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20 January 2018, Volume 36 Issue 1
Predictive Power of the Weizscker-Skyrme Nuclear Mass Model
CHEN Menghua,LIU Min,WANG Ning
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2018, 36 (1):  1-8.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2018.01.001
Abstract ( 288 )   PDF(pc) (2383KB) ( 588 )   Save
Based on Weizscker-Skyrme (WS4) nuclear mass formula, the predictive power of the model is investigated. The deviation between the predicted masses with the WS4 model and the experimental data in AME2016 is calculated. The latest experimental data could be well reproduced by the calculated results of the WS4 nuclear mass formula,and the rms deviation of the 58 “new” masses is 0.543 MeV. The predictions of the WS4 nuclear mass formula are in good agreement with the experimental data in the heavy nuclei and superheavy nuclei region,which provides a reliable tool for the study of the new superheavy nuclei. In addition,the radial basis function approach can be used to further improve the accuracy of the WS4 nuclear mass formula.
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Monitoring Platform for the Hardware Spike Neural Networks
WAN Lei,LUO Yuling,HUANG Xingyue
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2018, 36 (1):  9-16.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2018.01.002
Abstract ( 203 )   PDF(pc) (1760KB) ( 201 )   Save
With the increasing size of the spike neural network with very complicated functions,how to quickly verify the functions of the hardware system structure of the neural network,and accurately assess its performance has become a serious challenge for designers. A visualization performance monitoring platform is designed in this paper,which is used as functional verification and performance monitoring for the hardware SNNs. The monitoring platform takes the Xilinx Zynq-7000 device as an example and has the advantages of lightweight design,good human-computer interaction interface and versatility,and can improve the efficiency of system function verification and performance evaluation of SNN hardware structure. It provides auxiliary functional verification and performance analysis for the design of SNN hardware systems.
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A Novel Low-voltage Micro-power Pseudo-differential CMOS OTA
DENG Yabin,JIANG Pinqun,SONG Shuxiang
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2018, 36 (1):  17-24.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2018.01.003
Abstract ( 355 )   PDF(pc) (1164KB) ( 470 )   Save
In this paper,a novel pseudo-differential transconductance amplifier with low-voltage micro-power high-gain high common-mode rejection ratio is designed,aimed at the problems of high power supply voltage,high power consumption in the full-differential transconductance amplifier,as well as small gain and low common mode rejection ratio in the conventional pseudo-differential transconductance amplifier. The proposed transconductance amplifier is composed of two stages. The first stage is a pseudo-differential input structure with inverter and common mode feedforward. The second stage is a self-bias current mirror output structure. The positive body bias technique and the TSMC 40nm CMOS process are adopted. Cadence Specter simulation results show that under the power supply voltage of 0.5 V,the transconductance amplifier open-loop gain is 51.8 dB,the unit gain bandwidth is 18.6 MHz,the phase margin is 70°,the common mode rejection ratio is 135dB, and the power supply rejection ratio is 107 dB,while the power consumption is only 3 μW. This amplifier has good comprehensive performance and can be used for most front-end weak signal amplifiers with higher demanding.
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The Fault Diagnosis of Charging Piles Based on Hybrid AP-HMM Model
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2018, 36 (1):  25-33.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2018.01.004
Abstract ( 274 )   PDF(pc) (1102KB) ( 503 )   Save
Affinity propagation (AP) of uncertainty hidden Markov model (HMM) and statistical clustering method are the two commonly used methods for fault diagnosis of equipment. However, since the structure of a electric car charging pile is complex and there are few fault samples on it, the above two methods are not ideal for fault diagnosis. According to the characteristics of charging pile with fault diagnosis, taking into account the AP clustering fast and accurate fault feature extraction and HMM powerful capability of fault classification, a fault diagnosis method of charging pile is presented based on AP-HMM hybrid model in this paper. At the same time, in order to discuss the long-term nature of the charging pile, the Markov equilibrium equations are used to obtain the stable probability of fault. The experimental results verify the correctness of the above theoretical analysis, and the results show that the AP-HMM hybrid model has the advantage of high diagnostic accuracy compared with the traditional model. The hybrid model proposed in this paper has certain feasibility and universality, and can be applied to the fault diagnosis of other electronic equipments with low speed and high precision.
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Research on Real Time Measurement of Contact Angle Based on Lattice Boltzmann Method
HUANG Bingfang,WEN Binghai,QIU Wen,ZHAO Wanling,CHEN Yanyan
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2018, 36 (1):  34-43.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2018.01.005
Abstract ( 257 )   PDF(pc) (2726KB) ( 448 )   Save
The contact angle is the basic feature in the surface wetting,capillary phenomena and moving contact lines. Although the numerical calculation is able to effectively simulate the contact angle phenomenon, in the dynamic simulation,the contact angle can not be accurately measured in real time. Based on the chemical potential lattice Boltzmann method, a geometric method is designed to measure the contact angle in real time. Under the condition of neglecting gravity,the calculated results are consistent with the theoretical expectations of the ball crown model and the results are not affected by the droplet size. Under the consideration of gravity conditions,although the droplets show significant deformation, the measured micro-contact angle remains unchanged,consistent with the theoretical expectations. When the substrate is tilted,the advancing angle of the droplet gradually increases and the receding angle decreases gradually . The method can measure the dynamic contact angle hysteresis in real time.
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An Improved Fast SUSAN Chessboard Corner Detection Algorithm
XIA Haiying,LIU Weitao,ZHU Yongjian
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2018, 36 (1):  44-52.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2018.01.006
Abstract ( 387 )   PDF(pc) (3279KB) ( 768 )   Save
Since the traditional SUSAN corner detection algorithm can not distinguish inner corners and to solve the edge corners of chessboard,and to solve the problem of corner separation caused by excessive exposure,the improved SUSAN corner detection algorithm is proposed.The improved algorithm can obtain the difference of 3 pixels gray sum between two groups of nonadjacent characteristic directions,combining the threshold and difference threshold to extract the corner set. Moreover,using the symmetric distribution of the corner set to determine the centroid coordinates of the corner set as the coordinates of the corner of the position, and the coordinate values can be directly sub-pixel accuracy.Experiments show that the proposed algorithm can extract corners effectively and quickly,and the reprojection error is within 0.3 pixels. The extraction results can be used for camera calibration.
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Iterative Learning Control of Dam-River Channel Irrigation Systems
DAI Xisheng
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2018, 36 (1):  53-60.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2018.01.007
Abstract ( 164 )   PDF(pc) (1052KB) ( 226 )   Save
The iterative learning control problem of dam-river channel irrigation system is investigated in this paper. Firstly,the Hayami equation of the linearized equation is discretized in space,and the state space mathematical model of the relationship between gate and flow is established by superposition vector method. Secondly,based on the repetitive characteristics of irrigation process,a D-type iterative learning control algorithm is designed,and the convergence condition of the algorithm is also proposed. The results show that the iterative learning control of opening degree of the gate can make the actual output of the system completely track the expected flow rate in the channel. Finally,the validity of the proposed iterative learning control is illustrated by numerical simulation.
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Low-rank Unsupervised Feature Selection Based on Self-representation
ZHENG Wei,WEN Guoqiu,HE Wei,HU Rongyao,ZHAO Shuzhi
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2018, 36 (1):  61-69.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2018.01.008
Abstract ( 186 )   PDF(pc) (960KB) ( 225 )   Save
A new method of feature selection is proposed to remedy several drawbacks with the existing unsupervised feature reduction method which only utilize the single subspace approach or feature selection method and ignores the inherent correlation within data. Specifically,a novel feature self-representation loss function is proposed to conduct unsupervised learning and feature selection by combining a sparse regularization (l2,1-norm). And then,subspace learning method and low rank constraint with graph regularization are embeded into the model, to take into account of the global structure and local structure of the data,respectively. Experimental results show that the presented algorithm can achieve better results than some selected comparison algorithms.
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Delay Consensus of Leader-following Multi-agent Systems via the Adaptive Distributed Control
HU Wenjun
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2018, 36 (1):  70-75.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2018.01.009
Abstract ( 203 )   PDF(pc) (824KB) ( 622 )   Save
In this paper,the delay consensus problem of leader-following multi-agent systems with delay is considered. First,based only on information of the neighbors and the leader,a distributed control protocol is proposed, in which control gain is adaptive. Then,under this protocol,by applying the stability theory,a sufficient condition for the realization of delay consensus in the system is derived. Finally,some numerical simulations are given to illustrate the effectiveness and feasibility of the theoretical results.
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Solvability for Generalized Mixed Variational Inequalities with Perturbation
TANG Guoji
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2018, 36 (1):  76-83.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2018.01.010
Abstract ( 184 )   PDF(pc) (847KB) ( 591 )   Save
The existence of solutions for a generalized mixed variational inequality with perturbation is investigated in this paper. Two perturbed ways of a set-valued mapping are introduced: one is perturbed by a continuous and single-valued mapping,and the other is perturbed by a vector in the interior of the barrier cone of the constrained set. Under rather weak conditions, it is shown that the generalized mixed variational inequality perturbed by two ways mentioned above has a solution. The main results may be used in some price equilibrium model in the field of economics, which generalize and improve some known results.
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Notes on Frobenius Groups
LU Jiakuan,LIU Xuexia,QIN Xueqing
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2018, 36 (1):  84-87.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2018.01.011
Abstract ( 290 )   PDF(pc) (751KB) ( 472 )   Save
In this paper,a character theoretic condition characterizing finite Frobenius groups is obtained by using the relationship between the actions of finite groups on its irreducible characters and conjugacy classes. Furthermore,the following two results are obtained by using the structure of a special Frobenius group and the character theory of normal subgroups: ①If G is a finite solvable group,and every χ∈Irrm(G) is quasi-primitive,then G is abelian. ②If G is an M-group,and l=dl(G),the derived length of G,then G is a relative M-group with respect to G(l-1).
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Asymptotic Variance Edge Frequency Polygons Estimator for α-Mixing Random Fields
HE Lin, YANG Shanchao
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2018, 36 (1):  88-94.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2018.01.012
Abstract ( 160 )   PDF(pc) (807KB) ( 517 )   Save
For α-mixing random fields, the theoretical performance of frequency polygons estimator is investigated in this paper. Through an effective partition of the sample sapce, the asymptotic variance of the estimator is obtained under some conditions. The results in this paper may be used in the fields of economy and finance, environmental science, high dimentinal data analysis and so on.
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Non-alkaloid Chemical Constituents from the Chinese Medical Plant Stephania dielsiana
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2018, 36 (1):  95-98.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2018.01.013
Abstract ( 262 )   PDF(pc) (767KB) ( 474 )   Save
Six non-alkaloid compounds,including three sterols of β-sitosterol (1),stigmasterol (2) and α-spinasterol (3),one triterpenoid of β-boswellic acid (4),and two flavones of rutin (5) and quercetin (6),were isolated from Stephania dielsiana. Their structures were elucidated by spectral data.Compounds 5 and 6 were isolated from the genus Stephania for the first time. Compounds 3 and 4 were isolated from S. dielsiana for the first time.
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Determination of Oleanic Acid and Uosolic Acid in Gentiana straminea Maxim. by MEKC
ZHANG Junwen
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2018, 36 (1):  99-104.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2018.01.014
Abstract ( 178 )   PDF(pc) (1131KB) ( 208 )   Save
A micellar electrokinetic chromatography (MEKC) method was established for determining the contents of oleanic acid and ursolic acid in Gentiana straminea Maxim.. The separation was performed on an uncoated fused silica capillary (64.5 cm×50 μm,56 cm of effective length) with a voltage of 15 kV. A 20% acetonitrile solution containing 70 mmol/L borax and 35 mmol/L SDS(pH=9.85) was used as the buffer solution. The sample was injected at a pressure of 5 kPa×5 s and detected at a wavelength of 210 nm.The results showed a good linearity between the concentration and peak area (r>0.999 2). The RSD of two active ingredients were 4.21% and 3.87%. This MEKC method has the advantages of simple,accurate and reproducible. It could be used for the quality evaluation and control for Gentiana straminea Maxim..
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Interaction between Perfluorinated Amphiphilic Surfactant and Protein
HU Xiaoxi
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2018, 36 (1):  105-111.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2018.01.015
Abstract ( 228 )   PDF(pc) (1064KB) ( 532 )   Save
The interaction of perfluorinated alkyl betaine (PFAB) and bovine serum albumin (BSA) was studied mainly by fluorescent spectroscopy. The results show that PFAB can interact with BSA through a static quenching mechanism. The fluorescent intensity of BSA is dramatically quenched by PFAB. The binding constant of PFAB and BSA are 8.51×105 and 5.52×105 L/mol at 298 and 310 K, respectively. There is only one binding site with a binding distance is 1.93 nm. Electrostatic force plays a main role in the binding process of PFAB and BSA. It is more likely for PFAB to bind with tryptophan residue.
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Facile Solvothermal Synthesis and Biocompatible Evaluation of Fe3O4/Graphene Oxide Magnetic Nanocomposites in vitro
MAO Fangfang,PANG Jinying,LI Jianming,LU Chunyi
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2018, 36 (1):  112-120.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2018.01.016
Abstract ( 118 )   PDF(pc) (9625KB) ( 30 )   Save
Fe3O4/graphene oxide (Fe3O4/GO) nanocomposite was synthesized by solvothermal strategy. The effects of reagent ratio and reaction time on the morphology and diameters of nanocomposites were investigated. They were characterized using X-ray diffraction,scanning electron microscopy,thermogravimetric analysis,and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy. Cytotoxicity test and hemolysis assay were investigated to assess their toxicity in vitro and to explore their potential application in the biomedical fields. The toxicity of Fe3O4/GO nanoparticles in mouse fibroblast (L-929) cell lines is between grade 0 to grade 1,and the material lacks hemolysis activity.
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Comparative Study on Effects of Fixation Nuclear Membrane Proteins by Different Fixative Agents in Immunofluorescence
WU Zhuoling
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2018, 36 (1):  121-125.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2018.01.017
Abstract ( 461 )   PDF(pc) (3788KB) ( 721 )   Save
Immunofluorescence is a common method of detecting protein cell location. Different cell fixation methods may affect the staining effect. In this study, 3 different fixative agents were performed for immunofluorescence experiments on nuclear membrane protein lamin A/C and emerin. It revealed good immunofluorescence staining for 4% paraformaldehyde-fixed cells, relatively weaker lamin A/C staining than emerin for methanol fixation cells, and non-continuous dyeing around nuclear membrane for the acetone-fixed cells. In an overall consideration, 4% paraformaldehyde, one of the most commonly fixative agents, can be used for good staining effect. However, the suitable fixing method for targeted new protein is still necessary to explore due to the specific protein structure and function.
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A Newly Recorded Genus of Polygalaceae from Guangxi,China
QIN Ying
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2018, 36 (1):  126-128.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2018.01.018
Abstract ( 173 )   PDF(pc) (7002KB) ( 22 )   Save
Epirixanthes Blume, a newly-recorded genus of Polygalaceae, is reported from Guangxi, China. The genus is a mycoheterotrophic herbs, echlorophyllous. It is recorded that there is only 1 species (E. elongata Blume) for this genus in China, which is distributed in Yunnan, Hongkong, Fujian, Hainan et al. The biological characteristics of Epirixanthes Blume are described in this article with the images of E. elongata Blume.
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A New Recorded Genus in Guangxi,China: Ombrocharis Hand.-Mazz(Lamiaceae)
MO Fuyan
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2018, 36 (1):  129-131.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2018.01.019
Abstract ( 208 )   PDF(pc) (2423KB) ( 340 )   Save
This paper reports a new recorded genus of Lamiaceae in Guangxi,China. Ombrocharis dulcis, once thought to be extinct,were found again in recent years. The record of Ombrocharis dulcis in Guangxi is the first time. In order to arouse the attention of relevant departments for carrying out the effective protection of rare and endangered species,the discovery and history of Ombrocharis dulcis are briefly introduced in this paper.
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Benthic Diatom Assemblages Distribution in Longjiang and Diaojiang Rivers, in Relation to Chemical and Physiographical Factor
ZHANG Haoran
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2018, 36 (1):  132-141.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2018.01.020
Abstract ( 175 )   PDF(pc) (1624KB) ( 395 )   Save
In order to study the main influencing factors of benthic diatom community structure in Longjiang and Diaojiang rivers, the diatom samples of 32 sites were collected and 11 physicochemical indexes in the Longjiang and Diaojiang rivers were recorded. All were processed in the laboratory and the diatom species were identified using optical microscope. 179 diatom species were found in the two rivers, which belong to 33 genus. Among them, 141 diatom species belonging to 30 genus were found in Longjiang river, and 138 species from 24 genus were identified in Diaojiang river. CCA showed that the diatoms in the two rivers are affected by the interaction of physicochemical and geographic factors. The first four axis cumulative explained the relationship between species-environment in 60.5%. The first two ordination axes altogether explained the 36% of the diatom-environmental variables. The correlation coefficients between the distributions of species and the ordination axis were 0.948 and 0.919. It revealed well the diatom-environmental correlation. The conditional effects of each environment variable were tested and Monte carlo displacement inspection was also completed. It showed that the pH value, conductivity, total phosphorus, altitude, water temperature and flow rate were the main factors affecting the structure of the diatom community in the river area.
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Systematic Significance of Leaf Morphology in Plagiogyriaceae
ZHAO Hang,WANG Renxiang,LIU Ling
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2018, 36 (1):  142-148.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2018.01.021
Abstract ( 175 )   PDF(pc) (18379KB) ( 41 )   Save
Leaf epidermises of 14 taxa,representing Plagiogyriaceae and its related taxa,were examined by light microscopy (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to determine the systematically informative characters. The 14 taxa include 9 species of Plagiogyriaceae (Plagiogyria adnata,P.assurgens,P. euphlebia,P. falcata,P. glauca,P. japonica,P. matsumureana,P. pycnophylla and P. stenoptera),4 species of Cyatheaceae (Alsophila austro-yunnanensis, Gymnosphaera khasyana,G. spinulosa and Sphaeropteris brunoniana) and 1 Dicksoniaceae species of Cibotium barometz. The results show that the leaf epidermal cells are usually irregular in shape. The patterns of anticlinal walls sinuous and sinuate. There are wax granules on the epidermiese of Plagiogyria assurgens,P. glauca,Sphaeropteris brunoniana,and Cibotium barometz. The stomatal apparatuses were restricted in abaxial epidermises for all species,and could generally be assigned to polocytic,axillocytic,aisocytic,anomotetracytic,anomocytic,diacytic,and pericytic types. Based on the results of leaf micromorphology, the taxonomic and systematic positions of Plagiogyriaceae were discussed.
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Reverse Projection of the Central Nucleus of Amygdala in Mice
XIE Jing
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2018, 36 (1):  149-157.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2018.01.022
Abstract ( 222 )   PDF(pc) (11035KB) ( 34 )   Save
The amygdala is an important part of the limbic system that is associated with mental disorders. The central nucleus and basal nucleus of amygdala both play vital role in condition fear,motivational reward,drug addiction and temporal lobe epilepsy. The fiber connection is the physiological basis for their neural function. Nowadays,the neurotropic viruses have become an effective tool for the investigation of the neuroconncetion. A new type of rabies virus(RV), being a reverse virus that cannot cross synapse, was used in this experiment, which ensures the specificity of the projection in our experimental results. The virus was injected into the central nucleus of amygdala. After 7 days,the brain slice was observed and many brain areas were labeled, including striatum,basal nucleus of amygdala,lateral nucleus of amygdala,interstitial nucleus of the posterior limb of the anterior commissure medial part,anterior amygdaloid area dorsal part and other part of amygdala,cortical regions et al. Our results show that the central nucleus of amygdala receives a wide range of direct nerve fibers projections from many brain regions which may indicate physiological function of amygdala.
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Study on Skinfold Thickness of Blang Nationality Adults
JIA Yalan,DU Huimin,YU Keli,ZHENG Lianbin,BAO Jinping,ZHANG Xinghua
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition). 2018, 36 (1):  158-163.  DOI: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2018.01.023
Abstract ( 175 )   PDF(pc) (961KB) ( 159 )   Save
To study the variation of skinfold thickness of Blang nationality adults with increased age and their differences with other groups, 604 Blang adults (248 males, 356 females) in Yunnan Province were surveyed using the random sampling method by measuring their 6 items of skinfold thickness. Excel(WPS) and SPSS 19.0 software were used for statistical analysis. The results drawn from these studies are shown below. The anterior superior iliac spine skinfold is the thickest for the Blang nationality male with no correlation between the 6 items of skinfold thickness and age. The suprailiac skinfold and anterior superior iliac spine skinfold are the thickest for the Blang female with their 6 items of skinfold being the thickest at the age of 40-<50. The female skinfold thicknesses for triceps, subscapular, anterior superior iliac spine and calf are negatively correlated with age. Compared with other ethnic groups, the Blang nationality male’s skinfold thicknesses are in the middle level for the upper limbs and abdominal and in the low level for back and lower limbs, however, the Blang nationality female’s skinfold thicknesses are in the middle level for limbs and back and in the high level for abdominal. The results of cluster analysis showed that the 6 items of skinfold thickness of the Blang are similar to the rural Han nationality.
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