广西师范大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2024, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (4): 22-31.doi: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2023101703

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孙涛1,2,3, 牛文鑫4,5, 李兆元6, 周岐海1,2,3*, 黄乘明1,2,3,7*   

  1. 1.珍稀濒危动植物生态与环境保护教育部重点实验室(广西师范大学),广西 桂林 541006;
    2.广西珍稀濒危动物生态学重点实验室(广西师范大学),广西 桂林 541006;
    3.崇左白头叶猴野外科学观测研究站,广西 崇左 532204;
    4.同济大学 附属养志康复医院,上海 201619;
    5.同济大学 医学院康复工程与生物力学实验室,上海 200092;
    6.西南林业大学 地理与生态旅游学院,云南 昆明 650224;
    7.中国科学院动物研究所 动物生态与保护生物学重点实验室,北京 100101
  • 收稿日期:2023-10-17 修回日期:2023-12-06 出版日期:2024-07-25 发布日期:2024-09-05
  • 通讯作者: 黄乘明(1963—), 男,广西桂林人, 中国科学院动物研究所研究员, 博士。E-mail:cmhuang@ioz.ac.cn;周岐海(1976—), 男, 广西贵港人, 广西师范大学教授, 博士。E-mail:zhouqh@gxnu.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:
    国家自然科学基金(32270504, 32170492); 广西自然科学基金(2019GXNSFDA245021)

Advances in Functional Morphology of Locomotion in Primates

SUN Tao1,2,3, NIU Wenxin4,5, LI Zhaoyuan6, ZHOU Qihai1,2,3*, HUANG Chengming1,2,3,7*   

  1. 1. Key Laboratory of Ecology of Rare and Endangered Species and Environmental Protection (Guangxi Normal University), Ministry of Education, Guilin Guangxi 541006, China;
    2. Guangxi Key Laboratory of Rare and Endangered Animal Ecology (Guangxi Normal University), Guilin Guangxi 541006, China;
    3. The Chongzuo White-headed Langur Field Observation and Research Station of Guangxi, Chongzuo Guangxi 532204, China;
    4. Yangzhi Rehabilitation Hospital, Tongji University, Shanghai 201619, China;
    5. Laboratory of Rehabilitation Engineering and Biomechanics, School of Medicine, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China;
    6. College of Geography and Ecotourism, Southwest Forestry University, Kunming Yunnan 650224, China;
    7. Key Laboratory of Animal Ecology and Conservation Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China
  • Received:2023-10-17 Revised:2023-12-06 Online:2024-07-25 Published:2024-09-05

摘要: 功能形态学是研究功能和形态相互适应的学科。灵长类(包括非人灵长类和人类)在动物界是一个极其特殊的类群,其在形态、生理、行为上表现出很强的环境适应能力,使它们常常成为生态学问题研究的模式动物。为适应多样化栖息环境,灵长类发展形成不同的运动模式,其骨骼和肌肉系统也相应进化以适应不同的运动模式。非人灵长类与人类在生态位、社会结构、地理分布以及进化上密切相关,开展其运动功能形态学研究不仅有助于了解灵长类的生态与适应,而且对深入了解运动功能进化在人类进化中所发挥的作用也具有重要参考价值。本文总结灵长类运动功能形态学的发展历史,深入探讨灵长类的运动模式及与之相适应的骨骼、肌肉系统的特征和功能。未来,新技术和新方法不断融入灵长类的运动功能形态学研究,将进一步丰富人们对灵长类的了解,揭示其结构和功能的适应与进化规律。

关键词: 灵长类, 运动, 功能形态学, 适应

Abstract: Functional morphology is the study of the mutual adaptation of function and form. Primates (including human and non-human primates) are an extremely special group in the animal kingdom. They show strong adaptability to the environment in terms of morphology, physiology, and behavior, making them often as model animals for the study of ecological issues. In order to adapt to the diverse habitats, primates have evolved different locomotion patterns, and their skeletal and muscular systems have also evolved accordingly to adapt to different locomotion patterns. At the same time, primates are similar to humans in ecological niche, social structure, geographical distribution and evolution. Research on the functional morphology of their locomotion will not only help to understand the ecology and adaptation of primates, but also provide an understanding on the role of motor functions played in human evolution. This paper summarizes the development history of functional morphology of locomotion in primates and explores the movement patterns of primates and the corresponding characteristics and functions of the skeletal and muscular systems. In the future, new technologies and methods will continue to be integrated into the study of locomotion functional morphology in primates, which will further enrich people’s understanding of primates and reveal the adaptation and evolution rules of their structures and functions.

Key words: primates, locomotion, functional morphology, adaptation

中图分类号:  Q98

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