Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition) ›› 2023, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (3): 191-209.doi: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2022030701

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CiteSpace Visualization Analysis of Heavy Metal Hyperaccumulators

ZHAO Keyi1,2, ZHANG Ningning1.2, XUE Jieyi1,2, LI Guangluan1,2, LI Yi1,3, YU Fangming1,3, LIU Kehui1,2*   

  1. 1. Key Laboratory of Ecology of Rare and Endangered Species and Environmental Protection (Guangxi Normal University), Ministry of Education, Guilin Guangxi 541006, China;
    2. College of Life Sciences, Guangxi Normal University, Guilin Guangxi 541006, China;
    3. College of Environment and Resource, Guangxi Normal University, Guilin Guangxi 541006, China
  • Received:2022-03-07 Revised:2022-06-13 Online:2023-05-25 Published:2023-06-01

Abstract: The visual software of CiteSpace 5.8 R3 was used to analyze 5 281 literatures on the field of heavy metal hyperaccumulators (HHMs) extracted from the database of Web of Science Core collection. The results showed as follows: 1)According to the number of publications, the whole study period of HHMs could be divided into three periods, i.e., germination period, accumulation period, and prosperity period. 2)The top contributing countries/regions, institutions, and authors were China, USA, and France; the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Zhejiang University, and the University of Florida; Guillaume Echevarria, Lena Q Ma, and Alan J M Baker, respectively. 3)The hot topics in these three periods were varied from the topics of hyperaccumlators, especially the Ni-hyperaccumlators, distribution and screening, HMs tolerance, and toxic stress of hyperaccumulators in germination period; to the discovery of new hyperaccumulators and the mechanisms of HHMs, the HMs accumulation compares of hyperaccumlators and crops; and then to the new hyperaccumulators report, including the multi-HMs hyperaccumulators, the studies of As-hyperaccumulators and Cd-hyperaccumulators, the combine remediation of hyperaccumulators and microbe, the remediation mechanisms, the strengthen remediation as well as the hyperaccumulators application. 4)Nine, eight, and seven representative knowledge domains were obtained in the three periods based on knowledge domains analysis. 5)Keywords burst detection analysis showed that the last five years of research topics mainly related to the quantitative variation in HHMs and its genetic mechanism, Cd-hyperaccumulators, chemical forms and distributions of HMs, antioxidant mechanism and remediation enhancement techniques of hyperaccumulators, and tailings remediation, etc., which is expected to be focused on in the future continously.

Key words: heavy metals, hyperaccumulators, research hotspots, knowledge base, CiteSpace

CLC Number:  X173;X53
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