Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition) ›› 2011, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (1): 186-187.

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Feature Images Retrieval Method of Tolerance Granular-basedMulti-level Texture

XU Jiu-cheng, LI Xiao-yan, LI Shuang-qun, ZHANG Ling-jun   

  1. College of Computer and Information Technology,Henan Normal University,Xinxiang Henan 453007,China
  • Received:2010-12-29 Published:2018-11-16

Abstract: In order to solve the problem the inaccuray of texture image retrieval the traditional methods,a method of multi-level image texture recognition based on tolerance granular space is proposed.Considering the loss of color in texture image,a color matching method is addressed based on granularity level.Combining the above two methods,an improved similarity algorithm which integrates color and texture features is given.Comparative experiments showed that the method is effective and reasonable.

Key words: tolerance granular, nested coverage system, texture recognition, color spatial distribution entropy

CLC Number: 

  • TP391.41
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