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20 March 2013, Volume 31 Issue 1
Short-term Traffic Flow Forecasting Based on Analysis of Characteristics and Impact Factors
XU Lun-hui, YOU Huang-yang
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2013, 31 (1):  1-5. 
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Reliable short-term traffic flow forecasting is an important foundation for the intelligent transportation system.In order to improve the accuracy of the short-term traffic flow forecasting and increase its adaptabilityin different traffic states,a combination forecasting model based on the analysis of traffic flow characteristics and space-time two-dimensional impact factors is presented to reflect the characteristics and influencing factors.The model has three sub-models:time-series model,space-related model and combinationforecasting model.The single forecast models includes single adaptive exponential smoothing model and RBF neural network model.The combination coefficientis obtained adaptively based on the smoothing percentage relative error of thetwo single forecast sub-modules as input by using the neural network as a learning algorithm.Finally,the traffic flow data are measured respectively in flat peak and peak hours to verify the validity and reliability of the model.The results show that the combination model can produce more precise forecasting than that of two individual models and adapt to different traffic states better.
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Cellular Automaton Simulations of the Interactive Influence between Pedestrians and Vehicles
YU Yan, BAI Ke-zhao, KONG Ling-jiang
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2013, 31 (1):  6-10. 
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Based on the VDR model,a modified cellular automatonmodel is proposed by considering the interactive influence between pedestrians and vehicles.Theeffects of the input probability α1,output probability β1 of vehicles,the green signal ratio on the flux of vehicles and the number of pedestrians crossing roadsare researched with an open boundary condition.Simulation results show that α1 and β1 can change the flux of vehicles in a certain range,and there is a range of optimal green signal ratio of the system under the control of traffic signals.
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New Jacobi Elliptic Functions Solutions of the Schrödinger-Boussinesq Equations
ZHOU Jian-jun, HONG Bao-jian, LU Dian-chen
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2013, 31 (1):  11-15. 
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Generalized Schrödinger-Boussinesq equations are widely used in the physical fields to describe various physical processes in Laser and plasma,such as Langmuir field amplitude and intense electromagnetic waves and modulational instabilities,etc.In this paper,by using the extended Jacobi elliptic founctions expansion methods,and with the aid of mathematical software,a series of new compound Jacobi formal exact solutions of the Schrödinger-Boussinesq equations are obtained.Some of which weredegenerated to the solitary wave solutions and the single triangle function solutions extreme cases.Thus this method can replenish,simplify and develop the known results.
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Study of Scaling Law in an Early-stage Tumour Growth Model
JIANG Chong-ming, LIU Yan-hui, HU Lin
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2013, 31 (1):  16-20. 
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To investigate a better model to describe the tumor growth and to study the effect of scaling law on the growth of tumor,several typical tumor growth models and the differences between the models and the practical tumorgrowth were analyzed in the article.A multicellular tumor spheroids (MTS) modelwhich combines the diffusion theory was used to describe the tumor growth.When thescaling law was introduced,a better oxygen consumption rate in unit volume,Qwas got obtained,and it accords with the experiments well,which means the influence of scalinglaw on the growth of tumor is obvious.The relationship between the metabolic rate and tumor size was also investigated during the tumor growth.The critical size of dormant tumor could be the result of the competition between the diffusionrate and consumption rate of oxygen,and the critical size of tumor can be calculated by the equation B=I.
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The Stable Entanglement of Optomechanical System Induced by Λ-type Three-level Atoms
XIAO Rui-jie, LIU Ye, PENG Ya-jing, KONG Ling-jiang
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2013, 31 (1):  21-25. 
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In an quantum system where the atoms coupled to an optomechanical system,the interaction between each component (e.g.atoms,cavity field and movingmirror) is inevitable.A scheme is presented for Λ-type three-levelatoms to entangle two mesoscopic mirrors.This study shows that the two movablemirrors,the two-mode fields as well as the mirror and the distant cavity mode areall entangled respectively,if the coupling between the cavity fields and the atom is suitable.
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Effect of Co on Microwave Absorbing Properties of Fe-Si Alloy
CHENG Li-chun, HU Shi-qi, LIN Pei-hao, ZHOU Huai-ying, PAN Shun-kang
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2013, 31 (1):  26-30. 
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In order to develop low-frequency effect and wide-frequency characteristic absorbing materials,CoxFe80-xSi20(x=0,10,20,30 mol.%)alloy powders wereprepared by arc melting and high energy ball milling technique with high pure Co、Fe and Si as raw materials.The morphology and phase structure of the powderswere analyzed by Scanning electron microscope(SEM),X-ray diffraction (XRD),andthe effect of the Co content on microwave absorbing properties was investigatedby vector network analyzer.The results show that,Co-Fe-Si alloy powders are mainly composed of α-Fe phase.The value of the reflectivity peaks reduce with the addition of Co and the reflectivity peak frequency move to low frequency withthe grain size of α-Fe increasing.Alloy obtains well low-frequency effect when the addition of Co in the alloy is 20%.The minimum reflectivity and absorbingpeak frequency is -13.4 dB at 4.8 GHz,while the minimum reflectivity and absorbing peak frequency is -14.8 dB at 6.2 GHz,furthermore the bandwidth under -5 dB reach 14 GHz,achieving well wide-frequency effect,when the content of Co is10%.The reflectivity of Co10Fe70Si20 alloy was systematicallystudied,the result shows that the reflectivity peak frequency moves to low frequency with the increasing of material thickness.The reflectivity peak is least when the coatingthickness is 3 mm,which reaches -14.8 GHz at 3.7 GHz.
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High Efficient Simulator for Flat Rice Fading Channels
DU Yang, ZHENG Lin, LIU Zheng-hong, BIN Chen-zhong
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2013, 31 (1):  31-36. 
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Sum-of-sinusoids method is an effective way to generate fading channels,but the high-accuracy simulator is often at the expense oflow efficiency.Based on the table look-up method and fast trigonometric function,a novel flat Ricefading channel simulator is presented.Corresponding theoretical analysis and simulation results reflect that the simulator both have high velocity and high precision.
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Garden of Eden Configurations of a Particular Hybrid Transformation of Two-dimensional Cellular Automata
ZHAI Ying, YI Zhong, XIE Zheng-wei, DENG Pei-min, LI Yue
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2013, 31 (1):  37-43. 
Abstract ( 73 )   Save
Garden of Eden (GOE) configuration is an important characteristic in cellular automata (CA) theory.Its existence relates to the reversibility of a CA.This article deals with a particular hybrid linear two-dimensional (2-D) CA in GF(2) (theGalois field with two elements) by using matrix algebra.Several necessary and sufficient conditions are provided,which guarantee a given configuration of beinga GOE in different cases.Besides,the algorithm is proposed to obtain the number of GOEs in such a CA with the particular hybrid rule mentioned above.
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Dynamics of the Difference Equation xn+1=pn+xnxn-1
HAN Cai-hong, LI Lue, HUANG Rong-li
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2013, 31 (1):  44-47. 
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This paper studies the dynamics of the difference equation xn+1=pn+xnxn-1,n=0,1,… where the parameter pn is a period-three sequence with initial valuesx-1,x0∈(0,+∞).Results show that every positive solution of this equation converges to a unique period-three solutions and the difference equation has global asymptotic stability.
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Strongly Semi-G-preinvexity and Nonlinear Programming
PENG Zai-yun, KONG Xiang-xi
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2013, 31 (1):  48-53. 
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A class of new generalized convex function,strongly semi-G-preinvex function,is given in this paper.It is an important class ofgeneralized convex function.It is a true generalization of semi-preinvex functions and strongly G-preinvex functions.First,an example is given to show that there exists strongly semi-G-preinvex function.At the same time,an example is given to show that strongly semi-G-preinvex function is different from strongly preinvex functions.Then,some properties of strongly semi-G-preinvex functions are discussed.Finally,some optimal results are obtained in nonlinear programming problems,and an example is also given for illustration of the corresponding results.
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Generic Stability on Generalized Maximal Elements
YANG Guang-hui, XIANG Shu-wen
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2013, 31 (1):  54-56. 
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According to the generic stability on generalized largest elements,and based on the dual relationship between generalized maximal elements and generalized largest elements,the generic stability on generalized maximal elements is proved with perturbation set-valued mappings.In other words,all their generalized maximal elements for most set-valued mappings are essential in the sense ofBaire category.
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Synthesis,Crystal Structure and Spectroscopic Studies of 2-[2-(1H- 1,2,4-Trizole-1-yl)ethyl]-1H-Benzimidazole Hemihydrate
ZHANG Zhong, HU Kun, LIN Xin-liang, SUN Ying-ying
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2013, 31 (1):  57-61. 
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The hemihydrate of an unsymmetrical bisheterocyclic compound 2-[2-(1H-1,2,4-trizole-1-yl)ethyl]-1H-benzimidazole was prepared through the condensation of 1H-1,2,4-triazole-1-propionic acid with o-phenylenediamine,whichwas characterized by elemental analysis,infrared spectra,fluorescence spectra and X-raysingle-crystal diffraction.The compound belongs to orthorhombic system,spacegroup Pbcn with cell parameters:a=2.873 55(13) nm,b=0.766 68(3) nm,c=1.011 59(4) nm,β=90°,V=2.228 62(15) nm3 and Z=4.In the solid state,the bisheterocyclicmolecule adopts an anti conformation with the C7—C8—C9—N3 torsion angle being 174.30(19)°.Two N atoms of the benzimidazole moiety participate in the formation of a set of N—H…N hydrogen bonding interactions,whichjoin the adjacent bisheterocyclic molecules to form a 1-D supramolecular chain.Two such chains are further assembled into a 1-D supramolecular tape via O—H…N hydrogen bonds with the lattice water molecules.
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Synthesis and Anti-tumor Activity Evaluation of Estradiol Ester Derivatives
LIU Guan-yan, CHENG Ke-guang, DENG Sheng-ping, LIU Yan-cheng, CHUXiang-wu, CHEN Jian-hui, MA Lu
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2013, 31 (1):  62-66. 
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Estradiol ester derivatives were synthesized startingfrom estradiol and cinnamoyl chloride or ethyl succinyl chloride by esterfication to obtain fourtarget compounds.Their abilities to inhibit the tumor cell lines in vitro werestudied.The results of anti-tumor activity evaluation indicated that compounds1 and 3 which contained cinnamic acid ester group and 3-phenolic hydroxyl groupor 17-alcoholic hydroxyl group in estradiol free were much stronger in the inhibitory activity against tested tumor cell lines than that of 5-FU.The cinnamatecompound 1 which contained 3-phenolic hydroxyl group in estradiol free exhibited inhibition rate up to 73.91% and 67.93% respectively against breast cancer cell lines MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231.
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In vitro Anti-tumor Effect of Plumbagin Derivative Pln-7-co(oAc)
PENG Yan, CAI Le-jing, ZHOU Yuan-hua, LI Zhi, LIURen-lu, ZHONG Hui, ZHANG Guo-hai
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2013, 31 (1):  67-71. 
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The anti-tumor effectin vitro of plumbagin derivative (Pln-7-co(oAc)) is investigated.Human lung cancer cell lines (NCI-H460,A549),human liver cancer cell line BEL-7404,human gastric cancer cell line MCG-803 andhuman normal liver cell line HL-7702 were served as the tested cells.The cellproliferation inhibition rates of Pln-7-co(oAc) were detected by MTT colorimetricassay.The relative expression of LRRC3B mRNA after Pln-7-co(oAc) treated wastested by qPCR.The inhibition rate of Pln-7-co(oAc) on NCI-H460 cells (86.68%±2.89%) was much higher than that on A549 cells (59.56%±9.00%),BEL-7404 cells (-7.24%±2.93%),MCG-803 cells (15.27%±5.87%) at a 10 μmol/L concentration.In IC50 test,the inhibition rate of Pln-7-co(oAc) on NCI-H460 cells showed a good dose dependency with IC50 value as low as (4.85±0.61) μmol/L,which was significantly better than the positive drug Iressa (20.17±2.15) μmol/L.The relative expressionofLRRC3B mRNA of Pln-7-co(oAc) group markedly increased compared with that of the control group.
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Synthesis and Crystal Structure of Phenanthroline-Cysteic Acid Cobalt(Ⅱ) Ternary Complex
LI Hai-ye, JIANG Yi-min, MENG Xiu-jin
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2013, 31 (1):  72-75. 
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A ternary complex [CoL(phen)2]H2O (L=L-sulfosalicylic alanine,phen=1,10-phenanthro-line) was synthesized with metal cobalt(Ⅱ) salts and L-cysteic acid and phenanthroline.The structure of the complex was characterized by infrared spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction.The crystal structure shows that its space group is P2(1)/c,and unit cell parametersare:a=1.042 44(11) nm,b=1.560 74(14) nm,c=1.676 03(19) nm,β=90.425(7)°,z=4,the final factor R1=0.148 2,wR2=0.282 7.In the complex the central metal ions exhibit distorted octahedral geometries.
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Determination of 28 Elements of Spatholobus suberectus Dunn by ICP-MS
SU Jun, DUAN Yu-lin, LÜ Shi-jun, LIU Dong-cheng
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2013, 31 (1):  76-81. 
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In order to study the relationship between trace elements of Spatholobus suberectus dunn and efficacy,and continue to develop andutilize Spatholobus suberectus dunn,ICP-MS was applied to simultaneously determine 28 elements concealed spatholobus suberectus dunn for the first time.The sample was dissolved with microwave digesting,wet digesting and dry ashing.Thematrix effect was corrected by the in-line addition of internal standard (Be,Y,Sc,In,Re).The analysis method is simple,rapid,accurate and fiting to the determination of elements in Chinese herbs.The detection limits of these element werein the range of 0.01~0.8 μg/L.The relative standards (RSD) were in the range of 0.11%~2.57%,and the recoveries were in the range of 94.00%~110.00%.The results show that large amounts of elements are embodied in spatholobus suberectus dunn.There are 13 kinds of element content in 2 mg/kg above.The contents of Ca、Kand Mg are in conformation with the medical effects of spatholobus suberectus dunn.It can provide scientific basis for further development of the effect of Spatholobus suberectus dunn.
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Application of Topology Index in Aliphatic Aldehydes,Fatty Amines and Aliphatic Hydrocarbons Boiling Point
ZHOU Chang-hui, WU Qi-xun, HOU Qing-gao, GAO Yan-zi, LI Hong-nan, ZHANG Rui
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2013, 31 (1):  82-87. 
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Two matrices and a topological index W were defined,then,topological index W was put into nonlinear regression with the boiling point of aliphatic aldehydes,fatty amines and aliphatic hydrocarbons,respectively,and with good results,thecorrelation coefficient reaches a good level.The established topologicalindex and two kinds of matrix are easy and convenient to use,which canquickly predict the boiling point of the molecule.
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Compare the Allelopathic Potential of Osmanthus fragrans in Different Habitats
LI Fu-rong, HE Gui-yin, ZHOU Qiao-jin, A Xi-ying, LIANG Shi-chu
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2013, 31 (1):  88-93. 
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To compare the allelopathy of Osmanthus fragrans in four different habitats,the allelopathic potential of aqueous extracts of thefresh and fallen leaves of O.fragrans to radish was studied by using indoorPetri dish bioassay method.The results showed that aqueous extracts from both the fresh and fallen leaves in the four habitats all had allelopathic effects.However,the differences of allelopathic potential existed under different situations.In the same habitat,the allelopathy inhibition of fresh leaves was usually stronger than that of fallen leaves,which may be relative to the contents and kindsof different allelochemicals.Except the fallen leaves in Qixing Park and GuilinLandscape Botanical Garden,the aqueous extracts of the other leaves significantly inhibited the seed germination of radish.In more cases,the allelopathy inhibition of the aqueous extracts of O.fragrans leaves on root growth was stronger than that on the stem length of radish seedlings.The allelopathy inhibition was beneficial to improve O.fragrans grow better in the competition with otherplants.This study provided some theory basis to guide the widely cultivation and rationally arrangement of O.fragrans.
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A New Synonym in Parathelypteris (Thelypteridaceae)
PENG Ri-cheng, JIANG Ri-hong, XU Wei-bin
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2013, 31 (1):  94-96. 
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Based on herbarium and field observations,Parathelypteris auriculata H.G.Zhou et H.Li is reduced to the synonym of P.angulariloba (Ching) Ching.
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Identification Characters of Leaf Morphological and Venation Pattern of Ilex cornuta with Its Confused Herb Mahonia bodinieri
GUO Min, LIAO Yue-kui, XU Ling-ying, XIAN Yu-jun, HE Bao-zuo
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2013, 31 (1):  97-103. 
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To study the identification characters of Ilex cornuta and its confused herb Mahonia bodinieri and to establish an identification method.LMVP (leaf morphological-venation pattern for identification Chinese herbs),and QAERM (quantitatively analyze and evaluating reliability for the methodof identification Chinese herbs) were applied for the study.There exsist distinct differences between leaf morphological and venation of the two kinds.The mainfeatures ofthe leaf of Ilex cornuta:it is of short petiole with different shapes likesubrectangle,oblong-rectangle,elliptical,ovate,occasionally suborbicular.The venation shapes,such as craspedodromous-brochidodromous-semicraspedodromous pinnate,brochidodromous pinnate,and brochidodromous-semicraspedodromous pinnate,differ from the basal secondary veins numbering ≤2.The areoles are formed by veinsfrom primary vein to tertiary vein,their shapes and size were various,big-sized with a diameter about 2~9 mm.The main features of the leaflets of Mahonia bodinieri:it is of no petiolule,and the shapes are long-ovate,ovate-lanceolate,ovate or suborbicular.The venation differ from brochidodromous-semicraspedodromous pinnate to semicraspedodrom-ous pinnate with the basal secondary vein numbering ≥3.The areoles are formed by veins from primary vein to quaternary vein with different shapes like quadrilateral,pentagon,hexagon or triangle.They are regular in size and shapes,but small in size with a diameter about 0.4~0.8 mm.Withkey differences of the 5 mentioned groups,both plants and their velvetherbal pieces could be successfully identified from each other.The accuracy of identification results (Ac) was from 98.2% to 100%,the repeatability of identification results:agreement rate for observation (ARO) was from 98.2% to 99.6% and Kappa value was from 0.96 to 0.99.The established method is simple,rapid,economic and reliable.
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Checklist of Chinese Ants:Formicomorph Subfamilies (Hymenoptera:Formicidae) (Ⅲ)
RAN Hao, ZHOU Shan-yi
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2013, 31 (1):  104-111. 
Abstract ( 176 )   Save
92 known species,and 2 subspecies belonging to 7 generaof the family Formicidae of the formicomorph subfamilies in China are listed.Among them,9 species belong to Plagiolepis,2 species belong to Polyergus,44species and 1 subspecies belong to Polyrhachis,11 species belong to Prenolepis,14 species belong to Proformica,11 species and 1 subspecies belongtoPseudolasius,and one species belongs to Rossomyrmex.The Chinese names,Latinnames,and detail distribution of all species and subspecies were provided.Noteswere provided to the species whose status changed recently,and species of economic values and social values,as well as those needed to be explained.
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Survey of Amphibians and Reptiles in Beilunhekou National Nature Reserve of Guangxi,China
ZHANG Liang-jian, YU Tai-lin, HAN Zeng-chao, LIU Xiao-hui, SU Bo
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2013, 31 (1):  112-118. 
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Survey of amphibians and reptiles was conducted in Beilunhekou National Nature Reserve in October 2011 and from April to May 2012.14species of amphibians were recorded,belonging to 4 families and 1 orders.And18 species of reptiles belonging to 7 families and 2 orders were recorded.OrientalRealm species and species in both central and south China region were dominant.F index,G index and G-F index of reptiles (3.471,2.553,0.264) werehigher than amphibians' (1.830,1.946,-0.063),which indicateds that the diversity in families of reptiles was higher than that of amphibians'.The species of amphibian was the mostin the grass habitat,and species of reptile was the most in the bush habitat.
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Screening and Identification of a Strain of Hydantoinase-producing Microorganism
WANG Pei, CAO Jian-hua, SONG De-gui, GU Lan-tao, DONG Yan-ling
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2013, 31 (1):  119-124. 
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Through gathering,isolation and purification,a strain of Hydantoinase-producing microorganisms from soil microbial based on single hydantoin analogue was taken as the onlynitrogen source.The Hydantoinase-producing microorganisms was screened by utilizing the Double agar-agar method.Then,it DNAwas extracted by the means ofgenetic engineering method,and sequence of its specificity 16S rDNA was tested.Lastly,a comparison its gene sequence to GenBank database byBlastn tool.Research result shows:this microorganism has 98% similarity with Bacillus megaterium QM B1551 (NC004604),which proved that it is Bacillus megaterium.
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Change of Soil Nutrient and Enzyme Activities under Different Land Use
LIANG Yi, YANG Hui, CAO Jian-hua, BO Qiao-zhen, LI Liang, FANG Pei-jie, WANG Kai-ran
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2013, 31 (1):  125-129. 
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The relationship between soil depth and soil enzyme activity,and the effect of soil enzyme activity under different land use are under research by choosing the 0~20 cm,20~40 cm and 40~60 cm soil layer of differentland use which are woodland,dry land,orchards and shrubs,in Xinzhai,Dajing ofGuilin.And the determination of enzyme activity of urease,invertase and peroxidase are tested by using colorimetric method.The results showed that the enzyme activity of soil urease and invertasereduced gradually with increased soil depth in same land use patterns.The peroxidase activity increased with increased soil depth.While under different land usepatterns,the soil urease,invertase and peroxidase activity showed significant differences in size.
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