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25 March 2016, Volume 34 Issue 1
Genetic Algorithm of Allocation of Highway Access Card
LIU Weiming, LI Rongrong, WANG Chao, HUANG Ling
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2016, 34 (1):  1-8.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2016.01.001
Abstract ( 125 )   PDF(pc) (927KB) ( 279 )   Save
The management model of highway access card is one of “entering and one exiting” systems when network toll collection is applied. Due to the imbalance of the distribution of highway pass cards and the complexity of the road network structure,it is difficult to obtain the optimal solution to the problem of large-scale pass card allocation. To solve this problem,a kind of genetic algorithm based on integer matrix coding is designed in this paper through extensive analysis of the allocation of highway access card. And a special algorithm for initializing population,selection,crossover and mutation was proposed and it can ensure the feasibility and effectiveness of the new individuals. In addition,two cases are analyzed separately which confirm the effectiveness and superiority of the algorithm.
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Bus Video Detection Based on Adaboost Algorithm and Color Feature
KUANG Xianyan, ZHU Lei, WU Yun, XU Chen
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2016, 34 (1):  9-18.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2016.01.002
Abstract ( 78 )   PDF(pc) (10492KB) ( 13 )   Save
A bus video detection method for urban public transport is proposed based on AdaBoost algorithm and window color feature. Firstly, the foreground detection method is used to find the motion of vehicle. This method is the "and" operation of two methods: three frame difference method of filtering and expansion and the mixed Gauss method after filtering, threshold method to remove shadow and expansion processing, whcih classifies vehicles in motion detected by the foreground detection algorithm into public transport vehicles, buses and other passenger vehicles, using the Adaboost algorithm and Haar feature training classifie. Compared with the large bus, the window of a public transport vehicle has obvious color characteristics indicating the bus lines and other information. The edge detection of canny operator and connected domain processing are used to locate the windows, then transfer the windows area into HSV color space, count the ratio of characteristic color pixels from windows area, and compare the ratio with threshold that has been set. If the ratio is larger than threshold, then believe it is a public transport bus, otherwise it is not. The experiments are performed using the traffic flow video that contains bus in a city. Experimental results show that, motion detection algorithm in this article has better adaptation with noise from video sequence than Three-frame differencing method or Gaussian mixture model. The threshold of connected domain processing and canny operator from a lot of video sequence contains bus lead to window positioning accuracy rate of more than 95%. Algorithm of characteristic color of windows can distinguish bus and motor coach effectively and accurately.
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A Heart Sound Denoising Method Based onAdaptive Threshold Wavelet Transform
ZHOU Keliang, XING Sulin, NIE Congnan
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2016, 34 (1):  19-25.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2016.01.003
Abstract ( 357 )   PDF(pc) (1970KB) ( 468 )   Save
In the acquisition of heart sound signal, it is inevitable to introduce some noise so that the heart sound signal denoising must be done before the diagnosis of heart sound signals . Because the heart sound signal is nonlinear and non-stationary, wavelet transform denoising method is commonly used to remove noise of heart sound signal. However, traditional wavelet threshold function needs to customize the threshold, its denoising effect is not ideal, and may filter out a lot of useful details of the heart sound signal, which may hardly lead to a correct judgment. In order to solve the problem of the distortion of the heart sound signal denoising process in using traditional wavelet threshold function, on the basis of semi soft threshold function, a nonlinear wavelet transform denoising method based on ant colony optimization algorithm is proposed. Using the original heart sounds as the research object, by using the DB6 wavelet and 6 layer wavelet decomposition, this paper use different denoising methods such as hard threshold function, soft threshold function, semi soft threshold function and ant colony algorithm of the optimal threshold of semi soft function of wavelet denoising, compare the effects of these methods and then use ant colony algorithm global search to search for the optimal threshold in terms of minimum mean square error. Simulation results show that the ant colony optimization algorithm to select the threshold of the heart sound denoising can not only remove the noise, but also preserve the details of signal characteristics, and the method is more effective in noise reduction in comparison with the conventional soft and hard threshold functions. The method is more effective in noise reduction in comparison with the conventional soft and hard threshold function.
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A Correctable Low-power Voltage Reference with POR
CAI Chaobo, FAN Dongdong, SONG Shuxiang, CEN Mingcan
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2016, 34 (1):  26-31.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2016.01.004
Abstract ( 163 )   PDF(pc) (1036KB) ( 158 )   Save
In order to solve the problem of accuracy problem of voltage reference in low power and deep sub-micron process,a correctable ultra low power voltage reference with power on reset (POR) is proposed,by introducing the MOS tube working in the sub-threshold region and digital trimming technology. The voltage reference is simulated by Spectre in TSMC90 nm COMS technology. Simula-tion results show that,the designen reference achieve total current of only 0.876 μA,temperature drift coefficient of 24.4 10-6/℃ and tunable voltage with 25 mV steps. Compared with traditional voltage reference,the proposed voltage reference has the advantages of low temperature drift coefficient, easy correction and low power consumption, and can be applied to low-power and portable electronic devices.
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A 10bit High Speed Two-levels Single-slope ADC
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2016, 34 (1):  32-37.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2016.01.005
Abstract ( 165 )   PDF(pc) (1309KB) ( 158 )   Save
A design of highspeedcolumn parallel two-levels single-slope ADC for CMOS image sensor is presented. The signal is converted by two sub division and subtraction operation using two ramp generators. With the pipelined operation mode,the conversion speed is 12 times higher than that of the conventional single slope ADC. The ADC achieves 10 bit accuracy and 263 ks/s high conversion rate with 0.18μm process. The DNL,INL,SNR,ENOB of the ADC are +0.83/-0.82 LSB,+0.51/-1.5 LSB,58.28 dB and 9.3 bit respectively.
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Applications of Spatiotemporal Kriging in Local Geomagnetic Field Analysis
CHEN Dingxin, LIU Daizhi, MENG Liang, LI Yihong, YANG Xiaojun
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2016, 34 (1):  38-44.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2016.01.006
Abstract ( 155 )   PDF(pc) (1524KB) ( 134 )   Save
Geomagnetic field has continuity and relativity, and the influence of time characteristics on the analysis precision of geomagnetic field is the aim of this paper. Based on the local geomagnetic field data in Ningxia, China, we use the spatial and temporal Kriging function to carry out interpolation calculation. Spatiotemporal Kriging is the extension of Kriging method in space-time domain, including simulation of conditional variation function, construction of space time variation function, cross validation and so on. According to the experiment results, due to the full use of space-time information, Spatiotemporal Kriging outperforms space-only methods, such as the nearest, V4 and Kriging methods. The reason for improvement of accuracy is analyzed, and the selection of database capacity in the process of spatial and temporal interpolation. is discussed.
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Study on the Spatial Evolution and Trend of Bank Branches in Xi’an City
QIN Sigang, DUAN Hanming
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2016, 34 (1):  45-51.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2016.01.007
Abstract ( 137 )   PDF(pc) (1285KB) ( 154 )   Save
Bank is an important part of modern economic activities, it provides financial support for economic development, and the spatial structure of bank branches is an important part of modern urban space research. In order to reveal the bank location characteristics and spatial evolution, 1218 banking outlets in the urban areas of Xi’an are chosen as the research objects. Using a combination of GIS and spatial statistics analysis, In this paper, the evolution process and trend of bank network in the main part of Xi’an are analyzed. The result shows that: (1) bank outlets gradually spread from the city center to outer peripheral areas and urban main roads are the main paths of the evolution of bank network; (2) the expansion of bank outlets in the central region in the range of 1km from the Clock Tower goes slowly. However, expansion direction of banks changes significantly and the Northeast - southwest direction has become the main direction of bank expansion; (3) a multi level bank gathering area is gradually formed in Xi’an city. In the future, the Economic and Technological Development Zone will become a new center of bank network. The research results have certain application value for the arrangement of a rational layout of financial institutions and the construction of financial centers.
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A kNN Classification Algorithm Based on Local Correlation
DENG Zhenyun, GONG Yonghong, SUN Ke, ZHANG Jilian
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2016, 34 (1):  52-58.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2016.01.008
Abstract ( 166 )   PDF(pc) (1513KB) ( 199 )   Save
As a simple and effective classification algorithm, kNN algorithm is widely used in text classification. However, the k value (usually fixed) is usually set by users. For this purpose, the reconstruction and locality preserving projections (LPP) technology is introduced into the nearest neighbor classification, which makes the selection of the k value to be determined by the correlation between the samples and the topology structure. The algorithm uses l1-norm sparse coding method to reconstruct the test sample by its k (not fixed) nearest neighbor samples and LPP keeps the local structure of the sample after the reconstruction, which not only solves the problem of choosing k value, but also avoids the influence of fixed k value on classification. Experimental results show that the classification performance of the proposed method is better than that of the classical kNN algorithm.
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A General Method of Chinese Word Segmentation Based onthe Resolution of Word Frequency Ambiguity
PENG Qi, ZHU Xinhua, CHEN Yishan
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2016, 34 (1):  59-65.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2016.01.009
Abstract ( 91 )   PDF(pc) (999KB) ( 290 )   Save
Ambiguity is a common problem in dictionary based word segmentation methods. In the past, the word segmentation method based on dictionary often uses the bidirectional maximum matching method to get the result of word segmentation, and then carries out ambiguity resolution by using the context imformation, which cannot be used in the environment without context information. A general disambiguation method based on word frequency is presented in this paper, which is context-free and expands the application range of ambiguity resolution. Experimental results show that compared with the traditional methods of dictionary-based Chinese word segmentation, this method has a stronger applicability and higher availability.
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Properties of Zero-divisor Graphs of Idealizations of Group Rings ZnG
GUO Shufeng , XIE Guangming, YI Zhong
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2016, 34 (1):  66-71.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2016.01.010
Abstract ( 152 )   PDF(pc) (951KB) ( 214 )   Save
It is very important to understand the structure of the ring itself by studying the zero-divisor graph of a ring to clearly and intuitively describe the structure of its zero-divisors by means of graph. Let G be a cyclic group of prime order, ZnG group rings of G over Zn and Δ(G)augmentation ideals of ZnG. Properties of zero-divisor graphs of idealizations of ZnG with respect to Δ(G) are discussed in this paper. It provides detailed descriptions of the girth,the diameter and the planarity of zero-divisor graphs of idealizations of ZnG,respectively.
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Strong 2-sum Property of Local Rings and Their Extensions
TANG Gaohua, WU Yansheng, ZHANG Hengbin, LI Yu
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2016, 34 (1):  72-77.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2016.01.011
Abstract ( 126 )   PDF(pc) (874KB) ( 201 )   Save
An element of a ring R is called to have the strong 2-sum property if it is a sum of two units that commute with each other. And a ring R is called a strong 2-sum ring if every element of R has the strong 2-sum property. Local ring is a very important class of rings. Local rings and their extensions are very important in the research of ring theory,module theory and homological algebra. In this article, a characterization of a local ring to be a strong 2-sum ring is given. Then, the strong 2-sum property of local rings and their power series extension,trivial extension and matrix extension are studied.
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Optimal Variable-Weight OOCs with Weight Set {3,4,7}
ZHANG Yufang, YU Huangsheng
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2016, 34 (1):  78-83.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2016.01.012
Abstract ( 128 )   PDF(pc) (868KB) ( 137 )   Save
In this paper,by using one kind of combinatorial design,it is proved that there exists an optimal 57-regular 2-CP{3,4,7},1,813,113,413,57p for each prime p≡1(mod 4) and p>5. Then it is proved that there exists an optimal 57p,{3,4,7},1,813,113,413-OOC for each prime p≡1(mod 4) and p≥5.
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Generalized Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Processes Associatedwith Martingale and Its Application in Finance
HU Hua
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2016, 34 (1):  84-92.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2016.01.013
Abstract ( 197 )   PDF(pc) (904KB) ( 391 )   Save
The two-dimensional joint distribution of the first passage times of spectrally negative generalized Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes at a constant level and their original stop atthe first passage time, are studied in this paper. Based on some results about Levy and GOU processes, an explicit expression of the Laplace transform of the distribution in terms of new special functions is given by using martingale and Markov chain method. This paper detailedly studies the generalized Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process in the steady state, and provides the Laplasce transformation formula of the European call option price in the generalized Vasicek model, which generalizes the existing results.
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Research on the Risk Measurement of Stock Index Basedon Mixture-Copula and ARMA-GARCH-t Models
LU Siyao, XU Meiping
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2016, 34 (1):  93-101.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2016.01.014
Abstract ( 157 )   PDF(pc) (1143KB) ( 437 )   Save
In view of the influence of recent Chinese stock market volatility on investors,three representative stock index’s daily returns of Shanghai,Shenzhen and Hong Kong stock markets are selected for modeling and analysis. First,ARMA-GARCH(1,1)-t models are chosen to fit the marginal returns. Then, a linear combination function of Gumbel,Clayton and t-Copula is applied to describe the correlation structure of returns. Finally,Monte Carlo simulation method is employed to compute Value at Risk,expected shortfall and median shortfall of the three stock index under different confidence levels. Here median shortfall is a new risk measurement index proposed recently. The research provides references for investors and managers with different risk preferences to regulate the system risk.
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On Bernstein’ Theorem to a Class of Ordinary Differential Equations
HUANG Rongli, LI Changyou
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2016, 34 (1):  102-105.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2016.01.015
Abstract ( 134 )   PDF(pc) (820KB) ( 163 )   Save
For a class of second order ordinary differential equations u″=exp-u+12tu′,u=u(t), under some condition, the expressions of solutions of these equations are investigated. If u′(0)=0,it is shown that the solution of the equation has the form of a quadratic multinomial. This result may have a positive effect in finding out the rigidity theorem related to the self-similar expansion solution of the mean curvature flows.
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Preparation of Gramine under Ultrasonic Conditions
YIN Xiaogang, WU Xiaoyun, WANG Ye, CHEN Zhiming, CHEN Zhuo
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2016, 34 (1):  106-111.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2016.01.016
Abstract ( 120 )   PDF(pc) (968KB) ( 167 )   Save
A ultrasound-assisted synthesis method of gramine was developed using dimethylamine,formaldehyde and indole as starting materials. Influences of catalysts,solvents,temperature,ultrasonic time,the mole ratio of starting materials to yields were investigated. When the reaction temperature is 45 ℃,ultrasonic time is 5 min,the catalyst is acetic acid,the molar ratio of dimethylamine,formaldehyde,indole and acetic acid was 2.0∶2.0∶1.0∶2.5,yield of gramine is 98.4%. The reaction was amplified to ten grams level. The products were characterized by 1H NMR and IR. Compared with the existing methods, ultrasonic assisted synthesis of gramine has such advantages as easy operation,higher yield,shorter reaction time,which has a potential application prospect.
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Thermal Decomposition Behavior of Avermectin and Dinotefuran
ZOU Huahong, JIANG Qingke, QIN Jiangke, JIAO Bing, FAN Luo
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2016, 34 (1):  112-117.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2016.01.017
Abstract ( 163 )   PDF(pc) (1677KB) ( 456 )   Save
The thermal decomposition behavior of avermectin and dinotefuran are studied by the thermogravimetry (TG) and derivative thermogravimetry (DTG) methods under different heating rate and atmosphere,respectively. A new test method was explored by studying the thermal behavior of pesticide residues. Finally,the IR spectra of vermectin and dinotefuran were analyzed.
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Simultaneously Determination of Three Effective Componentsin Swertia tetraptera Maxim.
ZHAO Ying, LIU Xiaocui, LIAO Zhiming, LU Yongchang
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2016, 34 (1):  118-121.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2016.01.018
Abstract ( 126 )   PDF(pc) (1265KB) ( 453 )   Save
RP-HPLC was used to determine the quantity and quality of swertiamarin,gentiopicroside and sweroside in Swertia tetraptera Maxim. The results showed that three compounds were base-isolated. The linear ranges of swertiamarin,gentiopicroside and sweroside were 0.052~1.030 μg (R=0.999 8), 0.060~1.200 μg (R=0.999 9), and 0.050~0.99 μg(R=0.999 8) respectively,the average recoveries were 99.1% (RSD=1.94%), 101.5% (RSD=2.05%), and 96.0% (RSD=1.94%) respectively. This method is simple,rapid and reliable with good reproducibility,and can be used as the determination method for swertiamarin,gentiopicroside and sweroside in Swertia tetraptera Maxim.
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Determination of Six Kinds of Active Ingredients fromGentiana algida Pall by CZE
BAI Xue, ZENG Qingyi, ZHU Kuide, LU Yongchang
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2016, 34 (1):  122-127.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2016.01.019
Abstract ( 150 )   PDF(pc) (1154KB) ( 182 )   Save
To establish a CZE method for simultaneous determination of gentiopicroside, loganic acid, oleanic acid, uosolic acid, isoorientin and mangiferin in the herbs of Gentiana algida Pall. 70 mmol/L borax-20% aetonitrile was used as buffer solution (pH=11). The separation was performed on an uncoated fused silica capillary (64.5 cm×50 μm,56 cm of effective length),at voltage of 22 kV. The detection wavelength was 200 nm,and the sample was injected at 50 mbar×5 s. As a result,the calibration curves of the six active ingredients showed good linearity (r>0. 999 5) in the ranges of the tested concentrations,and the average recoveries of the method were between 97.21%~98.12%. The method is simple, accurate and can be used for the quality evaluation and control of Gentiana algida Pall.
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Determination of Trace Chromium(Ⅵ) by Carbon NanoparticlesResonance Energy Transfer Rayleigh Scattering
LIU Qingye, WANG Hua, HUANG Danhua, HE Shihe, LI Jiao, LUO Junheng, ZHANG Xinghui, WEN Guiqing, LIANG Aihui, JIANG Zhiliang
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2016, 34 (1):  128-133.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2016.01.020
Abstract ( 146 )   PDF(pc) (1446KB) ( 126 )   Save
In HAc-NaAc buffer solution containing phenanthroline (phen) as activator,cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide (CTMAB) as a sensitizer and H2O2 as an oxidant,the carbon nanoparticles(CNPs)exhibited a strong SPR Rayleigh scattering peak at 423 nm. The receptor of ARS closed to the donor of CNPs with strong plasmon resonance (SPR) Rayleigh scattering (RS),the SPRRS-energy transfer (SPRRS-ET) take place,that caused the peak at 423 nm decreased,owing to the overlapping of CNPs RRS and ARS absorption spectra. The Cr(Ⅵ) exhibited strong catalytic effect on the slow reaction of ARS-H2O2,when the concentration of Cr(Ⅵ) increased,the concentration of ARS decreased,and the amount of SPRRS-ET decreased, as a result, the RS intensity at 423 nm increased linearly. thus,the analytical method was established for determination of trace Cr(Ⅵ). The increased intensity ΔI423 nm was linear to the Cr (Ⅵ) concentration in the range of 0.004~0.16 mg/L,with a regression equation of ΔI423 nm = 49 442C+65.1,and a detection limit of 8.0 μg/L Cr (Ⅵ).The SPRRS-ET assay was applied to the analysis of Cr (Ⅵ) in environmental water,with a satisfactory result.
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Influence of CTAB and BDA on Corrosion Resistance ofZn Coating on the Surface of 45# Steel
WANG Shun, FAN Hailin, LI Qingyu
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2016, 34 (1):  134-139.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2016.01.021
Abstract ( 145 )   PDF(pc) (6293KB) ( 154 )   Save
Zn coatings were prepared on the surface of 45# steel by using cetyltrimethylammonium bromide and benzalacetone as additives. Influence of the two additives on corrosion resistance of Zn coatings was investigated. The morphology and crystalline structure,grain sizes were characterized by SEM and XRD. The corrosion resistance of the coatings were analyzed by Tafel and EIS tests. The results showed that addition of CTAB and BDA changed the surface morphology and the grain size changed from micron size to nanometer size. Meanwhile,the crystal plane (110) was the crystallographic preferential orientation of Zn coatings and the corrosion resistance of Zn coatings increased. The coatings obtained by adding both CTAB and BDA were more compact and smooth,which enhanced the corrosion resistance of Zn coatings.
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New Records for Ferns from Guizhou, China
WANG Ying, WEI Hongjin, XIONG Zhibin, DAI Xiling, YAN Yuehong
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2016, 34 (1):  140-143.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2016.01.022
Abstract ( 169 )   PDF(pc) (11332KB) ( 16 )   Save
6 new recorded species of pteridophytes from Guizhou are reported. They are Selaginella ornata, Microlepia todayensis, Cyclogramma auriculata, C. chunii, Parathelypteris nigrescens and Pseudocyclosorus tuberculifer. All the voucher speclimens are preserved in Herbarium of Shanghai Chenshan Botanical Garden(CSH).
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Effect of Starvating and Refeeding on Relative Expression of FSRP-1,FSRP-3 and PepT1 Gene in Mandarin Fish (Siniperca chuatsi)
WANG Jianhua, LI Yulong, CHEN Dunxue, ZHU Xin, LIU Zhixing, ZHANG Jianshe, CHU Wuying, BIN Shiyu
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2016, 34 (1):  144-149.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2016.01.023
Abstract ( 126 )   PDF(pc) (948KB) ( 147 )   Save
To investigate postprandial changes in transcript abundance following a single satiating meal in mandarin fish (Siniperca chuatsi) going on a fast for 1 week. The expression of FSRP-1 and FSRP-3 gene in fast myotomal muscle, as well as the PepT1 gene in small intestine were determined using quantitative real-time PCR at the following postprandial time points: 0, 1, 3, 6, 12, 24, 48 and 96 h. The results indicated that: FSRP-1 transcripts were sharply up-regulated within 12 h of refeeding (P<0.05), the transcripts were maintained in the high level from 12 h to 48 h, then it was significant down-regulation in response to feeding; The FSRP-3 gene expression was increased significantly (P<0.05) in 1 h postprandially, and reached peak expression levels at 12 h postprandially, and decreased significantly after 48 h postprandially (P<0.05). The expression level of FSRP-3 at 12 h was 5 times higher compared with which at 1 h; The PepT1 gene had decreased expression in 6 h after the meal administration significantly (P<0.05), and reached maximal expression levels at 48 h postprandially. FSRP-1, FSRP-3 and PepT1 were absolutely necessary, associated with growth, which were greatly influence by starvation and refeeding.
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Prokaryotic Expression Optimization, Point Mutation Correctionand Cloning of Human Interleukin-24
FAN Qiuli, SONG Degui
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2016, 34 (1):  150-155.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2016.01.024
Abstract ( 90 )   PDF(pc) (5435KB) ( 189 )   Save
Taking the interleukin (IL-24) in the lab as the template, recombinant prokaryotic vector of expressing pET28a-IL-24 was constructed, the vector was transferred into E.coli DH5α and the monoclones was picked out. The mutant(G→A in IL-24 cDNA)resulted in the change of IL-24 protein(A412T), The mutants(A→G, C→T, in IL-24 cDNA)did not change the amino acids on the bit. By designing mutation primers, correction of mutation was performed by a two-step PCR reaction, the correct recombinant vector was transformed into E.coli. BL21. The optimal condition was confirmed by changing the concentration of IPTG and induction time and temperature, the fusion protein 6his-IL-24 was detected by SDS-PAGE and Western blotting. As a result, by two-step PCR, the prokaryotic expression vector was constructed, the expression product was existed in the form of inclusion body, the best induction temperature was 28 ℃, the optimal IPTG concentration was 1 mmol/L and the best induction time was 8 h.
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Killing Action of Calcium Chloride on Egg Mass of Pomacea canaliculata
CHEN Zening, LUO Xuemei, LIAO Xian, CHEN Guoyan, WU Zhengjun
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2016, 34 (1):  156-161.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2016.01.025
Abstract ( 265 )   PDF(pc) (880KB) ( 177 )   Save
Pomacea canaliculata is one of the 100 most harmful invasive species in the world. However, efficient methods of killing the egg mass are not available up to now. In this study, different concentration of calcium chloride solution were used to kill the egg mass of P. canaliculata. The experiment results in laboratory showed that the death rate of the egg mass increased with the increasing of concentration of calcium chloride solution (Y=6.547 6X+6.785 7,df=8,r=0.958,p<0.001). When the calcium chloride solution concentrations reached 12 g/L, the egg mass death rate was up to 90%. In different times after applying calcium chloride solution, the egg mass were flushed by fresh water for 1 minute. The results showed that there was no significant difference between the flushing group and the no-flushing group. The results of the field experiments showed that the death rate of the egg mass increased with the increasing of concentration of calcium chloride solution too (Y= 1.523 8X+26.763, df=6, r=0.931 9, p<0.001). When the calcium chloride solution concentrations reached 40 g/L, the egg mass death rate was up to (93.33±2.89)%. All the results indicate that the calcium chloride solution can kill egg mass of P. canaliculata effectively, even in the rainy day. So, calcium chloride solution can be used to kill the egg mass of P. canaliculata.
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Chronic Stress Affects the Theta Activity in BLAto Induce the Stress Response in Mice
JIANGFangjie, FU Yu, WU Guisheng, YANG Liping , TANG He, DENG Ke, LIN Wanhua, LUO Huairong
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2016, 34 (1):  162-167.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2016.01.026
Abstract ( 167 )   PDF(pc) (2516KB) ( 498 )   Save
Chronic exposure to stress triggered many dysfunctional emotional behaviors, like generalized anxiety disorder, depression and bipolar disorder. Prolonged stress led to structural changes in the prefrontal cortex-amygdala-ventral hippocampus emotional circuit and thus exerted anxiety behavioral phenotypes. But the alteration of neural activity for those nucleus that involved in emotional regulation is not clear. So chronic stress model in mice was established local field potential (LFP) were recorded from the basolateral amygdala (BLA) and hippocampal CA3 respectively in freely exploring mouse and separated the signals into alpha, beta, and delta, theta, gamma frequency bands. In contrast to the control groups, in BLA, stress induced a trend of increase of LFP absolute power at these five bands, the increase at delta band was significant. Through further analysis of the LFP relative power, it showed that there was a distinct increase at delta band and a significant decrease at theta band in stressed mice.
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Effects of Glycyrrhiza Flavonoids on Lipid Metabolism Enzymeand Expression of ERRα mRNA and Protein of Exhaustive Rats
HUANG Dong, LI Yuelin, BU Kai, HUANG Wen, MO Weibin
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2016, 34 (1):  168-173.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2016.01.027
Abstract ( 106 )   PDF(pc) (1076KB) ( 207 )   Save
In order to explore the intervention effect of endurance training of fat Rats on the lipid metabolism enzyme, Expression of ERRa mRNA and Protein and the complementary licorice flavonoids. Fifty healty male Sprague-Dawley rats were Randomly chosen for groups, each consisting of 10 rats: the quiet control group(NC), the exercise group(NE), the administration of licoflavone in low dose exercising group (GFML, 4 g·kg-1·d-1), the administration of licoflavone in middle dose exercising group (GFME, 8 g·kg-1·d-1) and the administration of licoflavone in high dose exercising group (GFMH,12 g·kg-1·d-1). After the rats in control group were administrated of pure physiological saline at the same dose, the rats were killed after 6-week training. According to the kit method of determination of on lipid metabolism enzyme (HL, LPL, ApoCⅡand ApoCⅢ)in serum of rats and Expression of ERRa mRNA and Protein and The HL content in the quiet control group is lower than that of the exercise group ((P<0.05), The content of HL in GFM was higher than that of in the exercise group((P<0.05). The content of LPL was higher than that of the quiet control group (P<0.05), The content of LPL in GFM was higher than that of the quiet control group and the exercise group. The content of ApoCⅡin the exercise group was higher than that of the quiet control(P<0.05), The content of ApoCⅡin GFM, compared with the quiet control group is significantly different (P<0.05 or P<0.01), The content of ApoCⅢ is lower than that of the quiet control group(P<0.05), which means there are significantly different between GFME and GFMH and the quiet control group (P<0.05).The Adipose tissue Expression of ERR mRNA and Protein in NE was higher than that of the NC (P<0.05). The Adipose tissue Expression of ERR mRNA and Protein was higher than that of the NC and NE (P<0.05 or P<0.01). Supplement of glycyrrhiza flavonoids can improve blood lipid metabolism and regulate enzyme levels in the body of relative stability so as to prevent lipid metabolic disorder.
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Urban Niche Metrics of the Urban Agglomeration in Beibu Gulf Rim
MAO Jiangxing , GU Yan
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2016, 34 (1):  174-186.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2016.01.028
Abstract ( 137 )   PDF(pc) (5886KB) ( 240 )   Save
Taking urban agglomeration in Beibu Gulf Rim as a case study, the characteristics and issues of urban agglomeration were explored by the factor analysis and niche breadth model and overlap index model to analyze the spatial distribution of urban ecological space. The niche breadth shows that in urban agglomeration spatial arrangement, Nanning has turned into the core city and eastern area has become developing vitality region. The result of development represents that coastal economy has become the main economic driving factors. Overlap index indicates that competitionare greater than cooperation among cities and regional cooperation system has not been established in Beibu Gulf Rim. Finally, based on the results of the research, some advice are put forward to develop the urban agglomeration in Beibu Gulf Rim.
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Analysis of the Trend of Extreme Continuous Precipitation underClimate Change Condition in Guangxi,China, from 1951 to 2006
LI Jianhong, MENG Xinyuan, ZHAI Luxin, WANG Yue
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2016, 34 (1):  187-196.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2016.01.029
Abstract ( 120 )   PDF(pc) (7727KB) ( 12 )   Save
Using the daily precipitation data of 25 meteorological stations from 1951 to 2006 in Guangxi, the temporal and spatial distribution characteristics and variation tendency of extreme continuous precipitation (ECP) were analyzed by linear regression and Mann-Kendall test analysis method. The Results show that: (1) The ECP in the middle or near seaside of Guangxi is more than that in two wings or the place far from the sea. There are two high value areas and two low value areas with ECP in Guangxi. The high and low value center are more and more obvious and more concentrated with the increasing of extreme precipitation duration. (2) The rising trend of ECP can be found in most parts of Guangxi, but spatial distribution characteristics of it is very different. The rising trend of high value areas with ECP is more prominent than that in high value areas and the rise of ECP around the mountain area is obviously higher than the middle basin area. The increase of extreme continuous rainfall intensity means the likelihood and severity of derivative disasters increase. (3) The rising trend of ECP can be found in recent 50 years in Guangxi and the rate of it is between 2.75 and 3.85mm/10a. There are three extreme continuous precipitation of high strength and the two extreme continuous precipitation low intensity period. (4) Spatial distribution of ECP coincides with the geographic and geomorphic conditions of Guangxi, which indicates that important factors influencing the ECP of Guangxi are the geographic and geomorphic conditions and general atmospheric circulation.
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Spatial Relationship and Formation Mechanism Research of GeologicalRelics and Ethnic Cultural Resources in Northern Guangxi, China
LI Yanlin, HUANG Song
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2016, 34 (1):  197-209.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2016.01.030
Abstract ( 111 )   PDF(pc) (3174KB) ( 181 )   Save
As the core contents of natural and human factors, there exist a strong spatial correlation and interaction relationships between geological relic and ethnic cultural. The paper proposed a universal quantitative research program of spatial relationships between geological relics and ethnic cultural resources from the aspects of quantity spatial relationship, quality spatial relationship and spatial coupling relationship, and taking northern Guangxi as typical research area,for these two kinds of resources have obvious advantages. The results show that the quantitative spatial correlation index value R between geological relics and ethnic cultural resources in northern Guangxi is 0.357, the close quantity spatial relationship is distinctness from significance testing; The higher the coupling degree value CI is, the more closely the quality spatial relationship between geological relics and ethnic cultural resources are. The average CI in northern Guangxi is 0.95, and achieved excellent coordination level, which indicated that there exist a very high quality space correlation between the two. The higher the evaluation value of coupling resources D is, the more closely the spatial coupling relationship between geological relics and ethnic cultural resources are. The average D in northern Guangxi is 0.93, among these districts, Yangsuo, Qixin, Diecai, Luzai,Yufeng and other 16 counties are high, but Pingle, Liunan, Liubei,Chengzhong and other parts of counties are low, which indicates a great comprehensive level of the spatial coupling relationship but lack of balance of distribution.
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