Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition) ›› 2010, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (4): 116-120.

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Two New Species of Sinocyclocheilus in Guangxi,China (Cypriniefrmes,Cyprinidae)

WU Tie-jun1, LIAO Zhen-ping1, GAN Xi1, LI Wei-xian2   

  1. 1.Feshery Research Institute of Guangxi,Nanning Guangxi 530021,China;
    2.Heilongtan Resevoir Administration,Shilin Yunan 652200,China
  • Received:2010-09-14 Published:2023-02-07

Abstract: Two new species of Sinocyclocheilus are describedin Guangxi,China.
Ⅰ.Sinocyclocheilusmashanersis Wu,Liao et Li,sp,nov.
Holotgpe,No.200612001,112 mm SL,collected from cave Guzhai Mashan county,Guangxi,China(23°45'N,108°10'E) in 2006.Paratypes:4 specimens,Nos,200612002-03、200612015、200612022,79~141 mm SL,were collected in the same locality and same timeas the holotype.All types were deposited in the Heilongtan Reservoir Administration,Shilin county,Yunnan.
D,iii,7;A.ii,5;P.i,9~11;V.i,7~8;branched caudal fin ray 16;lateral line scales47 15~1911~13~Ⅴ 50;gill rakers 7~9;pharyngeal teeth 3 rows (2.3.4/4.3.2)
Depth of body in standard body length 2.75~3.50(3.29),length of head 3.00~3.43(3.19),length of caudal peduncle 4.07~4.72(4.26),depth of caudal peduncle 7.05~8.55(7.91).Snout in head 2.12~2.55(2.41),diameter of eye 7.67~11.25(9.58),interorbital in its length 3.83~5.33(4.43).Depth of caudal penucle in its length1.71~2.11(1.86).
This new species in similar to Sinocyclocheilus altishoulderus Li et Lan(1992),but differs from the latter in:① 47~50 of lateral line scales Vs 54~58;② 7~9 ofgill rakers Vs 10~12;③ i,9~11 of pectoral fin ray Vs i,16.This new species issimilar to S.microphthalmus Li(1989),but differs from the latter in:① swellofhead Vs smooth;② iii,7 of dorsal linerag iii,8;③ i,9~11 of pectoral line rayVs i,15~17.This new species is similer to S.jiuxuensis Li et Lan(2003),but differs from the latter in:① swell of head Vs smooth;② i,9~11 of pecteral fin ray Vs i,12~14.
Ⅱ.Sinocyclocheilus huanjiangensis Wu,Gan et Li,sp,nov.
Holotype,No.04050251,110 mm SL,collcted from cave Guanxin Huanjiang county,Guangxi,China(25°15'N,108°30'E) in 2004.Paratypes:5 specimens Nos,04050252-253、04050255-256、04050259,99~136 mm SL,were collected in the same locality and same time as the holotype.All types were deposited in the Heilongtan Reservoir Administration,Shilin county,Yunnan.
D.iii,7;A,ii,5;P.i,11;V,i,8;branched caudal fin ray 15~16;gill rakers 11~12;leteral line scales 59 15~1911~13~Ⅴ 67;pharyhgeal teeth 3 rows(2.3.4/4.3.2).
Depth of body in standard body length 3.24~3.40(3.32),lenth of head 3.24~3.51(3.35),length of caudal peduncle 4.69~5.20(4.86),depth of caudal pedunele 7.21~7.85(7.58).Snout in head 2.83~3.09(2.99),diameter of eye 5.60~6.80(6.55),interorbital in its length 2.80~3.09(2.99).Depth of caudal penucle in its length 1.46~1.64(1.56).
This new species is similar to Sinocyclocheilus yishanensis Li et Lan(1982),butdiffers from the latter in:① lateral line scales 59~67 Vs 52~54;② pectoralfinray i,11 Vs i,14~15;③ gill rakers 11~12 Vs 8~9;④ length of beard Vs just like.This new species is similar to S.donglanensis Zhao,Watanabe et Zhang(2006) but differs from the latter in:① gill rakers 11~12 Vs 8~9;② pectoral fin ray i,11Vs i,14~15;③ diameter of eye 5.6~6.8 Vs 4.8.This new species is similar toS.brevibarbatus Zhao,Lan et Zhang(2009) but differs from the latter in:① lateralline scales 59~67 Vs 49~52;② pectoral fin ray i,11 Vs i,14~15;③ length of beard Vs short;④ fost of dorsal thorn Vs solid;⑤ short of pectoral fin Vs length.

CLC Number: 

  • Q959.468
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