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20 June 2010, Volume 28 Issue 2
Monte Carlo Study of J/ψ Decays into nK0SΛ and pK0SΣ+
WEI Dai-hui, YANG Yong-xu, TANG Xiu-fu
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2010, 28 (2):  1-4. 
Abstract ( 51 )   Save
The decays of J/ψ→nK0SΛ and J/ψ→pK0SΣ+ are studied based on BESIII simulation system BOSS6.5.1.The signalparticles are selected with the help of the particle identification software.Both the selection efficiency and background proportion are obtained,and the J/ψdata taking plan is estimated for the baryon excited states study requirement.
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Suppressing Spiral Waves and Spatiotemporal Chaos in Cardiac Model by Restricting the Potassium Current
ZHONG Min, TANG Guo-ning
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2010, 28 (2):  5-8. 
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The potassium current has an important impact on theprocess of repolarization of myocardial cells.Suppression of spiral waves and spatiotemporal chaos in LuoRudy91 model is considered.The control strategy of restricting the potassium current is applied.Two numerical results are obtained.One is that the spiral wave and spatiotemporal chaos can be effectively suppressed by limiting the total current of potassium.The other is that the suppression of spiral wave and spatiotemporal chaos becomes difficult if one of the time-dependent and time-independent potassium current is not restrained.The control mechanism limiting the total potassium current can significantly prolong the effective refractory period of myocardial cells,lead to the result that spiral waves and spatiotemporal chaos can not be maintained,and thus,they are annihilated.
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A Local-World Weighted Network with Considering the Deletion ofLinks
ZHU Peng-peng, ZOU Yan-li
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2010, 28 (2):  9-13. 
Abstract ( 35 )   Save
Local-world and weight property exist in many real-life complex networks.By further exploring the mechanism of Local-world weighted networks a new model is proposed.The new model can capture the essence of theweight dynamics induced by the deletion of some old links.Thestrength distribution was deducted and the correctness of the theoretical analysis was proved by the simulation.This improved model has more broad practical background.
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Traffic Flow Evolution Model Based on Geographic Structure and Behavioral Strategy
QIN Ru-zhan, WANG Li-hu, ZHAO Ming
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2010, 28 (2):  14-17. 
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Regional traffic flow model is studied in thispaper on the basis of current research.The model considers double constraints which are geographic location and behavioral choosing strategies.The leading network in a two-dimensional grid is located and the flow of traffic network constrained by leading network is simulated.Through specificsimulated experiments we can see the formation of traffic flow topology as a whole and understand the difference of traffic flow distribution in modeling network in detail.
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Simulation of Film Thickness Controlling System Based on MCGS and MATLAB
LI Yang-fan, JIANG Pin-qun, LI Ting-hui, LONG Yuan-yuan
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2010, 28 (2):  18-21. 
Abstract ( 56 )   Save
A film thickness controlling system is designed and simulated based on MCGS configuration software as well as MATLAB.MCGS is used toaccomplish setting hardware interface,real-time data collecting,man-machine dialogue and animated displaying the running status of controlling system.MATLAB is used to auto-tuning PID algorithms,and DDE communication protocol is used torealize data exchange between MCGS and MATLAB.The simulating result indicates that the control system is characterized by small overshot,rapid response,swift self-adaptability,easy operation and direct display and has great application value.
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An Auditory Feature for Text-independent Speaker Recognition System
LU Xiao-chun, YIN Jun-xun, WANG Xiu-xin
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2010, 28 (2):  22-26. 
Abstract ( 46 )   Save
The paper proposes a novel feature based on an auditory periphery model for robust speaker recognition.The sub-band energies of theextracted auditory features are calculated using a Gammatone filterband insteadof commonly used triangle filter band.The center frequencies and bandwidthsare then determined according to the equivalent rectangular bandwidth (ERB) model.Moreover,weighting the Gammatone filter bank by analyzing contribution of short-time spectrum in different frequency sub-bands,and using the CMS method toremove the varibility of channels are also investigated.Simulation results withGaussian Mixture model indicate that the recognition accuracy is significantly improved by this auditoryfeature in the noisy environments for the text-indepentent speaker recognition,especially in low SNR environments.
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Equivalence Definition and Criteria on Concave Function
ZHANG Wu-jun, WEI Bao-jun
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2010, 28 (2):  27-29. 
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In this paper,definttion 3 equivalent to 1 was given to the lack of the definetion of Concave function;According to the necessaryand sufficient condition of Concave function,weak sufficient conditions are given for judging the Convex-concave function.
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Cubic Cayley Graphs on Three Kinds of Groups with Order 2q2p
XU Shang-jin, SUN Li-min, LIU Cui-ming, BAI Hui-juan
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2010, 28 (2):  30-33. 
Abstract ( 65 )   Save
A Cayley (di)graph Γ of a finite group G issaid to be normal if the action of G on V(Γ) by right multiplication isnormal in the full automor-phism group of Γ.This paper mainly researches the mormality of connected cubic Cayley graphs on three kinds ofmetacyclic groups with order 2q2p,where both q<p are odd primes andq (p-1).In application,the weak 3-CI property of two kinds of groups are determined.The conclusion also involves in the classification of the finite simple groups.
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F -Subgroups and Supersolubility of Finite Groups
ZHONG Xiang-gui, ZHANG Hong, HE Jia-wen
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2010, 28 (2):  34-37. 
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Let F be a class of groups.A subgroup Hof a group G is called the F -subgroup of G if there exists a normal subgroup B of G such that HB —G,B/(B∩HG)∈F and B contains a Sylow q-subgroup of G for any prime q with (q,|H|)=1.By using F -subgroups of prime powerorder,this paper provides some sufficient conditions for G to be supersolvable.
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Structure of the Unit Group of Zn[i]
TANG Gao-hua, SU Hua-dong, YI Zhong
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2010, 28 (2):  38-41. 
Abstract ( 92 )   Save
In 1801,Gauss proved the structure theorem of the unit group U(Zn) of the residue class ring Zn and constructed Gaussianintegers ring Z[i]={a+bi|a,b∈Z,i2=-1} over complex plane and the problem of two-square-sum in number theory was solved.The structure of the unit group of the Gaussian integers ring module n:Zn[i]={a+bi|a,b∈Znis not solved until today.In this paper,by combining methodsinnumber theory,combinatorics and algebra,the structure of the unit group U(Zn[i]) are completely determined.
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Graded Maps Over Q and Graded Extensions of Type (e) in K[Q,σ]
XIE Guang-ming, LIU Feng, WEI Chun-hao
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2010, 28 (2):  42-46. 
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Let σ be a group homomorphism from Q to Aut(K),K[Q,σ] be the skew group ring of Q,and V be a total valuation ring of K.Let K(Q,σ) be the quotient ring of K[Q,σ].In this paper,complete descriptions ofgraded maps over Q and graded extensions of type (e) over K[Q,σ] are given.
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Lp Bounds of General Weighted Hardy-Littlewood Averages
CHEN Jin-yang, HUANG Li-hong
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2010, 28 (2):  47-49. 
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This paper defines a general weighted Hardy-Littlewood averages,provides the boundedness for Lp(Rn),and computes the norm.Under special situations,Hardy's inequality on R andRn can be obtained.
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Generic Stability on Generalied Largest Elements
YANG Guang-hui, XIANG Shu-wen
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2010, 28 (2):  50-52. 
Abstract ( 43 )   Save
Using generic study method(usco),the generic stability on generalized largest elements is proved with perturbation set-valued mappings,i.e.,in the sense of Baire category,for most set-valued mappings all theirgeneralized largest elements are essential.
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Metabolites of Brown Alga Endophytic Fungus (No.ZZF36) from the South China Sea
YANG Rui-yun, HUANG Zhong-jing, SHAO Chang-lun, LI Jun, SHE Zhi-gang, LIN Yong-cheng
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2010, 28 (2):  53-56. 
Abstract ( 42 )   Save
Seven compounds,including 5-hydroxymellein (1),mannitol (2),4-hydroxybenzoic acid (3),cyclo-(Ala-Val) (4),thymine (5),uracil (6),and succinic acid (7),were isolated from the metabolites of a brown alga (Sargassum sp.) endophytic fungus No.ZZF36.Their structures were elucidated by spectral data.Compound 1 was isolatedfrom brown alga endophytic fungus (Sargassum sp.) for the first time.
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Extraction Condition and Quantitative Analysis of Flavonoid in Different Sections of Premna fulva Craib
SHI Yan-cai, WEI Ji-qing, JIANG Yun-sheng, TANG Hui, HUANG Rong-shao, LI Feng
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2010, 28 (2):  57-60. 
Abstract ( 66 )   Save
By studying the extraction technology and the contentbyorthoronal design,the optimum extracting conditions forunivariate of the flavonoid in Premna fulva craib were determined:ultrasonic power 120 W,ultrasonic frequency 35 kHz,the proportion of solid and liquid 1/16,extracting time 90 min,extraction reagent 40% alcoho1.A conclusion can be drawn thatthere were more contents of flavonoids in the leaves than in stems and roots and epidermis contained more flavonoid.The stability and reappear probability of the method werehigh,so were the precision and the recovery rate.
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Determination of Carbofuran Residues in Vegetable by Fluorospectrophotometry with o-Phthalaldehyde Derivatization
DAI Yong-jia, CHEN Guan-hua, SHI Jie, SUN Juan, DONG Min
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2010, 28 (2):  61-64. 
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The new fluroscent assay has been developed for determining carbofuran residue in vegetable.The sample is extracted with acetic ether,cleaned up with activated carbon and carbofuran solid phase extracting column,hydrolyzed for 25 min in boiled water of pH8.0,derivatized with o-phthalaldehyde in carbonate buffer of pH11.25 and the mass ratio of o-phthaladehyde and carbofuran is more than 6.5∶1.Under these conditions,the linear dynamic range of carbofuran is 0.09~1.2 mg/L,detection limit is 25 μg/kg and the recoveries of spiked sample are between 82.18%~94.3%.The assay can be applied for determination of carbofuran in vegetables.
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Determination of Adenosine in Cordyceps sinensis(Berk)Sacc.and Tablets by HPLC
YU Qing-fen
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2010, 28 (2):  65-68. 
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The HPLC method was carried on Kromasil-C18(4.6 mm×250 mm,5 μm),using 0.05 mol·L-1 potassiun dihydrogen phosphatesolution-methanol (90∶10) as a mobile phase,flow rate 1.0 mL·min-1,dector 260 nm and the column temperature 35 °C,to determine the content of adenosine in Cordyceps sinensics (Berk) Sacc.and tablets.Adensine showed a good linear relationship in the range of 0.005~0.2 μg(r=0.999 3).The average recovery was 101.19%,RSD=1.45%.The established method is accurate,reliable and specific.The results are stable with good reproducibility and the quality of the tablets can be controlled by the method.
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Synthesis and Structure of a Novel Three-dimensional Zn2+Coordination Polymer with Topology (63.103)(63)
YIN Gang-qiang, HUANG Huo-ming, WANG Xiu-jian
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2010, 28 (2):  69-73. 
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A three-dimensional Zn2+ coordination polymer[Zn2(SSS)2(bipy)]n was prepared under hydrothermal method with 4,4'-bipyridine (bipy) and tridentate 1,3,4-thiadiazole-2,5-disulfide (SSS2-) as ligands and characterized by elemental analysis,IR spectrum and TG.Its structure was determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction.In the title complex,each SSS2- anion links three Zn2+ ions while each Zn2+ links three SSS2- anions,constructing a two-dimensional plane which is parallel to the ab plane.Neighboring 2-D planes are interlinked by bridging 4,4'-bipyridine molecules,resulting in a novel 3D polymeric architecture.This 3D architecture represents a new topology with schlafli symbol (63.103)(63).The title complex shows high thermal stability (up to 350 °C).
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Synthesis and Crystal Structure of [Cu(phen)(PPh3)Cl]2·H2O
ZOU Hong-li, ZHANG Min-min, LI Jia-yuan, LIU Yan-cheng, CHEN Zhen-feng
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2010, 28 (2):  74-77. 
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The title compound [Cu(phen)(PPh3)Cl]2·H2O was synthesized and characterized by elemental analysis,IR and UV spectra.The results of X-ray single crystal diffraction analysis of the title complex reveal that it belongs to triclinic crystal system,space group is P-1,C60H48Cl2Cu2N4OP2,Mr=1 100.94,with cell parameters.a=0.97978(13) nm,b=1.566 10(2) nm,c=1.846 20(3) nm,α=109.138(3)°,β=103.417(3)°,γ=103.417(3)°,V=2.584 1(6) nm3,Z=2,Dc=1.415 Mg/m3,F(000)=1 132,μ=1.035 mm-1,R1=0.101 4,wR2=0.212 2(I>2σ(I)).Thecompound consists of two independent Cu(phen)(PPh3)Cl molecules and one H2Osolvent molecule.The structures of the two independent Cu(phen)(PPh3)Cl molecules are similar.The central metal Cu(Ⅰ)atom is four-coordinated distorted tetrahedral geometry surrounded by two N atoms from 1,10-phen,one P atom from PPh3 and Cl atom.In addition,a two-dimensional network is generated via non-classical hydrogen bonds involving chlorine and C—H of phen.
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Magnetic Properties of Multi-metal Cyano-bridged Complexes
LIN Qing, MA Zhi-xuan, HUANG Hai-fu, LIANG Zheng, LIANG Fu-pei, HE Yun
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2010, 28 (2):  78-82. 
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A multi-metal Prussisa blue compound Ni1.15Mn0.35[Fe(CN)6]·6H2O has been synthesized.The temperature-dependentmagnetic susceptibilities of the compound were measured.These results indicate that there exist a ferromagnetic exchange interaction in the complexes.It undergoes a paramagnetic to ferrmagnetic transition at 20 K.According to Curie-Weiss law,paramagnetic Curie temperature (θ) is 13.81 K and the Curie-Weiss constant (C) is 2.21 cm3·K·mol-1.The observed value of coercive field(Hc) and remanent magnetization (Mr) for the compound are 0.172 T and 0.682 uB.This value of Hc is much higher than those most reported Prussian blue analogues.In addition,there exists a spin-glass behaviour in the compound.
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Co-precipitation Synthesis of CaMoO4:Eu3+0.18,B3+0.1 Red Phosphor for White LED
FENG Yu-zhi, PENG Gui-hua, LIANG Zhen-hua, LU Feng-qi, WEI Yan-yan
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2010, 28 (2):  83-86. 
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Red emitting CaMoO4:Eu3+,B3+ phosphor was successfully synthesized by co-precipitation method.The effect of Eu3+and B3+ doped content on the luminescent properties of the phosphor was investigated.The samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and photoluminescence spectrophotometer (PL).The results showed that the phosphor sintered at 900 °C for 3 h was a pure CaMoO4 phase;The fluorescence intensity initially increased with increasing Eu3+ content,and then decreased,with the maximum intensity appearing at a Eu3+ content of 0.18;The emission spectrum intensity of CaMoO4:Eu3+0.18,B3+x increased with Eu3+ doping content increasing,however,the agglomeration of particles are greatly increased when B3+ doping content is over 0.1.
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Microwave Properties of Fe-Cr Alloy
PAN Shun-kang, CHENG Li-chun, LIN Pei-hao, LU Chang-fu, LUO Xiao-tao, YANG Tao
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2010, 28 (2):  87-90. 
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The Fe100-xCrx(x=3,5,7,9,11) alloy powders were prepared by using the means of mechanical alloying,and the microstructure of alloy powder was analysed by means of XRD and SEM,then the electromagnetic parameters characterization of alloy powder was used by vector network analyzer.The result shows that,the reflectivity of alloy powder was lower from 2 GHz to 7 GHz under 1.5 mm material thickness,especially at 5.3 GHz Fe97Cr3 alloy powder reflectivity was -17 dB.The reflectivity of Fe97Cr3alloy powder was systematically reseached,the result shows that the least reflectivity frequency was moved from high frequency to low frequency by increasing material thickness.The reflectivity of Fe97Cr3 alloy powder was least at 2.5 mm material thickness,at 3 GHz its reflectivity was -42 dB.
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Determination of Gene Sequence and Subtype Analysis of HIV-1 Strains in Guilin,China
JIANG Jiu-xi, LI He-wei, ZHOU Fang, LUO An-de, XURu, ZENG Si-en
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2010, 28 (2):  91-95. 
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To investigate the subtype distribution and the prevalence of sequence characteristics of HIV-1 strains in Guilin residents and to analyze the relationship between distribution of HIV-1 subtypes and transmissionroutines,blood samples from 42 HIV-1 infected individuals from Guilin residents and separated PBMC specimens were collected.DNAs were extracted and the envgene was amplified by nest-PCR.PCR products were sequenced directly and phlogenetic analyses of gag gene was performed using the MEGA3 software.Among 42 HIV-1 blood samples,30 env gene fragments were amplified and analyzed.Two HIV-1 subtypeswere identified in Guilin residents and more attention should be paid to the surveillance of HIV-1 gene variation.
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Protective Biology of Hucho bleekeri in the Upper ChangjiangRiver,China
DING Rui-hua, GUI Lin-hua, LI Ming, LUO Qing-hua
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2010, 28 (2):  96-102. 
Abstract ( 88 )   Save
This paper reported the investigation results about conservation biology of Hucho bleekeri Kimura which is distributed in the upper of the Changjiang River,including the characteristic change of this species in different area and the ecological character.It's reported that with the passage of the time the distribution region of theHucho bleekeri Kimura reduced slowly,and the resources of this species decrease quickly,it will probably become extinction.The reasons of extinction and some suggestions' are provided to protect this rare species.
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Activity Budgets of Squirrel Monkeys in Nanning Zoo,Guangxi,China
HUANG Xue-man, ZHOU Qi-hai, JIANG Xia, ZHANG Cai-chang, HUANG Cheng-ming
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2010, 28 (2):  103-106. 
Abstract ( 80 )   Save
Data on time budgets and activity patterns were collected from one group of Squirrel monkeys in captive via focal sampling between November 2008 and February 2009 at Nanning Zoo,Guangxi,China.The objective of thisstudy is to explore the factors influencing activity budgets and provide theoretical foundation for scientific feed and breed of squirrel monkeys.The results indicated that squirrelmonkeys spent an average time of 45.74% for moving,18.77% for resting,15.93%for feeding,9.17% for Sun-bathing and 9.12% for playing.There was significant difference inthetime budgets of different age-sex classes.Juveniles spent more time for movingandplaying than adult males and females,and adult females spent more time for feeding than adult males and juveniles.There was no significant difference in the timedevoted to Sun-bathing among different age-sex classes.The diurnal activity pattern of squirrel monkeys showed two peaks of moving and feeding in the morningand afternoon,with resting peak and a small feeding peak at noon.
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Leaf Traits' Analysis of Offspring Obtained by Transferring Exogenous DNA into Wheat Mediated by Ion Beam
QI Yan-lei, SU Zhang-lei, GU Yun-hong, QIN Guang-yong
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2010, 28 (2):  107-111. 
Abstract ( 68 )   Save
Some valuable wheat mutants were obtained by transferring exogenous DNA into wheat mediated by ion beam transformation.The variationfeatures of the leaf traits of the mutants were analysed.The result shows that the length and width of both the flag leaf and the 2nd leaf change obviously compared with control and reach a significant level no matter rain-fed and irrigated conditions.The dry/water ratio of the leaf traits of many mutantsis higher than the reference value,which states that their leaf traits under drought condition is thesame as irrigated condition's and the stability in both conditions is quite good.And among all of the mutants stands out a variant line whose number is 4342,for the dry/water ratios of the four index of its leaf traits are preferable to the reference,indicating its stability is the best in all the mutants.The results provide important bases for further improvement and utilization of the mutants.
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Effects of Cadmium on the Growth and Quality of Different Variety of Pakchoi
FENG Ying-mei, CAO Jian-hua, PENG Hui
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2010, 28 (2):  112-116. 
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A pot culture experiment was carried out to determinethe effect of cadmium on the growth and nutrition quality of three different pakchoi varieties which were very common in south china.The results showed that the seed germination rates and the seedling root elongation growth of vt.Sijiaijiaoheiye wereless affected by Cd than the other two varieties,vt.Heiyekuisan and vt.Sijihuangye.Cd treatments also influenced the nutrition quality indicators obviously.The contents of chlorophyll increased compared with CK under Cd treatment at 0.5 mg/L,but decreased over 0.5 mg/L.The contents of crude fibre increased with the increase of Cd treatment levels,while the dissolubility sugar contents tends to decrease with increasing Cd treatment concentrations.As awhole,vt.Heiyekuisan was most affected by Cd treatments andvt.Sijihuangye was the least,while the effect on vt.Sijiaijiaoheiye wasmedian.
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