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10 February 2015, Volume 33 Issue 2
Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation for Traffic State Basedon Analytic Hierarchy Process
XU Lun-hui, WU Cai-fen, KUANG Xian-yan, ZHU Qun-qiang
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2015, 33 (2):  1-8.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2015.02.001
Abstract ( 258 )   PDF(pc) (907KB) ( 612 )   Save
The evaluation of urban traffic state analysis is the basis for traffic management and traffic guidance. To get accurate traffic state information, a method based on hierarchy analysis and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation is proposed. The evaluation focuses on the analysis of the weight. In the process of application of hierarchical analysis method, four kinds of calculation methods rather than one method alone are used to calculate the weight value under the traffic state, and the final weight vector is based on the average of the four weights. Taking the traffic state of Line K1 in Ganzhou city as an example, the four calculation methods of hierarchical analysis are used respectively to calculate the weights of 17 roads and 4 intersections, and the final weight is based on the average of the total weight. Last, analytic hierarchy process combines with fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method is used to evaluate the traffic state of the line. The experimental result shows that the influence of the intersection of traffic state cannot be neglect. At the same time, the new method of obtaining the average weight value is more scientific and convincing than that of using the 4 methods alone. Therefore, the new method is proved rational and practical.
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Polarity Correlation Algorithm of Velocity MeasurementSystem Based on DSP
LIN Qun-wu, YAN Peng-cheng, HU Yun
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2015, 33 (2):  9-14.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2015.02.002
Abstract ( 161 )   PDF(pc) (2194KB) ( 241 )   Save
In order to accurate measurement mine water inrush flow under various harsh environment, a polarity correlation algorithm of velocity measurement system is proposed based on DSP. The basic principle of flow velocity measurement is proposed and hardware circuit is designed based on polarity correlation algorithm. On-the-spot experiment is carried out to compare the data dotained by means of two different measure principles. The results show that the polarity correlation velocity measurement system based on DSP can accurately measure water inrush flow with very high precision.
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The Effect of Two Different Distributed Connection Strategieson Dynamic Characteristics in Power Grids
ZHENG Jing, ZOU Yan-li, HE Yu-yu, CHEN De-xia
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2015, 33 (2):  15-21.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2015.02.003
Abstract ( 158 )   PDF(pc) (914KB) ( 543 )   Save
With increasing demand of electric power, more and more distributed generations will be integrated into the power grid. In order to study the influences of two different connected strategies on the dynamic characteristics of power grid, this paper uses a second-order Kuramoto model as a node model of the power grid to compare the synchronous ability and transient stability of two kinds connected strategies in IEEE30 bus, IEEE57 bus, and IEEE162 bus system. The first strategy is that the distributed generations are connected to the load nodes with smaller degree (SDJ), while the second is an opposite strategy, the distributed generations are connected to the load nodes with larger degree (LDJ). The study shows that both of the two kinds of strategies can reduce the threshold of synchronization and the SDJ strategy can improve the synchronous ability better than the LDJ strategy. Moreover, with more distributed generations, the network which connected with SDJ strategy will be more robust against the perturbations and can recover to steady states quickly. The study provides a reference for the design of the distributed power grid.
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Extraction and Recognition of Cell Image Feature Basedon Wavelet Transform and Invasive Weed Optimization
CHEN Jin, LUO Xiao-shu
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2015, 33 (2):  22-28.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2015.02.004
Abstract ( 176 )   PDF(pc) (2184KB) ( 163 )   Save
A cell image feature extraction algorithm in wavelet domain based on multi-scale wavelet cell image decomposition is proplsed. According to the problem of the large and redundancy cell image feature vector dimension based on wavelet transform, a method of cell image feature extraction based on wavelet transform and the invasive weed optimization algorithm is put forwart. Finally, the BP neural network is used as the classifier for cell image recognition. Computer simulation results show that,compared with the existing cell image feature extraction and recognition method in no feature optimization, this algorithm of cell image feature extraction, analysis and recognition algorithm of need shorter time but with higher recognition rate, better real-time performance and better robust performance performance.
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Analysis of Depression Electroencephalogram Basedon Statistics Distribution Entropy
WANG Kai-ming, ZHOU Hai-yan, GUO Jia-liang,
YANG Xiao-jing, WANG Gang, ZHONG Ning
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2015, 33 (2):  29-35.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2015.02.005
Abstract ( 191 )   PDF(pc) (862KB) ( 526 )   Save
A method is proposed to calculate and analyze electroencephalogram to improve the situation in which there is an emergency for the effective quantitative parameters for mental disorders. The method first defines a statistics distribution entropy to describe the state distribution of brain electrical activity, which can calculate and analyze the state difference of it. The entropy is applied to numerical calculation of electroencephalogram signal between depression patients and normal control group. Meanwhile, the difference is compared between them. The experiment shows that the statistics distribution entropy in depression patients is significantly greater than that of the normal healthy people in some brain regions. Further analysis proves that the entropy can be used as a parameter to measure the state distribution of brain electrical activity and to analyze its difference. The analysis also tells that the entropy plays an important role in diagnosis of other mental disorder.
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A Method for Entity-Oriented Timeline Summarization
SONG Jun, HAN Xiao-yu, HUANG Yu, HUANG Ting-lei, FU Kun
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2015, 33 (2):  36-41.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2015.02.006
Abstract ( 172 )   PDF(pc) (816KB) ( 248 )   Save
The objective of this paper is to propose a novel entity-oriented timeline summarization from multiple documents. To achieve this, this paper firstly proposes a topic model to simultaneously model the dynamic topics and the entity’s participation. An efficient Gibbs sampler is also developed for this model. Then each sentence is allocated a score based on the discovered topics and the sentences with high score are selected as summaries. Experimental results on real-world datasets verify that the proposed model can not only generate summaries for entities, but also outperform the baseline model on Rouge evaluation.
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Chinese Page Keyword Extraction Method Based on Query Log Analysis
WANG Xiao-yan, WANG Zhen-zhen
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2015, 33 (2):  42-48.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2015.02.007
Abstract ( 144 )   PDF(pc) (981KB) ( 648 )   Save
The webpage search engine based on the full-text index provides low correlation. To solve this problem, this paper proposes a keyword extraction method for Chinese pages based on query log analysis. The method selects keywords according to users’ judgment of relevance on the page and query words. In order to quantify the relevance judgment, three indexes, such as residence time per unit length, inverted click rate and rank compensation factor, are proposed of which are then comprehensively weighted. In this paper, these processes, such as query string segmentation, synonym recognition, polysemy disambiguation, keyphrase matching, are specially treated. The experiment results show that the precision rate is high, and the comprehensive performance is better than that of the TF.IDF method and the SVM method. The proposed method can obtain satisfactory effect of the keyword extraction.
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A Power-Adjustable Method for RFID-based Dynamic Positioning
XIE Meng-na, WANG Mei, LIU Zheng-hong
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2015, 33 (2):  49-55.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2015.02.008
Abstract ( 153 )   PDF(pc) (1837KB) ( 244 )   Save
Most of the indoor positioning algorithms based on RFID require the reader to record some measured parameters such as RSSI and TOA, which results in a high cost of the entire system. The RFID-based dynamic positioning scheme is an innovative method to locate a target tag by a system with a moving RFID reader and some reference tags without recording any measured parameters. Although the positioning accuracy can be tens of centimeters, the location path is blind, which results in a poor positioning efficiency. To solve this problem, this paper proposes a power-adjustable method for dynamic positioning. Moreover, a MATLAB GUI is designed for monitoring the status of all the tags read by the moving reader whenever necessary. Results of experiments indicate that the proposed power-adjustable method could save considerable time for positioning and improve the efficiency of the system compared with the original dynamic positioning scheme. Besides, the positioning accuracy for the target tag on the border of the area could increase by nearly 20%.
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Transport Time Scale in the Beilun River Estuary and Its Adjacent Area
LI Yi-chun, DONG De-xin, WANG Yi-bing
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2015, 33 (2):  56-63.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2015.02.009
Abstract ( 182 )   PDF(pc) (1472KB) ( 590 )   Save
Transport time scale of estuary and nearshore areas is an important agent connecting the marine physical processes and the ecological processes which reflace the exchange of water and materials in it. It is of vital importance to investigate the transport time scale in the Beilun River estuary to control marine environmental pollutions efficiently and to promote the reasonable shoreline development. A high-resolution 2-Dimensional numerical model is established and applied in the Beilun River estuary to calculate the residence times and their reactions to river discharge, tidal range and topography. The results show that the residence times in the outer areas adjacent to the Beilun River estuary are less than 20h. Near the river mouth, the residence times exhibit great variations with a range between 30h to 200h under different conditions of river discharges and/or tidal ranges. In the Zhenzhu Gulf, the residence times show great spatial variations as tidal range changes. In the inner subzone Z1, the residence time is 413.7h, while in the outer subzone Z4, the residence time is only 3.5h. The residence time decreases gradually from the river mouth to outer areas and from the channel to the shoal. In the Zhenzhu Gulf, the residence time is much longer than those in the marginal shallow zones. The residence time can be fitted satisfactorily with the river discharge by quadratic polynomials. the influences of river discharge to residence time become weaker from river mouth to the outer zones and from channel to shallow areas. The residence time increases as the tidal range decreases and the changes are larger near river mouth than that in the outer seas. In the Beilun River estuary, the dominate influence on residence time is due to tidal flushing rather than river dischange.
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A Study on a Kind of Compact Extended Cesàro Operators
ZHANG Tai-zhong, LU Heng, CHENG Ya-ping
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2015, 33 (2):  64-67.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2015.02.010
Abstract ( 173 )   PDF(pc) (755KB) ( 592 )   Save
Many scholars studied the QK spaces and the Bloch space of holomorphic functions in the unit disk in the complex plane, where K(r) are right continuous nondecreasing functions on (0,+∞). However, it is very difficult to describe the compact Cesàro operators between these spaces. Let 0<α<+∞ and ∫10(1-r2)-1K(-logr)rdr<+∞,g is a holomorphic function in the unit disk, thus, a sufficient and necessary condition for the extended Cesàro operators Tg from QK spaces into α-Bloch spaces in the unit disc to be compact is obtained.
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Properties of Zero-divisor Graphs of Group Rings ZnG
GUO Shu-feng, XIE Guang-ming, YI Zhong
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2015, 33 (2):  68-75.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2015.02.011
Abstract ( 156 )   PDF(pc) (851KB) ( 263 )   Save
Let G be a cyclic group of prime order and ZnG group rings of G over Zn. Properties of zero-divisor graphs of ZnG are discussed in this paper and the girth, the diameter and the planarity of zero-divisor graphs of ZnG are given respectively.
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Computing VaR and ES Based on the Extreme Value Theory:A Case Study of ZTE Data
DING Xin-yue, XU Mei-ping
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2015, 33 (2):  76-81.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2015.02.012
Abstract ( 323 )   PDF(pc) (935KB) ( 749 )   Save
Value at Risk (VaR)is an important measurement tool for market risk. The Block Maxima Model (BMM)and the Peak Over Threshold (POT)model are employed to compute the VaR and Expected Shortfall (ES)for ZTE return data with heavy tails respectively. A discrepancy measure is proposed to select the threshold for the POT model. The data analysis shows that applying the extreme value theory in risk measurement can fully capture information from the tail of data and obtain reasonable VaR and ES to satisfy actual needs, and the results from the POT model are more stable than the ones from BMM.
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Synthesis and Crystal Structure of Ethyl 5-acetamido-4-(4-chlorophenyl)-2-methyl-6-oxo-5, 6-dihydro-4H-pyran-3-carboxylate
LIANG Xiao-long, HUANG Wan-yun, PAN Cheng-xue, SU Gui-fa
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2015, 33 (2):  82-87.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2015.02.013
Abstract ( 177 )   PDF(pc) (1028KB) ( 197 )   Save
Ethyl 5-acetamido-4-(4-chlorophenyl)-2-methyl-6-oxo-5,6-dihydro-4H-pyran-3-carboxylate, C17H18ClNO5, has been synthesized and characterized by IR, NMR, MS and single-crystal X-ray diffraction. The crystal is of orthorhombic, space group Pbca with a=1.189 29(13) nm, b=0.968 44(10) nm, c=3.172 1(2) nm, V=3.653 5(6) nm3, Z=8, Mr=351.77, Dc=1.279 Mg/m3, λ=0.071 073 nm, μ(MoKα)=0.234 mm-1, F (000)=1 472, the final R=0.098 5 and wR=0.245 4 for 141 3 observed reflections with I>2σ(I). The N—H and oxygen atom are involved in intermolecular hydrogen bonds which link the molecules into an one-dimensional chain and stabilize the structure.
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An Analytical Platform of Nanosilver SPR Rayleigh Scatteringand Its Application to Detect N2H4
TANG Xue-ping, WANG Yao-hui, LIU Qing-ye, WEN Gui-qing, ZHANG Xing-hui,
LUO Yang-he, LIANG Ai-hui, JIANG Zhi-liang
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2015, 33 (2):  88-95.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2015.02.014
Abstract ( 158 )   PDF(pc) (3407KB) ( 273 )   Save
In pH 6.2 Na2HPO4-citric acid buffer solution, water bath 60 ℃, Au3+ from HAuCl4 was reduced to Au nanoflowers (AuNF) by hydrazine hydrate (N2H4)that catalyzed by silver nanoparticles (AgNPs)and growing around the AgNPs surface. Thus, the special AuNFs exhibited a strong resonance Rayleigh scattering (RRS)peak at 370 nm. With increase of N2H4 concentration, AuNFs gradually increased and formed the larger size AuNFs, and the RRS intensity was linearly increased. So, a simple and sensitive nanosilver catalytic reaction RRS analysis platform was fabricated which can be utilized to detect trace N2H4. Under the selected conditions, a linear relation between the increased RRS intensity (ΔI370 nm)and N2H4 concentration was found in the range of 0.012 5~3.5 μmol/L, with a regression equation of ΔIRS=1 297.8C+228.78, and detection limit of 0.006 μmol/L. The method was used for the detection of N2H4 in water sample with satisfactory results.
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Morphometric Analysis of Formica candida and F. gagatoides(Hymenoptera:Formicidae)
HUANG Hai-yan, CHEN Yuan, ZHOU Shan-yi
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2015, 33 (2):  96-102.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2015.02.015
Abstract ( 247 )   PDF(pc) (819KB) ( 425 )   Save
Using morphometric method to measure 8 morphological characteristics of 84 individuals of F. candida and 140 individuals of F. gagatoides, which are very similar species in the genus Formic. The value frequency distribution, correlation, variance and principal component of the eight features of the samples are analyzed. The rusults showed that morphometric analysis method can separate the two species, provide a quantitative standard to morphological taxonomy, and offer a new method for morphological taxonomy.
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Bird Diversity in Limestone Area of Southwestern Guangxi,China
YU Li-jiang, LU Zhou, SHU Xiao-liang, JIANG Ai-wu, YANG Gang,
YU Gui-dong, LI Zhao-tian, ZHOU Fang
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2015, 33 (2):  103-108.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2015.02.016
Abstract ( 237 )   PDF(pc) (1253KB) ( 732 )   Save
The limestone area of southwestern Guangxi located in the south of China, which is named as biodiversity hotspot for conservation priorities. From 2002 to 2014, bird diversity researches were carried out in this biodiversity hotspot area, covering 15 nature reserves, 3 forestry centres and 2 reservoirs. Total of 414 bird species were accumulated recorded, which are under 66 families and 21 orders. Among them, 245 species were residents, 54 species were summer migrants, 97 species were winter migrants and 18 were passengers. Sixty species belonged to nationally protected birds, 21 species were listed in the IUCN red list of threatened birds. One species, Stachyris nonggangensis, was endemic species to the study area. More than 50% species were breeding birds. The avifauna was characterized by South China Region with typical north tropics property. The study presented a scene of abundant bird diversity in the limestone area of southwestern Guangxi. It plays an important role in maintaining ecosystem function. Thus, more researches and more protective measures should be carried out in the limestone area.
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Comparison of the Leaf Allelopathic Potential of the Invasive WetlandPlant Spartina alterniflora and Three Native Mangrove Plants
DUAN Lin-lin, LIANG Shi-chu, LI Fu-rong, ZHOU Qiao-jin
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2015, 33 (2):  109-114.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2015.02.017
Abstract ( 196 )   PDF(pc) (813KB) ( 268 )   Save
To compare the allelopathic potential of the wetland invasive plant Spartina alterniflora and the native mangrove plants Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, Aegiceras corniculatum, and Kandelia candel, the allelopathic effects of aqueous extracts of the four plants on seed germination and seedling growth of radish (Raphanus sativus) were studied by using indoor Petri dish bioassay method. The results showed that both S. alterniflora and the native mangrove plants had allelopathic potential. But their allelopathic effects on the different examination indexes of radish were diverse. When the aqueous extract concentration was 0.2 g·mL-1, the inhibitory rate of B. gymnorrhiza reached 34.3% of the maximum, but it was not significant. Under the relatively high concentrations of plant extracts, S. alterniflora had significantly inhibitory effect on the radish seed germination, which was stronger than those of the other two mangrove plants. All the four plant extracts with high concentrations significantly exhibited inhibitory effects on the radish root growth. And the inhibitory rate of A. corniculatum extract under 0.2 g·mL-1 reached 76.4% of the maximum. However, allelopathic stimulation effects on radish seedling height and fresh weight were common for the four plants, except that the allelopathic effects of B. gymnorrhiza and A. corniculatum were allelopathic inhibition under high concentrations and allelopathic stimulation under low concentrations to radish fresh weight.
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Supplements to Checklist of Vascular Plants of Guangxi, China (Ⅲ)
HUANG Xin-yi, LIU Jing, LU Zhao-cen, XU Wei-bin
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2015, 33 (2):  115-119.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2015.02.018
Abstract ( 136 )   PDF(pc) (12164KB) ( 19 )   Save
10 Taxa are reported for the first time in Guangxi, China. They are Illigera brevistaminata、Pittosporum perryanum var. linearifolium、Rubus glabricarpus、Rhodoleia henryi、Berchemia longipedicellata、Vaccinium triflorum)、Ophiorrhiza filibracteolata、Viburnum propinquum var. mairei、Scutellaria yunnanensis var. cuneata and Eria bipunctata. All the specimens examined are preserved in Herbarium of Guangxi Institute of Botany, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and the Chinese Academy of Sciences (IBK).
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Analysis of Trend and Annual Lowest Runoff Periodic Variationin the Nandong Subterranean River System
QIN Xing-ming, JIANG Zhong-cheng, LAN Fu-ning, LUO Shu-wen, LAO Wen-ke, WU Hua-ying
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2015, 33 (2):  120-126.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2015.02.019
Abstract ( 148 )   PDF(pc) (1560KB) ( 317 )   Save
In order to serve a reference for the development and utilization of the water resources, the time series of lowest runoff in the Nandong subterranean river system from 1990 to 2013, as well as the variation trend, have been analyzed by using the methods of wavelet analysis and rescaled range analysis. The research results showed that the lowest runoff series have obvious multiple time scale properties, which has three main periods including 4 a,10 a and 15 a. And 10 a is the first main period, 4 a and 15 a are second and third, respectively. Meanwhile, the tendency of lowest runoff in the Nandong subterranean river system in the fulture was also studied. For the time series of 4 a,10 a and 15 a, the Hurst indexes were of 0.315 6,0.573 28,0.740 43, respectively. The fulture trend of 4 a scale for the lowest runoff was contrary to the past, but the fulture trend of long scales such as 10 a and 15 a were similar to the changes in the past.
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Groundwater Quality and Characteristics of Karst Groundwater Pollutionin the Mashan Subterranean River,Guangxi, China
LIN Yong-sheng, PEI Jian-guo
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2015, 33 (2):  127-133.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2015.02.020
Abstract ( 212 )   PDF(pc) (1631KB) ( 594 )   Save
Choosing the Mashan subterranean river as the object of study, 14 water samples were collected and their water quality and test volatile organic compounds and semi-organic compounds were analyzed. Using Groundwater Quality Valuation(GB/T14848-2007) and Technical Code of Groundwater Pollution Assessment(DD2008-01), the groundwater quality, detection rate evaluation and over-standard were evaluatel. Results showed that the groundwater quality as a whole was comparatively good, II and III type water accounted for 71.4%, and overproof indicators of IV,V type water were Pb and NO-2;7 organic matters were detected.The groundwater ubiquity score (GUS )value of component with high detection rate is comparatively high. Considering the pollution source situation,the key pollution source were pesticides and fertilizers used in agriculture and industrial production.Conclusions drawn from this study would provide a reference for the pollution prevention of underground water in karst areas.
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