser Options in Heston's Stochastic Volatility Model and Hedging Strategies
DENG Guo-he
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (3):  36-43. 
Abstract ( 65 )   Save
This paper considers the pricing of European chooseroptions in which the underlying stock's price follows the Heston's stochastic volatility model.Using the Girsanov transform,multivariate characteristic functionand Fourier inverse transform,the closed-form solutions for the price of the European chooser options are obtained.And the impacts of volatility parameters are analized on both the chooser option price and its delta hedging value with numerical examples.
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Maximal Supersolvable Subgroups and Supersolubility of Finite Groups
ZHONG Xiang-gui, LIAO Shu-hua, LI Ming-hua, TAN Chun-gui, CHEN Xiao-xiang
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (3):  44-47. 
Abstract ( 60 )   Save
Let G be a finite group.This paper introduces a new subgroup,which characterizes the intersection of all maximal supersolvable subgroups of G.By using this subgroup and its properties,some new results about the supersolvability of a group are obtained,which extend some recentresults.
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Periodic Oscillation for a Class of Neural Network Models with n Discrete Delays
FENG Chun-hua
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (3):  48-53. 
Abstract ( 72 )   Save
By using analysis method,periodic oscillation ofthe solutions for a class of neural network models with n discrete delays between neural interconnections is investigated.New criteria are proposed to guarantee the existence of periodic oscillation of the solutions for this network model.Numerical simulation validates this method and demonstrates the correctness of the theoretical analysis.
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A Study of the Alpha-particle Structure for 24MgNucleus by p-24Mg Elastic Scattering
YANG Yong-xu
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (3):  54-58. 
Abstract ( 70 )   Save
Based on alpha-particle structure model of 24Mg nucleus,the form factor of alpha distribution in the 24Mg nucleus was obtained from the charge distribution.The differential cross section of the p-24Mg elasticscattering at 800 MeV have been calculated in the framework of Glauber multiple scattering theory.The results show that the mean features of the measured angular distribution of the cross section can be reasonably described by the alpha-particle structure model of 24Mg nucleus.But detailed fits to the experimental data,especially at the larger angle region,are discrepant.The different alpha-particle structure model of 24Mg nucleus should be further systematically investigated.
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Application of Radial Basis Function Approach on Nuclear Mass Predictions
WANG Ning, LIU Min
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (3):  59-63. 
Abstract ( 65 )   Save
Combining the radial basis function (RBF) approach,the accuracy and predictivepower of some global nuclear mass models are significantly improved.The root-mean-square deviation between the experimental data for 2 149 known masses and predictions from four models falls to ~200 keV.The leave-one-out cross validationand AME03-11 tests show that the RBF approach is a very powerful and useful toolfor further improving the reliability of mass models.The RBF corrections for some global nuclear mass models are also presented,which is helpful for evaluating model errors and improving model accuracy.
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Pre-neutron-emission Mass Distributions for Neutron-induced 238U Fission at Low and Intermediate Energies
SUN Xiao-jun, YU Cheng-gang, WANG Ning
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (3):  64-70. 
Abstract ( 50 )   Save
238U,of which abundance is almost 95%,is one ofthe most important isotopes of the spent nuclear fuel.The study of neutron-induced 238U fission is in favor of the cycle processing of the spentfuel.Based on the microscopic and phenomenological approach,the pre-neutron-emissionmass distributions of neutron-induced 238U fission at incident energies from 0.9 to 60 MeV have been studied with the fission potential theory proposed in previous paper.The calculated results could well reproduce the experimental data,and are even better thanthat of the famous TALYS code at intermediate energies.The results can also reasonably predict the distributions at the vibrationalresonances,and the deviation between the experimental and the theoretical datais also analyzed.
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Presupernova and Numerical Simulation of Type Ⅱ Supernova Explosion
ZHANG Miao-jing, YANG Jian-hui, PAN Jiang-hong
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (3):  71-76. 
Abstract ( 63 )   Save
ased on the input data of presupernova with fallbackand mixing of matter,a simulation of type Ⅱ supernova explosion process is made,which includes core collapse,shock propagation and explosion energy.The explosion is simulated in prompt mechanism by one dimension spheral symmetry model with presupernovae mass of 12 M to 15 M.The results show that the core mass,density,temperature and composition affect the type Ⅱ supernova explosion significantly,but theprompt mechanism cannot get the expecting explosion.
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Dissipation Effect of Quantum Fluctuation on Envelope Soliton in Fermi-Pasta-Ulam Model
ZENG Shang-you, ZHANG Zheng-zhen, ZENG Shao-wen, ZHOU Li-ming, WANG Rong-feng, TANG Wen-yan, FANG Xin-he, LIANG Dan
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (3):  77-82. 
Abstract ( 84 )   Save
In this paper,the time-dependent variational principle (TDVP) is applied to study the one-dimensional Fermi-Pasta-Ulam (FPU) model,and the dynamic equation of particles in the chain is obtained by TDVP.In thesemi-quantal study,the considered quantum effect is quantum fluctuation.The Jackiw-Kerman wave function is used for the single particle.The research results show that quantum fluctuation can disperse,blur and even destroy the nonlinear excitation of FPU model,envelope soliton.The effect of quantum fluctuation has thequasi-exponentional relationship with the effective Plank constant.Furthermore,it is found that coupling the effective Plank constant the anharmonic couplingstrength has the joint effect on quantum dissipation.The uniquely joint effect may be induced by the unique Hamiltonian of the FPU chain.
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Cascading Failure on BA Scale-free Communication Networks
ZOU Yan-li, ZHOU Qiu-hua
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (3):  83-87. 
Abstract ( 73 )   Save
The robustness problem is studied under differenttraffic loads oncommunication networks.The cascading failure on a BA scale-free network is analyzed after some max-degree nodes attacked when the network is in the free-flow state,useing the local structural information routing strategy and givingthe priority to those nodes with big degrees.Simulation shows that both the robustness and the averageefficiencyof the network reduce with the increase of the packet generation rate when the network is in the free-flow state.In critical congestion state,about 50 percent nodes will become failure through cascading when 10 percent big nodes are attackedand the network's efficiency will become zero when 20 percent big nodes are attacked.In the free-flow state with light load,attacking 40~50 percent big nodes will make the whole network collapse.
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Effects of Average Degree on Network Dynamics
ZHAO Ming, NIU Ya-lan, ZHONG Jin-xiu, LIANG Feng-jun, LUO Jiang-sheng, ZHENG Mu-hua
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (3):  88-93. 
Abstract ( 62 )   Save
The effects of average degree on synchronization,gamesand information spreading are studied.The results show that increasing the average degree will enhance the synchronizability of networks,increase the cooperation rate in network,games and enlarge the spreading scale of information.Besides,it's found that the scale-free networks whose degree distribution is heterogeneous,show the synchronizability is strong when the coupling matrix is Laplacian and it is even stronger when the coupling matrix is normalized Laplacian.This study sheds light on the effects of average degree on the dynamical behavior of complexnetworks,which may be useful for the regulation of the corresponding dynamical behavior.
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Property of Single EMD and the Mechanism of IMF
HU Wei-ping, DONG Zhen-hua
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (3):  94-99. 
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This paper investigates the frequency property of single EMD andthe mechanism of IMF by using a compound signal composed of two pure tones.Theresults show that,in the sifting procedure of EMD,the higher frequency component extracts the energy of lower one to produce IMF and determines its band and location in frequency domain,and the extraction can not be relayed by the components in the middle area.In the end the filter banksof EMD were conpared with wavelet by giving the demonstration of the single EMD's frequency domain property.
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A Distributed Routing Approach for Datacenter-oriented Virtual Network
LI Xian-xian, GAO Qi
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (3):  100-108. 
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In the enterprise-oriented virtual network computingenvironment,itusually uses data center framework to organize the underlying physical resourcesand aggregates the distributing virtual machine resources by virtual network.It requires that the virtual network provide high-performance data transfer for the requirements of mass data processing.However,it's difficult for the existing virtual network routing approaches and data transmission technologies based on IP capsulation to ensure the efficiency of transmission.To solve the problem,an efficient and reliable virtual network solution DR-VNET on the underlyingdatacenter architecture is proposed in this paper.The solution is based on layer 3 virtual network,and adopts the distributed routing technology of virtual network in which the communication between virtual nodes needs only “one hop”.This approach can improve data transmission efficiency and avoide the bottlenecksof the routing in the existing virtual network solution.It has been implemented in a virtual computing platform,and experiment results showed the promotion of transmission efficiency of the virtual network.
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Mining the Glioblastoma Data from the Cancer Genome Atlas
YAN Xiao-wei, TIAN Qiang, ZHANG Shi-chao
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (3):  109-112. 
Abstract ( 41 )   Save
With non-tumor samples as the reference,the GBM patients were classified into two classes by using the distance correlation of methylation data from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA).Then,these two classesof patients were compared and some potentially significant results were obtained.
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Parametric Estimation of Affine Transformations Based on Corner Detection and the Geometric Constraints
WANG Qiang, WANG Gang, ZHANG Lü-yun, DENG Pei-min
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (3):  113-118. 
Abstract ( 63 )   Save
An improved algorithm of estimating the affine transformation aligninga known 2D shape and its distorted observation is proposed in this paper,as existing algorithms have difficulty of finding correspondences and the high computational complexity in solving this kind of registration problem.The conceptof corner points and the convex hull of point set are introduced to set up a group of leaner equations in the proposed approach.The corner points of the template image and observation are detected firstly,then the feature point sets are determined and the convex hulls are constructed.It is a principle in computational geometry that the convex hulls are correspondent before and after the affine transformation.An affine transformation includes six unknown parameters,which needsix equations to solve the six parameters.When there are interior points inside the convex hull,the points on convex hull,the centroid of the hull and the interior points can be used to construct six equations with the horizontal and vertical coordinates.When there are no interior points inside convex hull,a pair of extra quadratic equations should be built with horizontal and vertical coordinates using the polynomial theory to solve the six parameters.The main advantage of the proposed algorithm is that only the correspondence of point sets instead of the one-to-one correspondence of feature points between the template imageand observation are needed to be found.Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm is more accurate in parametric estimation,and its computational complexity is much lower than that of the region-based approach.
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Information Hiding Algorithm for JPEG Images Based on Block
ZHANG Xian-quan, WANG Xian-hui, WANG Xiao-yun, YUChun-qiang
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (3):  119-124. 
Abstract ( 63 )   Save
The cover image is firstly divided into non-overlapping blocks,whichare then classified into different categories according to quantized DCT coefficients of each block and the characteristics of Human Visual System.Different methods are adopted to hide the secret data in AC coefficients for different typesof blocks in order to reduce the influence on the cover image.The types of imageblock remain unchanged after secret is hidden in these blocks,thereby the secretdata can be extracted exactly.Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm can not only maintain visual quality of JPEG image but also achieve high capacity.
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Semantic Learning and Retrieval of Images Based on Probabilistic Topic Modeling
LI Zhi-xin, CHEN Hong-chao, WU Jing-li, ZHOU Sheng-ming
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (3):  125-134. 
Abstract ( 81 )   Save
In order to bridge the semantic gap existing in imageretrieval,a semantic learning model is proposed to annotate image automatically.Firstly,continuous probabilistic latent semantic analysis (PLSA) and its corresponding parameter estimation algorithm are presented.In addition,maximum penalized likelihood is adopted to solve the singularity problem of covariance matrix.Secondly,in terms of the characteristics of different modalities,the proposed probabilistic model employs continuous PLSA and traditional PLSA to model visual features and textual words respectively.The model can discover the mutual semantic topics ofthese two modalities by an asymmetric learning approach.So it predicts semanticannotation more precisely for unseen images.Finally,the experiments are conducted on two baseline Corel datasets which contain 5 000 and 31 695 images respectively.In comparison with several state-of-the-art approaches,higher accuracy and superior effectiveness of the approach are reported.
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Perceptual Image Hash Function Using DCT-Based Feature Points
TANG Zhen-jun, DAI Yu-min, ZHANG Xian-quan, ZHANG Shi-chao
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (3):  135-141. 
Abstract ( 51 )   Save
This paper proposes a perceptual image hash function using discrete cosine transform (DCT) based feature points.Specifically,the input image is first mapped to a normalized image by preprocessing.The normalized image is then divided into non-overlapping blocks.Next,two dimensional DCT is applied toeach block,and AC coefficients of each block are used to form a feature point.Finally,gravity center of the feature points is calculated and the hash is obtained by computing the Euclidian distance between the gravity center and each feature point.Experiments show that the proposed algorithm is robust against normal digital operations and reaches good discrimination.Receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curve comparisons indicate that the proposed algorithm outperforms three well-known existing algorithms.
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Designing of Comprehensive Optimization Parallel Algorithm for Lattice Boltzmann Method Based on CUDA
ZHANG Chao-ying, LI Bing-hua, QIN Zhang-rong
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (3):  142-148. 
Abstract ( 52 )   Save
In this paper,a parallel algorithm for lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) is implemented based on GPU in the CUDA framework.In order toimprove the efficiency of the algorithm,several typical optimization strategiesare investigated,and a new comprehensive optimization solution is obtained.The results of numerical experiments on 3-D Poiseuille flows in a tube show that theLBM parallel algorithm designed with the new optimal solution is much more efficient than those from existing optimal solutions.
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Strategies for Solving the 1D Cutting Stock Problem of Multiple Stock Lengths
CUI Yao-dong, ZHOU Mi, YANG Liu
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (3):  149-153. 
Abstract ( 90 )   Save
The linear programming approach and the enhanced sequential heuristicprocedure are combined to solve the 1D cutting stock problem of multiple stock lengths.A procedure of the all capacity property is used to generate multiple patterns,from which the new pattern is selected using a ratio method.The experimental result indicates that the algorithm can improve the solutions to some benchmarkinstances and give solutions of the same material cost as that of some commercial packages,using much shorter computation time.
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Algorithm for Computing Core Based on Knowledge Granulation in Incomplete Decision Table
XU Zhang-yan, ZENG Yan-yan
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (3):  154-158. 
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For cutting down the time complexity of the algorithmfor computing core in incomplete information system,the construction of granulation binary discernibility matrix based on knowledge granulation is presented.According to thedefinition of the attribute importance and the definition of core,a computingcore algorithm based on the granulation binary discernibility matrix is designed,and the time complexity of the new algorithm is analyzed.The time complexity ofthe new algorithm is max{O(|C||U||Upos|),O(K|C||U|)},which is better than that of the same kind of algorithms.At last an example is used to illustrate the efficiency of the newalgorithm.
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Regulation of Amantadine Hydrochloride Binding with ⅡA Subdomain of Human Serum Albumin by Fatty Acid Chains
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (3):  159-170. 
Abstract ( 61 )   Save
HSA is a major protein component of blood plasma that has been exploited to bind and transport a wide variety of endogenous and exogenous organic compounds.While anionic drugs readily associate with the ⅡA subdomain of HSA,most cationic drugs poorly associate to HSA at this subdomain.In this study,the association between cationic drugs and HSA by modifying HSA with fatty acid chains was improved.For our experiments,amantadine hydrochloride,a cationic drug with antiviral and antiparkinsonian effects were tested,the results suggest that extensive myristoylation of HSA can help stabilize the interaction between amantadine and HSA in vitro.The X-ray crystallography data further elucidates the structural basis of this regulation.Additionally,the crystallography data suggests that anionic drugs,with a functional carboxylate group,may enhance the association between amantadine and HSA by a mechanism similar to myristolation.Ultimately,the results provide critical structural insight into this novel association between cationic drugs and the HSA ⅡA subdomain,raising the tempting possibility to fully exploit the unique binding capacity of HSA's ⅡA subdomain to achieve simultaneous delivery of anionic and cationic drugs.
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Rigid Pillars and Double Walls in a Porous Metal-Organic Framework: Single-Crystal to Single-Crystal,Controlled Uptake and Release of Iodine and Electrical Conductivity
ZENG Ming-hua, LI Dan-dan, YIN Zheng, WANG Qiang-xin, ZHANG Dong-cai
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (3):  171-177. 
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The first high stable micro-porous metal-organic framework with rigidpillars and double-walls,Zn3(pybz)2(lac)2·2.5DMF (1) wasconstructed from infinite pillars {[Zn3(DL-lac)2]2+}n and 4-pyridyl benzoate(pybz) which is long,polar and ditopic at the opposite ends through the pyridine and the carboxylate under solvothermal reaction.1 crystallized in tetragonal P4—21c space group.Thereare 1D channels running along the c axis with window size of 1.12×1.02 nm2 in 1.A void volume of 43.5% was calculated by PLATON.A Langmuir surface area of918.5 m2·g-1 further confirms the permanent porosity of complex 1′.The framework of 1 is highly stable up to 400 °C which is confirmed by TG and variable temperature powder X-ray diffraction measurement.Guest removed phase Zn3(pybz)2(lac)2 (1′) can be obtained through single-crystal to single-crystal transformation.1′ shows outstanding iodine enrichment ability in cyclohexanesolution of I2and one gram of 1′ can absorb approximately 1 g of iodine to obtain {[Zn3(pybz)2(lac)2]·3I2}n (1′·3I2).1′·3I2 shows controlled iodine releasing in ethanol solvent.The potential intermolecular interactions between I2 and π-electronwalls induced n→σ* charge-transfer and resulted in cooperative electrical conductivity for of 1′ 3I2,which is about 440 times higher than iodine.A special phenomena was found that increased electrical conductivityresulted from cooperative interaction between insulating guests and insulating coordination polymers for the first time.
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Synthesis of Novel 3-D Superstructure of SnO2@Carbon Nanochains Functional Materials and Application
FANG Yue-ping, ZHOU Xun-fu, YANG Shi-yuan, WANG Hong-qiang
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (3):  178-188. 
Abstract ( 34 )   Save
3-D architectures based on SnO2@C nanochains assembled into multi-rings have been synthesized on a large scale using low-cost starting materials of stannate and glucose.The products were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM),transmission electron microscopy (TEM),X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) and Raman tester (Raman).SCNCs with about 8 nm carbon shell synthesized by optimized routes were demonstrated for optimal electrochemical performances as anodes for lithium-ion batteries.More than 760 mAh·g-1 of reversible discharge capacity was achieved at a current density of 300 mA·g-1,and above 85% retention can be obtained after 100 charge-discharge cycles.PtRu nanoparticles were synthesized in situ on the carbon surface of SnO2@C nanochains.The as-prepared samples were applied to methanol oxidation,showing excellent electrochemical catalyticactivity.
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Synthesis,Crystal Structure and Characterization of One-Dimensional Au-Organophosphine Complex Based on Intermolecular Au…Au Interactions
WANG Xiu-jian, CONG Xin-yu, JIANG Xuan-feng, MA Kai, ZHANG Zhi-hao, ZENG Jian-qiang, NI Qing-ling
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (3):  189-193. 
Abstract ( 54 )   Save
By the reaction of [AuCl(THT)] (THT=tetrahydrothiophene) and N,N,N′,N′-tetrakis ((diphenylphosphino) methyl)biphenyl-4,4′-diamine,a tetranuclearcomplex [Pbbaa(AuCl)4] was afforded.X-ray diffraction analysis shows thatadjacent molecules are bridged by intermolecular Au…Au interactions to form an one-dimensional chain.The 31P and 1H spectra of this complex are measured,while the solid state luminescence at 509 nm is ascribed to MLCT transition destabilized by intermolecular Au…Au interactions.
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Synthesis,Crystal Structure and Fluorescent Properties of [Cd2(BHP)2(2,6-pda)2(H2O)2]·H2O
LIANG Fu-pei, LIU Dong-cheng, NIE Chuan-li
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (3):  194-200. 
Abstract ( 51 )   Save
A binuclear complex [Cd2(BHP)2(2,6-pda)2(H2O)2]·H2O with mixed ligands was synthesized from the solvothermal reaction (BHP=pyridine-2,6-dicarbohydrazide and 2,6-H2pda=pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylic acid) and it is characterizedby IR and elemental analyses.The results of single-crystal X-ray diffractionanalysis show that the title complex crystallizes in the triclinic space groupPī with a=0.999 70(13) nm,b=1.038 00(15) nm,c=1.077 40(16) nm,α=115.601(3)°,β=110.510(3)°,γ=98.416(2)°,V=0.883 7(2) nm3,Z=1.In the title complex,each Cd(Ⅱ) ion is seven-coordinated in distorted pentagonal bipyramidal geometry.Three-dimensional supramolecular is formed by hydrogen bonding interaction in the title complex.Fluorescent properties of the title complex wasinvestigated.
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Magnetic Properties of “Molecular Alloys” Prussisa Blue Co0.25Mn1.25[Fe(CN)6]·5.9H2O
HE Yun, LIN Qing, ZHANG Hui, LEI Cheng-long, HUANG Hai-fu, LIANG Fu-pei
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (3):  201-206. 
Abstract ( 45 )   Save
A multi-metal Prussisa blue compound Co0.25Mn1.25[Fe(CN)6]·5.9H2O has been synthesized.The magnetic property of the compound was measured.The temperature-dependent magnetic susceptibilities indicate that there exists a ferrimagnetic exchange interaction in the compound,and magnet transition at 9.5 K.It has been confirmed that there exists a spin-glass behave in the compound through Zero-field-cooled (ZFC) and field-cooled (FC) magnetization curves,and AC magnetization curves.The observed value of coercive field (Hc) and remanent magnetization(Mr) for the compound are 230 Oe and 0.072 μβ.Room temperature Mossbauer spectrum reveals a doublet with the isomer shift parameter (-0.15(4) mm/s) and quadrupole splitting (QS=0.41(9) mm/s) characteristic for low-spin Fe(Ⅲ) ions incompounds Co0.25Mn1.25[Fe(CN)6]·5.9H2O.Inaddition,there exists a spin-glass behaviour in the compound.
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Synthesis of Chiral Phosphine Reagents Derived from Maleopimaric Acid and Their Chiral Recognition in 31P NMR Applications
WANG Heng-shan, WU Qiang, YAO Gui-yang, LI Xiu-ying, PAN Ying-ming
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (3):  207-213. 
Abstract ( 58 )   Save
Chiral alcohols 5-[(benzyloxy)methyl]-5,9-dimethyl-13β,14β-dihydroxymethyl-16-isopropyl tetracyclo[,10.04,9] hexadec-15-ene (6) was synthesized in optically pure forms from easilyavailable maleopimaric acid.A comprehensive protocol for the enantiomeric excess assays of mono functional-grouped chiral secondary amine or alcohol has beenestablished by using them as chiral auxiliary for chiral phosphorus derivatizingreagents(CPDA) in 31P NMR tests.Chemical shift difference(Δδp) values are ranging from 0.41 to 0.14 between two diastereoisomers of the CPDAs and the aryl substrates was obtained.
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Chemical Constituents of Zhuang Medicine Blumea aromatica (Wall.) DC.Hance
JIANG Cai-wu, LIANG Shuang, HUANG Jian-jun
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (3):  214-217. 
Abstract ( 75 )   Save
Blumea aromatica (Wall.) DC.was extracted with 95% ethanol,and thenthe extracts were separated with silicagel column chromatography.Seven compounds were obtained and their structures were characterized by NMR and MS.The sevencompounds were identified as β-sitosterol(Ⅰ),stigmasterol(Ⅱ),β-daucosterol(Ⅲ),caffeic acid(Ⅳ),gallic acid(Ⅴ),quercetin(Ⅵ),luteolin(Ⅶ).Stigmasterol,β-daucosterol,caffeic acid,gallic acid were isolated from the plant forthe first time.
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SERRS Determination of Trace Gold(Ⅲ) Using 2-Mercaptopyridine as Molecular Probe
JIANG Zhi-liang, WEI Yan-yan, WANG Sheng-mian, LI Kun, LIANG Ai-hui
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (3):  218-223. 
Abstract ( 35 )   Save
A stable nanosilver solution was prepared,using PEG10000 as stabilizerand NaBH4 as reducer.In pH6.6 Na2HPO4-NaH2PO4 buffer solution containing PEG10000 and NaCl,nanosilvers were aggregated to form the stable aggregated-nanosilvers (ANS) that interact with the chromophore of 2-mercaptopyridine (MP) to obtain an ANS-MP surface-enhanced resonance Raman scattering (SERRS) probe,whichexhibited a strong SERRS peak at 1 002 cm-1.When Au3+ was added,the SERS intensity at 1 002 cm-1 decreased as the complex of Au3+-MP formed and ANSparticles precipitate to the bottom.In the optimal condition,the decreased SERRS intensity was linear to Au3+ concentration in the range of 0.5~3.0 nmol/L.Based onthis,anew sensitive SERS method has been proposed for the determination of trace Au3+ in the synthetic sample with satisfactory results.
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Treatment of Reactive Brilliant Blue K-3R Dye Wastewater by Improved Inner Electrolytic-Photocatalytic
CHEN Meng-lin, SU Cheng-yuan, WANG Jian, HE Xing-cun, HUANG Zhi
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (3):  224-229. 
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With reactive brilliant blue K-3R as processing objects,the factors of the treatment process were studied by integrating improvedinner electrolytic-photocatalytic and the optimum conditions were obtained.The results showed that the optimum conditions for the treatment of reactive brilliant blue-K-3R wastewater byimproved inner electrolytic process were as follows:treatment time is 20 min,pH isabout 4~6 or 8~10,and the ratio of liquid and solid is 1∶1 (mL∶g).Under this condition,the removal rates of CODCr and decolorizaiton can reach 80% and 95%,respectively.The optimum conditions for the treatment of reactive brilliant blue K-3R wastewater by improved inner electrolytic-photocatalytic process are that the addition ofNa2C2O4 is 4 g/L,the ratio of liquid and solid is 2∶1 (mL∶g),treatment time of inner electrolytic is 20 min,radiation time is 20 hours,pH is about 4~6.The results showed that the removal rates of CODCr can reach about 90%.
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Treatment of Reactive Turquoise Blue KN-G by Intensive Iron Internal Electrolysis Combined with Ultrasound
HE Xing-cun, TANG Xiao-lin, MAI Jin-lin, CHEN Meng-lin, HUANG Zhi
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (3):  230-235. 
Abstract ( 65 )   Save
In this paper,intensive iron internal electrolysis combined with ultrasound was used to treat reactive turquoise blue KN-G dye wastewater,and the mechanism was researched.The experimental results showed that intensive internalelectrolysis combined with ultrasound had better treatment effect,that ultrasound could decrease the rust of the iron and that strong oxide which would be hydroxyl radical was determinated in the process of the reaction.
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Progress in Neuronal Circuits and Transmission of Itch in the Spinal Cord
TANG Zong-xiang, WU Guan-yi
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (3):  236-243. 
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The primary afferents for sensation including pain and itch project inthe dorsal horn of spinal cord.There are some kinds of neurons and they form acomplicated neuronal circuits in the dorsal horn of spinal cord where peripheral pruritus intergrates in and ascend to the high central.The neurons in the dorsal horn of spinal cord play an important role in the itch transmission.Thisreview summarized some significant progresses in the studies of dorsal horncytoarchitecture of spinal cord and neuronal circuits of itch in the spinal cord.
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Progress of Taxonomic Study on Formicidae (Hymenoptera) in China
ZHOU Shan-yi
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (3):  244-251. 
Abstract ( 181 )   Save
A review on history and current situation of taxonomica study on Formicidae,Hymenoptera in China is made through morphology,diversity and molecular systematics.Problems in taxonomic study on Formicidae in Chinaare indicated,and prospect of the study is provided.
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Comparative Study on Chlorophyll Fluorescence Characteristics of Three Species of Floating Plants
LIANG Shi-chu, LI Feng, TIAN Hua-li, WU Wen-xiang, YANG Chen-ling, HUANG An-shu
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (3):  252-256. 
Abstract ( 41 )   Save
The characteristics of chlorophyll fluorescence of three main floatingplants,Ludwigia adscendens,Eichhornia crassipes and Alternanthera philoxeroides,in the karst wetland of Huixian Town of Guilin City were studied.The maximalquantum yield values of photosystemⅡ(Fv/Fm) of these species werelarger than0.8.During the light-induced process,the actual quantum yield (Y),relativeelectron transport rate (rETR),photochemical quenching coefficient (qP) and non-photochemical quenching coefficient (NPQ) of E.crassipes and A.philoxeroides reached steady state faster than those of L.adscendens,while the NPQ curve of L.adscendens did not display steady state.After dark or light adaptation,the maximal relative electron transport rate (rETRmax),half-saturation light intensity (Ek) and initial slope (α) of E.crassipes and A.philoxeroides were larger than those of L.adscendens.
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Comparison of Growth Characteristics of Different Geographic Populations of Invasive Parthenium hysterophorus under Common Garden Conditions
TANG Shao-qing, GENG Yu-peng, ZHANG Qi-wei, LIUZhao-hui, LEI Xiang-lu
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (3):  257-262. 
Abstract ( 57 )   Save
Parthenium hysterophorus a noxious invasiveplant species.Theyare mainly distributed in south and southwest areas in China.The newly discovered populations in Shandong Province have great genetic differentiation from southern populations.Seeds of Shandong and three southern populations (Xiamen,Guilin and Zhanjiang) were collected.The growth characteristics of different geographic populations of invasive Parthenium hysterophorus under common garden conditions were compared.The results suggested that there were significant differencesin morphology,including plant height,stem diameter,internode length and six leaf area.Capitulum diameter of Shandong was significantly smaller than that of the southern populations.These phenotypic data further indicated that there were significant genetic difference between the Shandong population and southern populations,which provided a basis for the development of rational management measures.
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Development and Taxonomic Significance of Gametophytes of 2 Species in Arthropteris J.Sm.
WANG Ren-xiang, LIU Ling, LIANG Shi-chu, YI Jin-yan
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (3):  263-268. 
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The spores of Arthropteris pallisotii and Arthropteris repens were respectively cultured in habitat of soil and knop's.The mature spores were yellow-brown,bilateral type,monolete,kidney-shape in equatorial view and elliptical in polar view with a loose wrinkled perines.The spore germianation pattern of both species was of the Vittaria-type.It occured about 8 days after inoculation.The gametophyte development was of the Aspidium-type.Filamentous growth appeared within 14 days after inoculation and formed a filament of 3~8 cells.Prothallial plates growth appeared within 27 days after inoculation.The young prothallia were not symmetry temporarily,but the mature prothallia were cordate type with one type hair.Antheridia were appeared on prothallus 75 dayrs after inoculation,pelletlike,consisting of three cells.The neck of mature archegonium was composed of4~5 layers of cells high.The characteristics of spore germination and gametophyte development of A.pallisotii and A.repens were relatively advanced.
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Analysis of the Characteristics of Mitochondrial Genomes in Chrysolophus pictus
QIN Xin-min, LI Hui-min, QIN Ping-sheng, ZENG Zhen-hua, SHI Jing-ping, GUAN Qing-xin, ZENG De-long
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (3):  269-275. 
Abstract ( 63 )   Save
The complete mitochondrial genome of Chrysolophus pictus was sequenced by PCR amplification.The entire mtDNA sequence was 16 678bp in length and contained 13 protein-coding genes,2 rRNA genes,22 tRNA genes,anda control region (D-loop).Its gene arrangement pattern was identical with thoseof other avian.The average nucleotide composition was:30.4% of A,24.8% of T,31.2% of C,13.6% of G.All protein-coding genes initiated with ATG,except for COI,which began with GTG.Transfer RNA genes ranged in length from 65 to 76 nt.The12S rRNA and 16S rRNA genes in C.pictus were 968 and 1 604 nucleotides long.
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Thermal Dependence of Locomotor Performance for Shinisaurus crocodilurus in the Luokeng Nature Reserve,Guangdong,China
WU Zheng-jun, WANG Zhen-xing, LIU Hai-yang, HE Nan, YU Hai, HUANG Cheng-ming
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (3):  276-281. 
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Reptile's behavior has obvious dependence on the temperature.In a certain temperature range,relatively high and stable body temperature is conducive to reptile's locomotor performance.In order to understand the effect of temperature on locomotor performance of Shinisaurus crocodilurus,a study was conducted in the Shinisaurus crocodilurus research centre in Guangdong Luokeng Nature Reserve from July to August,2009.Experimental animals were divided into threegroups,including:adults,sub-adults and one-year-old juveniles,and eightexperimental temperatures were set,which was 20 °C,22 °C,24 °C,26 °C,28 °C,30 °C,32 °C and 34 °C respectively.The results showed that the temperature had significant effects on locomotor performance of Shinisaurus crocodilurus (all P<0.001),and the age of Shinisaurus crocodilurus had significant effects onaverage speed and frequency of pause.(1) Under 22 °C,the average speed of Shinisaurus crocodilurus was the slowest,the distance of continuous movement was the smallest,the frequency of pause was the highest (all P<0.05).(2) There were no significant differences between the average speed,the distance of continuous movementand the frequency of pause for adult and juvenile Shinisaurus crocodilurus (allP>0.05),but compared with that of adult Shinisaurus crocodilurus the average speed of one-year-old Shinisaurus crocodilurus was slower,the distance of continuous movement was smaller,the frequency of pause was higher.(3) From 20~28°C,the average speed of adult Shinisaurus crocodilurus increased with the riseof temperature,over 28 °C,the average speed decreased with the rise of temperature.However,for juveniles,the average speed increased with the rise of temperature from 20~30 °C and decreased with the rise of temperature over 30 °C.The average speed of one-old-year Shinisaurus crocodilurus increased with the rise of temperature from 20 °C to 34 °C and the speed maximum was at 34 °C.Thedifference of locomotor performance among temperatures and age groups of Shinisaurus crocodilurus may relate with the drift of thermoregulatory and selectedbody temperature of different age groups.
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Daily Activity Patterns and Time Budgets of an All-male Group in the White-headed Langur
ZHOU Qi-hai, HUANG Heng-lian, TANG Xiao-ping, HUANG Cheng-ming
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (3):  282-287. 
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Behavioral data were collected from an all-male group of the white-headed langur (Trachypitheucs leucocephalus) between August 2007 and July 2008 atGuangxi Chongzuo White-headed Langur National Nature Reserve,Guangxi Province,China using the instantaneous scan sampling method.This study is to investigate influences of group size and composition on diurnal activity budgets of white-headed langurs.The results indicated that all-male group of white-headed langurs showed morning and afternoon feeding peaks,with a midday resting peak.Langurs spent ca.48.7% of their daytime resting,23.3% moving,18.5% feeding,7.2% playing,1.9% allgrooming,and 0.4% for other behaviors.There was no significant seasonal variation in most activity budgets,except for playing.They spent more timein playing in the dry season than in the rainy season.In addition the difference in group size and composition between all-male group and bisexual group influence their time budgets.
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Inhibitory Activities and Application of Four Plant Essential Oils
DENG Ye-cheng, NING Lei
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (3):  288-294. 
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Inhibitory activities of four plant essential oils against eleven animal pathogenic bacteria and environmental mould were determined using broth dilution method and gaseous fumigation.The results showed that The MICs of oils fromLitsea mollis,Citrus reticulata,Erigeron acer and Ageratum conyzoides to thetested animal pathogenic bacteria were 0.062 5~0.5,0.125~1,2~4 and 0.062 5~0.125 mL/L,respectively.The inhibitory activities ofoils from L.mollis,C.reticulata and E.acer were high,and that of A.conyzoides oil was relatively low.At a dose of 16 μL per utensil,the four plant essential oils had inhibition against environmental mould,and the inhibitory activities of oils from L.mollis and C.reticulata were higher than that of anothertwo oils.The oils of L.mollis and C.reticulata also had inhibitory effect onmould growth of bread at 27 °C and RH 80%.By studying the formulation of mouthwash of plant essential oil,the optimum proportion of all components in the mouthwash was confirmed,and the mouthwash of L.mollis essential oil prepared.Theremoving rate of mouth bacteria by the new mouthwash reached 39.96%,which was similar to the removing rate by commercial mouthwash and met the demand of industrial product.The principal compounds of four plant essential oils were also identified using GC/MS technique.
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