Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition) ›› 2012, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (4): 179-183.

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Ecological Effects of Small Dams on Steam Ecosystems in Lijiang River Basin

WANG Xiao-chao1, CAI De-suo2,3,4, ZHU Tie-gang1, ZHANGYong-xiang4, LIN Hong-jun1, WU Da-yong1   

  1. 1.Research Center for Hengshuihu Wetland Conservation,Department of Life Sciences,Hengshui Univeristy, Hengshui Hebei 053000,China;
    2.Guangxi Water and Power Design Insitute,Nanning Guangxi 530023,China;
    3.College of Hydroelectric and Environmental Engineering,China Three Gorges University,Yichang Hubei 443002, China;
    4.College of Civil Engineering and Architecture,Guangxi University,Nanning Guangxi 530004,China
  • Received:2012-08-02 Published:2018-11-27

Abstract: Many studies have investigated and assessed the ecological impacts ofdams on river ecosystems,but few have focused on the effects of small dams in China.Habitat,aquatic quality,and benthic macroinvertebrates upstream and downstream of five small dams are studied on four tributaries of Lijiangriver in theOctober of 2011.None of the fourteen measured aquatic physic-chemical characteristics except for NO2-N showed significant different between upstream and downstream of small dams.However,habitat measures such as velocity,substrate composition,and hydrophytic vegetation communities were changed by these small dams.Ephemeroptera taxa richness,Ephemeroptera,and Filters in upstream of smalldams were higher than those in downstream.Finally,It's suggested that assessment of Lijiang ecosystems should regard the effects of small dams on itstributaries as one of those main anthropogenic activities.

Key words: small dams, Lijiang river basin, benthic macroinvertebrates

CLC Number: 

  • X826
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