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15 March 2015, Volume 33 Issue 1
Path Deviation Control of Automatic Guided Vehicle
XU Lun-hui, LIU Jing-ning, ZHU Qun-qiang, WANG Qing, XIE Yan, SUO Sheng-chao
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2015, 33 (1):  1-6.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2015.01.001
Abstract ( 225 )   PDF(pc) (1247KB) ( 242 )   Save
This paper aims at the AGV path deviation control with differential driven, and builds a motion model of AGV path deviation. Using mathematical methods to analyze the relationship between the path deviation and the wheel speed, and getting two driving voltage and deviation variable equivalent relationship through in-depth analysis, the structure diagram of the system is obtained. The system is the simplified to a system with double imput and single out put based on the condition of the diviation variables as the input and driving voltage difference as the output through fuzzy control. The simulation results show that the method has good ability of path correction.
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Cellular Automata Simulation Model for Urban MixedNon-motor Vehicle Flow
KUANG Xian-yan, WU Yun, CAO Wei-hua, WU Yin-feng
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2015, 33 (1):  7-14.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2015.01.002
Abstract ( 278 )   PDF(pc) (2796KB) ( 373 )   Save
In china, especially in small and medium-sized cities, mixed non-motor bicycle flow mainly consists of electric bicycles and electro-tricycles. According to the difference in the actual size and driving characteristics of the two kinds of fransportation tools, a mixed non-motor vehicles cellular automata model for mulfiple lans is established considering the velocity effect based on STNS (Symmetric Two-lane NaSch) model. The basic diagrams are obtained under different proportion of electro-tricycle, braking probability and lane-changing probability through computer numerical simulation. The results show that the phenomenon of segregation appeares with the increase of the electric tricycle proportion, and mixed non-motor vehicle traffic capacity and the decreased average velocity. The electric tricycle reduction behavior are more likely to cause congestion with the increase of probability of slowing down. The lane-changing behavior probability has little effect on non motor vehicle mixed traffic flow. With the increase of the lane occupancy, the electric bicycle lane-changing rate curve quickly decreaces to 0, while the electro-tricycle lane-changing rate curve presented increases firstly then decreases.
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State Transfer of Two Mechanical Oscillators in Coupled CavityOptomechanical System
XIAO Rui-jie, LIU Ye, XIU Xiao-ming, KONG Ling-jiang
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2015, 33 (1):  15-19.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2015.01.003
Abstract ( 253 )   PDF(pc) (873KB) ( 385 )   Save
This paper investigates a coupled cavity optomechanical system consisting of two Fabry-Pérot cavities and the two cavities are coupled via an optical fiber. Every cavity is made of one fixed mirror and a movable mirror, and the movable mirror can be regarded as a mechanical oscillators. Meanwhile, the two cavity modes are driven by classical laser fields. So, the interaction is inevitable between cavities, cavity and moving mirror, cavity and classical field. Firstly, in order to eliminate the two cavity fields, an effective Hamiltonian of the two phonon modes is derived by means of picture transformation, adiabatic eliminating, and rotating wave approximation ignoring the high frequency items, etc. Secondly, if the two mechanical oscillators initially are in coherent states, the coupled mechanical oscillators can be used to transmit state. Finally, in order to verify the analytical result, the fidelity of quantum state is numevically simulated, the result shows that the quantum state can be transferred periodically between the two mechanical oscillators, which is the same as the analytical result.
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Overtaking Model Based on Drivers’ Characteristics
HUANG Hui-qiong, QIN Yun-mei
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2015, 33 (1):  20-26.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2015.01.004
Abstract ( 266 )   PDF(pc) (917KB) ( 246 )   Save
Existing overtaking models usually ignore the impact of the driver individual behavior difference and take the vehicles particle into account without considering the geometric size and the location of the vehicles under overtaking. In this paper, a new overtaking model based on vehicle geometric model considering the driver individual behavior difference is put forward and proposes a vehicle elliptical geometric model since the danger coefficient of vehicle longitudinal and lateral is not the same. On this basis, a new mathematic model of calculating the least time required for overtaking and the overtaking safe distance for vehicle formed from beginning overtaking to finishing overtaking for two-lane highway is put forward in this paper. Finally, simulation is carried out on the Matlab simulation platform. It is found that the least time required for overtaking and the overtaking safe distance for different driver are not the same when considering the driver’s differences. In a word, the model can better reproduce the overtaking behavior during the overtaking process.
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Probabilistic Safety Assessment of Air Traffic Conflict Resolution
YUAN Le-ping, SUN Rui-shan
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2015, 33 (1):  27-31.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2015.01.005
Abstract ( 229 )   PDF(pc) (808KB) ( 603 )   Save
In the present technology condition and operation mode, potential air traffic conflicts are resolved by ground monitoring, radar vectoring and air ground collaboration. Therefore it is extremely important to ensure the seamless and reliable operation of the loop. Obviously, quantitative safety analysis is undoubtedly necessary for such a safety-critical operation, and Probabilistic Safety Assessment (PSA) seems to be the best way address the issue. The entire process of air traffic conflict resolution is analyzed herein based on the operation practice of air navigation system, and the Event Tree Analysis (ETA) technique is adopted to depict the logic consequence of air traffic conflict resolution process. It takes into account of the failures of not only man (generally air traffic controllers and pilots) but also machine involved (collision avoidance equipment) both on the ground and airborne. Under the ETA analysis frame, the Human Error Assessment and Reduction Technique (HEART) which is a typical human reliability analysis model widely used in many industries is applied here for the estimation of human reliability of air traffic controllers and pilots. The overall failure probability of air traffic conflict resolution is obtained through the ETA calculation principal by counting both human and machine factors. The research shows the ETA and HEART combined probabilistic safety assessment model discussed in the paper is feasible for the air navigation system, and it provides a view and method for safety analysis of the system as well as a clue for the risk prevention.
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TSC Type of Reactive Power Compensation Control SystemBased on STM32
YANG Pan-pan, ZHU Long-ji, CAO Meng-jie
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2015, 33 (1):  32-37.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2015.01.006
Abstract ( 195 )   PDF(pc) (904KB) ( 224 )   Save
As the equipment of high power and motor load are increasingly put into electric power system, the demand on the quality of power supply is enhanced, such as low power factor and large voltage fluctuation etc. After analyzing the theory and algorithm of reactive power compensation in detail, a system based on STM32 thyristor switched capacitor (TSC) reactive power compensation control is stadied, which includes compensation, control algorithms of nine-zone diagram, controller hardware design and software design. STM32 chip is accepted as the main control chip. CF6G-3 type of silicon controlled trigger controller is used in executing module and CS5463 power measurement chip is used in signal acquisition. An improved nine-zone diagram control strategy is selected to avoid misoperation and switching oscillation phenomenon, so that the system can carry out real-time dynamic compensation of reactive power. The experimental results show that, this TSC system can realize a faster and more accurate measurement and switching, which lead to an obvious effect of compensation and a safe and efficient automatic operation of the system.
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Some New Results for the Electron Beams Focusing System Model
ZHANG Mei-yue
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2015, 33 (1):  38-44.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2015.01.007
Abstract ( 169 )   PDF(pc) (880KB) ( 175 )   Save
Electron beam focusing system theories are widely applied. In order to control the moving trace of electron beam and make it focus object effectivelly, the existence of positive periodic solution is studied based on the electron beam focusing system model. The sufficient condition and the region of the existence of at least a periodic solution for the model is found by using Krasnoselekii fixed point theorem in cone,then an example is given. The results show that the limited ranges of coefficient are reasonable and the method of theorem is correct. The previous results is extended and supplemented.
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A New Weighted Evidence Fusion Algorithm Based on Evidence Distanceand Fuzzy Entropy Theory
HOU Xiao-dong, CAI Bin-bin, JIN Wei-dong, DUAN Wang-wang
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2015, 33 (1):  45-51.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2015.01.008
Abstract ( 192 )   PDF(pc) (844KB) ( 552 )   Save
The evidence ambiguity can fundamentally affect the fusion results, but no impeccable method has been found to measure the evidence ambiguity in evidence theory. To suppress the counterintuitive results generated in the combination of high conflicting evidences, many scholars have proposed modified combination approaches based on the correction of original evidence. However, these methods do not take evidence ambiguity into consideration. Fuzzy entropy method can effectively evaluate the ambiguity (uncertainty). Given the evidence uncertainty, this paper proposes a new weighted evidence fusion algorithm based on evidence distance and fuzzy entropy theory. The coefficients of uncertainty of each evidence can be obtained by the fuzzy entropy method. Then, the weights acquired by evidence distance are amended by the coefficients of uncertainty to obtain the synthesis weights. The obtained results show the effective results of the proposed method.
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An Effective Area Query Algorithm in Sensor Network
YUE Cai-jie, CHEN Yuan-yan, ZHU Xin-hua
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2015, 33 (1):  52-58.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2015.01.009
Abstract ( 163 )   PDF(pc) (961KB) ( 164 )   Save
In recent years, algorithms based on event queries in wireless sensor networks cause the attention of many scholars at home and abroad. It produces a number of related algorithms based on the mobile nodes mostly. This paper analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the existing window query algorithm. Aiming at the hole phenomenon by the case of a query node not collecting, and taking energy and distance into consideration when choosing the next query node, a new algorithm EQA (effective area query algorithm) is put forword. Finally, this paper simulates and analyzes the algorithm and compares it with IWQE algorithm and ESA algorithm. The result shows that the new algorithm is superior to IWQE and ESA algorithm in energy consumption, query quality, network lifetime and so on.
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8-Valent 1-Regular Cayley Graphs WhoseVertex Stabilizer is Z4×Z2
XU Shang-Jin, LI Ping-shan, HUANG Hai-hua, LI Jing-jian
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2015, 33 (1):  59-66.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2015.01.010
Abstract ( 136 )   PDF(pc) (861KB) ( 169 )   Save
A graph Γ is called 1-regular if its full automorphism group Aut(Γ) acts regularly on its arcs. In this paper, a complete characterization for 8-valent 1-regular Cayley Graphs with point stabilizer is presented. It is proved that there exists only 2 core-free 8-valent 1-regular Cayley graphs whose point stabilizer is Z4×Z2.
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The Structure of a Class of Finite Rings with Zero Divisors
TANG Gao-hua, LI Yu, ZHANG Heng-bin, WU Yan-sheng
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2015, 33 (1):  67-73.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2015.01.011
Abstract ( 184 )   PDF(pc) (828KB) ( 167 )   Save
The structure of a finite ring is very relative with the number of the zero divisors of the ring. In this paper, by using the structure theorem of semisimple rings, the properties of the unit group of a finite ring, the relationship among the order of the Jacobson root of the ring for a finite ring, the order of the ring and the order of the unit group of the ring, etc., the structure of the rings with n(n≥2) left zero divisors and n(n-6)<|R|<n(n-4) is completely classified.
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Graded Extentions of K[x1, x2; x-11,x-12]
MENG Shu-hui, YIN Fang-hu, XIE Guang-ming
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2015, 33 (1):  74-79.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2015.01.012
Abstract ( 149 )   PDF(pc) (827KB) ( 173 )   Save
Let V be a total valuation ring of a field K,B1=⊕i∈ZAi,0Xi1 and B2=⊕j∈Z A0,jXj2 be graded extentions of V in K[x1,x-11] and K[x2,x-12] respectively. Let A=⊕i,j∈Z Ai,jXi1Xj2 be a subset of K[x1, x2; x-11, x-12]. Graded extensions of V in K[x1, x2; x-11, x-12] is described in this paper. For all cases of B1 and B2, the existence of A is proved. Furthermore, A being determined by B1 and B2 uniquely is also discussed in this paper.
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The Bahadur Representation of KL Quantile Estimation
ZHENG Li-xia, YANG Shan-chao, WANG Zhang-jun
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2015, 33 (1):  80-85.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2015.01.013
Abstract ( 225 )   PDF(pc) (803KB) ( 285 )   Save
The Bahadur representation plays an important role in studying asymptotic properties of sample quantile estimation. In this paper, under the conditions of independent samples, the Bahadur of KL quantile estimation and its convergence rate op(k-1/2n) are derived. The asymptotic normality and the confidence interval estimation of the KL quantile estimation are also presented.
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Synthesis of Oxacillin-Imprinted Microspheres and Their MolecularRecognition Characteristics
GUO Li-hui, TIAN Yi-fang, MEI Xiao-yun, ZHANG Xin-ai, CHEN Guan-hua
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2015, 33 (1):  86-92.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2015.01.014
Abstract ( 143 )   PDF(pc) (1030KB) ( 230 )   Save
The selective sorbents, oxacillin-imprinted microspheres, used in solid-phase extraction cartridge are needed to isolate the beta lactam antibiotics from samples. A method was developed to prepare these microspheres by precipitation polymerization, and the molecular recognition characteristics of these microspheres were studied. The optimized synthesis parameters were as follows. The amounts of template oxacillin, functional monomer acrylamide and crosslinker ethylene-dimethacrylate were 1, 4 and 20 mmol (molar ratio of 1∶4∶20); the solvent methanol was 100 mL, and initiator azodiisobutyronitrile was 5 mg. The polymerization was carried out at 60 ℃ for 24 h. There were two classes of binding sites in the oxacillin-imprinted microspheres. The dissociation constant of low affinity’s binding site was 10.846 mmol/L, and the max apparent binding capacity was 418.23 μmol/g. The dissociation constant of high affinity’s binding site was 2.627 mmol/L, and the max apparent binding capacity was 137.68 μmol/g. The adsorption quantity of the microspheres to penicillin-G, cefoperazone and cefazolin were 95%, 58% and 96% of that template. The molecularly imprinted polymers could be reused nine times without significant decrease on adsorption properties. The result of spiked milk sample proved that the oxacillin-imprinted microspheres could be directly used as the sorbents of solid phase extraction cartridge.
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Synthesis and Crystal Structures of Zn(Ⅱ) and Cu(Ⅱ) Complexes of 2,2′-dihydroxy[1,1′-binaphthalene]-3,3′-dicarbonylbis(salicylaldehydehydrazone)
JIANG Li-ping, HUANG Wan-yun, LIU Dong-cheng, LIANG Fu-pei
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2015, 33 (1):  93-98.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2015.01.015
Abstract ( 132 )   PDF(pc) (2123KB) ( 253 )   Save
The reactions of 2,2′-dihydroxy [1,1′-binaphthalene]-3,3′-dicarbonylbis(salicylaldehydehydrazone) (H4L) with Zn(Ⅱ) and Cu(Ⅱ) salts gave two new complexes {[Zn2L(DMSO)(H2O)]·2DMSO·2H2O}n (1) and [Cu2L(DMSO)2] (2). Complex 1 crystallizes in the triclinic space group Pī. Complex 2 crystallizes in the monoclinic space group C2/c. Complex 1 shows a one-dimensional structure with dinuclear subunits. Complex 2 presents a discrete dinuclear structure. The Zn(Ⅱ) ion in 1 is five-coordinated in square pyramidal geometry by one oxygen atom from one H2O molecule, two oxygen atoms and one nitrogen atom from one dihydrazone ligand, and one phenolic hydroxyl oxygen atom from another dihydrazone ligand. The Cu(Ⅱ) ion in 2 is coordinated by one oxygen atom from DMSO molecule, two oxygen atoms and one nitrogen atom from one dihydrazone ligand, forming a planar square geometry.
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Determination of Three Kinds of Bergenin Derivatives inCissus pterolada Hayata by HPLC
CHEN Ru-yi, LUO Pei, LI Yi-jie, ZHENG Ting, QIN Jiang-ke
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2015, 33 (1):  99-103.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2015.01.016
Abstract ( 186 )   PDF(pc) (802KB) ( 423 )   Save
To develop a quantitative method for determining bergenin,11-O-galloyl bergenin and 11-O- (4-hydroxyl benzoyl) bergenin in Cissus pteroclada Hayata by HPLC,the determination is performed in gradient separations with a column SinoChrom ODS-BP C18 (5 μm, 4.6 mm × 200 mm) and solvent consisting of MeCN-0.1% formic acid. The flow rate is 0.8 mL/min and the wavelength at 275 nm.The results showed that the bergenin, 11-O-galloyl bergenin and 11-O-(4-hydroxyl benzoyl) bergenin were linear in the range of 0.066 7~0.343 7 μg. And their average recovery were 96.11% (RSD=1.92%), 97.02% (RSD=0.9%), 94.43% (RSD=1.77%), respectively. The method is simple,accurate and could be used to determine the content of this three kinds of bergenin derivatives in Cissus pterolada Hayata.
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Effects of Extracts from Aspongopus chinensis Dallas on Cancer Cells
YU Sheng, DUAN Si-liang, LI Hai-ye, HUANG Fu-ping
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2015, 33 (1):  104-108.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2015.01.017
Abstract ( 151 )   PDF(pc) (2474KB) ( 178 )   Save
To study the effects of water extract of Aspongopus chinensis Dallas on cell proliferation and cell cycle of SGC-7901 and HepG2 cell lines, by using inverse microscopy, the morphology of the cells were observed. The antiproliferative effects of water extracts were assessed by MTT assays. The cell cycle was measured by flow cytometry. The results showed that after being treated with water extracts, cells grew round,and the intercellular space were increased, cell fragmentation were increased and cells were against the wall in the inverse microscopy. The water extracts could inhibit the proliferation of SGC-7901 and HepG2 cell lines in a dose-dependent manner. SGC-7901 and HepG2 cell lines were sensitive to water extract with an IC50 values of 154.24 mg/L and 129.46 mg/L, respectively. From the result of flow cytometry analysis,water extract, as compared with the untreated cells, caused significant increase in cell ratio at the S and G2 /M phases, and anreduction in cell ratio at the G0/G1 phases. The water extract could inhibit proliferation of both cancer cell in vitro,and especially arrest cancer cells at the S phase of the cell cycle for SGC-7901 and HepG2 cell.
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Preparation of Polyaluminum Chloride with Coal Gangueand Calcium Aluminate
ZHANG Xiang, CHEN Miao, DUAN Jian-bang, LI Rui-ge, ZAI Ting-ting, WANG Jing-tao
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2015, 33 (1):  109-114.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2015.01.018
Abstract ( 199 )   PDF(pc) (896KB) ( 472 )   Save
The Al2O3 leaching rate of coal gangue could reach 85% after it was calcined at 750 ℃. The coal gangue reacted with 20% hydrochloride acid, after that, the calcium aluminate was added into the pickle liquor. Solid PAC product with 28% Al2O3 content and about 68% basicity was obtained, which was in line with the national standard GB/T 22627-2008 and was confirmed as the target product by IR. The optimum drying temperature of PAC was determined to be 150~200 ℃ as the result of thermogravimetric analysis.
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Removal Capacity of Microcystis aeruginosaby Mg/Al Hydrotalcite and Zn/Al Hydrotalcite
QIN Fang, JIANG Qin-feng, WANG Ting, WANG Yu-rong, FENG Ji-qing, CHEN Jin-yi
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2015, 33 (1):  115-121.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2015.01.019
Abstract ( 135 )   PDF(pc) (945KB) ( 266 )   Save
At present, most of clay minerals was negatively charged, which need to be modified to improve the ability of remove algae. However, the modified material was not widely used to remove algae because of its high cost and secondary pollution. Algae removal was explored by the clay minerals with positively charged. Mg/Al hydrotalcite(Mg/Al-LDH) and Zn/Al hydrotalcite(Zn/Al-LDH) were synthesized by co-precipitation method and its calcination products (Mg/Al-LDO, Zn/Al-LDO) were prepared by heating Mg/Al-LDH and Zn/Al-LDO at 400 ℃; To know the practical applicability, a detailed removal study of Microcystis aeruginosa was carried out. The influences of different Mg/Al molar ratio, Zn/Al molar ratio, initial Microcystis aeruginosa concentration were investigated, and environmental friendliness of hydrotalcite were discussed. The results indicate that the best molar ratio of nMgnAl(nZnnAl) was 3∶1, and the removal capacity of Microcystis aeruginosa with Mg/Al-LDO was superior to Zn/Al-LDO. At this initial concentration of Microcystis aeruginosa rang, Mg/Al-LDO had a clear role in the removal of Microcystis aeruginosa. In addition, Mg/Al-LDO would not cause secondary pollution in stead, it has good environmental friendliness.
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Antiviral Effects of EGCG-P on Hepatitis C Virus in vitro
ZHANG Jie, LIU Qian-ying, SUN Shi, LIANG Ren-shan, SONG De-gui
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2015, 33 (1):  122-126.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2015.01.020
Abstract ( 186 )   PDF(pc) (817KB) ( 452 )   Save
This research is to explore the antiviral effects of Epigallocatechin gallate palmitate (EGCG-P) on hepatitis c virus (HCV). To achieve this goal, the method of CCK 8 detecting EGCG-P toxic effect of Huh7.5.1 cell line, hepatitis C virus nucleic acid detection kit, and real-time PCR (RT-PCR) were used to study the role of antiviral drug effect. The study indicated that, when the EGCG-p concentration was from 0~50 mg/L, the antiviral effect was significant. When the concentration was 25 mg/L, virus expressing quantity was about 1/6 of the positive control. The result strongly support the conclusion that EGCG-P can efficiently inhibit the multiplication of HCV.
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Epidemiology and Gene Analysis of HIV-1 in Guangxi,China
KONG Yan-lin, ZHANG Shuai, WANG Xue-wen, LI He-wei, HU Ting-ting, JIANG Qian,
JIANG Jiu-xi, PAN Ding-quan, ZHANG Zhen-kai, LI Lin, SUN Chang-rong, LI Jing-yun,
LIANG Hao, LIANG Bing-yu
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2015, 33 (1):  127-133.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2015.01.021
Abstract ( 144 )   PDF(pc) (1924KB) ( 206 )   Save
To determine the epidemiological situation of confirmed HIV-1 infections in Guangxi after 2008,and to understand the distribution of HIV-1 subtypes of Guangxi. An epidemiological survey was made on the HIV-1 infections confirmed after 2008. Among them, 100 come from Guilin, 102 from Laibin, and 103 from Qinzhou. HIV-1 RNA was extracted from their whole blood and amplified by RT-PCR. HIV-1 gag gene was sequenced directly from the PCR product.The results show that there are more men than women in the chosen patients, male to female ratio was 1.99:1.Patients aged ≥20 and ≤49 years old accounted for 56.72% in total, and patients aged 50 years old or older accounted for 44.62%. Farmers accounted for 50.82%.Patients with education level of junior school or below accounted for 76.39%. The patients′s proportion who were transmitted through heterosexual contact is 95.74%. 155 specimens are gained in 305 specimens(amplification rate of 50.82%), then sequence analysis showed that there were 4 HIV-1 subtypes, CRF01-AE(124 samples),B(5 samples),CRF-07BC(12 sample) and CRF-08BC(14 sample).
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Expression and Significance of EB Virus MicroRNAin Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma
XIONG Wei-ming, FAN Cai-wen, HUANG Hui, WANG Jian-hong,
LI Lu, XIANG Qiu, TIAN Jing, LEI Xun
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2015, 33 (1):  134-138.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2015.01.022
Abstract ( 170 )   PDF(pc) (1180KB) ( 473 )   Save
Expression of EB virus micro RNA (ebv-miR) ebv-miR-BART19-5p and ebv-miR-BART21-3p was analyzed by real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR in nasopharyngeal carcinoma(NPC) and nasopharyngeal inflammation tissue, so as to ascertain the internal relation and significance between the expression of ebv-miRs and EB virus (EBV) induced NPC. The results showed that the expression of ebv-miR-BART19-5p and ebv-miR-BART21-3p were significantly higher in NPC tissue than that in nasopharyngeal mucosa inflammation tissue. EBV may mediate carcinogenesis of nasopharyngeal epithelium through the expression of ebv-miR-BART19-5p and ebv-miR-BART21-3p, which are likely to be molecular markers and molecular targets for diagnosis and treatment of NPC.
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Cloning and Sequence Analysis of S-RNase Gene fromCitrus grandis var. Shatinyu Hort
QIN Xin-min, ZHANG Yu, LIU Yu-jie, GUO Dan-ni, LI Hui-min
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2015, 33 (1):  139-145.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2015.01.023
Abstract ( 250 )   PDF(pc) (1998KB) ( 321 )   Save
In this paper, the transcriptome of the self-pollinated style and cross-pollinated style of Citrus grandis var. Shatinyu Hort were sequenced by high-throughput sequencing technology. S-RNase gene sequences of Citrus grandis var. Shatinyu Hort was obtained through different analytical method. It is 1 238 bp (GenBank accession number:KP172529) in length with an open reading frame(ORF)of 834 bp,encoding 278 amino acids with deduced molecular weight of 31.402 kDa, and theoretical pI value of 5.30. Bioinformatics analysis showed that S-RNase is a hydrophilic protein, and there are 17 phosphorylation sites within the polypeptide chain.The homology analysis of amino acid sequence indicated that the S-RNase protein shared high homology with that of Citrus maxima (99%), Citrus reticulate (98%) and Citrus sinensis (96%). Phylogenetic analysis revealed that S-RNase gene showed closer kinship with that of Citrus maxima、Citrus reticulate and Citrus sinensis,indicating that they belong to the same evolutionary branch.
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A Fuana of Formicidae in Jigong Mountain Nature Reservein Henan Province, China
GUO Zhen-chao, ZHANG Rong-jiao, ZHOU Shan-yi
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2015, 33 (1):  146-151.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2015.01.024
Abstract ( 228 )   PDF(pc) (816KB) ( 241 )   Save
Formicidae specimens were collected systematically and trimmed in Jigong Mountain Nature Reserve, Henan Province. More than 500 specimens were collected. 63 species belonging to 25 genera of 5 subfamilias were identified, and among them 5 species unnamed. In order to make an accurate analysis, 58 identified species were used. The analytical result shows that Myrmicinae and Formicinae are dominant subfamilies in the nature reserve. According to the fauna analysis, there were 3 distribution patterns in the world ant geographic fauna distribution, and 19 distribution patterns in Chinese insects geographic fauna. The Formicidae fauna in the nature reserve has a typical Oriental character, and has the closest relationship with North China, Central China, South China and Southwest China than others.
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Trophic Structure of the Cave Comminity of Laizi Cave and QingcaiCave of Karst Cave in Guizhou: a Stable Isotope Analysis
ZHOU Gu-chun, XU Cheng-xiang, LI Dao-Hong, LUO Qing-Huai
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2015, 33 (1):  152-158.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2015.01.025
Abstract ( 161 )   PDF(pc) (929KB) ( 221 )   Save
Stable isotope analysis (δ13C and δ15N) in karst’s cave ecosystem of Qingcai cave and Laizi cave of Guizhou Province is applied to study food webs and trophic level relationship. The results shows that the carbon source in food chain of Qingcai cave and Laizi cave is mainly from SOM and POM such as bat feces, as the first trophic level, i.e., the primary producers. Molluscan snails and arthropod of cave (Diestrammena (Gymnaeta) sp. and Pacidesmus sp.) mainly feed on SOM and POM, as the second trophic level, i.e., the primary consumers. The spiders on the arthropod and vertebrate mainly feed on other animals, as the third trophic level, i.e., the secondary consumer. The enrichment factor of Δδ15N in Qingcai cave is 2.9 ‰, and in Laizi cave is 2.46 ‰.
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Investigation of Total Bacteria, Total Coliform and Fecal Coliformson Huixian Wetland in Guilin, China
YU Li-juan, YANG Bi-jun
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2015, 33 (1):  159-164.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2015.01.026
Abstract ( 153 )   PDF(pc) (1126KB) ( 199 )   Save
Investigation has been done into Huixian Wetland in which track tests were carried on for one year in terms of Total Bacterial Count, Total Coliform; Fecal Coliforms and 7 samples were taken from different places of Huixian. The total bacteria (mL-1), Coliforms (mL-1) and Fecal coliform were analyzed by microbiological methods. The results indicate that the number of Coliform(mL-1) is 8 971,1 901,3 823,512, Fecal coliforms(mL-1) 4 385,432,<20,85 and total bacterial 2 314,27 000, 1 500,3 414, which shows clearly that the total bacteria rise evidently in summer. By multi-tube fermentation method, the number of Total Coliforms is 8 971, 1 901,3 823,512 MPN·L-1 and Fecal Coliforms is 4 385,432,<20,85 MPN·L-1. The results indicate that Total Coliforms and Fecal Coliforms rise evidently in spring.
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Study of Compound TCM in the Prevention and Treatmentof Mycoplasmal Pneumonia of Swine
GAO Kai-xiang, SONG De-gui, LI Dan, QIN Jing-jing
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2015, 33 (1):  165-168.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2015.01.027
Abstract ( 236 )   PDF(pc) (747KB) ( 198 )   Save
For investigating the protective effect of compound traditional Chinese medicine in preventing mycoplasmal pneumonia and the feasibility of substituting TCM for tiamutin as the drug for preventing mycoplasmal pneumonia. In this paper, we selected the compound TCM and Tiamutin were selected as the drug for preventing mycoplasmal pneumonia which respectively added to pit diets according to the proportion respectively. In TCM group, the incidence for 4 month were 16.67%, 10%, 6.67%, 3.33%. And the incidence for tiamutin group were 13.33%, 10%, 20%, 26.67%. The experimental results show that, by using compound TCM to prevent and treat mycoplasma pneumonia of swine, can significantly reduce the incidence rate of mycoplasmal pneumonia of swine, relative to the Tianmutin group, with the passage of time, the control effect of compound TCM has been maintained, and control effect of Tiamutin group was getting worse. Therefore, the compound traditional Chinese medicine can replace of tiamutin to prevention and treatment of mycoplasmal pneumonia of swine. It shows that the first prescriptions works the best.
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