Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition) ›› 2013, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (3): 106-113.

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Research of Krause's Multi-Agent Consensus Model

XIE Guang-qiang1,2, ZHANG Yun1, LI Yang1,2, ZENG Qi-jie1   

  1. 1.Faculty of Automation,Guangdong University of Technology,Guangzhou Guangdong 510006,China;
    2.Faculty of Computer,Guangdong University of Technology,Guangzhou Guangdong 510006,China
  • Received:2013-05-28 Online:2013-09-20 Published:2018-11-26

Abstract: In Krause's multi-agent consensus model,every agent updates its opinion by averaging all agent opinions which are of its neighbors.In this study,the convergence properties of the model with initial connected topology are considered,and a new proof of convergence into clusters of agents in given.It followsthe rule that opinions initially confined to an interval of length L can converge to at most L clusters.The opinions of 300 autonomous agents were simulated in the conditions of five different initial topologies by using the distributed discrete-time algorithm.Simulation results show good agreement with the conclusion.

Key words: consensus, multi-agent system, opinion dynamics, distributed control

CLC Number: 

  • TP301
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