Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition) ›› 2022, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (4): 227-246.doi: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2021041403

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Temporal and Spatial Evolution and Driving Forces of Green Space in Fujian, China

WANG Zhenfeng, LIU Yan, WANG Xinke, LIN Sainan, LIU Xingzhao*   

  1. College of Landscape Architecture, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Fuzhou Fujian 350002, China
  • Published:2022-08-05

Abstract: Green space is one of the basic elements of a city, which plays a certain role in alleviating urban environmental problems. The study on the spatial-temporal evolution and driving force of the overall green space in Fujian Province is helpful to the construction of ecological civilization demonstration area in Fujian Province. Based on the land cover data, socio-economic and natural data of Fujian Province in 2000, 2010 and 2020, the dynamic attitude calculation, transfer matrix and PLSR model were used to analyze the evolution law and driving mechanism of green space at different scales in Fujian Province. The results show that: ①from 2000 to 2020, the overall green space area of Fujian Province show a downward trend, while the non-green space increase. The area transfer largely between cultivated land, forest, grassland and construction land, and the transferred locations are mainly located in the coastal areas of Fujian Province. ②The changing trend of the overall green space in nine regions is basically the same as that in Fujian Province, that is, the green space decreases and the non-green space increases. There are differences between the evolution of green space types in different regions: the areas with reduced green space are mostly located in the coastal areas of Fujian Province. ③Regression model results show that the national economy and population growth in the province have an important impact on all kinds of green spaces(VIP>1), while the forces of other influencing factors are different to some extent. Social and economic factors have an important influence on the green space in coastal areas. Natural factors have different influences on different types of green spaces, and natural factors have different influences on green spaces in different regions. The analysis reveals that economic development, the proportion of industrial structure and the growth of population promote green space to turn to non-green space, and the differences of social and economic development in different regions also lead to spatial differences in the evolution of green space.

Key words: temporal and spatial evolution, green space, transfer matrix, driving forces, partial least-squares regression, Fujian, China

CLC Number: 

  • S731.1
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