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20 June 2013, Volume 31 Issue 2
The Qualitative Study for a Cellular Automata Model with Two Variables
DENG Min-yi, TAN Hui-li
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2013, 31 (2):  1-6. 
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The excitable system can be described by a pair of partial differential equations,and it usually has two variables.This article introduces a Cellular Automaton Model with two variables for the study of the dynamicsof nonlinear waves in myocardium.The results of the computer simulations displaythe dispersion relation and the curvature effect,which are analyzed withsingular perturbation theory and proved in the experiment.On the other hand,thecomputer simulation with such Cellular Automaton showed the keeping of the target waves.The mechanism of this phenomenon is also discussed.
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Floating Population Migration Satisfaction Based on AHM
WANG Gui-zhi, LÜ Xiao-jun, LU Jin-shuai, LI Jie
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2013, 31 (2):  7-12. 
Abstract ( 64 )   Save
In order to evaluate the floating population's satisfaction level on work,life and environment between original and immigrant areas,floating population migration satisfaction model is established.Attribute Hierarchical Model (AHM) and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method is applied in this field for the first time.Questionnaires were sent out in nationwide to make empirical analysis of floating population's satisfaction to the original and immigrant areas' working and living environment.The results show that thecalculation process is simplified under AHM algorithm,and the problem causedby influence between indicators can be effectively solved.Different scores reflect the migration willingness of floating population,and scientific evidence canbe offered to the government for floating population management and service.
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Design of a 5.8 GHz and Fully Integrated CMOS Low Noise Amplifier
ZHANG Shang-kun, SONG Shu-xiang
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2013, 31 (2):  13-18. 
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In view of the problem of needing synchronous matching of noise and input impedance in the LNA design in any given power,in this paper,a 5.8 Ghz CMOS low noise amplifier which supports the IEEE 802.11a WLAN standards is presented utilizing a standard TSMC 0.18 μm RF process by using the cascade structure and power-constrained simultaneous noise and input matching technique(PCSNIM).The noise figure (NF) of the proposed LNA at the central frequencyis only 0.972 dB.The simulation results demonstrate that the LNA has a power consumption of 6.4 mW,a gain of 17.04 dB,and an input 1 dB compression point (P1 dB) about -21.22 dBm while at 1.8 V supply voltage.The proposed LNA also achievesgood input and output match performance.
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A Model-Driven Software Requirements Analysis Method and Its Technical Support
LI Zhi, PANG Liu, LIU Guo-yuan, YANG Zhi-shang
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2013, 31 (2):  19-26. 
Abstract ( 115 )   Save
Problem Frames have become a major approach to the studyof software requirements in the software engineering research community.It provides intuitive models and analytical methods for requirements analysis in software development.Therefore,how to deploy problem transformation techniques to derive software specifications (for programming) from user requirements is an important research topic in software requirements engineering.Model-driven engineering(MDE) has become one of the hot spots in software engineering research,and itscore foundation is model-driven architecture (MDA).Based on previous in-depthresearch on Problem Frames and inspired by the MDA approach,a problem-orienteddomain and requirements modeling transformation technique was developed.In addition a case study was conducted to illustrate its practical applications.Experimental results show that the CASE tool can implement problem transformation visually and modify textual requirements automatically in sync with each transformation step,thus enhancing the interactivity and comprehensibility of thetool in its practical application.
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Seat Inventory Control for Flights Based on Risk-aversion
LE Mei-long, ZHANG Jian-ze
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2013, 31 (2):  27-33. 
Abstract ( 86 )   Save
The seat allocation control problem is considered by the view of risk-aversion.Seat inventory control based on risk aversion can give a better description of the uncertainty of revenue.The risk aversion parameter is introduced for risk measurement in this paper,whichrepresents the variance of revenue,to formulate the single-leg and multi-legmodels respectively.Through simulation analysis,the numbers of the seat allocation,expected revenue and variance of revenue for single-leg and multi-leg models are obtained under different risk aversion parameters.Then the impact of the change of parameters on expected revenue and seat allocation is analyzed.Comparing the computational result of the both models,the simulation shows the effectiveness and innovativeness of the proposed model in this paper.
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Ant Colony Algorithm for Solving Continuous Function Optimization Problem Based on Pheromone Distributive Function
HUANG Min, JIN Ting, ZHONG Sheng, MA Yu-chun
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2013, 31 (2):  34-38. 
Abstract ( 59 )   Save
Ant colony algorithm,in recent years,emerges as a novel approach of bionic meta-heuristic algorithm in the field of optimization.Though it is widely applied in the discrete space area,it is relatively less researched in solving continuous function optimization.Aiming at overcoming the shortage of long time in searching for continuous function with ant colony algorithm,the paper proposes an improved ant colony algorithm for solving continuous function optimization,which is based on the original methods of continuous function optimization.The improvement is directed against the total amount of pheromone and size of ant colony within all the subintervals.It leads-in a function that varieswith increase of the iterations,in the hope of increasing the convergence speed of ant colony algorithm after its improvement.And numerical simulation results indicate that,comparing with the algorithm proposed by References,thisimproved algorithm offers better solution for continuous space optimization problems,hence it is an effective new way to solve problems alike.
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Mobile AODV Routing Protocol Design and Performance Evaluation
LIU Jie, ZHANG Zi, HUANG Ting-lei
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2013, 31 (2):  39-44. 
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Wireless Ad Hoc networks,also known as mobile Ad Hocnetworks,does not require fixed infrastructure.This widely used network has good mobility and can be flexibly deployed.Wireless communication module and routingprotocol are the foundation and key property for mobile multi-hop Ad Hoc Networks.To meet the actual requirements,this paper used WM-G-MR-09 chip,designedand implemented WiFi communication module to set up a mobile network environment based on Windows CE operating system platforms and IEEE 802.11b/g wireless network interface.This approach obtained AODV routing algorithm module by calling theAPI of NDIS.Then,the function of the module for multi-hop routing preliminarywas verified,and the video transmission performance was tested.It lays the foundation for the further research and improvement.
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Design of Health Monitoring System Based on Power Line Communication
LIN Ke, QIN Zhi-song, SUN Chun-feng, HUANG Ting-lei
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2013, 31 (2):  45-50. 
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A health monitoring system based on power line communication was designed and implemented aiming at solving the problems such as theageing of the population,higher prevalence of chronic illness and difficult andexpensive to see a doctor.Using the acquisition terminal and power line communication module,the system collects patients' physiological parameters and sends them to the monitoring center management system.Then,the “Intelligent medical expert system”analyses the physiological parameters,and gives the results of diagnosis as wellas health care scheme.The paper introduces the overall system architecture,hardware and software design,describes the design of power line communication module and the development of “Intelligent medical expert system”.At the end of the paper,the results of application system were provided.The system offers a novel healthservice model for chronic disease patients with advanced information technology.Using the power line as transmission line,the system reduces the cost.This system can be used in family,community clinics and hospitalward for remote monitoring.
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1-Regular Hexavalent Cayley Graphs with Abelian Point Stabilizer
LI Jing-jian, XU Shang-jin, WANG Rui
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2013, 31 (2):  51-54. 
Abstract ( 69 )   Save
A graph Γ is called 1-regular if Aut(Γ) acts regularly on its arcs.In this paper,a complete characterization for 1-regular 6-valent Cayley graphs with an abelian point stabilizer is presented.It is proved that there exists only one core-free 1-regular 6-valent Cayley graph with an abelian point stabilizer.
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Invariant Gauss Extensions in Q(K G)
WEI Yin-hu, PANG Gui-xi, WU Jiao, XIE Guang-ming
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2013, 31 (2):  55-57. 
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Let V be a total valuation ring of a division ring K and G be an abelian group with a pure cone P.Assume that K Ghas aright quotient skew field Q(K G) and R is a Gauss extension of V in Q(K G),a necessary and sufficient condition for R to be invariant in Q(K G) is given in this paper.
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Finite Nilpotent Groups with Automorphism Group of Order 16p1p2…pr
ZHONG Xiang-gui, LI Yong-gang, ZHANG Fu-sheng, WUYong
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2013, 31 (2):  58-63. 
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Let G be a finite group,|Aut(G)| denote the order of automorphism group of G.In this paper,the finite nilpotent groups G with |Aut(G)|=16p1p2…pr(p1,p2,…,pr are distinct odd prime numbers) are classified.The results obtained generalize some known works in the literatures.
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Synthesis and Optical Properties of 12-Aryl Substituted Derivatives of Methyl Dehydroabietate
HUA Shi-xian, WANG Ying-chun, LI Ya-jun, WANG Heng-shan
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2013, 31 (2):  64-68. 
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Starting from dehydroabietic acid which was purifieddisproportionated rosin,one important intermedia,methyl 12-bromo-13-nitro-7-oxo dehydrodeisopropylabietate (5) was synthesized through methylation,7-oxidation,12-bromination and 13-nitration.Then treatment of it with four kinds of arylboronic acids by palladium-catalyzed Suzuki cross-couplingreaction resulted in a series of 12-aryl substituted derivatives of methyl dehydroabietate.The structures of the compounds were characterized by IR,MS,1H NMRand 13C NMR.The opticalproperties of the products,such as theirultraviolet-visible spectrum and fluorescent spectrum were determined and studied.
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Hydrogen-bonding Directed Three-dimensional Supramolecular Structure in Catena-((μ2-4,4'-bipyridine)-tetraaqua-cobalt(Ⅱ) bis (2-methylbenzimidazolium-1,3-diacetate) dehydrate): Synthesis and Crystal Structural Characterization
ZENG Jian-qiang, LIANG Guang-ming, HUANG Ying-da, YANG Kun-guo, GUI Liu-cheng, NI Qing-ling
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2013, 31 (2):  69-75. 
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The title compound,{[Co(4,4'-bipy)(H2O)4](pda)2(H2O)2}n,was obtained by the hydrothermal reaction of cobalt acetate with 3-carboxymethyl-1,3-(2-methylbenzimidazolium)-1-acetate (Hpda) and4,4'-bipyridine (4,4'-bipy).X-ray single crystal diffraction shows that the asymmetric unit of the title compound contains half a Co2+ ion,half a 4,4'-bipy molecule,one counter anion pda-,two coordinated water molecules andone lattice water molecule.Co2+ ions are bridged by 4,4'-bipy moleculesresulting in a one-dimensional coordination chain,{[Co(4,4'-bipy)(H2O)4]2+}n,in which Co2+ center is six-coordinated by two nitrogen atoms from different 4,4'-bipy molecules and four oxygen atoms from coordinated water molecules.In the solid state,two-dimensional undulating layers are constructed through hydrogen bonds between pda- anions,coordinated water and crystallization water molecules,while neighboring hydrogen-bonding layers are further pillared by 4,4'-bipy into a three-dimensional supramolecular structure which contains one-dimensional channels.
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Synthesis,Crystal Structure and Magnetic Properties of [Mn3(oba)3(DMF)4]
SHENG Liang-bing, SHEN Yan-ling, XIONG Bo-pi, ZOU Hua-hong, LIANG Fu-pei
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2013, 31 (2):  76-80. 
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[Mn3(oba)3(DMF)4](oba=1,4-benzenedicarboxylate),DMF=dimethylformamide) hasbeen prepared and structurally characterized.The crystal is of triclinic,spacegroup P1 with a=0.991 23(2) nm,b=1.279 15(8) nm,c=1.66275(10) nm,α=74.340(5)°,β=89.042(5)°,γ=87.280(5)°,Z=2.The Mn1 atomin the title complex is six coordinated by two O atoms of DMF and four O atoms of oba,forming an oxtrahedral geometry.The Mn2 atom coordinated to six O atoms ofoba with oxtrahedral geometry.The complex is a 6-connected topology structure.The title complex is characterized by IR,TG,and magnetic properties analyses.
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Crystal Structure and Antitumor Activity of a New Schiff Base Palladium Complex
CHEN Si-yuan, YANG Yang, PENG Yan, LIU Yan-cheng
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2013, 31 (2):  81-86. 
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A new Schiff base 3,4-methylenedioxy-phenethylamine-pyridine-2-formaldehyde (L),was synthesized as ligand.The reaction of L with PdCl2 afforded the first palladium(Ⅱ) complex of L (complex 1).Complex 1 was characterized by IR,elemental analysis,ESI-MS,and structurally determined by X-ray single crystal diffraction analysis.In vitro cytotoxicity test against six human tumor cell lines by MTT method showed that complex 1exhibited significant cytotoxicity against the MDA-MB-231 tumor cell,with IC50 value of (6.98±1.43) μmol/L,while low cytotoxicity to the other fivetumor cell lines (including A549,HeLa,NCI-H460,MGC80-3 and BEL7404),which indicatedthat complex 1 showed some cytotoxic selectivity on these tested tumor cell lines,suggesting its potential for the antitumoral applications.
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Isolation and Identification of Microorganism Producing Humic Acid with Sugarcane Molasses Alcohol Wastewater
LI Nan, DENG Zhi-nian, FENG Ling-bo, ZHOU Rui-fang, WEI Yuan-wen, CAO Hui-qing, LI Yang-rui
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2013, 31 (2):  87-92. 
Abstract ( 50 )   Save
Microbial strain AS019 suited to grow in vinasse andbe able to produce rich HA,was screened from soil.Combined with the colony morphology,physiological and biochemical characteristics and 16S rDNA ITS sequence,AS109 was preliminarily identified as Bacillus megaterium.After fermented by strain AS019,the content of humic acid in vinasse was increased from 6.60 g/L to25.33 g/L.Humic acid structure determined by infrared spectra is rich in activefunctional groups,such as hydroxyl (OH),carboxyl (-COOH),carbonyl (-C=O),amino and high aromaticity as well.The results indicated that vinasse could be used as microbiological medium toproduce the high value-added humic acid.It was of great significance to the utilization of vinasse,environmental protection and circular economy development inthe sugarcane industry.
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A New Species of the Water Mite Genus Atractides Koch,1837 (Acarina,Hygrobatidae)
WANG Ze-yu, JIN Dao-chao
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2013, 31 (2):  93-95. 
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A new species of water mite,i.e.Atractides (Atractides) damingshanensis Wang et Jin sp.nov.,collected from Damingshan National Nature Reserve,Guangxi,China,was described.The new species is similar to A.(A.) menglaensis Jin,1997,but differs from the latter by much shorter distance betweenEpⅣ posterior edge and pregenital sclerite,anal pore located in a line posterior to Ⅴ2,while anal pore in the same line to Ⅴ2 in the latter.The type specimen was deposited in the Institute of Entomology,Guizhou University (GUGC).
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Karyotype of Rhinolophus pusillus from Guangxi,China
CHEN Zhi-jian, WANG Ren-Xiang
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2013, 31 (2):  96-99. 
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The karyotype of Rhinolophus pusillus from GuilinGuangxi was studied,using the chromosomes prepared from bone marrow cells after colehicine treatment in vivo by the air drying technique.R.pusillus has a diploidchromosome number of 62,and a fundamental number of 60.The sex determination of R.pusillus is XY.R.pusillus belongs to the first group classified by Haradh et al.Based on the karyotype evolution,R.pusillus is the most primarytype.This is consistent with its various primary morphological features.
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Artificial Propagation and Embryonic Development Observation of Mandarin Fish
LIU Xi-liang, BIN Shi-yu, WANG Kai-zhuo, CHEN Dun-xue, CHENG Jia, ZHANG Jian-she, CHU Wu-ying
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2013, 31 (2):  100-106. 
Abstract ( 156 )   Save
Different compatibility oxytocin was used in mandarinfish to reach sexual maturity,it is found that in 20~24 °C,PG+LRH-A+HCG hadmore shorter effective time;and in 25~29 °C,PG+HCG had shorter effective time.In this study,artificial insemination way was used to get the zygote,and observed the time sequence and characteristics of the embryonic development,with the water temperature being from 18 °C to 22 °C.It took 68 hours 17 minutesfor zygote to develop to newly hatched larve.Siniperca chuatsi embryonic development can be divided into seven stages,26 periods.
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Primary Study on Sprout Regeneration of Mangrove after Logging in Futian,Shenzhen Bay
LU Qun, SHI Jun-hui, ZENG Xiao-kang, ZHOU Kai, LEIAn-ping, ZAN Qi-jie
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2013, 31 (2):  107-112. 
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The sprout regeneration of three dominant mangrove species were studied after 4 years of logging in Futian,Shenzhen bay,China.The results showed that the average sprouting number of three mangrove species were asfollows:Aegiceras corniculatum (12.4)>Avicennia marina (5.4)>Kandelia candel(4.4).The sprouting rates were 72.73%,67.42% and 20.77% for A.corniculatum,K.candel,and A.marina,respectively.The sprouting ability of different intertidal zones were as follows:high tidal level>middle tidal level>low tidal level,that height of the tidal zone can affect the sprout regeneration of mangrove.The survival and growth rate of sprouting mangrove plant were higher than thoseof mangrove seeding plant,indicating that sprouting regeneration play a vital role in mangrove community recovery after clear cutting.Additionally,the physiological and ecological of mangrove plant itself may be one of the most important factors which affecting initiation.
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Seasonal Variations of Diurnal Net Photosynthetic Rate and Impact Factors of Eucalyptus
SHI Gui-yu, LI Ming-xia, LIANG Shi-chu, HUANG Ya-li, WEI Yu-jing
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2013, 31 (2):  113-117. 
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The diurnal variations of net photosynthetic rate andits impact factors such as photosynthetic active radiation,leaf temperature,andleaf water vapour deficit (ppdl) of Eucalyptus GL9 in differentseasons werestudied by Li-6400 portable photosynthesis system.The results indicated that the diurnal net photosynthetic rate of Eucalyptus was a “double peaks” curveinspring and summer,while it were two different styles of “single peak” during in autumn and winter.The trend of average net photosynthetic rate of Eucalyptuswas 10.248 μmol·m-2·s-1 in spring>7.349 μmol·m-2·s-1 in summer>3.645 μmol·m-2·s-1 in autumn>2.505 μmol·m-2·s-1 in winter.The net photosynthetic rate andphotosynthetic active radiation in the four seasons showed a great deal of synchronization,but photoinhibition of Eucalyptus occurred when photosynthetic active radiation got more than 800 μmol·m-2·s-1 and kept sharply increasing.The diurnal regularity of both leaf temperature and ppdl hadbest stabilities in spring,autumn and winter,while it had a greater fluctuation in summerwith higher datas.
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Effects of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi on the Uptake of Copper and Zinc by Eucalyptus
HUANG Jia-yu, TAN Yu, LIAO Yu-jie, WANG Wei-sheng, WANG Ying-hui
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2013, 31 (2):  118-122. 
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The effects of eucalyptus inoculated with Glomus mosseae (G.m) on the uptake of Cu and Zn and the interaction between Cu and Zn were investigated in pot experiments.Eucalyptus was cultured in artificial soil contaminated with increasing Cu (0,10,25,50 mg·kg-1) and/or Zn (0,50,100,200,300,500 mg·kg-1).Eucalyptus was harvested after inoculated for 8 weeks.The data about the biomass of eucalyptus,the colonization rate of root,Cu and Zn concentration in eucalyptus were determined.The results indicated that root colonization rates ranged from 20%~35%,and Cu or Zn concentration in soil had no significant effect on the colonization rates.The biomass of shoot increased1~3 times after inoculating G.m.The concentrations of Cu and Zn in shoot decreased significantly by about 5%~40% and 50%~80%,respectivelyafter inoculating G.m (P<0.05).Without G.m,the concentration of Cu in shoot decreased with the increase of Zn in soil significantly (P<0.05).However,increasing Cu in soil had few effect on the concentration of Zn in shoot.With inoculating G.m,the concentration of Cu in shoot decreased with the increase ofZn in soil significantly (P<0.05),and the concentration of Zn in shoot decreased by increasing Cu in soil significantly (P<0.05).
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Origin and Influencing Factors of Hydrochemical of River Ion by Factor Analysis
ZHANG Chun-lai, CAO Jian-hua, LIU Xiao-hua, LU Qian
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2013, 31 (2):  123-132. 
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Factor analysis was used to analyze the river dissolve material comprehensively in order to find out the main factors that affects hydrochemical field formation,quantify river chemical ions which affected by watershed rocks weathering,and to reflect the formation and variation of water chemistry.This research studied the main controlling factors of the water chemistry innorth-south tributary of Han River,Korean Peninsula.The data were sampled in 2000(summer and winter),2001(spring) and 2006(summer and winter).The resultsshow that:Karstification is an important weathering process of the Han River watershed,which contributes 41.83% and 43.15% of dissolved matter to the northernand southern Han River respectively;silicate rocks weathering was weak in both north and south Han river,which contribute 13.94% and 12.12% of dissolved matterrespectively;human activities and atmospheric deposition contributes 29.37% and37.14% of dissolved matter to north and south Han River respectively.68% and 95%of sulfate were eroded in rock weathering in the north and south Han River watershed respectively.Furthermore,nitric acid has accelerated the rock weathering of the South Han River.Sulfuric acid and nitric acid play an important role in the carbon sink flux reduction by absorbing atmospheric CO2 during silicate andcarbonate rock weathering.The comprehensive factor score and total dissolved solids concentration show a good correlation and the result of the factor analysishas accurately reflected the actual situation of the study area.It is also foundthat spatial distribution of the ions in Han River was controlled by geologicalbackground,and the temporal variation was controlled by climate change such asrain fall and so on.
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Remote Sensing of Rock Desertification and Soil Erosion in Typical Karst Area and the Key Problems
LI Hui, YIN Hui, JIANG Zhong-cheng, YANG Qi-yong, WANG Yue
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2013, 31 (2):  133-139. 
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Based on the remote sensing classification standardslaid down by Ministry of Water Resources on rock desertification and soil erosion of karst area in Southwestern China,by using Karst Desertification Index(KDI)and Soil Erosion Index(SEI),the karst desertification degree and soil erosion intensity in Guohua Demonstration Plot,typical karst rock desertification comprehensive management plot were dynamically evaluatedin this paper.The results showed that therock desertification degree is diminishing in the mass,but the soil erosion intensity is aggravating in the mass,mainly due to the key problems of the soil erosion remote sensing standards of karst area in Southwestern China laid down by Ministry of Water Resources.Realization and revision of the key problems may havecontributed to optimize and unify the remote sensing classification standards on rockdesertification and soil erosion of karst area in Southwestern China.
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Protection of Flavonoids Extracted from Siraitia grosvenorii Leaves to Different Tissue Membranes in Rats During Exhaustive Exercise
JIANG Feng, DENG Qi-lie, CHEN Mei, MO Wei-bin, YANG Yong-liang
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2013, 31 (2):  140-147. 
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To provide a theoretic evidence for exploitation andapplication of Siraitia grosvenorii leaves resources,the protection effect of flavonoids extracted from Siraitia grosvenorii leaves in response to oxidative stress injury was studied.Forty healthymale Sprague-Dawley rats (body weigh of 180~220 g,aged 2~3 months) were randomized into five groups,each consisting of 8 rats:the quiet control group,thepro-quiet exhaustive group,the pro-administration exhaustive group,the pro-training exhaustive group and the pro-administration-training exhaustive group.Drug-treated groups were administrated (i.g.) the solution of physiological salinepaired with flavonoids extracted from Siraitia grosvenorii leaves (20 g/L) at a dose of 10.0 mL/kg body weight per day;while other groups were administrated of pure physiological saline at the same dose.After the incremental swimming training of 28 d,rats in exhaustion groups were bore their own weight by 3% and swam to exhaustion.Rats (including the rats in quiet control group) were killed by decapitation immediately after accurately recorded the exhaustive time.Blood,heart,liverand quadriceps tissues were sampled for subsequent analysis of enzymes' activities (GOT,GPT and CK),and observation of histopathological changes with microscope.The results showed that flavonoids extracted from Siraitia grosvenorii leaves can obviously increase the activities of GOT,GPT and CK in heart,liver and quadricepstissues,decrease these corresponding enzymes' activities in plasma.The cell membranes of heart,liver and quadriceps tissues in drug-treated groups are much more integrated than that of non drug-treated groups.The ratios of rupture and deformation are greatly reduced in drug-treated groups.The conclusion indicatesthat flavonoids extracted from Siraitia grosvenorii leaves can help to protect the cell membranes of heart,liver and quadriceps tissues,ensure the integrity and fluidityof the membranes.
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