Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition) ›› 2010, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (2): 96-102.

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Protective Biology of Hucho bleekeri in the Upper ChangjiangRiver,China

DING Rui-hua1, GUI Lin-hua2, LI Ming2, LUO Qing-hua3   

  1. 1. Sichuan Institute of Natural Resource,Chengdu Sichuan 610015,China;
    2. Sichuan Forestry Institute of Exploration and Design,Chengdu Sichuan 610081,China;
    3. College of Resources and Planning,Jishou Univerisity,Zhangjiajie Hunan427000,China
  • Received:2009-12-23 Online:2010-06-20 Published:2023-02-07

Abstract: This paper reported the investigation results about conservation biology of Hucho bleekeri Kimura which is distributed in the upper of the Changjiang River,including the characteristic change of this species in different area and the ecological character.It's reported that with the passage of the time the distribution region of theHucho bleekeri Kimura reduced slowly,and the resources of this species decrease quickly,it will probably become extinction.The reasons of extinction and some suggestions' are provided to protect this rare species.

Key words: characteristic change, distribution region, ecologicalcharacter, protection measures, Hucho bleekeri

CLC Number: 

  • Q16
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