Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition) ›› 2019, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (4): 127-135.doi: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2019.04.016

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Impacts of Tourists’ Activities on the Soil Physical Properties of Sloping Fields ——A Case Study on Digging Bamboo Shoots in Tianmashan Park of Shanghai Suburb

YANG Yiting, JIA Tiefei*, LI Jifei, GONG Li   

  1. Department of Geography, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 200234, China
  • Received:2018-10-20 Online:2019-10-25 Published:2019-11-28

Abstract: Combining field investigation with lab analysis, the study was conducted to survey and detect litter layers soil moisture content soil bulk density and soil particle size of sloping fields in digging bamboo shoot district. And through the soil impact index analysis of variance and correlation analysis, the effects of digging bamboo shoots on soil physical properties were quantitatively studied. Compared with the changes of various indicators before and after the digging of bamboo shoots, it showed that the environment was damaged at a certain extent, which was specifically expressed as: (1)Due to the disturbances in tourism activities, the thickness of litter layer, the soil moisture content, the soil clay particle were decreased, while the soil bulk density and soil sand particle were increased; (2)The slope indexes of all grading were different from before, and the slopes with significant changes (P<0.01) were concentrated on the slopes of Ⅰ (0°~5°) and Ⅱ (6°~10°); (3)Affected by the touristis’ activities, thickness of litter layer varied greatly, which was the most sensitive to tourists’ activity, followed by the soil bulk density and soil moisture content, and the response of soil silt particle was the weakest to tourists’ activities; Correlation analysis indicated that there was a significantly positive correlation between soil fine clay and litter layer soil moisture content, and a significantly negative correlation between coarse sand and litter layer soil moisture content.

Key words: tourists’ activities, soil environment, sloping fields

CLC Number: 

  • S159.2
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