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25 June 2014, Volume 32 Issue 2
An Evaluation Method of Riding Comfort of Road Alignment with Acceleration Change
HUANG Yan-guo, XU Lun-hui, LUO Qiang, KUANG Xian-yan
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2014, 32 (2):  1-8. 
Abstract ( 221 )   PDF(pc) (970KB) ( 864 )   Save
Highway ridding comfort and road alignment are closely related. A new method that evaluates the comfortableness of highway plane alignment with acceleration and acceleration change is put forward based on the analysis of the vehicle running characteristic under different road alignment. The relatioship among the axial acceleration, lateral acceleration and comfortableness and the evaluation index are expounded. The acceleration changing rate model and acceleration noise model are deduced through the analysis of the influence of change acceleration to ridding comfort. The acceleration noise is used to measure the change size and oscillation frequency of speed, and the discretization model of acceleration noise on the straight, cyclotron and circular curve segment are deduced. A simulation example with different road alignment is given, and the influence of acceleration changing rate to the ridding comfort is analyzed. The changing trend of the acceleration noise is also analyzed on the different plane alignment roads, and the methods of improving the riding comfort are given. Results show that it is a new evaluation method for riding comfort, which provides a reference for the inspection and evaluation of the comfortableness of road geometric alignment.
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Effect of Nick in Pressure Bar on Measure of Reflected Pressure
YI Chen-hong, HU Mei-e, HU Ba-yi
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2014, 32 (2):  9-13. 
Abstract ( 123 )   PDF(pc) (1128KB) ( 461 )   Save
The finite element method was applied to analyze the pressure bar system. The effect of the nick on the pressure bar surface is studied. With numerical simulation the response of different rising front of trapezium impulse and triangle impulse is studied. The investigation indicates that the nick in the pressure bar has great effect on the measure results. And the shorter the impulse rise time is, and the bigger the peak value is. In addition, the nick affects the amplitude of the trapezium impulse more, and also, the vibration frequency of the triangle impulse more. The simulation results have some value for measuring the reflected pressure with experiments.
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The Algorithm of Identifying the Front Side of Bamboo Based on BP Neural Network
WANG Dong-xu, SONG Shu-xiang, JIANG Pin-qun
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2014, 32 (2):  14-19. 
Abstract ( 113 )   PDF(pc) (2924KB) ( 177 )   Save
In order to improve the low rate of detecting the front side of a bamboo in chip in the bamboo automatic detection field, the paper present an algorithm of identifying the front side of the bamboo chip based on BP neural network. A model of BP neural network wa built with three layers of three input and one output. The operation flow is as follow: extract the front and reverse side’s textural features and characteristic value of gray value, then import these data into the trained model, and at last calculate the predicting results. The experiment results show that the algorithm can identify 96% of the reverse side and 95% of the front side under the principle of minimum risk. Therefore, the stability of the algorithm is stronger than any other method with signal feature.
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A Remote Sensing Image Registration Algorithm Basing on the Improved Mutual Information
WEI Chun-rong, HE Chu
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2014, 32 (2):  20-25. 
Abstract ( 136 )   PDF(pc) (3194KB) ( 355 )   Save
As a similarity measure function for image registration, mutual information equably contains the information of the interesting region and the other region of the overlap area between the registration images pair. In this paper, a new similarity measure function which combines both the mutual information of the interesting region and the tradition mutual information of the images is provided to direct the image registration process. The experimental results of remote image registration show that the registration algorithm based on the new similarity measure function is effectively in improving the registration accuracy.
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An Edge Detection Algorithm of Noisy Image Based on NSCT
HUA Zi-zheng, HUA Ze-xi
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2014, 32 (2):  26-34. 
Abstract ( 130 )   PDF(pc) (8363KB) ( 19 )   Save
To extract abundant edge information and improve the ability to resist noise, a noisy image edge detection algorithm is proposed based on Non-subsampled Contourlet Transform. The proposed approach adopts a hard threshold method to remove the noise. An adaptive threshold approach is used to obtain the high frequency edge information. The low frequency edge image is achieved according to the low frequency matrix and is adopted to compensated the high frequency image for obtaining the final edge image. Experiment results show the effectiveness and excellence on different noisy images of the proposed algorithm.
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Left Ventricle MRI Segmentation Based on Developed Dynamic Programming
XU Sheng-zhou, XU Xiang-yang, HU Huai-fei, LI Bo
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2014, 32 (2):  35-41. 
Abstract ( 156 )   PDF(pc) (5545KB) ( 221 )   Save
In order to accurately extract the epicardium of the left ventricle from cardiac magnetic resonance images, a method based on developed dynamic programming is proposed. First, the endocardium is segmented by the Otsu method. Then, the epicardium is derived by designing an improved dynamic programming method to find a closed path with minimum local cost. The key to this method is the design of the local cost function, which consists of three factors: boundary gradation, boundary gradient and shape features. The weighting coefficients of the three factors are obtained by a chaos particle swarm optimization method. A comparison with other segmentation methods and the gold standard is provided based on 138 images. The experimental results show that the method proposed has high accuracy and robustness.
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The Internet of Things with Knowledge Service Functionality
LIAO Yuan-xiu, ZHOU Sheng-ming, QIN Shao-hua
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2014, 32 (2):  42-47. 
Abstract ( 109 )   PDF(pc) (977KB) ( 226 )   Save
In order to address the challenges of IOT with limited resources in information storage, transmission and intelligent processing,this paper presents a novel solution: Creating a formal language used to describe knowledge based on the sensing information; defining a sensor-based semantic interpretation; building micro knowledge bases in IOT; transforming sensing information into knowledge, and providing knowledge services to users. In such a way, IOT will have the functionalities with knowledge services. This kind of IOT can convert a variety of different types of sensing information into a unified form of knowledge and solve the communication problems among heterogeneous sensor networks in WSN. Because knowledge is a form of concentration and abstraction of data and information, it has a qualitative leap in reducing data size. Those characteristics will play a significant role for solving storage and transport issues of IOT.
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Optimum Software Release Based on G-O Model and VaR Constraint
TAN Hong-jian, YANG Ya-hui, DONG Ming-gang
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2014, 32 (2):  48-54. 
Abstract ( 120 )   PDF(pc) (878KB) ( 516 )   Save
The paper studies optimal software release time problem based on G-O software reliability model, and proposes a new minimum software test cost model with VaR constraint. The analytic formula of VaR based on non-homogeneous Poisson process is obtained, and the optimal release time of software is calculated by numeric experiments based on Monte Carlo simulation. The results and sensitivity coefficients are analyzed, which shows that decision variables of the model well presents the risk preference of software project manager. The comparison of classic G-O model and VaR constrain G-O model is conducted, and the resuls show the G-O model underestimats the extreme risk of multi-faults of software after release comparing with VaR constrain G-O model.
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Synergistic Effect of Isopropyl Alcohol and Oxidant in Silicon Wet Etching with TMAH Etchant
CHEN Dong , LIU Shi-bin , LIANG Jin-tao
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2014, 32 (2):  55-59. 
Abstract ( 456 )   PDF(pc) (3999KB) ( 669 )   Save
Tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide (TMAH) is a kind of silicon wet etchants frequently used in Micro-electromechanical Systems (MEMS). When etching a silicon device with aluminum structure on its surface, for protecting the aluminum structure, a quantity of silicic acid and oxidant are added into the TMAH solution, but doing so will result in the decline of surface smoothness. In this paper, two kinds of substance, isopropyl alcohol (IPA) and ammonium persulfate (AP) are simultaneously added into the TMAH solution in which silicic acid is resolved beforehand, and the effect on the etching performance of TMAH is studied. Result of the research reveals, the synergistic effect of IPA and AP can improve the smoothness of silicon etching surface remarkably.
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CSS-Quasinormal Subgroups and p-Nilpotency of Finite Groups
WU Yong, ZHONG Xiang-gui, JIANG Qing-zhi, ZHANG Xiao-fang
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2014, 32 (2):  60-63. 
Abstract ( 115 )   PDF(pc) (814KB) ( 224 )   Save
A subgroup H of a finite group G is said to be CSS-quasinormal in G if there exists a quasinormal subgroup T of G such that G =HT and H∩T is SS-quasinormal in G. This paper investigated the p-nilpotency of a group G under the assumption that certain subgroups of prime power order are CSS-quasinormal in G. The results generalized some known works in the literatures.
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On Some Sufficent Conditions of p-Nilpotency of Finite Groups
PANG Lin-na, QIU Yan-yan, LU Jia-kuan
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2014, 32 (2):  64-66. 
Abstract ( 205 )   PDF(pc) (787KB) ( 495 )   Save
The normalizers and centralizers of Abelian sugroups give a lot of information about the structure of finite groups. In this paper, some interesting results related to the Abelian subgroups are obtained.
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The Joint Asymptotic Distribution of Distribution Function in a Finite Number of Points under ø-Mixing Samples
LU Wei-xue YANG Shi-juan LI Ying-hua
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2014, 32 (2):  67-74. 
Abstract ( 81 )   PDF(pc) (873KB) ( 589 )   Save
Under $\phi$-mixing samples, the joint asymptotic distribution of kernel estimator of distribution function in a finite number of points under $\phi$-mixing samples was first researched and proved by the blocking method and moment inequalities. It is shown that the joint asymptotic distribution of kernel estimator of distribution function in a finite number of points under $\phi$-mixing samples is asymptotically multivariate normal distributed.
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Li-Yorke Chaotic Set and ω-Chaotic Set of the Generalized Symbolic Dynamical Systems
LIU Long-sheng, KANG Yun-lian, ZHAO Jun-ling
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2014, 32 (2):  75-81. 
Abstract ( 121 )   PDF(pc) (1004KB) ( 171 )   Save
In this article,a Li-Yorke chaotic set, that is transitive, invariant and uncountable, is constructed in the generalized symbolic dynamical system Σ(Z+) and the chaotic set $\widetilde{D}\subset$Σ(Z+)\∪∞N=2Σ(N) is further proved. Moreover a ω-chaotic set is then constructed and the chaotic set S′$\subset$Σ(Z+)\∪∞N=2Σ(N) is also proved. It shows that the chaotic properties of generalized symbolic dynamical system do not focus on the symbolic dynamical system in which the number of symbolic is limited. It has very strong chaotic property outside the symbolic dynamical system with limited number of symbolic ∪∞N=2Σ(N).
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Interaction of Bromophenol Blue and Bovine Serum Albumin
ZOU Hua, ZHOU Xiang-chun, SUN Mei-xiang, WANG Yu-long
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2014, 32 (2):  82-87. 
Abstract ( 286 )   PDF(pc) (1449KB) ( 355 )   Save
Under simulated physiological conditions of animals and at various temperatures, the binding reaction of Bromophenol blue (BPB) to bovine serum albumin (BSA) was studied by fluorescence spectrum and ultra-violet spectrum spectroscopy. The fluorescence quenching data were analyzed according to Stem-Volmer equation and Lineweaver-Burk double-reciprocal equation. The study show that BSA reacted with BPB and formed a certain new compound, which belonged to static fluorescence quenching. The formation constants of the compound KLB, the thermodynamic parameters and the number of binding sites were obtained. And the binding power between them is mainly the electrostatic acting force. Site marker competitive experiments showed that the binding of BPB to BSA primarily took place in site Ⅰ(sub-domain ⅡA)of BSA. The effect of BPB on the conformation of BSA was analyzed by synchronous fluorescence spectra and three-dimensional fluorescence spectra, which indicates that the polarity microenvironment around Trp residues decreased, while hydrophobic forces increased. These provide important information for enucleating the dyeing mechanisms, the toxicity effects and biological effects of BPB.
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Optimization of Silk Fibroin Extraction by Alkali Degumming and Spectra of Its Conformation in Solution
CHENG Lei, XIN Wei-biao, LIU Zhi-xu, WANG Zhuo-yuan, SHEN Xing-can
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2014, 32 (2):  88-94. 
Abstract ( 175 )   PDF(pc) (11275KB) ( 31 )   Save
Degumming conditions of silkworm cocoon produced in Guangxi province were optimized by the method of alkali degumming. The degumming rates of silkworm were checked by the carmine of picric acid and SEM. It is showed that the silkworm can be degummed clearly with the condition of 30 min, two times and 1:200 of bath ratio for degumming. Silk fibroin can be prepared by dissolution and degumming of three solvents of CaCl2-EtOH-H2O, LiBr-H2O and LiBr-EtOH-H2O. The conformation of silk fibroin was characterized by the optical spectroscopy of Raman and IR. The silk is mainly the conformation of β-folding by alkali degumming. After dissolving and degumming the silk, the random coil is mainly the conformation of silk fibroin. Comparing with three dissolving systems, it is showed that alcohol is better for the formation of the conformation of the random coil for silk fibroin, and Li+ has more influence than Ca2+ for secondary structure of silk fibroin.
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Inhibitory Action of a Xanthono-pyridine Derivative XP-16 on Human Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma CNE Cells in vitro
HAN Liu-yu, DAI Zhi-kai, YANG Zheng-min, HUANG Jun, QIN Jiang-ke, SU Gui-fa
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2014, 32 (2):  95-100. 
Abstract ( 123 )   PDF(pc) (4029KB) ( 192 )   Save
MTT assay, morphological examination and colonial assay were applied to evaluate the antiproliferative effect of a new xanthono-pyridine derivative (XP-16) on human nasopharyngeal carcinoma CNE cells; Hoechest 33258/PI double staining, flow cytometry, spectrofluorimetry and RT-PCR were also employed to investigate its possible action mechanism. The experiment results showed that XP-16 could inhibit the proliferation of CNE cells in dose- and time-dependent manner. Typical apoptotic morphology such as chromatin aggregation and nuclear fragmentation was observed in XP-16 treated CNE cells for 24 h in a dose-dependent manner. After treated with XP-16, CNE cells were blocked in G2-M and S phases, mitochondria membrane potential of the cells was decreased, relative Bad and MT-1A mRNA level was up-regulated. The apoptosis of CNE cells inducing by XP-16 might be associated with decreasing mitochondria membrane potential and up-regulating MT-1A.
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Synthesis of N-Methyl Moxifloxacin Hydrochloride and Its Application in Production
ZHENG Qing-si, LIN Mei-fang, TANG Huang
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2014, 32 (2):  101-105. 
Abstract ( 182 )   PDF(pc) (880KB) ( 169 )   Save
N-methyl moxifloxacin hydrochloride (1-cyclopropyl-6-fluoro-1,4-dihydro-8-methoxy-7-[(4aS, 7aS)-N-methy-octahydro-6H-pyrrolo[3,4-b]pyridin-6-yl]-4-oxo-1,4-dihydroquinoline-3-carboxylic acid hydrochloride) was synthesized with quinoline carboxylic ethyl ester as starting materials via esterification protection, condensation with side chain and reaction with formaldehyde after deprotecting. The target compound was characterized by ESI-MS, 1H NMR and 13C NMR. The applying in production monitoring and quality standardof the compound was also studied.
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Size Effects of Water-Soluble CdTe Quantum Dot in Metal Ion Detection Applications
JIAO Hang-zhou, LIANG Zhen-hua, PENG Gui-hua, ZHOU Huang-xin
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2014, 32 (2):  106-110. 
Abstract ( 134 )   PDF(pc) (1111KB) ( 359 )   Save
Different sizes of thioglycolic acid capped CdTe quantum dots were synthesized in aqueous solution, the effects of their size on the sensitivity and selectivity in the fluorometric determination of metal ion were studied. It was found that the small sizes of QDs displayed no significant quenching or enhancement responses to most of the observed metal ions except Hg2+, while the QDs with large size displayed no significant quenching or enhancement responses to most of the observed metal ions except Ag+. The detection limits of Hg2+ and Ag+ were 8.7 nmol/L and 9.9 nmol/L, respectively. The different phenomena that different size of QDs function with Hg2+ may be due to the small size of QDs has a larger radius caused by quenching, and the phenomena of Ag+ may be due to occurring transfer processes after the large size of the QDs function with Ag+. This study illuminated unambiguously that improvement of sensing performance by the use of QDs could be achieved readily through fine-tuning their particle sizes and should be considered as an important factor for the development of QDs based probes.
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Hydrolysis to Kitchen Waste with Multiple Enzymes
HUANG Zhi, LIANG Qiu-ping, SU Cheng-yuan, WU Chang-qing, CHEN Meng-lin
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2014, 32 (2):  111-116. 
Abstract ( 185 )   PDF(pc) (869KB) ( 483 )   Save
Cellulase,laccase and α-amylase were used to hydrolyze kitchen waste mixture. Amount and rate of enzymes, pH of kitchen waste mixture solution, hydrolysis temperature and time were tested to check hydrolyzation. The results showed that kitchen waste hydrolysis was accelerated under above enzymes, DE and sCOD increased, meanwhile, TS were markedly reduced. Orthogonal experiment showed that DE and sCOD of hydrolysis solution were 38.6% and 23.2 g/L, respectively, TS reduced by 28.63% than that of blank controlled kitchen waste mixture.
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Degradation of Ammonia Nitrogen in Wastewater by Lanthanon and Fe3+ Doped TiO2 Photocatalysis
ZHANG Zong-wei, LI Yan, CHU Fei-xue
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2014, 32 (2):  117-121. 
Abstract ( 124 )   PDF(pc) (933KB) ( 292 )   Save
Nano-TiO2 with photocatalytic activity were prepared by sol-gel progress. Tb3+、Eu3+、Y3+、La3+、Dy3+、Fe3+ were adoped to enhance the photocatalytic activity. The degradation of ammonia nitrogen wastewater was investigated by TiO2 catalyst. The reaction also features the photocatalytic activity of Nano-TiO2. The results indicate that titania doped lanthanon could efficiently improve the photoactivity and expand the visible light response range. Fe3+ could reduce the chance of photo-generated electron-hole recombination and increase the photodegradation efficiency. The NH3-N photodegradation by La-Fe-TiO2 (Eu-Fe-TiO2 or Tb-Fe-TiO2) was higher than that by Fe-TiO2 or La-TiO2(Eu-TiO2 or Tb-TiO2).
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Insecticidal Activities and Chemical Constituents of Essential Oils from Alien Invasive Plants Solidago canadensis and Wedelia trilobata
DENG Ye-cheng, LI Rui-yu, YANG Lin-lin, ZHONG Hui, ZHOU Qiu-yan, QING Zhen
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2014, 32 (2):  122-129. 
Abstract ( 214 )   PDF(pc) (870KB) ( 413 )   Save
Insecticidal activities and chemical constituents of essential oils from alien invasive plants Solidago canadensis and Wedelia trilobata were investigated. The results showed that the two plant essential oils exhibited fumigant and contact activities against three stored-product insect pests. The fumigant LC50 values of essential oil of S. canadensis against Tribolium castaneum, Sitophilus zeamais and Callosobruchus chinensis were 7.72 μL/L, 237.05 μL/L and 43.28 μL/L, respectively, and the contact LD50 values were 2.71×10-4 μL/adult, 1.40×10-5 μL/adult and 2.35×10-5 μL/adult, respectively. The fumigant LC50 values of essential oil of W. trilobata against T. castaneum, S. zeamais and C. chinensis were 187.06 μL/L, 156.73 μL/L and 0.93 μL/L, respectively, and the contact LD50 values were 7.52×10-5 μL/adult, 2.84×10-5 μL/adult and 1.18×10-5 μL/adult, respectively. The two plant essential oils also inhibited the population of C. chinensis, with the inhibition rates being 57.30%-82.12% for essential oil of S. canadensis and 37.63%-67.86% for W. trilobata at concentrations of 1-3 μL/g. Fifty eight compounds from S. canadensis oil and fifty two compounds from W. trilobata oil were identified using GC/MS technique. The most principal component of S. canadensis oil was germacrene D (49.43%), and the principal components of W. trilobata oil were 1 R-α-pinene (28.79%), D-limonene (23.70%) and α-phellandrene (10.80%).
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Screening for Mutants of Klebsilla oxytoca with Stronger Chemotaxis to Exudates from Mycorrhiza of Eucalyptus-Pisolithus tinnctorius
YU Xiao-yu, JIANG Shao-feng, LAN Yun-hua, XIA Ying-hua, LI Yun-fei, LU Zu-jun
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2014, 32 (2):  130-136. 
Abstract ( 112 )   PDF(pc) (1027KB) ( 194 )   Save
Mutant TR-M30-1 of Klebsilla oxytoca showing 1-2 times stronger chemotaxis than its wild strain to the exudates of mycorrhiza of Eucalyptus-Pisolithus tinnctorius was screened by first using 0.1 mL/L and 0.01 μL/mL of Eucalyptus oil suspensions as the chemotaxin then the secretions of Pisolithus tinctorius, root of Eucalyptus seedings and mycorrhiza of Eucalyptus-Pisolithus tinnctorius. These results provided the initial possibility for establishing three-way mutualism system of Eucalyptus-Pisolithus tinctorius-K. oxytoca.
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A New Gene is Required for Full Virulence of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola in Rice
HUANG Sheng, LU Ye, ZHU Xiao-lin, PAN Jun-xia, HE Yong-qiang, JIANG Wei
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2014, 32 (2):  137-142. 
Abstract ( 101 )   PDF(pc) (2003KB) ( 205 )   Save
Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola (hereafter Xoc) is one of the main pathogens of rice, which could cause rice bacterial leaf streak, resulting in severe losses in rice production. In this study, a random insertion mutant library of Xoc strain which isolated from Guangxi and named as GX01 was constructed using EZ∷Tn5 transposon. One mutant which showed greatly reduced virulence on rice was identified from the library using puncture virulence assay. The insertion site was mapped by TAIL-PCR in XOC3376, and this gene encodes a hypothetical protein. In order to investigate this genes’s functions, several phenotype and virulence assay of this mutant and complementary strain were checked. The results showed that all phenotype of the complementary strain and virulence have been recovered. The study facilitate elucidating the pathogenesis of this phytopathogen.
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New Records of Ferns from Guangxi, China
ZHU Xiao-feng, WEI Hong-jin, GU Yu-feng, LING Tie-jun, YAN Yue-hong
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2014, 32 (2):  143-146. 
Abstract ( 156 )   PDF(pc) (6667KB) ( 245 )   Save
Six ferns are reported as new records from Guangxi, China. They are Dryopteris peninsulae, D. uniformis, D. tsoongii, Onychium contiguum, Pseudophegopteris levingei and Ctenitis truncate. All the voucher speclinens for these ferns in the present paper are preserved in Herbarium of Shanghai Chenshan Plant Science Research Center Chinese Academy of Scienses(CSH).
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Thermal Biology of Japalura splendida
MAO Zhi-gang, WANG Zhen-xing, WU Zheng-jun, LI Yun-tao, LU Yu
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2014, 32 (2):  147-153. 
Abstract ( 209 )   PDF(pc) (955KB) ( 363 )   Save
From November to December, 2010, the selected body temperature (Tsel), critical thermal maximum (TCTMax), the diel variation in body temperature,post-prandial selected body temperature of Japalura splendida were measured under laboratory conditions. The Tsel and TCTMax of J. splendida were (26.22±0.65) ℃ and (42.35±0.41) ℃, respectively. In a gradient of 15~30 ℃, the body temperature (Tb) was positively correlated with ambient temperature (Te): Tb=0.663Te+7.193. In the environment without thermal gradients, diel variation in body temperature was not significantly affected by environment temperatures (T11=0.643,P=0.534). There were no significant differences in Tsel between fasted and fed lizards(F2, 104=0.997, P=0.372). The results indicated that:(1)The body temperature of J.splendida changed with environment temperature. (2)J. splendida could conduct its body temperature by physiological thermoregulation. (3) The diffences of TCTMax among J. splendida and other lizards may be related to their geographical distribution. (4)Tsel of J. splendida did not vary significantly between fasted and fed, while may be related to its food.
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Trophic Relationships in Guizhou Shibingxia Cave and Mulaotang Cave by Means of Stable Carbon and Nitrogen Isotopes
HAN Kang, XU Cheng-xiang, LI Dao-hong, ZHENG Chuan-wei, LUO Qing-huai
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2014, 32 (2):  154-161. 
Abstract ( 148 )   PDF(pc) (961KB) ( 384 )   Save
Stable δ13C and δ15 N is a very effective technology used to research material circulation and energy flow in ecosystem. The δ13C value is commonly used for the analysis of consumer food source. The δ15 N value is commonly used to determine the living creature position in the food web. Stable δ13C and δ15 N are used to to research the trophic level relationship of Guizhou Shibingxia cave and Mulaotang cave. The result showed that fauna enrichment on the δ13C and δ15N enrichment were obvious in Shibingxia cave and Mulaotang cave. Two caves enrichment spans on the δ13C (the difference between the maximum and minimum values) were 4.911 4‰ and 6.292 8 ‰ respectively and on the δ15N were 6.687 0‰ and 5.056 0‰. But on the whole, the two ecosystems enrichment on δ15N is much stable than on δ13C. So it is concluded that the two caves enrichment factors on the δ15N value are 2.808 0 and 2.420 0 respectively by using the level δ15 N value to evaluate the level of nutrition. The trophic levels have three levels. They are as follows. The first trophic level is soil organic matter. The second trophic level is Kronopolites sp., Gastroptychia sp. and Distrammena sp. which feed on soil organic matter. The third trophic level is Oreolalax rhodostigmatus, spiders and bats taxa.
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The Ecological Compensation of Qingshitan Reservoir Based on the Value of Ecosystem Service Function
XIAO Fei-peng, LI Hui, YIN Hui, WANG Yue
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2014, 32 (2):  162-167. 
Abstract ( 150 )   PDF(pc) (825KB) ( 548 )   Save
Qingshitan reservoir is one of the source regions of the Lijiang River, which shoulders the ecological service function, water conservation and climate regulation. This paper uses the method of literature study, on-the-spot investigation, comparative analysis and systematic analysis, qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis, case studies and empirical research methods. Based on the Qingshitan reservoir ecological status investigation, the value of its ecosystem services is 549 137 070 yuan. And at the same time, according to the ecological loss, willingness to pay and opportunity cost, the upper, lower and reference standard of compensation value and determined in Lijiang River basin. The calculated limit of the Qingshitan reservoir ecological compensation standard is 6 127.214 yuan, people every year. On this basis, compensation methods and means are proposed in order to promote the Guilin water resource utilization and protection and provide scientific reference to maintain the ecological water requirement stability of the Lijiang river.
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Groundwater Vulnerability Evaluation System and Assessment Method in Zhaidi Underground River System
PAN Xiao-dong, YIN Xue-ling, TANG Jian-sheng, SU Chun-tian, MENG Xiao-jun
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2014, 32 (2):  168-174. 
Abstract ( 122 )   PDF(pc) (2252KB) ( 207 )   Save
In order to study karst groundwater vulnerability assessment index system, evaluation methods, and provide measures for the protection of groundwater resources, Guilin Zhaidi-haiyang karst groundriver system was taken as an example. According to the characteristics of the rain into ground in southwest karst area, the cover, terrain slope, landform, lithology, geological structure, groundwater depth, precipitation amount and indicators of human activities are closen to build the groundwater vulnerability assessment index system. The groundwater vulnerability within the system was assessed according to the add notes method of the groundwater quality assessment, highlighting the landforms, and geological tectonic’s influence,and the composite index method,considering the weight of each fator. According to the changes of the COD concentration of the well within the system, the groundwater vulnerability assessment results were verified.The result show that the highly vulnerable area is mainly distributed in the human living karst valleys and depressions.
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Molecular Cloning and Expression Analysis of Slow Myosin Heavy Chain 1 (sMyHC1) Gene cDNA in Mandarin Fish(Siniperca chuatsi)
YI Tan , LIU Xi-liang, BIN Shi-yu, WANG Kai-zhuo, WU Ping, CHU Wu-ying, CHEN Tao
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2014, 32 (2):  175-180. 
Abstract ( 150 )   PDF(pc) (1285KB) ( 275 )   Save
The slow Myosin heavy chain 1 of Mandarin fish was cloned by Homologous cloning technology. The slow Myosin heavy chain 1 gene is 5 823 bp in length and encodes 1 940 amino acids. Sequence analysis showed that the slow Myosin heavy chain 1 contains three ATP binding sites,three actin binding sites, one ELC binding site,one RLC binding site and two Loops ring. The expression level in red muscle was significantly higher than that in white muscle and cardiac muscle. The above results will make contribution to provide reliable experimental data and theoretical basis for the muscle phenotype and the research of meat quility of Siniperca chuatsi.
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