Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition) ›› 2014, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (4): 115-119.

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Preliminary Noninvasive Analysis of Fecal Hormone in the Chinese Crocodile Lizard (Shinisaurus crocodilurus Ahl)

HUANG Hua-yuan1, LIU Hai-yang1, HE Nan2, WU Zheng-jun1   

  1. 1. Key Laboratory of Rare and Endangered Animal Ecology, Guangxi Normal University, Guilin Guangxi 541004,China;
    2. Luokeng Nature Reserve of Guangdong Province,Shaoguan Guangdong 512100,China
  • Received:2014-06-25 Published:2018-09-26

Abstract: The noninvasive technique of gonadal steroid metabolite measurement in feces for evaluation of reproductive activity has been studied on many species, but few studies have been used in reptile species. In this study, fecal samples were collected from ten Shinisaurus crocodiluruses (five males and five females) in Luokeng Nature Reserve, Guangdong from May to October 2011. Ethanol-heating method was used to extract the hormone in feces,and enzyme immunoassays (EIA) were validated for the analysis of fecal samples from Chinese Crocodile Lizard for estradiol (E2), testosterone (T), and progesterone (P) and their metabolites. The progesterone concentration of female pregnant individual showed a high point in October (LSD: P<0.05), male testosterone levels have increased significantly in June. There were no significant differences in pregnant and non pregnant females estradiol levels in the breeding season, therefore, estradiol may not play an important role in S. crocodiluruses.

Key words: Shinisaurus crocodilurus, fecal, hormone, noninvasive sampling, breeding monitoring

CLC Number: 

  • Q955
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