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20 December 2012, Volume 30 Issue 4
Study of the Lorenz Equations in a New Parameter Space
LIU Jun-xian, PEI Qi-ming, QIN Zong-ding, JIANG Yu-ling
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (4):  1-12. 
Abstract ( 69 )   Save
The system of Lorenz equations is investigated in anew parameter space which is constructed through linear stability analysis.Many new interesting phenomena are found,for example,there are abundant co-existences,such as,theco-existences of the fixed points and a periodic or chaotic attractor,and theco-existences of aperiodic orbit and a sequence of period-doubling bifurcation to chaos.The system also exhibits some properties of an unimodal map at certain area of the new parameter space,and the related U-sequence exists.
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Short-term Traffic Flow Prediction Based on SVM
JIANG Xiao-feng, XU Lun-hui, ZHU Yue
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (4):  13-17. 
Abstract ( 102 )   Save
Traffic flow prediction is a very important area in intelligent transportation systems.Traditional prediction methods have a very wide range of applications in the traffic prediction.But traditional prediction methods does not work very well in short-term traffic flow prediction because of the complexity ofthe influencing factors.With the development of machine learning and data mining,traffic flow prediction with a combination of machine learning and data mininghas become more and more important as a research area.In this paper,SVM(Support Vector Machine) is used to build a short-term traffic flow prediction model,and Genetic Algorithm (GA) is used to optimize the SVM penalty factor C andkernel parameter σ as well.The results of different kernel functions of SVM arecompared,including polynomial kernel and RBF kernel.RBF SVM plays better thanpolynomial SVM with less training time and higher accuracy and SVM is very suitable for short-term traffic flow prediction.
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Implementation of the Acceleration Simulation with Lattice Boltzmann Method Based on CUDA
QIN Zhang-rong, ZHANG Chao-ying, QIU Bin, LI Yuan-yuan, MO Liu-liu
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (4):  18-24. 
Abstract ( 79 )   Save
In recent years,there are more and more research on implementing LBM accelerating computation on the GPU of a PC's graphics card with CUDA technology is getting more attention.But the detailed algorithm and the analysis of computational performance which compute parallelly on a GPU with different memory are rarely studied.In thispaper,by using different memory on a GPU,the parallel computing of LBM was implemented and the detailed algorithms are provided.Taking the plane Poiseuilleflow as a test example,the parallel computation of the LBM is implemented on a NVIDIA GeForce GTS 450 GPU and an Intel Core i5-760 quad-core CPU on a PC respectively.Both computing results have good agreement and the highest speedup of GPU is about 107 times faster than that of CPU.The result indicates parallel computation of the LBM on GPU is completely feasible and the accelerating performance is very significant,which provides a very effective way to solve the complex problem of the modern computational fluid dynamics in a low cost computer.
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Movement of Single Particle at the Bifurcation Pipe by Lattice Boltzmann Method
WANG Li-long, XUE Ze, ZHOU Jin-yang, TAN Hui-li, LI Hua-bing
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (4):  25-29. 
Abstract ( 58 )   Save
Lattice Boltzmann method is used to study fluids ina bifurcated tube composed of tubes with different diameters.The flow velocity,streamline distribution and the trajectory of single particle in the bifurcated tube are analyzed for the fulture study on blood flow in the bifurcated tube.
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Interaction Effects of Web Content Appeal Strategies with User Tasks and Its Influence on Eye-Movement Pattern
QIN Lin-chan, ZHONG Ning, LÜ Sheng-fu, LI Mi
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (4):  30-35. 
Abstract ( 44 )   Save
Eye-movement is an external manifestation of human psychology and cognitive status.Most previous research focus on how eye-movementis affected by the outside information representations or users' inside states,the interaction effects of appeals of Web information to users' tasks andits impacts to users' eye-movement patterns were seldomly studied.Eye-tracking technology was applied to investigate how the appeals of Web information interact to users' tasks and impacts on eye-movement patterns;emotional appeal and rational appeal were adopted to describe information,and participants were assigned preference and matching tasks in the experiment.The results showed that there were different eye-movement patterns between participants on preference task and on matching task;meanwhile,these differences were impacted by the appeals of the information being watched.The results suggest that,participants' eye-movement patterns are not only restricted tothe inside tasks,but also affected by outside information appeal strategies.Onthe premise of fully considering this interaction effect,it is reasonable to utilize eye-movement data for user classification.
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A New Local Maximum Weight Independent Set Spectrum Allocation Algorithm Based on Historical Information for Dynamic Spectrum Allocation in Cognitive Radio Network
WAN Huo, XIE Xian-zhong, MA Bin, GAO Chuan
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (4):  36-41. 
Abstract ( 57 )   Save
A new algorithm based on historical information and local maximum weight independent set for dynamic spectrum allocation is proposed,which takes account of sum bandwidth and fairness.With slight change in spectrum allocation result,this algorithm can achieve the new allocation results byusing previousallocation information.Moreover,the algorithm realizes fast allocation by MWIS,so it can decrease the number of allocation and adapt to the CR enviroment.Thealgorithm decrease the time of allocation and complexity for using historical imformation,the channel can be cleared quickly when PU arrive and there are moretransmission time than before.Experiment results prove the validity and practicability of the algorithm.
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Pulse Control and Bifurcation Analysis of a SIRS Epidemic Model with Vertical Transmission
HAO Li-jie, JIANG Gui-rong, LU Peng
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (4):  42-47. 
Abstract ( 52 )   Save
In this paper,the dynamical behavior of a SIRS epidemic model with birth pulse,pulse vaccination and vertical transmission are studied.The condition ofexistence for supercritical bifurcation is derived,and then the threshold for adiseaseto be extinct or endemic is established.The Poincaré map and center manifold theorem are used to discuss flip bifurcation of endemic periodic solution.Numerical results for periodic solutions and bifurcation diagrams,which are illustrated with an example,are in good agreement with the theoretical analysis.
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Positive Almost Periodic Solutions for a Class of Integro-differential Equation with Impulses and Infinite Delays
XUE Jin-dong, FENG Chun-hua
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (4):  48-53. 
Abstract ( 72 )   Save
:By applying the theory of exponential dichotomy and the fixed point theorem,the existence and uniqueness of positive almost periodic solutions for a class of integro-differential equation with impulses and infinite delays is investigated.A sufficient condition which ensures theexistence of positive almost periodic solutions is derived.The conclusion madein the relevant documents is extended.
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Minimum Weighted KS Estimate
ZHANG Jun-jian, YANG Xiu-qin
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (4):  54-58. 
Abstract ( 64 )   Save
For a class of weighted KS (Kolmogorov and Smirnov) functional,the minimum weighted KS estimate is given.Some statistical properties,such as the existence,consistence and robustness of the estimate,are investigated.The results can provide the theoretical basis for the goodness of fit with composite null hypothesis.
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AuPt Nanoalloy Catalytic Phosphomolybdate Blue Spectrophotometric Assay for Cysteine
JIANG Zhi-liang, YAO Dong-mei, WEI Yan-yan
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (4):  59-66. 
Abstract ( 79 )   Save
In the pH 2.8 HCOOH-HCOONa buffer solution,the cysteine(Cys) interacted with gold-platinum nanoparticles (AuPtNP) to form aggregations that resulted in its color changing from wine red to blue-violet.The AuPtNP has a strong catalysis on the phosphomolybdate blue reaction of formic acid-phosphomolybdic acid,but the AuPtNP aggregations (AuPtNPA) catalysis is weak.With the increase of Cys concentration,the AuPtNPA increased and the AuPtNP decreased,the catalysisdecreased and the absorption value of phosphomolybdate blue at 700 nm decreased.The Cys concentrations in the range of 30~350 nmol/L had good linear response to the decreased absorption value ΔA,with a detection limit of 28 nmol/L,andits molar absorption coefficients was 1.8×106 L·mol-1·cm-1.Thus,anew nanocatalytic spectrophotometric method is established for the determination of Cys.
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Uncertainty Evaluation for Fluoride Determination Using Double-Error Regression
YU Jian-guo, ZHOU Xiao-hong, HUANG Jun-jie, DENG Zhen-ping
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (4):  67-74. 
Abstract ( 58 )   Save
An uncertainty evaluation method for fluoride determination in karst underground water by ion chromatography detection technology was proposed.Usingcontinuous propagation model of uncertainty,the fluoride measurement uncertainty was evaluated.The double-error regression was used in the process of standardcurve fitting.Based on the quantitative analysis of each uncertainty componentduring experimental results,the standard uncertainty model for sulfate determination results was obtained.The main sources of measurement uncertainty came from sub-uncertainties of calibration solutions,calibration curve fitting and measurements process.
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Electrocatalytic Performance of Platinum-modified PAni/PTn Composite Electrode toward Methanol Oxidation
ZHONG Xin-xian, WANG Zhi-hong, YIN Xiao-ling, WANG Yan-jun, HUANGHan-xing, FENG Qi-peng
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (4):  75-80. 
Abstract ( 62 )   Save
Thionine and aniline were polymerized electrochemically at graphite electrode,and Pt particles were deposited by electrochemical method,then Pt/PAni-PTn/graphite electrode was obtained.The morphology of Pt/PAni-PTn/graphite electrode was characterized by scanning electron microscope (SEM).SEM result showsthat Pt particles are dispersed homogeneously on PAni-PTn composite film.The electrocatalytic activity of Pt/PAni-PTn/graphite electrode toward methanol electrooxidation was investigated by cyclic voltammetry (CV) and chronoamperometry (CA).Experimental results show that PAni-PTn as a catalyst support is better forPt to improve its dispersion and reduce its size,showing larger active surfacearea.Pt/PAni-PTn/graphite electrode exhibits better electrocatalytic activityand long-term stability than Pt/graphite electrode.
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Checklist of Chinese Ants:Formicomorph Subfamilies (Hymenoptera:Formicidae)(Ⅱ)
RAN Hao, ZHOU Shan-yi
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (4):  81-91. 
Abstract ( 386 )   Save
107 known species,4 subspcies belonging to 10 generaof the subfamilyFormicinae of the formicomorph subfamilies from China are listed.Among them Cataglyphis with 7 species,Formica with 44 species and 1 subspecies,Gesomyrmex with 1 species,Lasius with 19 species,Lepisiota with 8 species and 3 subspecies,Myrmoteras with 2 species,Nylanderia with 21 species,Oecophyllawith 1 species,Paraparatrechina with 3 species,and Paratrechina with 1 species.Formica robusta Chang et He,2002 was renamed as Formica changhei Ran et Zhou as theformer was occupied by Formica robusta Carpenter.According to the results of Lapollaet al.,removed guanyin and kongming from the genus Paratrechina to thegenus Paraparatrechina,and combinated two species,i.e.Paraparatrechina guanyin (Terayama,2009),com.nov.and Paraparatrechina kongming (Terayama,2009),com.nov..All species were treated with Chinese translated names and latin names,and detailed distribution of every species is provided.Notes were offered to the species whosestatus changed recently,those economic values,social values,and needs to be explained.
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Breeding of Cold Tolerance and Growth Performance of O.mossambicus× O.niloticus Hybrid lines
ZHANG Yong-de, LIN Yong, TANG Zhang-sheng, HUANG Yin, YANG Hui-zan, ZENG Lan, CHEN Zhong, PENG Ting, ZHANG Yan
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (4):  92-97. 
Abstract ( 198 )   Save
To study the cold tolerance and growth performance ofO.mossambicus×O.niloticus hybrid lines,low-temperature stress test and growth comparison test were used to select the excellent pedigree of cold-tolerant Egyptian strainof Nile tilapia (female) and the America strains of Blue tilapia (male).Through the cold tolerance and growth performance evaluation and the low temperature breeding,breeding,parents Nile and Blue tilapia were obtained to crossbreeding.36 of F1 generation O.mossambicus×O.niloticus hybrid families were mated through nested paired method (the proportion of male and female was 3∶1).The results showed that,the mean Semi-lethal temperature of 31 families of O.mossambicus×O.niloticus hybrid F1 generation was 7.45 °C,and 8.81% lower thanin natural populations,the average relative survival rate and average growth speed increased by 17.6% and 13.2%,respectively.2 excellent F1 generation of crossbreeding combination (F1CT0401,F1CT0203) were obtained,and the mean Semi-lethaltemperature were by 7.02 °C and 7.24 °C,low mortality rates were 40.5% and 49.5%,respectively,which decreased 17.4% and 11.35% than in natural populationsof O.mossambicus×O.niloticus hybrid,the relative mortality decreased by30% and 26.9%,yield increased by 12.9% and 38.7% respectively.The survival rate was(84.39±6.65)% of farming demonstrated F1 generation cold tolerant O.mossambicus×O.niloticus hybrid,and the average produce was (1 220.20±94.77) (kg·667 m-2),the average size was (723.0±101.2) g.Compared with the control group,the overwintering mortality decreased by 19.11% (P<0.05)and the average yield increased by 36.59% (P<0.05).Thecold tolerance and growth properties of F1 O.mossambicus×O.niloticus hybrid had been greatly improved than the natural populations.
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Comparison Study on Several Stress Resistance Indexes in Plant under Different Calcium Contents Environment
HUANG Fen, ZHU Min-jie, LU Qian, CAO Jian-hua
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (4):  98-103. 
Abstract ( 72 )   Save
:6 different calciphiles only grew on limestone soil in the karst area,7 different calcifuges only grew on red-yellow soil in the non-karst area and 7different intermediacies grew on both two kinds of soil were collected in Maolan,Guizhou.The total calcium contents of rhizosphere soil,several stress resistance indexes in the plant leaves were analyzed.The results showed that:(1) Thetotal calcium contents of calciphiles rhizosphere soil,contents of Pro,POD andSOD activities were 32.44—43.98 g/kg,97.53—183.62 μg/g、6.21—8.43 μKat and 1.47—2.48 μKat respectively,which were slightly higher than that of intermediacies and either one or two orders of magnitude higher than that of calcifuges;(2)most of calciphiles stabilize penetrability of cell membrane through increasing contents of Pro,POD and SOD activities.So,it could retain high contents of calcium out of cell protoplasm.Intermediacies reduced calcium contents through controlling either root absorbing or migration from subsurface to surfaceof calcium mostly.
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Enrichment of Heavy Metals in Diestrammena from Longjing Cave and Bailong Cave of Guizhou,China
ZHANG Jun, LI Dao-hong, DU Dian-song
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (4):  104-109. 
Abstract ( 68 )   Save
Diestrammena and part of environmental factors from Longjing cave and Bailong cave in Guizhou province,were investigated.The contents of heavy metals (Cu、Cr、Ni、Zn、Hg and As) in Diestrammena,in soil and waterfromtwo caves were measured,and the enriched coefficient of Diestrammena from two caves was studied,and the pollution index and the ecological risk of heavy metalsin soil from two caves were assessed.The results showed that the average content of Cu、Cr、Ni、Zn、Hg and As in two caves soil with light belt,reflection light belt and dark belt exceeds the background value of soil in China.The heavy metals Cu and Zn are significantly enriched in Diestrammena from two caves.Thepotential ecological risk of six heavy metals reachs a higher level in soil fromLongjing cave,and the order of potential ecological risk indexes of six heavy metals is Hg>As>Cu>Ni>Zn>Cr.The potential ecological risk of six heavy metals reachs the highest level in soil from Bailong cave,and the order of potential ecological risk indexes of six heavy metals is Hg>As>Cu>Ni>Zn>Cr,in which Hg isthe most important ecological risk factor in two caves.
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Clinical Significance of Changes of Interleuking-18 and Interleuking-18 Binding Protein Levels in Serum of HIV-infected Patients
HUANG Jia-qing, ZHANG Ying, JIANG Jiu-xi, HU Ting-ting, LI He-wei, ZENG Si-en, XU Ru, SHEN Jian-feng, XIE Fu-jing
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (4):  110-114. 
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To investigate the clinical significance and changes of IL-18and IL-18BP in serum in HIV-infected patients,the levels of IL-18and IL-18BP in serum were detected by ELISA in 67 cases of HIV-1 infestors with HAART and 18 cases of healthy persons.The levels of IL-18 in serum of HIV-1group were significantly higher than those of control group (P<0.01),the levels of IL-18 in serum of HIV-1 group A were higher than those of control group (P<0.05);Thelevels of IL-18 in serum of HIV-1 group B and HIV-1 group C were significantly higher thanthose of control group (P<0.01);The levels of IL-18BP in serum of HIV-1 group were significantly higher than those of control group (P<0.01),the levels ofIL-18 in serum of three HIV-1 groups were higher than those of control group (P<0.05);A significant positive correlation was found between the levelsof IL-18 and IL-18BP in healthy persons (r=0.705,P<0.01).The levels of IL-18 had nocorrelation with the levels of IL-18BP in serum of three HIV-1 groups.Increased levels of IL-18 and IL-18BP may play important roles in the occurrence and progression of AIDS,and the imbalance between IL-18 and IL-18BP may participatein it too.Dynamic monitoring of IL-18 and IL-18 BP in peripheral blood can beused as a reflection of the immune function of state changes index in HIV-1 infected patients.Regulating the balance between IL-18 and IL-18 BP may providea new approach for the treatment of AIDS.
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Benthic Macroinvertebrate Community Structure and Water Quality Bioassessment in Lijiang River,Guilin,China
CHEN Kai, ZHANG Yong-xiang, CAI De-suo, ZHANG jie, XU Sheng, WANG Bei-xing
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (4):  115-122. 
Abstract ( 85 )   Save
Macroinvertebrate assemblages were collected using aD-frame net at 78sites in Lijiang river,Guilin,Guangxi province,in March 2008,November 2008 and March 2011,respectively,and physicochemical variables were measured at the same time.A total of 169 macroinvertebrate taxa were collected in March 2008,and the other 120 and 215 macroinvertebrate taxa at other time respectively.Insecta was dominant both in species richness and abundance.Pearson correlation analysis showed that the Shannon-Wiener index was negatively significantcorrelated with total nitrogen (r=-0.390,p=0.003) and total phosphorus (r=-0.510,p=0.000),and the biotic index was positively correlated with total nitrogen (r=0.333,p=0.012) and total phosphorus (r=0.384,p=0.003).There are at least 60% of monitored streams in the quality of clean by the Shannon-wiener diversity index and BI,and less than 10% of monitored streams in the condition of heavily polluted.The results showed that Shannon-Wiener diversity index and BI had the potential use in assessing Lijiang river biological condition with macroinvertebrates.
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Water Quality Bioassessment with Benthic Diatom in Lijiang River, Guilin,China
ZHOU Jing, LIU Shuo-ru, CAI De-suo, ZHANG Yong-xiang, WANG Bei-xing
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (4):  123-129. 
Abstract ( 54 )   Save
Taking Lijiang river as a demonstration basin,the correlation among Shannon,Simpson,Marglef,TDI,PTI index and the physicochemical monitoring results of the rivers are studied,then the Lijiang river ecological health status.From the population structure analysis,achnanthes minutissima was the dominant species in five sites,indicating arelatively clean water.The physical and chemical indicators (TP and NH4-N) show that the water in surveyed region in Lijiang were nearly above Class Ⅲ (including Class Ⅲ),and the results of Simpson index evaluation are similar.ThroughSpearman correlation analysis,the electrical conductivity (Cond) showed a significant correlation with the number of species (r=0.677*,p=0.032),while the Margalef (r=0.733,p=0.016) and the TDI index (r=0.687*,p=0.028) showed a negative correlation with PTI (r=-0.685*,p=0.029).Mg2+ and thetotal number of individuals in the samples (N) (r=-0.839**,p=0.002) were highly significantly correlated.Ca2+ and Margalef index (r=0.638*,p=0.047) was significantly correlated.TDI index and nitrite (r=0.670*,p=0.034) was significantly correlated.The results show that TDI,PTI index can indicate the water conditions.
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Assessment of Ecosystem Health of Lijiang River Using Fish-index of Biotic Integrity
ZHU Yu, CAI De-suo, ZHOU Jie, HAN Yao-quan
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (4):  130-135. 
Abstract ( 64 )   Save
Taking fish as research subject,and with historical data for “expectations”,a the suitable system is established based on the Fish-index of Biotic Integrity for Lijiang river.It was shown that the Fish-index of Biotic Integrity were good and fair.
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Ichthyologic Fauna of Lijiang River,Guilin,China
ZHU Yu, CAI De-suo, ZHOU Jie, HAN Yao-quan
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (4):  136-145. 
Abstract ( 69 )   Save
From March 2006,to March 2012,101 species were collected from surveys of Lijiang river.Ichthyologic fauna of Lijiang river were separately analyzed bytraditional method and the Value of Faunal Presence (VFP) at the respective levels of Order.Family and Genus Cypriniformes have more Families and higher VPF,showing the common characteristic of Asian fish distribution.Some Families ofsmall numberhigher VPF.Cyprinidae has most genus,but with lower VPF.Rhinogobius has the most species,but with lower VPF.Both of the differentiation and environmental diversity of the fish in Lijiang river are not high.The VPFmethod can reflect ichthyologic fanua more accurately than the traditional method.
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Ecological Types and Biodiversity of Fish in Lijiang River,Guilin,China
ZHU Yu, CAI De-suo, ZHOU Jie, HAN Yao-quan
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (4):  146-151. 
Abstract ( 73 )   Save
The ecological environment of the river is monitoredthrough investigation of the ecological types and biodiversity of fish in Lijiang river.The results show that thebiodiversity of fish in Lijiang river was higher,but with more genu of single species,sensitive species reduced greatly,the submucosa and benthic fish reducedsignificantly,the proportion of omnivorous fish increased,CPUE reduced,economicfish was of miniatunization and younger age.The ecological envirment of water isunder great pressure.
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Soil Erosion and Ecological Restoration on Water-level-fluctuation Zone of the Qingshitan Reservoir,Guilin,China
ZHANG Yong-xiang, CAI De-suo, TANG Ying-chun
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (4):  152-155. 
Abstract ( 65 )   Save
The water-level-fluctuation of reservoir is a section of special region around the reservoir caused by reservoir's schedule.The water-level-fluctuation of reservoir is a wetting and drying area because of repeatedly periodic variation alternation of the water level,therefore the soil erosion is serious.As an environment unit research on ecological restoration of soil erosion,can help to understand the among relationship the environment essential factor's and the synergyof law of development,andto provide the basis for the water-level-fluctuation on the rehabilitation and reconstruction.Taking Qingshitan reservoir as an example,this paper studies thewater-level-fluctuation with soil erosion problems,takes the vegetation reconstruction measures,and provide the reference of the ecological restoration in thewater-level-fluctuation.
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Ecological Fragility and Impact Factor of Water-level-fluctuation of the Qingshitan Reservoir,Guilin,China
ZHANG Yong-xiang, CAI De-suo, YI Ran
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (4):  156-160. 
Abstract ( 60 )   Save
The water-level-fluctuation is a wetting and dryingarea,which is a section of special region caused by reservoir dispatch.It appears ecological fragility because of the water level repeatedly periodic variation alternation.According to the status of the Qingshitan reservoir,the paper first analyzes theecological fragility and its impact factors,then uses analytichierarchy process (AHP) to rank the response index,and finally reaches the conclusion that the key problems are the population complexity and vegetation coverage,which meansthe primary problems of the ecological restoration are its biodiversity and plant repair.
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System Design for Monitoring and Evaluation of Ecological Health of Lijiang River Basin
HUANG Xin-wang, LU Yuan, CAI De-suo
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (4):  161-165. 
Abstract ( 43 )   Save
From the view of protecting the ecological health ofLiiang river basin,a system is constructed for Lijiang river's water ecologicalhealthmonitoring and evalution with the technology of GIS further development.This System which is based on the composite index of regional environmental assessment and combiningGIS spatial analysis,can improve the reliability and objectivity of the basin water ecological management.The target,frame,main function and some key technology of this soft are discussed,and the method ofGIS integrated with ecological model is explored.
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Spatial Analysis of Hydrological Characteristics for Lijiang River Basin Based on GIS
SU Wen-jing, LU Yuan, CAI De-suo
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (4):  166-171. 
Abstract ( 79 )   Save
Extraction and analysis of hydrological characteristics not only provide important parameters for the hydrological processes simulation,but also offer beneficial support to health monitoring and evaluation of aquatic ecosystem.Based on DEM with 30 m resolution of Lijiang river basin,river network is extracted;the watershed is determined;the sub catchments are divided;and the river length,river density,and fractal dimension are calculated,etc.According to the average rainfall and runoff data of many years,the runoff coefficient of drainage basin is calculated.The results indicate that:1)By using the catchment threshold value and drainage density curve,the network density of0.53 km·km-2 is ultimately determined to extract the network.2)With the main drainage line characteristics,and health monitoring and evaluation scale,the river is at last divided into 15 sub-watershed.3)The spatial distribution trend of rainfall and runoff depth isbasically the same,with slight difference between rainfall and runoff coefficient.The runoff coefficient of each sub-watershed ranges from 0.637 to 0.800.Differences in runoff coefficient is mainly affected by vegetation cover,stratum lithology and human activities.
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Ecological Risk Assessment of Land Use in Lijiang River Basin
HE Dong-yan, HUA Cui, LU Yuan
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (4):  172-178. 
Abstract ( 36 )   Save
This paper,based on land use,and taking sub-basin of Lijiang river asevolution unit,uses an integrated regional ecological risk assessment model which contain multiple risk source,multiple receptors and multiple risk effect toevaluate the ecological risk of Lijiang river basin.The results showed that:1)high-risk areas are mainly distributed along Lijiang river around central Guilincity,where there is a concentration of population and industries.The strengthof risksources and the exposure degree of risk receptor,as well as the risk effect ofthese sub-basins are all in a highvalue.Human activities are the main causes affecting the ecological risk increasing and diffusion.2) Low risk areas are those sub-basins around Rongjiang river in the upstream where thereare high vegetation coverage and surface water ratio with little human impact.In these regions,the land resources should be reasonablly and effectivelyused,and the ecological environment protection should be reinforced.3) Generalecologicalrisk of the area is low and the proportion of sub-basin with lower ecological risk is up to 44.09%,which suggests the potentiality of reducing ecological risk in the studied area is great.
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Ecological Effects of Small Dams on Steam Ecosystems in Lijiang River Basin
WANG Xiao-chao, CAI De-suo, ZHU Tie-gang, ZHANGYong-xiang, LIN Hong-jun, WU Da-yong
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (4):  179-183. 
Abstract ( 59 )   Save
Many studies have investigated and assessed the ecological impacts ofdams on river ecosystems,but few have focused on the effects of small dams in China.Habitat,aquatic quality,and benthic macroinvertebrates upstream and downstream of five small dams are studied on four tributaries of Lijiangriver in theOctober of 2011.None of the fourteen measured aquatic physic-chemical characteristics except for NO2-N showed significant different between upstream and downstream of small dams.However,habitat measures such as velocity,substrate composition,and hydrophytic vegetation communities were changed by these small dams.Ephemeroptera taxa richness,Ephemeroptera,and Filters in upstream of smalldams were higher than those in downstream.Finally,It's suggested that assessment of Lijiang ecosystems should regard the effects of small dams on itstributaries as one of those main anthropogenic activities.
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Stabilization Safety Degree for Wanjiakou High Arch Dam Based on FLAC3D
TANG Hao, CAI De-suo, XIE Ling-fei
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2012, 30 (4):  184-203. 
Abstract ( 38 )   Save
This paper adopts FLAC3D software based on 3D fast Lagrangian method to calculate the deformation and stress of Wanjiakou High RCC Arch Dam.The water-level overcharge method is used to simulate the gradual destruction process andunstabilization model of the arch dam and base system.The results show that thedeformation and stress of Wanjiakou High Arch Dam and base can meet the standard requirement.The overall stabilization safety degree of the system is 4.0 and canmeet the design requirement.The limit loading capacity of the arch dam and basesystem is commonly controlled by the strength of Ⅳ class rock in the dam heel,the unconformity surface and the joint groups in left bank abutment.
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