Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition) ›› 2012, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (4): 123-129.

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Water Quality Bioassessment with Benthic Diatom in Lijiang River, Guilin,China

ZHOU Jing1, LIU Shuo-ru1, CAI De-suo2,3, ZHANG Yong-xiang2,4, WANG Bei-xing1   

  1. 1.Laboratory of Aquatic Insects and Stream Ecology,Departmentof Entomology,Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing Guangxi 210095,China;
    2.College of Civil Engineering and Architecture,Guangxi University,Nanning Guangxi 530004,China;
    3.College of Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering,China Three Gorges University, Yichang Hubei 443002,China;China;
    4.Guangxi Water and Power Design Institute,Nanning Guangxi 530023,China
  • Received:2012-04-18 Published:2018-11-27

Abstract: Taking Lijiang river as a demonstration basin,the correlation among Shannon,Simpson,Marglef,TDI,PTI index and the physicochemical monitoring results of the rivers are studied,then the Lijiang river ecological health status.From the population structure analysis,achnanthes minutissima was the dominant species in five sites,indicating arelatively clean water.The physical and chemical indicators (TP and NH4-N) show that the water in surveyed region in Lijiang were nearly above Class Ⅲ (including Class Ⅲ),and the results of Simpson index evaluation are similar.ThroughSpearman correlation analysis,the electrical conductivity (Cond) showed a significant correlation with the number of species (r=0.677*,p=0.032),while the Margalef (r=0.733,p=0.016) and the TDI index (r=0.687*,p=0.028) showed a negative correlation with PTI (r=-0.685*,p=0.029).Mg2+ and thetotal number of individuals in the samples (N) (r=-0.839**,p=0.002) were highly significantly correlated.Ca2+ and Margalef index (r=0.638*,p=0.047) was significantly correlated.TDI index and nitrite (r=0.670*,p=0.034) was significantly correlated.The results show that TDI,PTI index can indicate the water conditions.

Key words: Lijiang river, benthic diatom, biological index, waterquality assessment

CLC Number: 

  • X823
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