Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition) ›› 2013, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (2): 113-117.

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Seasonal Variations of Diurnal Net Photosynthetic Rate and Impact Factors of Eucalyptus

SHI Gui-yu1,2, LI Ming-xia1, LIANG Shi-chu1,2, HUANG Ya-li1, WEI Yu-jing1   

  1. 1.College of Life Sciences,Guangxi Normal University,Guilin Guangxi 541004,China;
    2.Key Laboratory of Ecology of Rare and Endangered Species and Environmental Protection (Guangxi Normal University),Ministry of Education,Guilin Guangxi 541004,China
  • Received:2013-01-17 Online:2013-06-20 Published:2018-11-26

Abstract: The diurnal variations of net photosynthetic rate andits impact factors such as photosynthetic active radiation,leaf temperature,andleaf water vapour deficit (ppdl) of Eucalyptus GL9 in differentseasons werestudied by Li-6400 portable photosynthesis system.The results indicated that the diurnal net photosynthetic rate of Eucalyptus was a “double peaks” curveinspring and summer,while it were two different styles of “single peak” during in autumn and winter.The trend of average net photosynthetic rate of Eucalyptuswas 10.248 μmol·m-2·s-1 in spring>7.349 μmol·m-2·s-1 in summer>3.645 μmol·m-2·s-1 in autumn>2.505 μmol·m-2·s-1 in winter.The net photosynthetic rate andphotosynthetic active radiation in the four seasons showed a great deal of synchronization,but photoinhibition of Eucalyptus occurred when photosynthetic active radiation got more than 800 μmol·m-2·s-1 and kept sharply increasing.The diurnal regularity of both leaf temperature and ppdl hadbest stabilities in spring,autumn and winter,while it had a greater fluctuation in summerwith higher datas.

Key words: Eucalyptus, net photosynthetic rate, photosynthetic active radiation, leaf temperature, leaf water vapour deficit, diurnal change

CLC Number: 

  • Q945.11
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