Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition) ›› 2023, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (3): 20-30.doi: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2022052403

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Improved TOPSIS for Node Vulnerability Assessment of Distribution Network Based on Game Theory

XIAO Zhiheng, LIU Huijia*   

  1. College of Electrical Engineering & New Energy, China Three Gorges University, Yichang Hubei, 443002, China
  • Received:2022-05-24 Revised:2022-07-04 Online:2023-05-25 Published:2023-06-01

Abstract: Aiming at the problems of single index and one-sided index weight in the existing distribution network node vulnerability assessment methods combining the complex network theory and starting from the distribution network structure and the system operation state, the vulnerability assessment system of distribution network nodes is constructed. The subjective weight of the index is obtained by using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP), and the objective weight is obtained by using the entropy method. Then the idea of multi-attribute decision-making is proposed, and the grey relational degree is used to improve the closeness defect of TOPSIS algorithm, and a new form of closeness is used to express the vulnerability of nodes. The calculation results based on the IEEE-33 node system show that the top 10 nodes in the system are 2, 1, 3, 6, 4, 5, 26, 7, 14, and 16 in terms of vulnerability, and their vulnerability values are 0.817 and 0.677, 0.621, 0.563, 0.515, 0.492, 0.433, 0.411, 0.408, 0.393, respectively. The results of the example are consistent with the actual situation, which verifies the rationality and feasibility of the proposed method.

Key words: distribution network, vulnerability, game theory, gray relevance, TOPSIS

CLC Number:  TM73
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