Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition) ›› 2013, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (3): 177-183.

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Chinese Translation of Japanese Polysemous Verb for Machine Translation Based on Semantic Combination ——Take “KIRERU”“TAOSU” as an Example

LIU Jun1, BU Zhao-hui1, IKEDA Takashi2,3, MATSUMOTO Tadahiro3   

  1. 1.School of Foreign Languages,Guangxi University,Nanning Guangxi 530004,China;
    2.School of Human Cultures,Yamanashi Eiwa College,Yamanashiken Kofushi,400-8555,Japan;
    3.Faculty of Engineering,Gifu University,Gifuken Gifushi,501-1193,Japan
  • Received:2013-06-05 Online:2013-09-20 Published:2018-11-26

Abstract: In machine translation,the translation of polysemy is one of the most difficult problems.There are many translation errors in current online translation software.For the sake of the improvement of machine translation quality,a translation method based on “semantic combination” is used.This paper analyzes the semantic feature and the translation method of two Japanese verbs,“KIRERU” and “TAOSU”,and then,formulates translation rules for Japanese-Chinese machine translation.A small scale translation test was carried out for the translation rules in a rule-based transfer experimental machine translation system.The result indicates that our method and translation rules have respectively the accuracy rate of 85% and 83%,which is more effective than that of 21% and 61% obtained with the current online translation software.

Key words: Japanese-Chinese machine translation, semantic combination, polysemous verb, KIRERU, TAOSU

CLC Number: 

  • TP391.2
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