Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition) ›› 2024, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (2): 41-54.doi: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2023042707

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Regional Energy Storage Allocation Strategy of 5G Base Station Based on Floyd Algorithm

YANG Hai1, XIE Yaqin2*   

  1. 1. Changwang School of Honors, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing Jiangsu 210044, China;
    2. School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing Jiangsu 210044, China
  • Received:2023-04-27 Revised:2023-06-09 Published:2024-04-22

Abstract: Since 5G is concentrated on crowded areas, the number of base stations required is large and the energy consumption is large, so operators need to pay a lot on power purchase. In order to reduce the cost on power purchase, this paper proposes a regional energy storage allocation strategy for 5G base stations based on Floyd algorithm. Firstly, the 5G base regional storage station in the power supply network is equivalent to a series of nodes, and the transmission loss rate matrix is calculated according to the distance information between nodes. Secondly, the energy storage situation of each node is analyzed, and the nodes are divided into energy supply nodes and demand nodes according to their energy storage conditions. Finally, based on the Floyd algorithm, the energy in the energy storage network is reasonably allocated. The simulation results show that the system proposed in this paper reaches a stable state after two years of operation or 150 days of operation, respectively, and the system no longer needs to purchase additional power from the utility grid. While reducing the pressure on the power supply of the grid, it also reduces the cost on power purchase of operators.

Key words: energy storage distribution, 5G base stations, Floyd algorithm, supply pressure, energy sharing

CLC Number:  TM91; TN929.5; TK02
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