Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition) ›› 2024, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (1): 128-138.doi: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2023032404

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Strong Convergence Theorem for Pseudomonotonic Variational Inequality Solution Sets and Quasi-non-expansionary Mapping Fixed Point Sets Common Elements

WANG Yongjie, GAO Xinghui*, FANG Mengkai   

  1. School of Mathematics and Computer Science, Yan’an University, Yan’an Shaanxi 716000, China
  • Received:2023-03-24 Revised:2023-06-02 Online:2024-01-25 Published:2024-01-19

Abstract: A new Tseng outer gradient algorithm for solving pseudomonotonic variational inequality problems is proposed in Hilbert space. Under appropriate conditions, it is proved that the iterative sequence generated by the algorithm strongly converges to the common element of the solution set of pseudomonotonic variational inequality problem and the set of fixed points of the quasi-non-expansion map, and numerical experiments are given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.

Key words: Hilbert space, variational inequality, pseudo-monotony, subgradient external gradient algorithm, strong convergence

CLC Number:  O177.91
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