Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition) ›› 2017, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (3): 126-132.doi: 10.16088/j.issn.1001-6600.2017.03.016

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Flora of Vascular Plant in Fengshui Woods on Karst Hills of Guilin

TANG Dandan1, MA Jiangming1,2,3*, LI Haixia1   

  1. 1.College of Life Science,Guangxi Normal University, Guilin Guangxi 541006, China;
    2. Guangxi Key Laboratoryof Rare and Endangered Animal Ecology, Guilin Guangxi 541006, China;
    3.University Key Laboratory ofKarst Ecology and Environmental Change of Guangxi Province, Guilin Guangxi 541006, China
  • Online:2017-07-25 Published:2018-07-25

Abstract: 217 species of vascular plant belonging to 153 genera and 74 families have been recorded in Fengshui Woods on Karst Hills of Guilin. Among them, pteridophytes had 18 species belonging to 15 genera and 10 families, dicotyledons had 174 species belonging to 122 genera and 56 families, monocotyledons had 25 species belonging to 16 genera and 8 families. The proportion of pteridophytes, dicotyledons and monocotyledons were 8.30%, 80.18% and 11.52%. The life of vascular plant was divided into arbor, bush, liana and herbal. Among them, the proportion of arbor, bush, liana and herbal were 32.72%, 28.57%, 16.13% and 22.58%, respectively. The floristic geographical of vascular plant in Fengshui Woods were multiform, in which the families could be classified into 6 areal types and 4 subtypes, among them, the tropical elements were 41, reaching 80.39%; the genera families were classified into 12 areal types and 8 subtypes, the tropic elements were 98, reaching 69.01% of the total families and genera.

Key words: flora, Fengshui Woods, Karst Hills of Guilin

CLC Number: 

  • Q948.5
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