Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition) ›› 2014, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (2): 162-167.
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XIAO Fei-peng1, LI Hui2,3, YIN Hui4, WANG Yue2,3
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[1] | GAO Hongjuan, HAN Huiqing, LUO Xuqiang, LI Jinyan, CHEN Mengling, ZHANG Xinding. Effects of Land Use Change on Freshwater Ecosystem Services in Guizhou, China [J]. Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition), 2020, 38(1): 157-163. |
[2] | ZHANG Yong-xiang, CAI De-suo, TANG Ying-chun. Soil Erosion and Ecological Restoration on Water-level-fluctuation Zone of the Qingshitan Reservoir,Guilin,China [J]. Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition), 2012, 30(4): 152-155. |
[3] | ZHANG Yong-xiang, CAI De-suo, YI Ran. Ecological Fragility and Impact Factor of Water-level-fluctuation of the Qingshitan Reservoir,Guilin,China [J]. Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition), 2012, 30(4): 156-160. |